Double School Rivalry #1

The sound of the bell echoed throughout the entire school, scattering students everywhere to their designated locations. Crowds of people blocked the hallways to the classrooms, and there was the loud noise of everyone trying to talk at the same time. Despite all the students only being teenagers and young adults, they still had somewhat big mouths and the ability to act smart towards a teacher.

Karma Akabane sat at his desk with his schoolbag already unpacked, silently watching them rush past while screaming their little heads off. Although this school was mainly meant to be only for those who were considered intelligent and mature, he doubted that they all were, judging by their stupid behaviors seen just then. So that either meant they were actually smart but acted dumb, or they bought their way into the school. It didn't matter to him though, because he believed that he was the best of the best, and that would never change.

Or so he thought.

That same day, while chilling out in his usual spot on the school roof (to be honest, he only came up there out of curiosity after a reasonable amount of comics), he heard some squealing coming from below. Puzzled, he went up to the roof's edge and peered down to see a large group of girls surrounding something or someone. When one girl got pushed down by another, he finally got to see that it was in fact a guy. Because Karma was a transfer student that only just arrived at this school a few months ago, he had still yet to memorize the faces of everyone's faces and names.

Thinking the guy being surrounded was just a simple womanizer who yearned for and enjoyed attention, he made a mental note to avoid him as much as possible. He watched the scene below for a few more seconds, disgusted, and was about to turn around and go back, when the guy suddenly looked up. There was a chance that it was only his imagination, but he swore he saw him looking up in his direction, with a faint smirk on his face. Feeling slightly disturbed, Karma took a few steps back and walked off, wondering what expression he had on his face at that moment.

"Hey, Karma, someone wants to see you!"

Karma immediately woke up startled, from a dreamless sleep after hearing someone call his name. It had been a long time since anyone had ever referred to him by his first name, so he sat there at his desk in a daze until the person called him again.


This time, he immediately got off his chair and briskly walked over to a boy with pale-blonde hair and startlingly green eyes. His face wore an impatient frown and his arms were crossed, his foot tapping a tuneless rhythm on the carpet. Karma recognized him as one of his classmates, Satoshi, a popular guy who apparently only just claimed his fame last year for some bizarre reason.

"What is it?" He asked him questioningly, gazing down as he spoke. He couldn't help being taller than most of the kids his age and older, as it ran in his genes. Although he couldn't really remember his mother that well because she died when he was young; he had been told by his father that she had been an abnormally tall lady. Not that he cared that much though, since he enjoyed the sensation of looking down on people, as it made him feel superior and in total control over them.

Satoshi scowled and jerked a finger behind him, at a group of students laughing and talking around the corner of the hallway they were in. "He wants to see you." He spat in a completely impolite way, making Karma try his best not to show his disgust because of it. Once again, he wondered how such people were even able to attend a school like this one.

The shorter guy suddenly grabbed Karma's school tie and yanked it hard, so their faces were close to each other before snapping, "Listen up real closely. I have absolutely no idea why Asano wants to see you, but that doesn't mean you can act all high and mighty afterwards, got it?" And with that, he released the tie and shoved him forwards in the direction of the noise, before stomping away down the hallway.

Although Karma could've just walked away and not listen to whatever this Asano person had to say, he stayed because he was curious. And besides, he had heard of that name before and had always wanted to see what he was like. There were many rumors about him, like how he was the most perfect person in the entire world, he always received full marks for everything and that his father was apparently the principal of this school. It wasn't much, but it was already enough to motivate him.