Peter POV
A couple of years later...

She sits on my lap, the sun shining on her beautiful face and the wind blowing in her brown hair. We watched our children play and squeal in laughter. The summer day is hot, but cool enough to enjoy our family time.
It's been a couple of years now. The twins are six now, and every day with them is a blessing. We love them both very much and have grown to love their personalities.
Liliana is as beautiful as Elizabeth is. Everyone adores her and loves her sweet heart. Liliana is shy but she's funny and cute. Our little girl is a sweetheart. Liliana loves theatre and she does dancing. Elizabeth and her are really close. They have such a special bond together.
Gabe is a mini me without no doubt. Our family and friends enjoy his humor. Gabe loves sports and he's starting soccer in the fall. He also likes science and drawing.
"Mama! Look!" Liliana called out.
Elizabeth smiled and looked as our daughter did a one-handed kart wheel. She does it and jumps up and down in excitement. We clapped and Elizabeth cheered.
"Good job, baby." Elizabeth says.
I smiled and kissed her cheek.
Things have changed after a couple of years. Luca moved out and now is on her own in her adult life. Lola is in her teenage years and we can't believe how big Fiona has gotten. The twins were three when Elizabeth got pregnant again. Even though it wasn't planned, we were excited. On February 14, we had a daughter on Valentine's Day. We named her Amelia Joyce Facinelli, Mia for short. Mia has my eyes and Elizabeth's curls like Liliana. Mia has been another joy. She's fun and hilarious. Mia's sweet too, and cute. Elizabeth has been entering her in pageants and so far she won almost every one. Today she's almost three; we all love her so much.
"I love you." I whispered in Liz's ear. My wife is the greatest gift God could give me, along with our children.
"I love you too." She kissed my cheek.
"Mama!" Mia climbed into Elizabeth's lap.
"What do you need, dear?" Liz asked.
"I'm hungry!" She says.
I chuckled. "What do you want?"
"Apple!" She claps.
Elizabeth laughed and stood up with Mia in her arms. Gabe, Fiona, and Liliana played with bubbles. Lola was at a friend's house.
"Let's go get you something to eat then." Elizabeth said.
"Yay!" Mia kicked her legs and Liz put her down.
We both chuckled as she stumbled to run to the house.
"I heard food!" Gabe stood up and ran.
Fiona and Liliana follow. I look at Elizabeth and her smiling face: I love her more everyday.
"Well Mr. Facinelli, are you going to join us?" She smirked.
"I'll be right behind you Mrs. Facinelli." I smirked back.
She laughed, and I took her hand.
"I love you so much." I kissed her lips.
"I love you too, so much." She leaned in and we kissed again.
"Mom! Hurry up and get a room!" Gabe yelled.
We both laughed and I kissed Liz's cheek.
"Let's go." I told her.
"Let's." She said.
As we walked to the house, I thought to myself:
My life is a dream that came true: fairytales are real.