Zeff had come shambling into the kitchen, muttering some excuse about having to leave early to keep his lousy - he emphasized that - cooks from destroying the place before it even had a chance to open.

"You know how Patty and Carne are..." he had been saying, feigning a yawn.

Sanji had crossed his arms stubbornly in response. He saw straight through the lie. "First of all," he started, one hand strategically placed on his hip, "Patty and Carne aren't even there. Trust me when I say they can't cause destruction by the sheer force of their idiotic wills alone. And it's late. I'm not letting you go anywhere at this time of night, Dad."

Despite their numerous arguments and traded insults, they were always close. And it wasn't everyday that Sanji called him Dad. Zeff threw his arms up, conceding to his defeat in the battle of wills and made his way back over to the couch, settling in with the blanket and pillow that Sanji had pulled from he and Zoro's bed.

Meanwhile Zoro had stood by, mentally agonizing. Zeff had practically handed them peace and quiet on a silver platter with the excuse he had fashioned. And who knew, maybe it was true. The man liked to put people out of their way on a whim. So who was to say he couldn't retract his decision to stay just as easily? But Sanji had thrown it back in his face.

"I'm going to bed," Zeff announced, "but I can't sleep with all that whispering." It was a not-so-subtle implication.

With a sigh Zoro returned to the kitchen, piping the last of his remaining unfrosted cupcakes. They looked pretty good when he took a step back and looked over them. Not as good as Sanji's, but certainly better than he expected. When Sanji went into the cupboard to retrieve plastic wrap and a few large bakery boxes, he joked that maybe he should quit his day job as a personal trainer and just become a chef if that was all there was to it.

Of course that earned him a stiff jab to his side. "You frosted some cupcakes and mixed some batter. Don't get ahead of yourself." Sanji joked, an undertone of a warning laced within. He didn't like when his passion was undermined. It was an art form, not an easy hobby anyone could pick up.

Zoro ignored it. "Hey, I still have potential. Hire me."

Sanji frowned, unable to tell if his husband was joking or actually serious. "...Really?"

Zoro blinked. "Yeah. I mean I can't do anything fancy, like flipping food in the air without getting it stuck to something or setting food on fire without actually burning it, but I can do simple things. Besides, we can spend more time together."

Sanji smiled playfully. "When, and how much do you want?" his gaze traveled slowly over Zoro's masculine form, taking in his muscles that were pronounced but not bulky. Just perfect sinews. Sanji leaned in close, dragging his forefinger on a trail from Zoro's lower lip to the hem of his pants, pausing to bite his own lip lustfully.

"I'm not interested in beri," Zoro's left hand cupped Sanji's face while his right slipped down to grope his ass.

"Oh? Then what are you interested in, handsome?"

"You." Zoro answered before pulling Sanji into a slow kiss, his lips dancing in perfect synchronization. It was a soft, lilting one, borne of familiarity and unwavering trust. Zoro guided Sanji's lips apart and he followed, taking a few panting breaths through his mouth, inhaling their shared air. This continued, their mouths moving together as one when Sanji ran his hand down Zoro's back, slipping his tongue into his mouth and pulling a groan of ecstasy from his husband.

Zoro returned the favor with full fervor, grinding their hips against each other and backing Sanji up until his hips were level with the kitchen counter, hands showing appreciation for strong, milky white thighs hidden beneath Zoro's own worn gray sweats. He kissed the blond's neck, nipping at his lower lip before drawing in for more of the sweet, warm taste of Sanji.

Just as he had slipped his hand into Zoro's pants, fondling his growing erection, he noticed Zeff standing in the kitchen, arms crossed and staring at them disapprovingly. "Ahem." He faked a cough and pretended to clear his throat for a few long moments until they were both looking in his direction, embarrassed beyond compare, like how they had been back in high school when they were caught, not-quite-but-almost in the act.

"You weren't really sleeping, were you, old man?" Zoro demanded, tone frustrated as Sanji discretely removed his hand, quickly and quietly.

"I find it hard to sleep with certain noises in the background. Put that away," he grumbled, gesturing to the cupcakes that had still not made it into their respective boxes, "and take it to your room for decency's sake." he seemed to rethink this though. "Actually, I'll put it away. You both need to wash your hands several times before touching anything that's going to be going in someone's mouth. Now get." he shooed them both out of the kitchen.

Zoro didn't have to be told twice. He was already...well he didn't know what he was. He was an odd mix of angry, frustrated, embarrassed, and horny. He hoped above all hope that somehow Sanji would let it slip his mind that they had been caught in their own kitchen and reprimanded like teenagers. Except for this time Zeff hadn't taken off his peg leg and threatened to beat Zoro senseless with it. He still gave him the evil eye: also known as the 'keep your hands to yourself look.'

Sanji had hopped into bed and pulled the covers over himself quickly. It was a sure fire indication that he wasn't going to put out, and so Zoro sighed, resigned to his fate of jerking off - alone - in the bathroom. Again. And with Sanji being so busy he had no idea when a chance for them to be intimate would come.

He had gripped his dick, running it back and forth and picturing Sanji's tight heat around him. He was pent up and already hard, so it hadn't taken too many strokes to get him off. Still, the real thing would have been nice. He washed his hands after cleaning up the mess, thankful for Sanji's expensive preferences because he knew cheap single-ply would not only feel like sandpaper, but it would also stick and make a mess. Afterwards he washed his hands and they ended up smelling like grapefruit - a mix of citrus and sweet.

Zoro would have preferred something a little more manly, but it smelled good nonetheless. Besides, they had found out the hard way that Zoro was (ironically enough) allergic to mint. So he would take smelling a little frou-frou over going into anaphylactic shock or suffering another bout of hives any day. Not to mention he hated hospitals. Sanji's retort was to this was usually that he was just being a big baby.

It wasn't that there was some tragic back story, there wasn't. Nor was he afraid of doctors or needles, or the inevitable stench of death, despair, and hurry that was commonplace. The whole place was just so sterile. All hospitals smelled the same. Like disinfectant and fresh carpet, cotton balls and copy paper.

It was the smell, and the too clean floors with the too pristine sheets and the repetition of footfalls down long echoing hallways. The jackets far too white and the gloves far too blue.

It just got to him.

"Come to bed babe." Sanji muttered half asleep, patting the spot beside him. Zoro hadn't noticed he had been lingering in the doorway to the bathroom, lost in oddball thoughts about hospitals.

He slipped under the covers but instead of sidling up close right behind Sanji, he simply lay on his side, flipping over so he was facing the opposite direction, looking at their nightstand rather than Sanji's back. Sanji waited a few moments, turning around and furrowing his brows at his husband who was being distant and weird. "Are you mad at me?" he asked.

Zoro didn't say anything, closing his eyes and pretending to be asleep.

"Zoro?" there was no response but Sanji knew Zoro long enough to tell when he was and was not sleeping. His breaths were far too shallow and close together for him not to be awake. So he was ignoring him. "You're being ridiculous right now."

He turned over in a hurry, a violent flip that startled Sanji. "I'm being ridiculous? You give the go-ahead for your father to stay with us without even going over it with me. Even after he told you he could stay with Patty and what's-his-face. Then you let your dad boss us around like his name is on the fucking lease. And when's the last time we had sex? What, one, almost two months ago? Fuck you. Sleep alone. Or better yet, go sleep on those damn leather couches you have no problem letting your dad sleep on. There's two of them. One for you and one for him." As the poisonous words left Zoro's lips, Sanji's brows drew closer and closer together. But it was a look of absolute hurt, not an angry frown.

And as soon as he saw the look he regretted what he said; it was completely out of line. But he couldn't take back his words back after he had just said them. They were out there causing pain and destruction.

Sanji bolted up from the bed, going to their dresser wordlessly and pulling out the pack of cigarettes that he reserved for stressful situations that he couldn't handle. He was trying to quit, he really was.

His hands were shaking, as he removed a single cigarette from the pack and took his lighter out. He didn't even look at Zoro as he left the room - made sure not to - and closed the door behind him, going to the patio to smoke. Lighting up had been quick as he drew the smokey blue nicotine into his lungs, letting out a shuddering breath. Zoro hardly ever yelled at him like that. There had been so much anger and hatred in his tone that it had frightened him. And Zoro never scared him like that. He and Zoro were equals. Sanji wasn't a meek little homemaker who listened obediently to his husband's every will and command.

He heard, rather than saw, him. Zoro had come out onto the patio barefoot, not bothering to slip on his house shoes. "It's cold out here," he said.

Sanji just took another drag, looking straight out into the city. He didn't look back - Zoro was too good with words and he didn't want to forgive him. What he wanted to do was be pissed off like he had every right to be.

"I know what I said was out of line-"

"And how you said it," Sanji added. Zoro nodded before continuing.

"So..." Zoro rubbed his shorn green locks. "Fuck... I'll just stay somewhere else until-"

"Until what?" Sanji turned around, dropping his cigarette and crushing it beneath his shoe. "Until I come running back, begging for everything to be alright again? Until I accept another sorry ass excuse while you're God knows where, worrying me sick? You always run away from our problems. I'm sick and tired of it. Maybe you shouldn't come back. Go live with Ace for all I care." It was a low blow and he knew it. He knew nothing was - or ever - had been between them, despite how close they were and Sanji's jealousy over their friendship. It seemed these days Zoro confided in Ace more than him, and the thought made his chest tighten, his throat dry up, and his heart thunder in his chest.

The thought that he was losing him, that he was losing Zoro, scared him to no end. He was his everything.

Zoro didn't say anything, didn't have some smart aleck remark. He simply walked back inside and Sanji followed, grabbing his face and making him look him in the eye.

"What's going on with us?" he asked seriously, eyes scanning Zoro's features. But Zoro didn't say anything, for a long time. Simply stared back.

"I honestly don't know..." he shook his head. "I just need to get my shit together, but you're not completely blameless in all of this either. Should we take a break?"

Sanji shrugged. "Maybe we should."

"You're an idiot! A complete dumbass! A total moron!" Nami yelled, listing each off from her office. Zoro was currently there to pick up his paycheck and try to get in her good graces. Or at least enough to convince her to let him stay at the hotel adjacent to the casino that her family owned. He didn't want to play go-between with Franky, nor did he want to be a burden to Ace. So he was reduced to asking her for help. "I went to your guys' wedding, you know," she reminded, clasping her hands together with a sudden business-like tone.

"How could I ever forget?" Zoro said sarcastically. "We just...need this."

"Are you sure you're not just being an idiot?" he frowned, "Okay, okay. But I was being serious. What if what you two need has nothing to do with a break? Besides, marriage has no room for space. It's all or nothing. For better or for worse."

"I'm not saying we need to put our marriage on hold. What I am saying is that it would do us both some good to not be in each other's faces while we're fighting."

"Talk to Robin." Nami stated, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. "Get some insight from her and then come back and we'll talk. Until then, get out of my office."

"-Wait!" Zoro had shouted with a brief delay. Of course by then he had already been shoved out and the door closed and locked behind him. "You didn't even tell me what the hell I'm supposed to be talking to her about... And what about my paycheck!"

Sanji was at the back door of the Baratie, mentally agonizing with himself. Every time he decided he was going to unlock the door, he changed his mind.

Surprisingly the decision was made for him. "You just gonna stand there all day, Eggplant?"

"Shut up old man! I wasn't even gonna go in anyway!"

"Come inside." Zeff said quietly. "They finished up two of the three bedrooms. No bed or furniture yet, mind you. But-"

"I don't even know what I'm doing here." Sanji blurted out and Zeff pulled his son into a hug. Sanji was shocked for a few moments and hesitated to return it. His dad and he weren't very physically affectionate. In fact, Sanji could only recall him having told him he loved him four or five times. As a kid when he got teased Zeff told him to bypass the teacher and give just as good as he got. When he scraped his knees Zeff told him to rub some dirt on it. When he had confessed his feelings to the prettiest girl in his class in middle school and was laughed at, Zeff told him that the ocean was vast and endless and there were better fish in it. But at the small reception he had had on their wedding day, Zeff had hugged Sanji tight and threatened to bury Zoro if he made a single misstep.

Sanji knew he cared. He just didn't say it. But he didn't have to. "You ask me, he's a lousy no-good, good-for-nothing hooligan who doesn't deserve you. But, for whatever reason, he makes you happy. Take it from your old man: get this thing taken care of and go back to the way you guys are. I can't see him leaving you. Not when you two have so much invested in your relationship. Don't let it end over something so stupid."

Sanji nodded. "I don't want it to end. I can't let it."

"We Blacklegs always achieve what we set out to do. Now help me set up the tables." Zeff said, opening the door and stepping aside. Sanji nodded and walked in. And then proceeded to cry on the inside when he saw exactly how much work had to be done. The amount of square footage added on to the restaurant's dining area was enormous. It'd take all day!

"Why can't you just hire someone to do this?" Sanji yelled.

"Because I already paid for the remodeling. Would'a done it myself if I could have. Besides, I want the layout to be just so. Movers don't know anything about style and functionality in a restaurant's setup." Zeff retorted with a sniff.

Sanji groaned. Of course Zeff's advice came with a shiny new car price tag. He shouldn't have expected anything less.

Zoro had finally gotten his check after nearly fifteen minutes of pounding on the door. Direct deposit certainly would have been easier. He considered setting it up so that he wouldn't have to jump over hoops and leap over barrels. Nami loved money. Especially keeping it.

He was given clear instructions, again, to consult with Robin. She was a lawyer, after all. Zoro supposed the real reason she wanted him to talk to her so badly was probably to see what he would have to go through should things with Sanji not work out. Splitting property, and in their case, custody of their four year old daughter Vivi.

The little girl had her father's hair, her mother's eyes, and was spoiled to the point of being convinced that she was actually a princess.

In his and Sanji's case, there wasn't much to split up. Sanji had picked the apartment, though both their names were on the lease. Most of the furniture was Sanji's. Everything in the kitchen was Sanji's. All Zoro owned were his clothes, a laptop, and the exercise mat in their spare bedroom that had three uses: Sanji's office, Zoro's favorite nap place and meditation room, and the guest bedroom.

Of course Zoro had no real intention of going to see them. Somehow showing up with a 'I'm visiting to see how fucked up your guys' life is,' didn't sound like it would blow over too well. Beside that, he wanted to stay as neutral as possible. The last thing he wanted was Robin or Franky coming to him to ask for anything that would put him in an awkward position with the other. He respected Robin as the powerful, independent, and straightforward woman she was. She was a great mother and a bit more than an acquaintance, yet a little less than a friend, seeing as they had so little in common. Franky was as much of a loudmouth as Ace, but they had been friends and drinking buddies for as long as Zoro had been frequenting the Heart bar and working at the gym. Him being a good father was unquestionable. He adored Vivi and sometimes it was a challenge bearing through all the wallet-size photos and recounts of how perfect and precious and positively genius she was. All Zoro saw on the page were bright colors and slightly below average stick figures, but to each his own. He supposed Franky had the right to think they were works of stupendous art and she could be the next Picasso. Heck; if a few splashes of paint on a canvas counted then that was as good a contestant as any other.

He decided instead to just go home and face the music. Sanji could only be so mad and if he stayed away like he had a tendency to, Sanji would merely have even more time to be angry. He tended to pick up more fuel and ammunition rather than cool down.

When he unlocked the door, toed his shoes off and entered the house, he saw Sanji in the kitchen washing dishes. "Hey." he called hesitantly from just outside it.

Sanji looked back and nodded once. He had a lollipop in his mouth, his cigarette replacement. "Cherry?"

Sanji shook his head. "Watermelon. You're back early."

"Close enough. They're both red." Zoro attempted to muster up a laugh at his own quip but it only sounded as disingenuous as it really was. He paused, threw his shirt off and got down on his knees in a deep apology not at all unlike the ones his dad forced him to give, many times over - far too many to count - in his trouble-making years. What he didn't expect was for Sanji to drop the sponge in the soapy bath of water in the sink and get down on his own knees before lifting his head and embracing him.

"Missed you," was muffled against Zoro's neck.

"Me too. I'm an idiot. I shouldn't have said what I did and I'm sorry." He knew he was out of line and when he took the time to dissect it, he did have a tendency to run to Ace with all their problems instead of solving them together like married couples should.

They still had a lot to work out, they weren't perfect, but it would all be alright in the end. Just like his dad always said. Even when things didn't work out between him and Koshiro, the family still stayed together. Smoker was blasé about how it had ended with Koshiro, but Zoro knew that the man was still wholly in love and just too stubborn to make the first move. Problem was, they were both mules.

"I invited my dad to the wedding."

"You did what? Why?" Sanji was on top of him now and Zoro had no complaints. He loved Sanji like this.

"I figured, why not? Kaya sounded like she wants it to be a big deal so I invited another party. The more the merrier."

"Okay, good. Because I already invited my uncle."

"You mean Koza?" Zoro remembered the man very well; how could he not? The man left an impression. Besides being attractive, he reminded Zoro of a rougher version of Sanji. Zoro figured his dad would keep peace better with him than Zeff.

Zoro leaned in and kissed Sanji and Sanji reciprocated, then pulled away. "I have something in the oven. And I need to finish those dishes."

"Why don't I help you with those?"

"Do my ears deceive me? Zoro volunteering to do dishes?"

It was true: of all the chores, dishes were Zoro's least favorite. He would rather sweep and take out the the trash. Or scrub the toilet and tub and mop. Besides, Sanji always complained when he did the dishes because he simply loaded them in the washer. He figured if the cleaning packets really did what they advertised, then that was all that he needed to do, and when he was young, dishes were always taken care of. His dad did them as soon as he saw them and Koshiro was very particular about how they were cleaned. Kuina and he didn't really do chores. Zoro's room was always a mess and Kuina spent too little time in her own to ever make one; she was always out and about. Speaking of which, she was currently overseas laying claim to the title of sword master in the martial arts division. Koshiro had wanted him to practice as well but Zoro was clumsy and undedicated. He remembered being laughed at when he picked up three swords at a time and never tried to again.

"You know what? I'll do it."

"Great. Cause I have an early morning tomorrow. All Blue has an interview with a cooking magazine." Zoro didn't know whether to cry or be happy.

"That's great...!" still didn't mean he was getting any though.

"Sorry." Sanji sighed. "I'm frustrated too." As frustrated as I am? Zoro wanted to ask. He would pull however many all-nighters it would take to get something other than his own hand.

"It's fine. No need to apologize," Zoro said instead and got up off the floor.

There were only two dishes left in the soapy water which he washed and put in dishwasher. Sanji was off on the other side of the kitchen, cutting and preparing something that smelled heavenly. Zoro had already stopped by a local fast-food joint on his way home though because Sanji didn't have time to make dinner much nowadays, and Zoro didn't want to make the mistake of eating someone's order.

Zoro brushed his teeth right alongside Sanji and smiled when he realized their motions were in-sync, from their gargling to their spitting. Sanji moisturized his face with some type of collagen infused face lotion and Zoro decided to put some on as well.

Sanji laughed at him. "Trying something new?"

"Yeah. Is this how your skin gets all flawless? 'Cause I wouldn't mind having nice skin too." Sanji rolled his eyes and continued to laugh all the way into the bed and they flipped the TV on, but Zoro was completely serious. Even at his age he had breakouts like a teenager.

Zoro had his arms around Sanji while Sanji closed his eyes and began to drift off. He wasn't tired yet so he flipped through the channels until a movie trailer gave him pause. "Wait. Is that Ace?" Zoro whisper-shouted too loudly because Sanji woke from his light sleep. He blinked awake a few times before his eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Yeah, that is him!"

"So he got the part and he didn't even tell us! What the heck." Zoro accused.

"He's just been busy," Sanji excused with a yawn and Zoro nodded his acquiescence. He didn't really agree that Ace had no time, in all the times he had been over to his house, to spare five minutes and tell him he had gotten the part and finished filming the movie that Zoro had spent five long, grueling hours helping him practice his lines for. He didn't argue however because Sanji looked tired and the shorter the conversation, the better.

Relaxing, he felt his eyelids get heavy just as his phone buzzed. He looked over at the text message and groaned.

[Going out tonight at the bar. You and Sanj coming?] - Franky

There was only one bar that he could be referring to and that, of course, was the Heart bar, owned and operated by an eccentric couple by the name of Trafalgar Law and Eustass Kidd.

No. Sleeping. Zoro quickly replied and wasn't surprised when his phone had alerted him of another text message. Franky was a quick texter; not like Brook who mostly left voicemails and took a half hour to reply.

[Damn. Figured. You two are no fun anymore. I'm trying to celebrate my freedom and here you two are, warm in your bed at nine o'clock.] - Franky

You're not gonna make me feel bad for not coming out. I'll hit you up at a later date. Who's showin', anyway?

[Nami, Brook, Usopp, and Kaya] - Franky

Zoro rolled his eyes at the ragtag group. It wasn't like he was missing anything major. Nami and Franky would get drunk. Usopp and Kaya would play chauffeur. Brook would buy one drink and babysit it for an hour before deciding to go home. Have fun. Was all he texted in response before turning his phone off.

"Who was that?" Sanji asked without turning around.

"Just Franky. Nothing important." Zoro said and slid closer to him. Sanji sighed contentedly. This was comfortable: small talk with Zoro right before bed, early nights in, and cuddling. Ace was probably by Luffy's crib telling him outrageous tales of heroism and pirate themed adventures abound. Sanji swore he had the imagination of a kid himself. Robin, being pragmatic, probably had Vivi in bed two hours ago with several fairytales that did nothing to quell her notions that she was royalty, especially not when her room was bright pink, she had a canopy bed, and a castle shelf was built around it with a magical forest painted on her closet and custom built tree shaped shelves with a starry night backsplash. Brook was probably playing on stage at the bar while Nami and Franky forgot their own middle names and Usopp and Kaya sipped sparkling water and chatted about pointless things. Law and Kidd were probably not there yet seeing as Law's first occupation was a doctor and Kidd tended to sleep through most of the day. A guy who went by Killer held the fort down most of the time and no one who was sober was stupid enough to mess with the guy, especially because he wore an eerie mask that hid his entire face.

Though Zoro had picked a few fights. "'Kay." Sanji said and drifted back off to sleep.

The following day Zoro and Sanji both showered quickly and tripped over each other stacking all the orders on top of one another. Zoro had sorted the pick-ups from the deliveries and made several trips to Sanji's car with the boxes he would have to drop off. Kaya's house warming cupcakes were packed twenty-five to a case with eight cases. Zoro tried to sneak one, only to have Sanji bat his hand away without even looking away from the notepad he was jotting down reminders on.

"Aw, c'mon, just one."


"I'll set the cupcakes so the missing one isn't obvious."


Zoro drew a breath, continuing to whine like a kid in a grocery store. "I'll tell her I ate it."

"No matter what you say, the answer will still be the same." Sanji said, tone even.

"But I'm gonna eat it anyway at the housewarming party."

"Then let it be then." Sanji said with finality and a grin, tucking his notebook in his pocket. Zoro frowned anyway. "You're off today, right?"

"Yeah." Zoro said, still pouting.

"Then help me set up shop." Sanji said and Zoro groaned. "Please babe?"

"Fine." But it wasn't fair. That favor was asked in a deceitfully innocent way. What Sanji really meant was probably do it now and quit your whining. Plus he had ammunition on him because of last night. But he didn't even have to pull that card. All he had to do was sigh and look put out or put on an upset face and Zoro's resolve would cave. They both knew it.

Zoro was just glad they weren't dwelling on last night, though he knew that can of worms would have to be opened eventually, he was glad it wasn't today.

Sanji got in the driver's seat of his sleek sports car and Zoro took the back, holding on to all the boxes to minimalize how much they shifted while Sanji took it nice and easy. "They turned an unfamiliar corner and Zoro reflexively panicked. "You know, you should really get GPS in your car too."

"I'm not a hopelessly lost marimo." Sanji retorted. "Besides, I think I know how to get to my shop.

"I'm trying to help you out, Curly-Brow." Zoro made sure to smirk so Sanji could see it in his rearview mirror. Ironically, his visible eyebrow twitched.

"What did you call me, Moss-For-Brains?" Sanji challenged.

"You heard me. Dart Brow." Sanji reached back with one hand without taking his eyes off the road, even though the morning traffic was moving at a snail's pace, and pinched Zoro's inner thigh hard. "Ow! Abuse!" Zoro cried out, rubbing his other thigh against the pained one in an attempt to soothe it. "That was a cheap shot! My hands are full holding these boxes. My defense is at zero percent!"

"Well too bad for you my defenses are at a hundred." Sanji said with a grin, playing along. They often played like this. Sanji had no idea how couples who were serious all the time could not kill each other. Kids, bills, obligations...if it was all Sanji had to do with Zoro, he would have smothered the idiot a long time ago. He supposed that the saying 'The family that plays together stays together' was really accurate.

When they arrived Sanji parked in the back and they carried the boxes in. To say the place was small was the understatement of a lifetime. The place was like an overgrown shoebox with one long glass display case, a TV mounted on the wall, and a small kitchen in the back that was barely big enough for two people to move around in, much less work, which was why Sanji primarily made his orders at home. A stack of Sanji's business cards were in an ornate clear glass dish on top of a lace place mat on the case and a whiteboard with the menu and prices printed in Sanji's always neat and pleasant to look at handwriting.

A few people came in to pick up their orders and a few people stopped by either on their lunch break or on their way to work, but other than that it was quiet. Zoro poked Sanji in the side and Sanji retaliated by jabbing him in his and somehow thereafter it had gone from poking and jabbing to tickling then Sanji kissed Zoro on the side of the mouth and he kissed him back on the lips and then Zoro had his arms around Sanji.

Neither of them noticed the fifteen year old girl walk in that Zoro had permanently dubbed a menace. "Aw, well aren't you two just so cute?" They didn't jump apart, just turned at the familiar voice.

Zoro sighed. "Perona..."

"Aww, don't say my name like you're not happy to see me, Uncle." She had petal pink hair and was wearing a frilly dress and carrying around some type of laced umbrella.

"The news said it's gonna be sunny all week," Zoro said, staring at the offending thing. "And is that thing even waterproof?"

Perona sighed slapped her face lightly. "It's a parasol, Uncle Zoro. Not an umbrella. It's sole purpose is to block the sun, not shield you from the rain. How many times do we have to go over this? Swear you're gettin' senile in your old age," she huffed.

"Who you callin' old?" Zoro glared. "I'm only twenty-eight."

"But soon twenty-eight will become twenty-nine, then thirty. Then you'll be over the hill." Sanji's eyebrow twitched. He was thirty. Two years older than Zoro because the move from Germany to Japan as a kid with Zeff had put him far behind all the other kids, especially when he didn't know the language. So he had to learn it at the grade level with the younger kids who, like him, only knew a few words here and there, and bear being two years older than all his classmates and always the tallest kid in the classroom. The tall blue eyed, blond haired foreigner. He found he drew a lot of unwanted attention.

"Whatever," Zoro sneered. "Where's your dad?"

Perona shrugged. "Wouldn't you like you to know."

"Yes. I would. So I can call him and tell him you're obstructing business."

"What business? No one's here. You two were just trying to get your freak on." she smiled devilishly.

"I'm calling Mihawk." Zoro said and pulled out his phone.

"No, don't! Please!" she looked to the side. "I'm supposed to be school right now. He'll be so mad if he finds out I skipped."

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't tell him?" Zoro bargained.

"Because you're my favorite uncle in whole wide universe."

"I'm your only uncle, Piranha."

"Hey, don't call me that!"

"What can we do for you?" Sanji asked, cutting into the banter. The last thing he wanted was for their arguing to be in the background of his interview with Grand Line Magazine. He could could see the headlines now: Come to All Blue, where we serve you top-of-the-line desserts with an unbeatable sour attitude!

"Well...Dad wants to move to somewhere with a slower pace. Hokkaido, he said. But I don't want to go to an agriculture school, or study farming and chickens. I was hoping you could convince him otherwise."

"And why would I do that-" Zoro started, only to be cut off by Sanji.

"Truth is, if your dad makes up his mind, I doubt we'll have much impact on his decision."

"I thought so. Which brings me to my next point of topic. Could I stay with you two? Just for a little while. I mean I'll be eighteen in three years. I promise to get a part-time and not be in your guy's way or annoy you or invite over too many friends or be too loud or make a mess."

"Hell no!" Zoro protested. "Now get, before I really call your dad." Perona left, moping the whole way and dragging her feet. "And Perona?" she looked back hopefully; maybe he had a change of heart? "Go to school." Of course. Just wishful thinking.

"She's something else," Sanji laughed.

Zoro sighed. "Yeah. That's one way to put it."

The interview was held by a smartly dressed woman who asked questions from a sheet and held a practiced smile on her face the entire time. She doted on Sanji's skills when she tried the desserts he offered her and told him that of the half hour they filmed, only five minutes or so would be used. "People tend to have short attention spans. Nowadays a five minute clip has more impact than a twenty-five minute one." she laughed. "On average, over a third of our online viewers click out of a video over ten minutes." The cameraman was loading his equipment back into the van they had traveled in and she pulled out a pen. "One last question: what's your goal, as the owner of All Blue?"

Sanji made a thoughtful face for the benefit of the interviewer. He already knew what he was going to say. "My goal is to expand All Blue from a bakery and catering service to a full sized restaurant. I want to bring joy to people through food, brighten their day, even if only a little." Zoro, who was standing behind the counter with looking wholly professional couldn't help but look over at his husband who was pouring his love for cooking into words. Zoro wanted to make Sanji's dream come true. He wanted to see him happy. That was his dream.

The woman smiled shallowly and Zoro could tell that on the inside she probably couldn't care less about the aspirations of a small business owner. She was just doing her job.

She left with a small show of gratitude for the food.

After the van had pulled away and driven down the street, Sanji walked behind the counter and heaved a sigh of relief. "Well that went well."

"Yeah," Zoro smiled. "Like it could have gone any other way. You're perfect and so is your cooking, and anyone who can't see that is an idiot." Sanji hugged Zoro for the kind words. He knew it would go well but that didn't stop him from getting nervous. This was such a big opportunity. "Besides," Zoro grinned, "I'm your good luck charm." Sanji laughed and leaned in to kiss his husband.

"That you are."

Zoro closed up shop three hours later, just in time as Sanji returned from dropping off all of the day's orders. They ended up going home and snacking on the left overs from the shop and Sanji heated up leftover stir-fry so that they weren't just eating sweets, not that Zoro was complaining.

They showered and washed and then soaked together in the tub. Sanji laughed. "It's so cramped." Zoro joined in and agreed. Afterwards they went to the living room and put on it on the variety show channel. It was time for the gameshows, most of the participants being easily recognizable as TV personalities or singers or radio stars/hosts. This particular one though had everyday contestants who had to answer solve puzzles and get through obstacles against the clock. "It's A!" Zoro yelled at the TV as if that would help the confused contestant.

"No, it's C!" Sanji countered.

'We will be back after this brief commercial break!' The host said and the two waited through them all.

'A!' the contestant said and Zoro jumped up and was about to gloat about his victory until the fireman cried out in pain from being shocked.

'I am sorry, but that is incorrect.' the host shook his head and feigned compassion for the man for a few minutes before pointing out that the face he made looked just like one would make if one were on the toilet, which had the audience, Sanji and Zoro included, cracking up. 'The correct answer was C!'

"What!" Zoro made a face at the fact that Sanji was right and Sanji laughed, not about to give up his secret. The show was actually a rerun and he had watched it the day he had babysat Luffy, so he knew all the answers, but if Zoro thought he were a pop culture genius, then hey, he wouldn't allude to otherwise.

Sanji correctly predicted the rest of the answers which had Zoro fuming. He only got two right. But Sanji knew all of them. Was Perona right? Was he so far behind the times that he could only answer two of fifteen questions right about recent music artists and actors?

After the variety show ended, a rom-com about a school girl who falls in love with the stuck up son of a rich business owner came on, the target audience obviously young girls. They watched it mostly for the humor and the ridiculously cheesy lines. "They're all the same. Those romance dramas," Zoro said after they got ready to go lay down in bed.

Sanji laughed. "Can't argue with that." it was a rinse and repeat. He didn't know how housewives and students could stand to watch essentially the same thing with minor changes. It wasn't like real life at all. Either it was too sad or too happy. But life was filled with both good and bad times, not simply an abundance of just one. Sure, there were sad times, and good times, but there was always a balancer.

"I can't wait until the day I can walk into All Blue and know that you worked hard and earned that," Zoro said suddenly, turning on his side and staring into Sanji's eyes. Sanji scooted closer.

"Me too. I can't wait to see it like how the Baratie was back in Germany or how excited Zeff was to drop everything and start fresh here in Japan." Sanji paused. "I feel selfish though, always talking about my dream and what I want to do. You've never told me yours."

Zoro shrugged. "All my life people have had expectations for me and I've failed every one of them. Koshiro wanted me, not Kuina, his own daughter who practically lived his praise, to take over the family dojo and become the world's best swordsman. I didn't do that very well. That was Kuina's dream, not mine. Dad wanted me to either join the Self Defense Force or become a police officer like him, but I dropped out of police academy and got cold feet during at the physicals. I've never wanted to be a doctor or lawyer or pharmacist. And I'm not smart enough to do anything cool like be a scientist or astronaut and create something that will change people's lives. I don't even particularly like or dislike being a personal trainer, to be honest." Sanji was looking at him thoughtfully and hadn't said a word. "Sorry, I said too much. I didn't mean to say I'm ungrateful for the life I've chosen to live, I just-"

Sanji cut him off with a kiss and a shuddering breath. When he pulled back his eyes were teary and hurt. "I want to know these things, Zoro. I want to know when you're happy, when you're sad. You've never told me in all these years that you were just trudging through. Hell, we've never even had this conversation. I didn't even know that the gym was just a paycheck and not your pride and joy. All this time you've gone on letting me talk about my dreams without pausing to tell me about yours. I want to know more about you - everything about you - and more. So, so, much more. I never want to stop learning new things about you. I want to experience more things with you. Nothing's enough." he drew in another deep breath. "All Blue has been my dream ever since I can remember wanting something so badly. But I'd throw it all away in a heartbeat for you. I love you, Mosshead."

"I love you too Sanji," Zoro said and drew his husband in close. "But you're an idiot if you think I'd ever stand in the way of your dreams."

"That's not the point," Sanji said, voice muffled because he had his face in the crook of Zoro's neck.

"I do have a dream though." Sanji looked up. "It's not career related, but my dream is to grow old with you and be the couple that everyone knows is in love."

Sanji's face was red. "Sentimental fool," he muttered, but leaned in to kiss Zoro regardless. Zoro kissed back and Sanji shifted so he was on top of him. They continued kissing, Zoro running his hands up and down the familiar expanse of Sanji's body.

Sanji panted. It had been a long time and his body was over-sensitized. Zoro rubbed his forefinger over Sanji's nipple, drawing the bud up and making it hard, but never pinching or biting it because Sanji didn't like that. He knew exactly what Sanji liked.

Sanji shuddered, leaning in to kiss Zoro's neck and apply just the slightest bit of pressure. Zoro moaned and Sanji took the opportunity to pull both of their shorts down while Zoro reached into their nightstand and fumbled around a bit before coming up with a bottle of water-based lube. Sanji took the bottle and flipped open the cap, not even remotely in the mood for foreplay, which was fine because Zoro thought he would come in his underwear like a teenager if they didn't speed things up a bit.

Sanji groaned as he stretched himself with two lubricated fingers. He was tight because they hadn't been intimate in awhile and while it would make the initial penetration slightly uncomfortable, he knew Zoro would appreciate it.

And Zoro did. He was breathless when Sanji stroked his hard dick a few good times before lining it up and pushing down onto it. "Oh fuck," Sanji groaned. It felt perfect. The slight burn as Zoro's member pushed through the ring of muscles. They didn't pause long though as Sanji set the pace, moving his hips up and down in an increasingly fast pace, searching out that bundle of nerves that would make his eyes roll to the back of his head in a searing pleasure unlike any other.

Zoro put one hand on Sanji's hip and the other on his lower back, pushing his amazingly flexible body forward, knowing the change in angle would have him hitting his husband's prostate directly. "Ahh!" Sanji's cry had told him he was right, but he was far too lost in pleasure to care about being right, pushing up into Sanji who pushed down onto him.

"Fuck, oh, ah!" Zoro moaned, his breath coming in quick pants now that matched Sanji's own as they moved together, desperately seeking their release that was so close.

It took all Zoro had not to come before Sanji, to continue to jut up into that perfect heat and Sanji came just before his resolve broke, without being touched. Zoro followed mere moments later, ejaculating into Sanji as Sanji's body involuntarily spasmed and shook and tightened, Sanji's come coating his own stomach and dripping down erotically.

Sanji leaned forward, still very much out of breath, and moaned when Zoro's softening cock slid out of his sensitive opening. His face was red from the exertion of their lovemaking and his bangs were sticking to his forehead.

Zoro was in a similar state and slid his arm around Sanji's back and lay him on the bed, reaching over to grab several tissues on their night stand. His hand sought the area between Sanji's legs and he wiped the come that was dripping out before tossing the used tissues into their garbage bin. He was too sated to make a quip about making the shot from across the room.

A/N:: Sorry for taking so long, I truly appreciated all the reviews! I promise not to take as long with the next chapter but if I do, don't hesitate to bug me about it!