cyberdemon: Thanks for understanding. It makes me feel better when people get the jest of what I'm going through. And even though I'm only a Sophomore right now, I know from the labors and struggles of my older friends that Junior year is the worst. Thanks for reviewing! ^-^

Kitai Matsuru: Ah ... I'm so glad that you're still alive and kicking. And not to mention, still reading and reviewing my stories. Anyhoo ... I hate to say it, but ... YOU LAZY BUM!! GET TO WORK!! Sorry if that sounded harsh, but your stories are very promising and you can't just not type up chapters when you don't feel like it. If you don't have the motivation for it, then think about all the people who review your work. Even more so, the people that read your work, 'cause some just don't review (slow modem and whatnot). Keep going along with your stories. And God, you lucky little devil. Not having to struggle so much. *sigh* Life is going to be Hell if I get placed into a block (combo of Honors English and Honors History for Juniors) next year. I don't think I could handle another AP (Advance Placement) class, Honors English is enough. Wow. That's a lot of words. Thanks for being such a loyal reader and reviewer! ^-^

Anime-Master7: Yup! Lucky number 7. But your poor grades. Your poor, poor grades. Hopefully everything will work out for you. Marching band season is almost over, so I might be able to update soon. However, I still have an anthology to do for my Honors English class (must be typed, unique, have a theme, be in APA format, have biographies for all featured writers, must have authors that are alive now, etc.). So it really all depends on the work load I get. I feel so bad. I got 5 A's, a B, and a C on my progress report and I know for a fact that I have like a D in English right now. Uhh ... I really hope you're better off than I am. OH!! And thanks for reviewing! ^-^

jmbeard: Aw! Now you're making me blush *puts hands on cheeks in embarrassment*. You're one of the absolute best reviewers I have. I can't help but thank you enough for all your kind words. It just gets me pumped and want to do my best. Not to mention, that it also makes me feel really bad that I let people like you down. You know, with the still-not-yet-uploaded chapter and the non-appearance of the Schneider/Jager combo. But I'll try my best after marching season to get something up, then again, my Honors English anthology will be soaking up time, too. *sigh* I'm really glad that you understand that I can't write up chapters as much as I would like (and believe me, I want to type up chapters so much). And to the degree that Ruby would be a great asset to get my brothers to finally get their lazy rears in gear and get a job, I can't ask anyone to do that for me. It's too much to ask. It's alright if the review is long, I like getting long positive reviews. And ... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT!! ^-^

*^^*: Thank you!! ^-^

Moonlight's Sorrow: You people are too good to me. *blushes* I know everyone keeps saying that I'm a good writer, but I know I can do so much better than what I'm doing right now. I'm just trying to be honest. Besides, I'm a pessimist. It's my nature to look at the downsides of things. Neeways, read my shout-out to Anime-Master7 and try to estimate the date of the next chapter. Thanks for reviewing! ^-^

a: Here's more! ^-^

Hanmaru285: Wow. One of my reviewers knows that song, too! Is it really a campfire song? It sounds like it, huh? Anyhoo, I do feel bad about keeping you all waiting, but I'm starting to feel better because of reviews from people like you. It just makes me feel like wanting to get the next chapter out faster, but I feel bad 'cause I'm not able to. *sigh* I need to think more positively. ^-^'

****roses in bloom****: OH YEAH!! NUMBAH EIGTHTEEN!! And that's the name of my favorite DBZ character, too!! CONGRATS PERSON!! And I understand what you're saying. Thank you very much for reviewing. Puppy eyes are very hard to resist. ^-^

secretperson: Very interesting pen-name. Anyhoo, alright. The author's note is down. Only you and one other person ever really mentioned about taking it down. Even if that was the only thing in your review ... Thanks! ^-^

Yami Yuugi Lover AKA Kiyo: Longest pen-name I've seen so far. That's besides the point though. Back to topic. Thank you and here's the next chapter! ^-^

cerulean9: I ADORE YOU!! My gosh! You saw through everything! And I'm not saying that just because your review is such a confidence booster (which it really is). YOU'VE REALLY MADE MY DAY BY SAYING ALL OF THAT!! THANK YOU!! By the way, who's your cousin? I gotta thank them too! ^-^'

Killer-Pineapple: That is so sweet of you! And not to mention uber cute and uber thoughtful. *giggle* Reviewing every chapter there is up. You're such a sweetie!! THANK YOU!! ^-^

dizzydesi: WAH!! *sob* NOW I FEEL REALLY BAD!! I knew I disappoint someone. I knew that all the compliments were just too good to be true. I'm really sorry. I know that using my lazy-ass brothers as an excuse is lame. I know that and I'm sorry. If you think I'm saying this just to get on your good side again while being sarcastic, you're wrong on both. I'm pessimist and I bring myself down more than I bring myself up. That doesn't mean that I cut myself to feel better. Heck no! Though watching blood slowly flow from freshly cut wounds is very entertaining, I only like seeing it in movies, manga, anime, and games, definitely not in real life. Anyways ... I'm really sorry and here's the next chapter. DON'T HURT ME!! ^-^U

Sweet-Calmness: You're really sweet. It's hard not to like you. Thank you for being such a loyal reader. If it weren't for people like you, I would've taken this story down by now. THANK YOU!! ^-^

****animeroker****: WOOHOO!! YOU ARE WINNER NUMBAH NINETEEN!! Go ahead! Pat yourself on the back! You deserve it! Thanks for reading and reviewing! ^-^

secretperson/ShadowLiger: I'M SORRY!! Here's the next chapter! Don't hurt me! Besides, if you did, there wouldn't be any more new chapters. Still, thank you for reading, reviewing, and being so kind to complimenting my battle describing. ^-^

Maggy: Thanks for the tip! Oh, and I'm sorry, Leena isn't on Asylum. ^-^

lester: Well, I'm glad your satisfied with the battle. I'm really trying to get the chapters out. And hopefully this brand new year will help. ^-^

Kinako: YEAH!! Someone new! Well, I'm very happy that you're loving the story so far. And you thought my battle scene was awesome! And you can picture everything so perfectly!! THANK YOU FOR BEING A PICK-ME-UP!! I really needed it. ^-^

BladesDeath: MY GOD!! I AM HONORED TO BE ON YOUR TOP TEN FAVORITE ZOIDS FICS!! I CAN'T BELIEVE SOMEONE LIKES THIS STORY SO MUCH!! OH!! I LOVE YOU TO BITS!! YOU DON'T KNOW HOW HAPPY YOU'VE MADE ME!! And since you've been so kind enough to tell me that you'd hate to see off that list, I'm updating for you! Well, not only for you, for every single person that has reviewed me, too. It's just that you're review triggered something that shot past my writer's block. THANK YOU!! I HOPE YOU ENJOY THE CHAPTER!! ^-^


****cap'nyossarian****: YET ANOTHER WINNER!! YUP!! YOU'RE NUMBER TWENTY-ONE!! And thanks for all the praise, it makes me feel better about myself and feel bad about letting people like you down at the same time. ^-^'






zero talon

Moonlight's Sorrow



Carmina Burana


Lil Bre

Kitai Matsuru


Mark Kallan


Hell's Fury


roses in bloom




Umm ... Hello. I don't know how I'm gonna make this chapter good, but I'll try. Though I got a lot of reviews that commented really nicely on my battle scene, I'm just gonna say for my own comfort that I suck at battle scenes. I don't know how the last chapter ended up being so good, but oh well. Sorry in advance again.




Becoming A Better Me

Chapter Nine



A callused, tanned hand gently traced the features of a delicate face. This face would be that of a magenta haired zoid pilot with violet eyes, currently closed to enjoy her rest to the fullest. The owner of the hand was no other than the well renown blond Ultimate-X pilot, Bit Cloud. He was on his side, watching over the seemingly sleeping girl laying on the green grass besides him. His emerald green eyes took in every feature of his ex-teammate, from the way the light blue sundress held close to her curves, to the way her hair radiated a halo of light from the sun's rays.

Bit sighed and turned onto his back to look up at the passing clouds, his left hand that had been caressing Dream Leena's (she's going to be called D. Leena from now on) cheek now taking hold of her right hand. A cloud in the shape of a feline passed over head.

"She's coming back, you know." Bit looked at the girl by his side, her eyes were open and she was looking at him.

"I know, but I can't help but worry." D. Leena looked at Bit sternly.

"Is it really that hard to believe. And here I thought you were optimistic one." The blond chuckled.

"Yeah. But I just can't shake off the feeling that she's moved on." Sighing in frustration, D. Leena sat up, still holding Bit's hand.

"Why are you laughing? You should know better than anyone that Leena isn't going to back down on her promise. She's coming back." It was strange for Bit. To hear an illusion of your loved one tell you that the one they are representing is coming back. It just seemed so ...

"This is weird." D. Leena squeezed Bit's hand as he sighed deeply.

"You're telling me. This has been going on ever since you ran into Vega the other day." The scene of Bit's encounter with Vega momentarily replaced the blue sky.

"And despite what he said, I keep thinking that she's--" By now, the dream girl had clamped her hand over Bit's mouth.

"Don't say it. If you do, I'm gonna end this dream without you getting a kiss from me." Bit nodded and grinned against D. Leena's hand. Removing the illusion's hand from his lips, Bit pulled her close with half closed eyes. The last thing he felt was the gentle caress of warm lips against his own.

~WOW!! Can you believe that we're at the end of the Ace? Yup! Time sure does fly when the zoid battles sure are awesome.

Now is moment you've all been waiting for! That's right, folks. IT IS TIME FOR THE ACE ONE-HUNDREDTH-ONE BATTLE!! THE ACE BATTLE ROYAL!! Well, not just yet, but in a few hours. Anyhoo ...

These three lucky team will fight each other for a spot in Class-S.


Star Light


It's been a battle all it's own for the fans of these three teams. Just in the past week, small but very noticeable riots have taken place all over Zi to which team will be the last one standing. With the great abilities and skills all three have, there's no telling who might win and become victor over the 528th Ace Competition.

Alrtightey then! The final battle will take place at 5pm later today. This is Karin Lao for Zoid Crew News. Now here's Rick Palla with further zoid announcements--~

The screen of the big screen television went blank and started flashing red. Fumbling with the controller, Jamie finally found the right button. Jamie was relieved when he found that the person on the other line was still there when he picked up the phone.

"Hello? Toros Base. Residence of the Blitz team." Silence greeted the youth as well as a blank screen, causing him to frown.

"If this is one of the prank calls, I'll trace it and you can guarantee that I'll make you pay for disrupting the peace, you--"

~Jamie, it's me.~ The feminine voice that interrupted his threat was all too familiar, a tone that he longed to hear in a long time. Another thing that was pleasant that the image now visible on the large screen belonged to a redhead that had once been his teammate.

"Leena ...? Is that really you?" A small smile and giggle was sent over the line to Jamie.

~Well ... Yeah! I mean, the base's phone number isn't listed in the phonebook.~ There was a look of 'duh' on Leena's face.

"I know that. So why call us now after ... what? Almost two years?" Leena sighed and sent a look asking for forgiveness and a somewhat pleading expression.

~I'm really sorry about that. I just wanted to surprise you guys with how well I did in the end. Which reminds me, promise me you won't tell anyone that I called. Please!~ Jamie raised an eyebrow.

"Alright. I promise. There's no else home besides me, anyway. Now why are you calling?" There was a pause.

~Just in case I don't win, I wanted to make sure if you guys would still accept me back.~ It took a while for Jamie to find his voice.

"WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT?! Ahem! Of course we'll take you back. You're part of the team no matter what. Besides, you worked so hard in the Ace. I mean, you made the finals! You've proven yourself more ten times over." Leena couldn't help but place a smile broadly on her features.

~I'm glad that I won't be letting you guys down.~ Jamie shrugged.

"You really couldn't let us down Leena. I can tell you've dome more than enough to prove your worth to Class-S. Just give it your all in the last battle. Okay?" Leena's smile grew.

~Thanks, Jamie. I've gotta go now, but I'll call back as soon as the battle's over.~ The two said their goodbyes and hung up.

"Hey, Jamie! I'm back! Who was that on the phone?" Jamie turned to find Doc standing in the doorway.

"No one. Just a wrong number."

~Romeo City~

"Damn it! I lost track of time!" Bit made a made dash for his jeep, which was on the other side of the city. Glancing down as his wristwatch, the blonde cursed and quickened his speed, bumping into more people.

"I should have never come into town today. Damn traffic. Next time Doc wants his freakin' rocky-road, he's getting it himself." Glaring at the tub of ice-cream he was hauling, Bit failed to avoid crashing into the person in front of him. With cursing silently, the two head on collision victims lifted their aching heads to apologize and get the hell out of there.

"I'm very sorry--"

"Me too, but I've gotta go." Blinking and rubbing their eyes for a few more moments, the two began to realize that they knew each other.

"Bit Cloud. Well, this is more than I was expecting today." Bit shifted his weight.

"Same here. You're Sara, right? Vega's sister?" Sara nodded.

"That would be correct. And from the force of impact, I guess that you were in as much of a hurry as me."

"Yeah. The battle is gonna start soon." The older Obscura nodded and began to walk away in the opposite direction that Bit was headed. That is, until the blond caught her attention again.

"Can you answer something for me first?" Sara turned around.

"Of course."

"Is Leena actually going to come back? I mean, she's been a part of your team for almost 2 years. She can't just leave." Sara shook her head and sighed.

"She made a promise and she's going to fulfill that promise. Really, Bit, such a question shouldn't be asked. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must be present for our fair Leena's battle." Going back in her original direction, Sara waved goodbye, leaving Bit still a little uneasy about Leena's future.

~HEY THERE ALL YOU ZOID FANS!! It's none other than your favorite announcer, Karin Lao, with Zoid Crew News.

Well, we've finally made it to the last battle of this year's Ace Competition. This time, we've got three teams battling it out for the only spot available in Class-S until the next Ace and/or Royal Cup.

Right now, we are flying in our News Pteras over the Paradigm Valley Ruins. This place was once the perfect example of any successful city. That is, until the Great War 1,000 years ago caused it's destruction. All that is left of the former metropolis are the ruins of the tall buildings that litter the valley. Being deserted over the centuries, tons of plants are dominating the area.

Anyhoo, the battle is your basic battle royal mode (they never say what mode number a battle royal is. Besides, I'm too lazy to come up with one). The three zoids will be equally spaced 50 yards apart, where in the middle, the judge will land and start the battle--

And here comes the white official now!~


Leena sighed in relief. Sara had just barely made it before the judge capsule came crashing down. A crater surrounded the white cylinder, throwing amounts of green grass and earth in every direction. As the judge began his scan the landscape, Leena looked at her opponents. 50 yards to her left was a red Iron Kong, heavy on arsenals and a charged particle cannon on its back. And if she wasn't mistaken, there was smoke screen machinery as well. On the right was a black and green Lightening Saix, it's weaponry simply a Vulcan gun on it's back along with a shock cannon at each side. The only means of the speed zoid's defense other than speed, was it's infamous cloaking system.

Panic and anxiety gnawed at the back of her mind, but the low hum of machinery and the booming voice of the judge drowned out such thoughts.

*Team Asylum Vs. Team Star Light vs. Team Rebirth ... Battle mode ---- ... Ready?! FIGHT!* The ground shook with great force as the dark green speed zoid exceeded the sound barrier in a blur or green from both the zoid and flaying grass. Leena clutched onto the controls for dear life as she watched the Iron Kong receive much of the attack. The charged particle cannon on the mighty zoid's back was seriously damaged, obviously the main target of the Lightening Saix. Not a moment too soon, Seraph let out a pained roar as she was thrown onto her right side. The force of the impact sent the white zoid through a spot in the arena, sending it into one of the hidden layers.

Just at that moment, gun fire passed right over the opening of where Leena and Seraph had fallen, sparks from a wounded zoid were seen from above. Leena cursed and quickly glanced around for a way up. Seeing the remains of several buildings clustered together, she used the ruins as a stepping stool while leaping out of the large hole in the ground.

"Com'on, Seraph! We don't wanna miss the action!" Seraph leapt from the highest decaying building just before it collapsed. Once the majestic white zoid was in mid air of her jump, she was bombarded by a shower of bullets. Leena griped the controls and watched as the world around her swirled. From what Leena could make out, the Lightening Saix was advancing towards her at a much slower pace than before, probably due to the sparking of machinery emitting from its hind legs. Obviously, the Iron Kong was the one who was giving Seraph the onslaught of bullets, but she couldn't make out its damage because of the rapid fire and the thick 'fog' that had been released.

A low and dangerous growl sounded from Seraph as she raised both of her metal panels, a flash of light shooting out them and straight into the opaque 'fog'. Immediately, the gun fire stopped.

There was a rumble in the earth as the audible collapse of a large zoid rang throughout the once prosperous city. Seraph quickly dashed forward as close to the ground as much as her damaged frame would let her. Two projectiles zipped by on cue over Seraph's crouched form, one coming back at her as the other headed for the Lightening Saix. There was an explosion in the Lightening Saix's direction, but Leena paid it no heed.

After a moment, two more missiles were fired and Leena made a sharp J-turn, dirt flying in a curve from the arc she created with Seraph's weight. The missile that had been tailing her and the one that had recently been sent collided together. That explosion blew Seraph away a good number of yards to her left as well as the rest of the smoke that had hid the large Iron Kong. Leena turned Seraph around in hast to take a good look at the red primate zoid.

It was obvious that the massive zoid was unable to move from his disfigured position on it side or back, whichever part of its structure it was laying down on. The ground was cracking under the bulk of the zoid and several ruins of grand buildings were crumbling due to the battle. The red zoid's countless arsenals were all destroyed except for the missiles in its chest. There were clearly only a few left, but they could be put to extremely good use if they were used wisely.

Leena then remembered that this struggling zoid was not her only opponent. As if on cue, the Lightening Saix came charging at Seraph with what speed and energy it had left from over a tall steel building. Tailgating the small feline zoid was a missile, threatening to ensure this as the zoid's last battle if it stopped. The distance between Seraph and the Lightening Saix was diminishing greatly.

Noticing that the almost-out-of-commission Iron Kong readying to fire another round of missiles, Leena set Seraph into motion. An enchanting silver glow encased the right metal panel that had extended to Seraph's side, channeling the energy to convert the metal panel into a blade. However, the light was quickly fading and the Lightening Saix with its tailing missile were not too far behind.

'Just a little bit farther. We just need to hang in there just a little bit more. Can you do that for me, Seraph?' The white zoid roared in an undistinguished tone as it closed in on the Iron Kong, her 'blade' dimly lit now. Leena saw the Lightening Saix rear itself out of the missile's way behind a rotting building. The speed zoid had known Seraph was now close enough for the missile to take after and un able to dodge it as well.

Leena took in a sharp breath, her eyes darting to and fro but her grip firm on the controls. She couldn't back down now, there wasn't any way of turning back. Thrusting the gears forward more, Leena yelled out a battle cry as Seraph kicked the speed up a notch and roared in fierce vigor. At that moment, a new spark was lighting itself within the battle.

~Obscura Whale King~

-A moment before the battle-

Sara sighed as she collapsed into the plush seat on the Whale King. She had just barely made it before the judge had arrived and truth be told, the older Obscura was exhausted from running from her car to the Whale King to watch the battle in a safe location. Gasping for breath, Sara could hear Vega's soft chuckling.

"Go ahead. Laugh it up, but it wasn't my fault that there was traffic. Seriously, can't people watch the Ace finals in the security and comfort of their own home?" There was a scowl on the woman's face, but her eyes were gleaming with mirth. Vega shrugged with a lop-sided grin.

"People are just that way I guess. So what did you have to do at Romeo city that couldn't be done here?" Sara quickly glanced at the middle of the battlefield where the judge was still doing his protocol for starting the battle before answering Vega.

"I was formally declining the Draco Company's offer of duplicating Seraph Liger's's schematics for a large sum of money. For some reason they didn't understand the word 'no' over the phone, so I went to them in person to get it through their thick skulls that Seraph is a one of a kind zoid and it's going to stay that way." Vega cocked an eyebrow.

"You didn't hurt anyone in the process did you?" Sara kept her gaze on Seraph.

"Some discussions and negotiations can't be put to an end without some aggressive behavior." Vega grinned.

"How many?" A mischievous smile spread over Sara's face.

"Just the main company president, the marketing associate, and the main engineer/mechanic; they were the most persistent out of the bunch."

*Reay?! FIGHT!!* Vega quickly turned his attention from his sister to the battlefield. The Zoids King made it in time to see the Iron Kong stumble and Seraph disappear out of sight as the Lightening Saix rushed pass her. From Seraph's sudden disappearance, the Iron Kong's barrage of bullets came in contact in the rear area of the Lightening Saix. He couldn't really tell if the Iron Kong had been lucky enough to damage the Lightening Saix so efficiently or had anticipated the move. Taking note that the ground where Seraph had once stood was falling into itself, Vega fought back a laugh as well as Sara.

"She fell through the foliage?" Sara let a short giggle out.

"Better a fall than a downpour of bullets." The Iron Kong let out its smoke screen as it continued to fire.

"Like that?" It was at that moment that Seraph leapt into the air, out of the ditch she had created from her rough fall, only to be met by an onslaught of ammunition. Both Obscura siblings cringed at the sight as Seraph was paralyzed in place by the Iron Kong's attack.

Meanwhile, the two witnessed as the Lightening Saix moved with damaged hind legs towards Seraph. Had the Iron Kong forgotten the petite feline zoid? Of course not, he was only attacking Seraph first because she was the least damaged, thus a bigger threat.

Vega's cheers filled the large cockpit when Seraph shot at the hovering smoke, making the attack of bullets stop. Sara watched as the Lightening Saix stopped its movement momentarily, like the crouching Seraph, ready for another possible attack. Sure enough, two missiles came shooting out of the smoke, one overshooting Seraph and the other on the Lightening Saix. However, the missile that Seraph had dodged came whizzing back from behind her.

Meanwhile, the small speed zoid fired a few well aimed rounds, rewarded with an explosion that shattered the glass of the nearby ruins, the crystal shards flying through the air and reflecting specks of sunlight. It then set its sights on Seraph. The said zoid was currently making a mad dash towards the gradually lifting fog.

"So who do you think will win?" Sara kept watching as two more missiles emerged from the dark smoke.

"I want to say Leena, but that Lightening Saix is just as skilled." Seraph executed a perfect J-turn to avoid being hit directly by the missiles, yet was still blown away some distance to its left by the impact of the explosion when the two projectiles crashed into each other.

"It's hard to tell from this point, but I'm also pretty sure that the Iron Kong is going to loose this battle." And Sara's thoughts were confirmed what the battered Iron Kong laid slumped on the valley grounds.

"Well, it still has some missiles." He saw the Lightening Saix hurriedly run away from the missile shadowing it in Leena's direction.

"If he uses them in a strategic matter, he could pull through." Sara shook her head and pointed at Seraph and the Lightening Saix.

"He can't unless he wants a command freeze of his own." Seraph's right panel shot out on the side, a silver glow surrounding it, and speedily ran towards the fallen but active Iron Kong.

"Seraph and the Lightening Saix are too close and it just wouldn't be able to withstand the impact of the explosion(s)." The Iron Kong was readying for another attack, but Seraph was closing in, as well as the Lightening Saix. A feeling of anxiety filled both the Obscuras as the light from Seraph's 'blade' was dimming to a faint glow.

"So who's gonna win, Sara?" When close enough, the lightening Saix dashed behind a crumbling building, it's once tailing missile now after Seraph.

"I honestly don't know." The gaps between the Iron Kong, Seraph, and the missile were diminishing greatly.

"Let's just hope Leena makes it out of this okay."


Yeah. I know. It's late. It's short. It's sucks. You stink. Yup. How true it is. And once again, I apologize with all of my heart. But look at the bright side, at least I actually got a real chapter out, right?

Anyhoo ... Is Leena gonna win? You probably know the answer or maybe you don't. I am a pessimist, but I like happy endings. So yeah.

What's up with D. Leena? Well, I've been reading too much romantic fics lately (mainly fluffy FFX, FFX-2, and Kingdom Hearts). Not only that, but I was thinking how OOC D. Leena was acting in the other dream in Chapter 3. I'm not sure I got it right, so if I did, flame away.

Why did you choose Jamie to answer the phone? Oh, com'on! Did you really expect me to have Bit answer the phone? That's too cliche! Besides, I can't have them meet yet. I have to torment Bit some more--err ... ehehehehe ... ^-^U

Why put two views of the battle scene? Different perspectives mainly. Just for you guys to see what Leena couldn't, you know?

WHY DID YOU LEAVE US HANGING ON THE BATTLE?! Honestly, I can't really think of a way to end the battle right now. That and I really wanted the battle to end in chapter 10 when Leena's team is revealed.


In the next chapter, the battle ends, Leena's team is revealed, and Leena finally talks to everyone else that she's left. And it'll probably be up in about ... Well ... let's say as soon as I possibly can. That's the only thing I can guarantee right now, even though it's not a real solid answer.


JA NE!! ^-^

~Sakura scout~