I just want to do cute little one-shots that involve Jason getting random, expensive, gifts from Nico and then Frank being like 'oh yeah that's how children of Hades show their affection,' and then holds out something really nice that Hazel got him…so I'm doing it.
I don't own Percy Jackson
It all started when Jason found a leather jacket on his bed, one that he had seen on the streets of New York and had casually mentioned saying that it looked nice. He didn't know who did it or why it was there but he just decided to leave it hanging on the door until he figured it out.
Two days later they were all in the Zeus cabin discussing their strategy for the next night's game of capture the flag when Percy noticed the jacket hanging up.
"Where did you find the money for that in a day Grace?" Percy asked looking at the fine Italian leather.
Jason just kind of shrugged. "To be honest I didn't get it, it showed up on my bed two days ago and I've been trying to figure out who did it…" He said truthfully. He was debating on telling them or not in the beginning but then it just kind of slipped and now they knew.
Surprisingly it was Nico, who was there because Hazel had begged, that said anything else. "You don't like it?" There was a hint of a frown on his face but they figured that it was just Nico's usual face.
The blond blinked a few times at the son of Hades, why did he care? "I like it, heck it's the greatest thing ever, but I'm just kind of weary…it could be a trap or something."
"Well it's been sitting there for two days I don't think it's going to jump and attack you!" Nico huffed throwing his arms in the air. "Gods, Grace can't you just accept a gift like a normal person? If I got a nice Italian leather jacket I would be pretty happy." He added when the others gave him weird looks.
Then Frank seemed to get something that the others didn't and smiled. "I think you can trust it Jason, maybe a god's taken a liking to you." He said while Hazel just giggled, she knew her brother just wanted to be nice.
So Jason accepted the nice leather jacket. He still didn't know why he had gotten it, but he enjoyed the jacket very much.
So this is part one of the many little one-shot's I'll be writing.