This is a sequel because I felt like it was felt on a cliff hanger.

Three days had passed. Three nail biting, stomach turning, heart thumping days. Those days felt like hell to Jack who only wanted to just get it over with. He still had his doubts even when he read the notes a thousand times and just let those words, " I think you're cute..." sink in. He tried to imagine Bunnys voice saying that. His thick accent twisting every word on his big tongue. His body standing tall and proud to say it.

It drove Jack crazy. He wanted to hear it. He also had another thing on his never stopping mind. "I could just hold you in my strong arms."

Jack felt the frost roll over his cheeks. His warm arms just touching him all over and hugging him and holding him. Jack threw himself on his bed, staff put to the side. He wanted to go but he was too nervous.

Jack groaned into his pillow. He had butterflies and birds in his stomach. Maybe he could fake sick and not go. But that would break Bunnys heart and he didn't want to. "WHY IS LOVE SO FREAKING COMPLICATED!" He banged his fists in the bed and shouted.

After two minutes of this, he laid back and stayed quiet. Ok that is it. I'm going. I have to go. I'm going right now He thought to himself as he lifted himself out of his big bed. He grabbed his staff and opened up the window. He was going to use his courage that he had some how contained in those few seconds and go to the warren. He jumped out of the window before he could have second thoughts.

Bunny twitched from where he sat under the big oak tree. What had he done. How could he be so stupid and say that to him. "What was I thinking? 'I think you're cute.' Jack deserved better than that. Ughhh"

Bunny landed face down in the earth and cursed to the ground. If the earth had ears, she would be crying.

Bunny got up from his spot and took a shaky breath. He had the courage to charge head first into a swarm of fearlings. He had the courage to fight with North even when he had his swords within arms reach. He had the courage to write that letter to Jack. Where the heck was his courage now?

He looked pathetic. He was shivering with anticipation. He was chewing on his favorite tree bark, maple. He liked the sap it gave. He was a shivering, on-his-toes mess.

He had never been this way before. Okay there was one time where he plucked one of Tooths feathers during her non molting season and she got mean. He shuddered at the thought. "Okay just calm down. It's Jack. He'll probably be as nervous as I am. He probably won't even come because of it. Ha"

He gulped. Ok, he didn't want Jack to not come but he wanted more time. He wanted to say some things that were on his chest for a while to Jack but for the love of MIM it wasn't happening to day. Ugh.

He chewed some more on his bark and increasingly calmed down. He was so calmed down that he didn't feel the slight change in temperature till it touched the tips of his ears.

Bunny was so shocked to be caught of guard that he dropped his bark and turned around in a fighting stance. To his knowing surprise, it wasn't a threat but yet it was Jack. Jack Frost. What was he doing...oh...oh ya.

He fixed his stature and stood straight up, taller than his usual slumpy figure. Bunny had butterflies flying frantic in his stomach while his temperature was going crazy. Hot one second than dead cold the next.

"'ey Jackie..." Bunny chocked out of his dry throat.

Jack gave him a smile in return, amused with himself that he scared the famous Pooka. Jack took a noticeable deep breath and spoke, "Hey Bun Bun."

By his body language you could tell that he was very nervous but excited. His crush called him cute and he wasn't disgusted by his diary. He was glad about that on so many levels. He had some many weird things in that book. His kinks, his dreams, the things that he wants done to him. He was on edge to see if Bunny would bring it up.

His staff was behind him, hands clenching and unclenching it. His smile was a little twitchy but very much real. His toes were curling and uncurling, slightly pulling at the green grass below him. He hoped that Bunny noticed that. His cheeks had a small bit of frost on each cheek.

On the ride here he had worked on what to say. He was going to be straight forward. No interruptions. No distractions just Bunny, himself, and his words. He had it replaying in his head since he got in the air, Bunny I know that you read my diary book and I know there was some really weird stuff in there and I am prepared for you to not actually like me. You might of just said that to sound nice buts its okay if you don't. I just wanted to say that I do like you. A lot.

Jack parted the front part of his lips, peaking out were his teeth, to say it. To speak. To be rejected.

He never got to speak those words. Nope. Not one freaking words because Bunny spoke faster. It almost sounded like he practiced it.

"Jack," when Bunny says his first name like that, he means business, " I know you might not totally believe me but I like you. It's not because I know you like me and I'm trying to be nice but because I actually do. I'm not the best with words so I hope you know what I mean." Bunny gulped.

Jack stood there.

A second passed.

Another second passed.

A whole minute passed and he could tell that Bunny was about to go run and hide.

Jacks first action was something he didn't even think about. He started laughing. Soft at first than it became a loud, body shaking laugh. "Bunny..." Jacks eyes twinkled as the tears of laughter gleamed on the sun. He flung himself on top of the Pooka and thank god this Pooka was strong because they would have fallen and tumbled their way down the hill. "I love you, Bunny!" Jack exclaimed as his face met with fur.

His staff was long forgotten on the earths surface. Bunny was a tad bit taken back with the embrace but his mind ticked back into place. A hug. Bunny wrapped his arms around his petite waist, holding him secure to his chest. His muzzle was placed on his head, his hair tickling his nose. This boy would be the end of him on day.

His smile only grew wider as his mouth worked without his permission, "I love you too, Jack." The two new lovers stood their in each others arms for quiet a bit, taking in all of it. Every single bit of it.

Then Bunny lowered his head from Jacks head and looked down at Jacks glistening eyes.

Better now than never

Bunny leaned in, his eyes closing. Jacks did the same, almost like it was natural. His cold lips brushing against Bunnys warm lips. It was almost like the kiss was surrounded by a massive beard. It tickled his cheeks. It made him giddy.

That's day was filled with no words. It was filled with actions. Only actions. Soft touches and softer kisses. Jack did get to be held by his strong arms that day as well. He got to lean against him. He got to hold his paw. He was so happy and content. Nothing could ruin this perfect moment. Wrong.

"So Jackie, you got a thing for skirts?"

Jack could only look at him with smiling eyes and a mischievous mouth.