"STEVEN!" The two gems screamed as they watched their younger warrior get swallowed by a giant bird. The bird-like monster quickly took off leaving the girls at the top of the sky spire. "NO! STEVEN!" Pearl continued to yell, sobbing uncontrollably and dropping to the ground. "PEARL! Listen to me!" Amethyst said, knelling and grabbing her head making the taller gem look at her. "Calm down, please! Steven's not dead, the bird didn't chew him!"

"W-wha...? B-but we-" Pearl stopped when Amethyst quickly took her in a hug.

"I'm SORRY! For everything, okay?" Amethyst stammered.

Pearl stared for a few seconds as a couple tear drops came down from her eyes, and then accepting the hug.

"Me too Ami. Come on, lets form Opal." She said, giving a slight smile.

The two gems backed a few feet away from each other and started their dancing, this time in better and almost synched rhythm. At the final part of thier dance, when Amethyst grabbed Pearl's arm and leaned over her Pearl couldn't help but smile gratefully. The fighting was over, at least for now. The gems closed their eyes as their bodies shifted into the new form, their minds also fading into one. The new being stood tall, and leaped high into the air to catch the bird monster and rescue Steven.