Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Attack on Titan.
: Levi x Kagome
: The first time she saw the creatures, she fled and let mankind fight their battle. The second time she saw them she stayed to fight to make up for the death that stained her heart.
Macabre Dreams
Chapter Seven: A Helping Hand
x . . . . x
Kagome woke to sunlight streaming through the windows.
She choked back a cry when she realized she was safe – for the first time since she woke, she had no fear of the outside world. There were no titans at the door, reaching and grabbing, she was in a warm, soft bed and she was safe.
"Just as with the boy, I will keep her in check."
She owed it to him.
To that man.
There was a rustling to her right and she turned her head and there he was. He was sitting in a chair, one arm thrown over the back, the other propped on a knee that crossed over his other leg. In his hand was a book. He was in his usual attire, minus the jacket. The sun streamed and hit him in all the right places and her breath hitched. She had seen beautiful men and youkai all around the world. Sesshoumaru had been on the top of that list of men. Levi wasn't beautiful, not like that, there was a hardness in his features that took away the softness, but he was beautiful nonetheless.
His voice startled her, his gaze never leaving the book, "You going to stare all day, or are you going to say something?" Despite his small stature, she saw the corded muscles in his arms tense under the tight white shirt.
Her body ached but she pushed herself into a seated position and cleared her dry throat, "How long have I been out?" she questioned.
He turned that silvery gaze to her and closed the book, "A few days." His features sharpened, "You look better."
Kagome looked at her arms where she had previously had dark black bruises. Now the bruises were yellow and green and she turned to look into his seeking gaze and she shrugged her shoulders, "I heal better then most." He scoffed and she looked down, clasping her hands in her lap. "It's the influence of the artifact inside me. If left alone and allowed rest, I can heal. I wasn't able to before because I was always… someone was always stopping me." It was all she said, knowing he would know what she meant. The MP's were constantly there, always hurting her. She cleared her throat again.
He leaned close to her before reaching for the table at her bedside and pouring a glass of water from the pitcher that was there. He offered of it to her wordlessly and she drank it down greedily, "Let's say I believe this crap about an artifact and your… immortality – what does this mean for everyone else?"
She sighed in relief before returning the cup to him, "I don't know. I know I can help though, in whatever capacity needed."
He looked at her, gaze steady and he leaned forward, his voice dark and deep, "Listen, crazy – "
She interrupted him, "Kagome."
He resisted the urge to roll his eyes, " – you will do as I say at all times. My dominion over you is the only thing saving you from having your head sliced off. Immortal or no, nothing survives without a head." His tone turned bored, "Don't make me kill you, I'd hate to ruin that pretty face." He leaned back in his chair, "I am Captain Levi Ackerman, I lead an elite team of Scouts that you will now be a part of. You will live and train with us. We are in a secluded location where we learn the extent of your abilities. You are to retain a steady kill count in order to prove your worth and keep your life. Every mission will mean ten titan kills, easy for someone with your power, and when not on missions you will travel to the walls and kill titans outside it from above every week, once a week. Do I make myself clear?"
Kagome looked down at her lap again, "Yes."
His eyes narrowed at her but he said nothing. Something about her rubbed him wrong. He couldn't figure out what it was. Maybe it was her heritage or the way she spoke, he didn't know. She looked small and pathetic sitting in front of him but he saw her that day when they returned. He watched as pink fire licked across her skin and her face was set in determination. He watched her save Petra, one of the scouts under him that definitely didn't need saving. She had been a warrior in that moment. She didn't hold herself as one though, in fact, she looked frightened and it unsettled him. And then he remembered what she had endured and he cursed his inability to be warm because that was what she needed.
He stood quietly and he gaze returned to him, "We won't hurt you needlessly. We aren't like them." The venom in his voice startled her, and she had the feeling it had nothing to do with her. She caught the word needlessly. She remembered the blood on his shoes in the court house, remembered he had hurt Eren. "I'll send someone up with food."
Then he walked away, leaving Kagome with her thoughts.
A day later, Kagome was awoken by a knock on her door and Eren walking in.
His grin was infectious and Kagome found herself smiling.
He sat at the edge of her bed and touched the back of her hand, "I'm glad you're safe." Eren knew safe was a relative term but he had heard what they were going to do to her had Erwin and Levi not made a bid for her. It was because she was powerful, he knew, but he was grateful nonetheless. He remembered her cries in his ears, remembered the smell of blood, the hits she had endured.
Her voice was soft, eyes softer, "You too."
Eren looked at the woman he had shared a small hell with and he gestured for her to stand, "Come on! You're clear for work today! Shower, food, and then chores." Kagome wrinkled her nose and Eren shrugged his shoulders, "Not what I want to be doing either but hey – it's orders." He stood up and Kagome swung her legs over the side of the bed before standing. She steadied herself using the edge of the bedside table before nodding at him. "We're lucky that Eld is on guard duty today. He's quiet but not too bad as far as chores go. Oluo can be a real bastard."
He opened the bedroom door and a man Kagome saw once in passing was there. She assumed it was Eld. He was tall with blond hair, a small patch of a facial hair on his chin, and he was easy on the eyes. He walked into the room and she realized he was tall too. He looked down at her, his face stern. "You don't seem like much."
Kagome stared at him back, her gaze unwavering, "Neither do you."
He grinned, causing his dark eyes to twinkle, "Come on then, let's get you to the showers."
He turned and Kagome followed him, Eren at her back. When they walked down a set of stairs, Eren split off from them, "I'll see you in the mess hall!" he called. Kagome waved him away and continued to follow Eld down a hallway and into an open room. There were shower heads on the walls and a drain the center of the room. There were windows, small, and at the top of the far wall so that no one could see inside but they let the light of the sun shine through. Eld gestured for her to go inside and he followed her.
There were several wooden benches away from the shower area and what looked like lockers although they were wood and held no locks. She turned to him and he took a seat at one of the wooden benches and leaned against the wall. Next to him was a set of clothing and a towel. He gestured to the showers and her brows hitched into her hairline, "You're kidding me."
His dark eyes that had been previously twinkling were now blank, his features cool, "I'm not. I don't know you. Not only that, it's not difficult to jump out those windows." Kagome looked at them and noticed that she could probably reach them, "Next thing I know, you're gone." He clasped his arms over his chest, "Everyone has a specific time they shower, no one else should be coming here so it'll be just you and me."
Kagome felt humiliation burn her cheeks. But this wasn't the worse that had happened to her, not by a long shot. She grabbed the towel at his side and walked to the shower furthest from him and turned it on. She placed the towel on the shower head next to her and began to strip. She had been in the same grimy clothes since this all began. Her gaze flicked to Eld and was surprised to see he was staring at the opposite side of the room from where she was standing and her eyes were soft. He could probably see her through his peripherals but he wasn't full on staring at her and she appreciated it.
Stripped of clothing, she let the warm water soothe her.
It moved over sore muscles and she stayed in the steady stream for several long minutes.
And then she began to cry.
It was soft at first, not wanting to alert Eld.
And then it came in whopping, loud sobs. She crouched under the water and held her knees that held almost healed bruises. She was terrified of what the future held for her. She didn't want to fight another war. She saw how quickly men fell to these creatures. What was she going to do? She didn't know how long she stood under the water but a hand touched her shoulder and she whirled her head around.
Cerulean met cold gray.
His voice was heavy with displeasure, "You're a nuisance."
Her eyes looked for Eld but he was nowhere to be seen.
Her voice was scratchy as she sobbed out, "Sorry."
His gaze moved over her and there was nothing sexual in it. In fact, his nose wrinkled in disgust. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and he shook his head. She watched as he squeezed a liquid in his hands and crouched behind her. He reached for her and she flinched, causing him to pause for just a second before he moved slowly and grasped her oily hair in his hands. His long fingers soothed her as they moved through her inky locks, soaping away the grime and blood. Her crying died down to sniffles and shuddered breathing. When he was done, he dipped her head into the water gently but firmly. His voice was quiet, "You're a broken, crazy woman."
Kagome's voice was just as quiet, "Not crazy… and not broken. Just… overwhelmed." She turned in the water toward him, her knees still hugged to her front. "I'm scared."
He snorted, "You shouldn't be. You have powers to take them out, the rest of mankind isn't so lucky." He stood and threw her a washcloth and a soap. They landed at her feet, "Finish up."
Kagome nodded and stood. This time when his gaze ran over her, her cheeks heated and she quickly turned away while he walked to the seat that Eld had previously occupied. She lathered and soaped and washed her body. She felt clean and better then she had since the ordeal had begun. She grabbed her towel and dried off quickly, wrapping it around her when she was done. She went to Levi who wordlessly handed her some clothing.
She recognized the white clothing and brown straps and shoes. She took a seat at a bench away from him and was thankful they had provided her with panties. No bra though. Just some breast bindings but beggars couldn't be choosers so she bound her breasts, slipped on the tight pants, and buttoned her long-sleeved shirt. All the material was oddly soft and she was thankful it all fit. She put on some socks and slid on the knee-high boots which also fit. The brown straps and weird brown skirt threw her off and Levi was back with a sigh.
It was with expert fingers that he buckled everything in place, and slid on the back piece which was light weight enough that she didn't feel it. She unbuttoned the first two buttons to the shirt, allowing her room to breathe and when Levi pulled away from her, he nodded, "You look like a scout, I suppose." He walked away toward the door, "We'll get you a jacket later."
He went to open it but Kagome stopped him with a quiet, "Thank you."
He turned to her, eyes narrowed, "If nothing else, you're one of us now, one of mine… I take care of my own."
And then he was walking through the door, Kagome jogging to catch up.
The miko firmly believed the words of the aloof man she followed.
He had no reason to help her, he could hurt her, make her beg for death and do whatever they wanted of her.
He didn't have to treat her well.
But he was... so far.
Kagome was, if nothing else, a loyal creature.
She had followed Inuyasha into the depths of hell once or twice.
Levi didn't know that though.
Show her kindness, a willingness to trust her, make her feel safe, and that was all it took for her loyalty to be won.
All it took was a simple act - a small gesture or two of kindness and despite their initial meeting he had been aloof but understanding.
Youkai would have killed to have someone like her at their beck and call, Levi had no idea who the woman that walked a few paces behind was or what she was capable of when needed. He was going to find out soon though - find out what it meant when Kagome found a cause or person worth fighting for. She had been alone so long... could barely remember what the strings of friendship felt like. She had long walked the earth without a cause and a person to follow.
She had never been a leader.
She was always the glue that held groups together.
Levi was a leader in every sense of the word.
And if he continued to treat her with some kindness underneath that aloof exterior, she would follow him to into hell just as she had with Inuyasha... and ensure he came out unscathed.
'Gome Yuki: Just a light bit of fluff but important to the story. I always felt that Levi did take care of his own people. He cared about them a lot. It was a quality I admired in him as a character. He's a cool jerk when needed but we also see glimpses of his softness which is neat. Kagome has just gone through an ordeal, and Levi, I feel would take care of her if needed – to an extent. I also feel Kagome IS loyal. Inuyasha hadn't been kind to her always, but she followed him nonetheless. She had been alone for so long, she forgot herself, let the world crumble at her feet. With a leader and a cause, I think she would begin to find herself again, become that miko that fought so hard at her friends sides. Leave a review for meeee, pretty pleaseeeee? Thank you all for your continued support.