I've decided to change the first chapter since I wasn't very satisfied with it. So here ya go. I hope this one's ok. But it probably doesn't change that much. I just wanted to change it to give myself a piece of mind. And this might be shorter than the original one.

Oh and yeah. First time writing a fanfiction so I hope this would be ok. Sorry for any mistakes. If you have suggestions please tell me. Thanks for reading this fanfic.

? ゚リタ? ゚リハ ️? ゚リヘ? ゚リレ? ゚リル? ゚リン? ゚リᄈ? ゚リヤ? ゚リメ? ゚リᆪ? ゚リツ? ゚リᆰ? ゚リナ? ゚リᄅ? ゚リᄄ?i don't even know if someone's gonna see these emojisxD

Jack was just roaming around places. He was bored. There was nothing to do. He was just letting the wind blow him away. It was a nice feeling. Like flying.

He was now blown away to this mountain covered in snow. He was floating above it high up in the air. He then heard singing. It was beautiful. Jack has never heard anything like it before. He looked at where it was coming from.

He was shocked at what he saw. There was a girl. And this girl was using a similar ability as Jack's. He never saw anyone with the same ability.

He was curious. There was something drawing him to her. He needed to know something about her. Even though he knew she's not gonna see him.

Ok that was really short I'm sorry. My future self will probably change that.