Disclaimer: I do not own glee.

Title: She is the One

Rating: NC-17

Summary: Rachel has been looking for her soulmate. She finally does when she meets Quinn. However, there are obstacles to overcome if she wants them to be happy.

Warnings: Contains adult content, adult situations, and violence. This should NOT be read by minors, is you are, please find something else to read. This also contains femslash and Rachel g!p.

Chapter 1: Drifter

Rachel cleared her throat and proceeded to walk on the side of the street. She hummed the tune of the song 'I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)'. It was late at night or early in the morning depending on how you looked at it. The stars up above in the dark sky shined brightly, providing Rachel dim light to see. Her boots scraped and made a soft thundering noise with each step from the gravel and pebbles on the street. The necklaces she wore made jangling noises with the sway of her walk. Her aviator sunglasses hung on the collar of her black button-down shirt. Both her shirt and dark denim jacket sleeves were rolled up to her elbows. She swapped hands with the guitar case she held into her other hand; having the arm she originally had it in sore from carrying it all day. She also carried a duffel bag, adding more weight. She adjusted her charcoal grey fedora hat that held little red, white and black feathers on the side. Her hair was straightened and pulled back in a loose pony tail.

Rachel paused when she saw light far off in the distance. It triggered her memory that she was supposed to call her aunt and let her know she was okay and her progress. She was supposed to do that hours ago. Her aunt was going to kill her. "Oops." She said and walked faster until she reached the front doors of Walmart. As she walked quickly through the store, she didn't pay attention to the stares that was coming her way. She looked for a disposable cell phone and went through the self checkout, not wanting to be bothered by employees. She put on her sunglasses and paid for the phone. When she finished, she went outside and continued walking alongside the road and dialed her Aunt Jolene's number. She picked up on the first ring. "You better have a good excuse Rachel. Why didn't know call me sooner?" Rachel cringed; she could hear the venom in her aunt's tone.

Rachel breathed in, "I'm sorry. I dropped my phone and it broke, I had to buy a disposable-"

"Never mind that. I just wanted to know if you were okay and when will you be here?" Her aunt asked.

Rachel thought about it. "I'll be there shortly. I'm thinking maybe tonight. It depends if I can catch a ride."

Rachel heard her aunt sigh, "I wish you just took my advice and came here by plane."

"I like the scenery. Plus, it gets me out of school time." Rachel said. Bright lights lit up from behind her. She looked behind to see a car coming up. She adjusted her guitar case strap onto her shoulder and stuck out her thumb in a hitchhiking gesture. Naturally, the car never stopped.

"Well know this; you aren't getting off that easy. I called your school in advance and they were expecting you sooner. Therefore, you have to make up the days you have missed." Her aunt said in an authoritive tone.

Rachel froze and paused as she digested that new information. Finally, she said, "Thank you."

Her aunt knew she was being sarcastic. "Maybe that will give you a little incentive to get your ass down here faster."

Rachel grinned, "Well played."

"Get down here now." Her aunt said and hung up the phone. Rachel put the phone in her pocket and kept walking. About fifteen minutes later another set of bright lights came up from behind. Once again, she hitchhiked.

In the car…

Brittany drove her mom's SUV when she noticed someone walking alongside of the road. She gently eased her foot on the break, causing her girlfriend Santana and her friend Quinn to sit up. "Brittany, what are you doing?" Santana asked.

"That person needs a ride." She said, passing the person and ultimately came to a stop, waiting for the said person to get in the car. She watched the person running towards the car in her side view mirror.

"Sweetie, don't. We can't do that." Santana responded.

The blonde looked to her girlfriend in the back, "Why not?"

"Because she could be an axe murder for all we know. Don't let her in. Besides, we are already passed curfew." Her friend Quinn, who was riding shotgun.

"What are we supposed to do? Leave her and have her walk the rest of the way?"

Santana noticed her girlfriend was on the verge of tears and relented, "Fine."

Quinn shook her head and held her head on one hand. However, she perked up when she saw the stranger more clearly in the side mirror. The door opened and the dinging of the car door sounded. Quinn took note of the stranger's appearance from her clothes to her fit body. The stranger had an athletic build and Quinn noticed the stranger's muscles straining in her forearm and arms as she pulled herself up into the car. Quinn licked her dry lips and swallowed. Even though Quinn barely got a glimpse of the stranger, one thing came across her mind as she took in the hitchhiker. She was deliciously gorgeous.

"Thanks for stopping ladies. I really appreciate it." Rachel said as she adjusted herself and her bags. Quinn was surprised by Rachel's voice. It was sensual and erotic.

"No problem. We're happy to help." Brittany said in a happy tone. "I'm Brittany this is Quinn and Santana." Brittany put the gear in drive.

Rachel nodded once and said, "Nice to meet you ladies. I'm Rachel."

Santana, tactful as ever, asked, "What are you doing walking on the side of the road dumbass?"

"Santana!" Brittany scolded. Quinn discreetly adjusted the side mirror to look at Rachel. She didn't want to make it obvious that she was staring at the brown eyed stranger.

Rachel let out a soft chuckle, "My car isn't here. Long story short, I'm moving from Italy."

"To here?" Brittany asked dumbfounded.

"Like I said, long story." Rachel said.

Quinn finally spoke up "How old are you?"

Rachel's eyes shifted toward Quinn. More importantly, they were staring into each other's eyes through the mirror. Finally, Rachel smiled and mouthed 'Hi' before flirting by giving her a subtle air kiss and smiling big. That caught Quinn off guard.

Something sparked in both of them. Recognition, longing? Whatever it was, it made Rachel grin. Quinn was floored from Rachel's smile. Her teeth were white and straight. It was the kind of smile that made your heart melt. Something caught Quinn's eye. She looked to one of Rachel's necklaces and saw a white light coming from it and then disappear. The necklace looked to be white gold with a heart shaped pendant and an arrow dangling in the middle. She saw Rachel look down at it, pick it up and drew it up to her lips before placing a kiss on it. She then put the necklace under her shirt. Suddenly, her head was filled with sexual thought involving her and Rachel. With a violent shake of her head, she shifted her eyes away from the mirror, not wanting Rachel to see the blush making its presence known. She felt her pussy twitch at the lust she felt for the stranger. Little did she know, Rachel was having a similar problem, only she felt her member stirring.

Squashing the feeling, she said, "I'm seventeen. I'll be eighteen soon." Rachel replied.

"You play guitar?" Santana asked, nodding her head towards the guitar case.

"Yeah. I love making music." Rachel said.

"You play any other instruments?" Brittany asked

"Yeah." Rachel left it at that. Usually when she says how many instruments she plays, people don't believe her. Rachel lent forward a little. "So where are you ladies headed?"

"We were going home. We just back from our friend Puck's house from a party." Brittany said.

Rachel nodded in acknowledgement.

"Where do you need to go?" Brittany asked

"Oh, if you could just take me as far as you can go, I'd appreciate it." Rachel didn't want her to go out of her way when she can just walk. However, Santana suggested that they just take her home first.

The rest of the way was spent making small talk. Santana mostly watched Rachel, making sure she didn't do anything stupid. She still didn't trust her.

When Rachel arrived at her destination, she told Brittany and thanked them all. As she was gathering all her stuff, she saluted and thanked them again. She waited for Quinn to look her way before giving her a sexy wink, causing her to blush and look away. Rachel smiled in amusement. She didn't allow Santana to question her on it and closed the door. Rachel had a feeling she would be going to the same school as them, if the location of their housing was anything to go by.

Rachel walked until she saw the SUV turn. She stopped and proceeded the other way. She didn't tell them her real address, knowing humans weren't supposed to know about them. When she got to the gate of her new mansion, she stopped and buzzed in. As she was walking up the steps, the huge double doors swung open and revealed her other aunt, Shawna. She opened her arms wide and grinned, "Come here Rachel!" She engulfed her in a tight hug, causing Rachel to drop her things. The angle she was in hurt her spine. Had she been completely human, she is sure her spine could've snapped.

"Hi Aunt Shawna." Rachel's words were muffled against her aunt's shoulder.

Finally, she released Rachel, giving her the opportunity to take her in. She didn't think it was possible, but she was even more beautiful. Thankfully, their kind didn't have to endure ageing. The blonde looked to be a model and Rachel was sure that even after three centuries, she still had to fight men and women off. "It's so good to see you again!"

Before Rachel could respond, a voice sounded off. "It's about time you got here!" Rachel looked behind her aunt Shawna and saw her Aunt Jolene. They stared at each other. "Well, aren't you going to give me a hug?" The older brunette asked, holding out her hands.

Rachel smiled and hugged her. Her Aunt Jolene may be a hard ass but she knew she was loved. They pulled apart and went inside. They filled each other in on what happened. Rachel had lost both her dads. Both her aunts wanted her to come live with them until she got her life settled. Even if Rachel is over a century old, she was still incredibly young by her species standard's. After she grieved for her fathers, she agreed to live with them.

Aunt Jolene looked at her watch and said, "It's getting late. You have school tomorrow. I suggest you go to bed."

"Okay." Rachel said with a smile.

Her aunt Jolene blinked, expecting to have to argue with her. As Rachel was traveling up the steps, she said, "Whoa, whoa." Rachel froze and her aunt gestured with her hand, "Come here." She said in her natural husky voice. Rachel obeyed.

"Why are you so happy about going to school all of a sudden?" She asked

Rachel shrugged, "Why not?"

Both her aunts stared at her until it dawned on her Aunt Shawna, "You met someone. That is the only option I see." She said.

Rachel shifted her eyes to her, "Maybe." Rachel couldn't keep the smile off her face.

Her Aunt Jolene yanked her forward and grabbed one of her chain necklaces and pulled it out from her shirt. It was still glowing. She looked into Rachel's eyes, "Well, well. You have found her, your soul mate." She too was now grinning along with her mate, Shawna.

"Where?" Aunt Shawna asked.

"I'll tell you about it tomorrow." Rachel said. She touched the rim of her fedora hat. "Goodnight."

They waited until they were sure Rachel was too preoccupied to hear them. "After all these years, Rachel has found her." Shawna said.

"Yes, I think we should start the proceedings don't you?" Jolene asked with a sly smirk.

To Be Continued…

AN: I'm thinking about giving Rachel a special power. If I do, what should it be?