Chapter 3
"Jethro..." Jenny called when their suitcases were ready.
Gibbs was sitting on the bed in the house they shared with Mike, with his head on his hands. Jenny sat down beside him, and called in a low voice, without touching him.
"Jethro, look at me."
Gibbs raised his head, running a hand over his chin and covering his mouth, still trying to understand what was happening there. Ten years ago, in Paris, Jenny had assured him that she had left clean, which meant that she had fulfilled her mission that had been kill Svetlana. He just stared at her, his hand still covering his mouth.
"Why did you lie, Jen?"
The redhead sighed, touching his shoulder, but he averted her touch, getting up and putting his gun and badge in his pocket, turning his back to her.
He couldn't believe she had hidden something so important from him, he thought after the events of La Grenouille, they had cleaned everything between them. Jenny bit her lip, choosing her words.
"What would you have thought if I had gone to you that night and said I hadn't had the nerve to kill her?" She said, her voice low and cold. "You would have thought I was incompetent."
Gibbs turned to her angrily.
"This isn't about what I would have thought about you. The problem now is that Svetlana is in America, hunting all of us. Jen you should have told me!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air.
"Ok, agent Gibbs. I'll clean my mess by myself!" She snapped loudly, angry.
Gibbs shook his head frustrated, preparing to reply the comment but both were interrupted when Mike arrived to take them to the airport. Both exchanged a withering look before concentrating on picking up their things and going to the car without saying anything to each other, happiness with the arrival of a child being affected with the news about Svetlana.
Back in Washington, in the morning, Gibbs was driving Jenny home, both in silence inside Gibbs's car, with the radio turned off and nothing to say, both still angry by the fight. Gibbs had his knuckles white, gripping the steering wheel tightly. Occasionally he'd stare at Jenny through the mirror. Jenny ignored him, her lips into a thin line.
Gibbs let out a sigh of irritation, turning his attention to the street they had reached, in Georgetown. When they stopped in front of her house, Jenny got out the car closing the door tightly and he took her suitcase to the door, where he touched her shoulder.
"Jen, we need to talk." His tone was serious.
What he wanted was to set things right between them and she looked away, picking up her key to open the door avoiding the headache that was beginning to hit her.
"Later Jethro. We have work now. Go to the agency." She looked at him for a split of seconds, seeing irritation and disappointment in his blue eyes and then Jenny entered, closing the door behind her slowly and she leaned against it, sighing and rubbing her green eyes.
She needed to change clothes and go to Decker's funeral in California with Ziva and Tony.
Much had happened in 24 hours. Decker's funeral, the discreet appearance of Svetlana, as Natasha Lenkov, Tony and Ziva being dispensed by Jenny and then she asking Mike Franks for help. What neither agents knew, was they were going to end up in the middle of an abandoned restaurant in the desert, following Decker's policy insurance.
Jenny's concern increased with her baby, knowing that Svetlana and her cronies should be coming and there was nothing else to do, just wait, Svetlana knew that Jenny was in California because Decker's death had attracted her there.
Jenny sighed, pushing a strand of sweaty hair from her forehead as she grabbed her cell phone and saw all the calls she ignored: Ziva. Tony. Ziva again. Gibbs. And Ziva again.
Mike, who was sitting in the window nonchalantly, said:
"You know the Russians are coming in group."
"I know. I just don't want to involve Jethro in this mess." She said shaking her head and biting her lip. If she knew that all this would have led her there, she wouldn't have gone, putting her baby in danger, but know she was going to do everyhing to keep him safe, even if she was going to fight against the Russians.
"He was your partner ma'am."
"And he wants Svetlana as much as me." She completed and then dialed his number. She didn't want to risk Gibbs's life, but she needed him to protect their baby.
"Jenny, are you okay? Where's Ziva and DiNozzo?" Gibbs asked with a worried voice on the other side.
"I'm fine. Jethro. Listen, I need you here." She said, trying to keep the tone of director and hiding the relief for hearing his voice, after the fight they'd had. She could hear the sound of a car on the other side.
"I'm on my way Jenny. I arrived in California about an hour ago. Where are you?" Jenny closed her eyes and opened them relieved, telling him the address of the restaurant. "Jenny, don't do anything stupid that can put you or our baby in danger." He asked and she calmed down.
"I'll wait for you." She relied before hanging up.
It was half an hour later and Mike had gone to look for water when Jenny saw a black 4x4 parked outside the establishment. Jenny took her gun and the gun Mike had given her, pulling them from her waistband and positioning herself. She would fight to the utmost to save her life and the baby. She took a deep breath, invoking the image of Gibbs and the baby, before going to behind the column, raising her arms at her chest level, pointing her guns toward the two door that opened, revealing four men in black, armed. And Jenny remained serious, her green eyes burning, pulling the trigger.
One shot
Two shots,
Three shots
Four shots
And the fifth shot.
When Gibbs came to the restaurant, he got out and saw the black car outside and then a gunshot. His heart skipped a beat, wondering who would have taken the shot. He tried to remain cold and went silently toward the door, his gun in hand and then entered, seeing the mess in front of him. There were four dead men on the ground.
In one corner was Mike, who had been shot and was unconscious and Jenny, bleeding, who had been shot in the shoulder and another in the stomach. In her front was Svetlana, who pointed the gun at Jenny's head who was struggling to stay conscious, trying to hold her gun.
Svetlana turned and Gibbs didn't hesitate a moment and then shot the blonde, hitting her in the chest. Mike, who was regaining consciousness, stood up, holding his shoulder and going toward them.
"Jen! Mike, call the ambulance!"
Gibbs put the gun down and ran to Jenny, taking off his jacket and wrapping it around her, trying not to let himself break with the her appearance, while trying to stop the bleeding in her stomach and whispering her name. Soon his hands were soaked in blood and he looked into her eyes for the first time scared.
"Jethro, my baby!" She said weakly, trying to keep her eyes open, her hands full of blood.
Gibbs leaned his forehead to hers, trying not to let a tear fall, his arms around her bloodied body. A new wave of pain hit her and she closed her eyes tightly, pleading:
"Jethro, save our baby!"
"I won't let anything happen to you two, did you hear me Jen?" He asked, tightening the wound and she opened her eyes. "Jen, why did you come here?"
"I was... Investigating... Insurance policy... When we got here, had no return. I finished what I started." She replied, her voice becoming weaker and Gibbs silenced her with his lips, keeping one hand on her wound.
He kissed her gently, feeling the taste of blood mixed with her sweet taste.
"I love you Jen, stay with me. For me and our baby." He pleaded, his voice breaking, and she smiled faintly, lifting a hand to his forehead and brushing his hair away, leaving a smear of blood there.
"I love you too Jethro... I'll close my eyes, just for a minute now." She said, almost whispering, her green eyes closing with all the pain and the tiredness.
Gibbs felt her hand on his face slip until it hung beside her body.
"Jen..." He called, feeling her pulse there, but weak, while Mike helped him with her other injury and saying how much the woman cared about him.
Soon the ambulance was already there along with Leon Vance, Ducky, Tony and Ziva and the paramedics put Jenny on a stretcher, preparing to take her to the nearest hospital while another paramedic took care of Mike's shoulder. Ziva mentioned to go to Jenny, shocked, but Gibbs ordered:
"Ziva, DiNozzo, take care of the scene and don't let the FBI get into the case."
He and Vance, the temporary director exchanged glances and the man took the car with intentions of heading to the hospital too while Gibbs entered the ambulance with Jenny covered by a blanket.
"Any history of disease?" One paramedic asked him as he tried to stop her blood.
Gibbs held Jenny's hand.
"She's three months pregnant and has incompatible HR."
"You need to get away now." The other paramedic said, taking the serum and separating Gibbs from Jenny.
The machine that monitored her heart beat began to decline now and paramedics went from one side to the other, picking up what they needed.
"The heart is weak and she's losing too much blood!"
"Jen, you need to survive!" Gibbs pleaded, trying to reach her, but one of the paramedics prevented him, while others tried to take care of her.
Jenny slowly opened her eyes and said hoarsely:
"Jeanne Prentess."
And she blacked out.
Eight months later, Gibbs entered his apartment in Paris, carrying bags of diapers and food. He left the bags on the kitchen table and walked to the guest room newly decorated in shades of lilac. In the middle of the room was a white wooden crib made by Gibbs and Jenny's back was to the door, her arms wrapped around the baby, singing a lullaby.
Gibbs walked in silence to the room, stopping behind Jenny and wrapping his arms around her waist, watching their daughter asleep while the woman sang. Gibbs leaned forward a little, running his hand over the baby's face. Lucy Shepard-Gibbs. His daughter with Jenny Shepard.
"I brought more diapers." Gibbs said as Jenny kissed the little girl's forehead, placing her in the cradle and covering her with a lilac blanket.
"Thank you, Jethro." She smiled and Gibbs continued hugging her from behind and giving a small smile as he watched their daughter sleep.
Lucy was a mixture of the two, red hair and blue eyes and seeing her asleep, there made it almost impossible to believe all the difficulties they had faced to bring her to the world. Jenny leaned on him as he rested his hands on her belly cressing her and making her sigh, kissing her lips before turning his attention back to his daughter.
Jenny had survived the surgery and held their baby, after receiving treatment for Incompatible RH.
The moment she had said Jeanne Prentess, in the ambulance, Gibbs knew what the name meant. It was the name she used when they had been working in Europe, which meant that she was going to France, under another name. After long hours in operating and then in the recovery room, he, Jenny and Vance had reached an agreement to fake her death until everything settled down, because of the implications that Svetlana caused, then transferring Gibbs to a new NCIS in Paris. Only he, the new director, Ducky and his team knew the truth and couldn't talk about it, until the couple could return to Washington a year from now or two to their jobs at the agency.
"She's beautiful." Gibbs said, seeing Lucy grab her teddy with her little hands and he smiled, trying not to think that if he had been late, Lucy and Jenny might not be with him months later in Paris, where it all had started.
But he deflected those thoughts, focusing on the two people he loved most, they were there.
"She has your temper." Jenny said smiling, thinking of all the difficulties of the dangerous pregnancy, and seeing that it had been worthwhile.
She led Gibbs outside the room, turning off the light and going to their bedroom in the next door, which was illuminated by the lamp.
Gibbs laid back on the bed, pulling Jenny gently with him, and kissing her, his arms protectively around her.
"Miss me?" She muttered, returning the kiss and lightly biting his lip.
"Working without you yelling at me isn't the same thing." He groaned, between the kiss.
Jenny raised her head, pulling away from him slightly and leaning her arms on his chest.
"I know that the agency here isn't as adventurous as in Washington, nor you have your team..." She said slowly, thinking about how his life had changed in recent months for her.
Gibbs smiled, leaning forward and he buried his nose on her neck, smelling her French perfume.
"Jen, I can see Tony and the others on the holidays, when they come to see us. It's by your and our daughter side where I want to be, to protect you two. Here, or in Washington." He paused, kissing her. "And when your maternity leave ends, you will be working with me."
"I love you Jethro." Jenny said, staring at the bright blue eyes.
"I love you too Jen."
They kissed again and Gibbs had one hand holding her by the waist and the other running inside her robe, caressing her soft and naked skin, relieved that she was still there. Jenny sighed, returning the kiss, running her hands through his strong arms, squeezing them lightly with her fingernails, then helping him to get rid of his polo shirt and pants.
Then Gibbs found the knot of her robe, undoing it and letting it fall on the bed, his hands touching first her scar on the thigh, rising to the buttocks and squeezing them, going to the scar on the belly and shoulder, before massaging her breasts and Jenny tilted her head forward him with a groan, placing kisses on his neck and chest, one of her hands running over his leg and then raising and caressing his member.
He then lowered one hand between her legs, caressing her center and feeling her wert before penetrating her with his fingers and then, in a quickly movement, he entered her and they became one, moving together until they reached the climax and Jenny leaned her head on his chest, smiling slightly as he pulled the blankets to cover them and deposited a goodnight kiss on her forehead, both hugging each other seeking their warm, their legs and arms intertwining under the blanket .
Wave after wave, wave after wave
I'm slowing drifting
Waves-Mr Probz