so i actually figured it was wAAAAY overdue for me to be writing another lightis fanfic
and god knows i can't leave my babies alone for so long (i feel so unfaithful not having written in so long omfg)
anywho here's one of possibly many smut fics in a series that i will be writing (i could only wish i can keep the smut going bc yaaaas)
without further ado, enjoy~
I: Miniskirt
The ache in his pants had gone on for too long. Days and nights passing without so much as a minute's relief; he could only handle so much before he'd jump out his office window and dry-hump the nearest lamppost. The company had been neck-deep in work for nearly a month now, and Noctis Lucis Caelum was confined to his office from six to three on a daily basis, his libido having to succumb to a much-needed rest once he came home.
This went on for about a month now, and it hadn't done him any wonders. His busy schedule didn't let him off easy for at least another week or two, not even for a quick tug or two during the daytime (yes, he was willing to close all his blinds and lock his office door if need be, so to speak). If one looked closely enough, one can see very deep gouge marks in his dark mahogany desk from where he had been clutching the wood just a little too hard sometimes.
Noctis thought being the young CEO came with some perks, but his father was right: it was some pretty tough shit.
It was 6:48 am. The young businessman stepped into his modest, yet still grand, office and batted his eyelashes, his eyes ringed by deep, dark circles that no amount of concealer could ever hope to retouch. Setting his suitcase down and rummaging for his laptop, he immediately sensed the presence of someone quite familiar.
"The usual black, Mr. Caelum?"
Noctis turned around, meeting his secretary at the doorway. She stood there, a role model for all aspiring assistants out there, prim and proper yet with a confident elegance that had no match. In record time, he had fallen into a stupor, his cobalt eyes surveying over his assistant's body. Those hips encased in a short-but-not-too-short, well-fitted pencil skirt, accentuating the length of her legs and dipping into some very simple yet effective high-heels; her torso, hugged by a pale, rose-colored blouse that outlined the shape of her upper body in a way that made his knees weak, and especially her face: smooth and rosy cheeks, a slim nose, sufficiently plump, pink lips, and a strong, commanding gaze, framed by a pair of intelligent-looking glasses and wavy pink locks pulled back into a pony-
"Mr. Caelum, sir? A cup of black for you?"
"Huh- oh, what? Oh, yeah. Yes, please." Noctis blinked at his secretary profusely as he shook himself out of his reverie. She only gave him a slightly raised brow before leaving the room to attend her duties. The dark-haired man could only rub his eyes and groan before settling into his swivel chair for the rest of the morning. His paperwork wasn't magically going to do itself (but he knew something else that he wished could do itself).
"Dude, you look like shit."
"Thanks, like I needed to know that."
It was 12:45 pm. Noctis picked at his salad idly, a wave of discontent spread across his face as he squished a cherry tomato into submission. His mother would be livid if she'd found out he'd been playing with his vegetables again (the only reason why he's so fit and handsome now is because he finished all his veggies, so his mother says).
"But seriously, what's eating at you? No pun intended." Prompto swung his legs languidly on the side of his desk, intrigued at the way his best friend squished cherry tomatoes with a plastic fork. The blonde took a bite out of his burger and resumed chewing, not bothering to swallow before speaking again. "You've been like this for weeks now. Not getting any tail?"
The CEO shot him a boiling glare, and Prompto could only chuckle in return. "Not like you're getting any either. Vanille wouldn't let you touch her after she found out you were spending half your paycheck on that…that Mercenaries of Myth game or whatsit."
The flustered blonde scoffed and slammed his burger box down on the desk. "Hey, that game is really fun, okay? And I guess I'm fine for now, but I'm starting to get bored of my hand...," Prompto replied, scratching his head sheepishly while Noctis looked on in disgust. "Hmmm…you're not having any problems with the girlfriend, are you?"
Just as he was about to speak, the enigmatic secretary stepped into the office holding a thick binder with papers threatening to spill out of it.
"Sir, I've come to drop off these papers. Sorry for the interruption." Without any other word, she placed the thick black book on his desk and walked straight out the door before Noctis could even reply (his eyes were too busy watching her hips when she walked out of the room).
"…Come to think of it, I've never met your girlfriend before."
It was 3:37 pm. It was that point in the work day where productivity was its lowest, when everyone was on their third cup of coffee for the day, and for some, their fifth or sixth. Noctis was one of those people. His eyes were darting back and forth from his computer screen and his wall clock to the glass door of his office.
"…Must…touch…now…!," he thought, cobalt eyes wide with caution, peering straight past his glass windows and blinds, where all he saw were everyone sitting neatly in their cubicles, typing away on their desktops, texting on their phones, doing Etro-knows-what (he could care less at this moment; they could be playing Flappy Mog and he wouldn't give two shits).
The ache in his pants had returned, and it was currently throbbing underneath his zipper, keeping him from focusing on the three-page spreadsheet on his laptop screen. Noctis gulped and gave his windows another cursory glance, just to make sure no one would see what he was about to do.
"…Aw, fuck it." Leaning back in his swivel chair as far as he could, his trembling hands made quick work of his belt, and the dull hum of the office was replaced with the zipper of his slacks coming down. His breath held in his throat as he unabashedly slipped his hand under, past the waistband of his black boxer briefs, and grasping hot flesh.
"If I'm quick enough, I shouldn't need to close my blinds-"
He jumped out of his seat- hand flying out of his pants –as a loud beep echoed through his office.
"Mr. Caelum, I'll be sending you the invoices from yesterday now. Please reply to them as soon as possible." His secretary's husky voice was very much audible from the intercom.
Eyes wide in shock and his chest out of breath, he took a moment to recollect himself before responding with a despondent thank you. The young man could only let out a defeated sigh before zipping himself back up and checking out the invoices.
It was 7:16 pm.
He didn't think it was possible to have so many messages to reply to, but when you're the CEO of a megacorporation, that kind of stuff happens on a daily basis. Noctis was hoping to get back to his quickie, but he hadn't expected hours upon hours of responding to clients, plus the extra effort of having to sound enthusiastic about his job and his clients, even when his mind was obviously drifting down the gutter somewhere else.
Noctis ruffled his dark locks and huffed as he stared back at his laptop screen (not much progress on the spreadsheet had been done since that afternoon, give or take a few digits and values here and there). He was just about to press something on his keyboard when he just gave out a growl and slammed his laptop closed (not really; that had been a really nice gift, and he would gently rub the brushed metal of the machine and say sorry to it in a hushed tone).
The disgruntled, young businessman marched over to the break room, intending to brew himself another cup of super extra black coffee, something that could compliment his currently bitter mood and still keep him awake for at least two more hours.
It was much to his surprise when he found that the only other person inside the break room was his secretary herself, Ms. Farron. She was turned away from the doorway, standing in front of the counter and presumably stirring something (from the scent in the air, it smelled like jasmine tea), but that was the least of what was running through the sex-deprived man's mind at the moment.
Lightning halted her spoon-stirring at the sound of a soft click, like that of a door being locked, and before she could turn around, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist tightly, pressing her against a very warm body.
"Mr. Caelum…," she growled, maintaining her calm composure but her hands gripping his arms firmly seemed to say otherwise. Her rosy cheeks turned rosier by the second as she felt the stiffness in his pants cushioned against her backside.
"…Ah…I'm sorry, I'm just…I…I'm really horny." He whispered, placing timid, yet feverish kisses along the back of her neck. Lightning let out a smaller growl and shivered, but her body arched against his, and further into his touch. "…P-Please."
After a moment's deliberation, as well as craning her head over to check that the blinds were shut, she whispered a "yes" to her boss. Without warning, she was flipped around and pressed against the countertop, as a pair of warm lips crushed themselves onto her own. Lightning let out a small "oomph", her eyes closing shut and hands grasping the front of his blazer. Noctis made no hesitation in letting his hands wander up and down the sides of her body, his fingers exploring her hips like a happy camper in the Sunleth Waterscape.
A low growl escaped her throat as he left her lips and pressed kisses down her jaw and her throat. The young man sucked on her collarbone, making the young woman gently whimper in response.
He separated from her for a moment, and their eyes met in the minuscule space that lay between them. His eyes were dark and filled with want, but shone with a glimmer of fresh charm that made her flush red and turn her gaze away, grunting in embarrassment. She let out a small yelp as he lifted her onto the countertop, but was silenced by another kiss, squeaking when he slipped his tongue into her mouth.
Noctis's hands lay on her hips, clutching the fabric of her skirt tightly before pushing them up to her waist. The secretary would not say anything, masking her intentions by winding her arms around his neck and doing the same with her legs around his waist. Moans would pass through their lips as Noctis grasped her backside, and at the same time, sticking his fingers underneath the waistband of her lacy, white panties. Flustered beyond belief, and still in shock at what was currently transpiring, she hugged his neck tightly and buried her face in his shoulder as he deftly pulled off the offending piece of flimsy lace.
A heated daze fell over the young CEO's face; here he was, sexing up his secretary in the break room, the possibility of getting caught rising exponentially by the moment, but he could care less.
"Ngh…!" The soft grunts left Lightning's lips as she clutched his shoulders tightly, feeling his fingers probe her entrance with no hesitation. The circling motion on her clit was suddenly intensified by the intrusion of his finger.
The sounds coming from her mouth made Noctis hard as diamonds and hot as the coffee pot at 7 in the morning. The wet heat surrounding his fingers made him pant like an animal in heat, and without warning, he pulled out his fingers and discarded his jacket, throwing it behind him haphazardly. His lips returned to her while his hands made quick work of his pants, unbuckling, unzipping, and finally pushing down his boxer briefs just enough for him to take out his throbbing erection and confidently hold it before her. Lightning mewled into his neck at the sensation of him rubbing his hot flesh on her core, and stifled a gasp when he plunged into her without warning.
"Oh Etro…I've been waiting for this…!" Noctis groaned against her lips, holding her by her legs and thrusting into her as if on autopilot. She could only moan in response, the sweat on her body starting to accumulate and making her blouse seem tighter than it already was. Both of them reveled in the mutually satisfying sensation of sexual intercourse: his hardness filling her nearly to the brim and hitting her sweet spot like a bull's-eye, and her walls constricting around him, wrapping him in delicious friction that made his body tremble.
"Oh Etro…! Noctis…!" Lightning threw her body back against the wall, gasping for air as he pounded her with abandon. Heat pooled into her stomach, and she felt like she was about to explode at any moment. Her fingers were digging into Noctis's shoulder blades with such strength that she could've ripped his shirt if she wanted, but his pain was only dulled, if not, enhanced by pleasure.
His pace quickened, and he was now being more audible than before, his voice threatening to carry past the walls of the break room. The pressure on his erection was incredible, and he was likely to burst within the next few minutes.
Their faces formed into a sweaty, reddened O-shape as climax reached them, their bodies trembling with pleasant aftershocks. Noctis grunted against the tight constrictions around his erection, and he spilled into her, making her blush with embarrassment.
"…And this…couldn't have waited for later, because…?" Lightning glared down at him playfully, brushing aside the hair stuck to his forehead.
"…Stop teasing. We're lucky we didn't get caught." He huffed shyly, burying his face into her neck.
"And whose fault might that be?" She gave him a gentle smile and pulled him in for a small kiss. He returned the kiss with enthusiasm before pulling away.
They quickly disconnected and redressed themselves, as well as clean up any of their "evidence". A few sheets of cleaning wipes and the counter should be…usable, at the least. It wasn't long before Lightning had her ponytail back in place and her blouse unwrinkled, and she now stood there, fixing up Noctis's suit.
"…I'm surprised you held out for this long. All you really needed to do was ask."
Noctis averted his gaze. "…You know my dad had a policy regarding inter-office relationships…the entire office would be on my ass if they found out my secretary was my girlfriend. They'd think I was biased towards you-". She silenced him with a soft kiss.
"Well, if that's the case…we'll have to keep this our little secret." Lightning gave him a little smirk, before turning away. "…I think I'll drop by later tonight. I have some...confidential files that you need to inspect."
The young CEO blinked and swallowed heavily as he watched his secretary walk out of the break room, her hips swaying ever so naturally. This job came with hardships and responsibilities, but the perks were definitely worth it.
that was wonderfully dirty wasn't it
it feels great to write again o3o hehehehueh