„So what are you really doing here?" asked Killer as we walked.

"I have some business with Hawkins" I answered honestly.

"One of the Supernovas, the Magician?"

"Yeah. I need to check on something with him."

"Does your crew know where you are?"

"My, how suspicious you are" I grinned at him and he just shook his head.

"With you there is nobody who knows exactly what you are up to" sighed the masked first-mate.

"Your words wound me Killer and we have only met about an hour ago!" I complained.

"And right now that was more than enough. I need to meet with Kid anyway and no. You can't come."

"Don't worry, I didn't plan to meet with him right now. First business, then comes the fun" I smirked and he just took off without a word. "Hey! Don't be so rude!" I yelled after him and Killer just waved his hand as a goodbye.

I made a mental note to make him pay for his rudeness later, but the time came to look for Hawkins. I tried to recall the memories, but it was really hard, since it was a long time ago when I've watched those episodes and read the manga.

Unfortunately I wasn't so sure about the exact places, but I had remembered a restaurant where he, Bonney and the mafia guy made a huge scene.

"Maybe I should try there?" I murmured and decided to give it a chance, after all I still had some time until the auction would begin. I wanted to see how Luffy punches the Tenryuubito. It was one of my favourite parts and just thinking about watching the three captains release a little of their powers…man, it gave me the chills.

However, I still had an important case to complete, but honestly I didn't have any idea how to even start it. Yeah, if I find Hawkins then what? Just walk up to him and say 'Hi'?

Wait a minute. If he is a magician and he can foretell the fate maybe he already knows that I am coming? Then why the hell didn't he send-

"Miss Cathleen Wild?"

"Huh?" was my very smart response. As I looked up I saw a huge, black cat-head and I jumped back, screaming. "Oh my God, what the Hell!?"

"I apologize for scaring you, Miss. It wasn't my intention" bowed slightly the cat-man (?) and I took a closer look at him.

He was a head taller than me with yellow, feline eyes and pitch black fur, wearing a red-striped shirt and meat-coloured trousers with brown boots. A black cloak with white, ruffled neckline hid the larger part of his body from the curious eyes.

"I came because of my captain's order. He told me to bring you to him" explained the sudden approach the cat-man.

"Please, tell me your captain is Hawkins, because if he is not, I need to refuse the invitation" I sighed.

"Maybe it's your lucky day" came the answer and without any explanations my new tour-guide began to lead me somewhere.

Okay, I began to suspect that Basil was a mind-reader. I mean I start to think about him sending someone to me to take me to him and bamm! Surprise!

It was far too easy. And I am sure I only am 'lucky' with this case because soon enough things will going to take a terrible turn. I needed to ask about it Hawkins; maybe he could help me.

I shook my head sadly; there were already too many questions and not enough time or person with the needed knowledge, because let's face it. The magician wasn't God or someone with a higher power than a human. He had studied the foretelling and that has its limits even in a world with Devil Fruit powers and thing like that.

While I was deep in my thoughts I didn't pay attention to my surroundings, only followed the brown boots but suddenly they stopped and I nearly collided with the cat-man's back.

"Captain, I brought her" told someone my guide and stepped aside to let me seen.

Was it weird that I found Basil Hawkins intriguing? I mean with his tattoos, the cards in front of him, the red eyes, and the white coat with the ruffled neckline, the purple trousers with pink sash and the black gloves? Damn…The 'mysterious' word was screaming about him. And the gloomy alley only added to his charm. May I add that he needed to go out more? The guy was paler than the freshly fallen snow.

"I hope my subordinate arrived just in time, Miss Wild" lifted up his eyes to mine Hawkins.

"Yes, he did. I am sorry, but how long do you know I am looking for you?" I asked.

"Long enough to have some things to tell you" was his only answer and I was already annoyed with him.

"Right, right" I murmured. "Be mysterious."

"There weren't any reasons to rush this meeting. If you wanted to meet with some of the rookies, there isn't any better time than now to have this conversation" came his rigid response.

Well, he wasn't exactly wrong...

"Sorry if I seem rude, but I think you already know that there are plenty of things I need to worry about and it seems I forgot my manners. Maybe you can give me some answers and I am being an asshole to you. I apologize" I smiled sadly and he accepted it with a nod.

He waved his hand and his crew-mates immediately left the alley, so there were just the two of us.

"This discussion is no concern of theirs" explained me Hawkins.

"Thank you. I know you don't do this out of kindness, but I feel better they won't hear anything."

"Let's not waste each other's time" he shuffled his cards, but again I interrupted his ministrations.

"Is there any chance you know a man who wears a huge, black coat and owns a wolf?"

"Wow Cat, what a great description" I cringed in my head.

"I don't have any relation with a man like that" answered Hawkins annoyed.

I gulped nervously and nodded. He was frightening.

Finally he finished his shuffling and closed his eyes. I honestly hadn't had any idea how card-reading worked. I never was into those kind of things, although I loved myth and spiritual stories. Was it weird or not, I believed in ghosts back at home. Not in the frightening ones, but the lost and wandering ones, who didn't know what happened to them or stayed back to watch over their loved ones.

Hawkins movements caused me to pay attention again and noticed that he pulled ahead 4 cards. He arranged them in two rows: one on the top and three below.

"You know how this works?"


"This one," pointed to the single card at the top "is the archetype and it is chosen from the Major Arcana deck. They are energetic imprints that exist in the psyches all of us. It signifies you and will define the relationship of all the subsequent cards. The three below are from the Minor Arcana deck and the first card from it represents the physical realm, what is going on in the material earthly plane for you. The second card represents the mental realm, what is in your mind that is brewing. It can be something that is unspoken or holding you back. The third card represents the spiritual realm. This card is often a message from the spirit" as he talked about each card, he slowly flipped them and after his explanations, he studied them.

I didn't know if his slightly widened eyes meant any good.

"Your archetype is the Emperor" stated Hawkins. At my raised eyebrow he deeply sighed and I knew that he regretted dealing with me. "The Emperor is given the number four to indicate order and structure in the material sense, much like the four lines that create a square. He indicates an authority figure who is practical in his dealings. The Emperor teaches you to rely on reason and logic to tackle the situation. To gain control, you must exhibit responsibility, maturity, and other leadership capabilities" explained me the magician and I nodded understandingly. "Is there any chance that your Zodiac sign is one of the fire elements?"

"Yes, I am an Aries" I answered and he smirked a little.

"What a little game of the fate" mused Hawkins. "The rams on the Emperor's throne are the symbols of Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac. Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of war."

"That means?"


"Oh, the other three cards, right."

"Your first card from the Minor Arcana is the Two of Pentacles. It personifies the choices people make every day. Every new choice brings change, a new opportunity, and a fresh start. It is said that the only thing constant is change."

"You said that the first card represents the 'real' world?" I asked, trying to memorize all the things he said.

"Yes. Your second card is the Queen of Swords. She refers to someone who strongly influences your life in the situation in question. That person doesn't have to be a female. This being can be yourself as well."

"This represent what's in my mind?"


"Is there any chance you have a piece of paper and a pen?"

"The third card is the Eight of Cups" ignored my question Hawkins. He sure didn't like jokes, but it wasn't really one. I seriously needed those things. "It suggests that you are beginning an important journey of self-exploration. Your search for deeper meaning is blocking out the importance of ordinary daily life."

"That's all?"

"What were you expecting?"

"Better guidance?"

"Tarot won't tell you what you have to do. You need to decipher its meaning for yourself."

Okay, maybe I pissed him off a little, but I didn't really know what to do with those meanings.

"However, I have to say that I have never seen these cards together like this."

"What do you mean?" I inquired.

"Your journey…how it will end. Nobody knows, not even the spiritual world."

Here is the new chapter! I uploaded sooner than before, so yay! I hope you guys liked it :) I found a lot of help on the internet about the Tarot. Of course the internet can be wrong, so if there is any mistake, I apologize. I don't really have any knowlodege about it and I don't want to offend anybody making a mistake about it. So if someone notice something, please let me know and I will correct it immediately.

And I have to say I didn't think this story will interest anybody and as the time passed the notifications about this story just came and came and I was so happy! I appreciate your interest in this story and I hope I can keep you all entertained.

Thanks for following/favouring the story and/or me to FlyingPotato63, Pana-sule, marrok4shadowpaw, Rogers-comics, StarliteOracle, axelaya45, godviligs, MorriganVanHelsing, Moon D Luna, knd400, GreenDrkness, Naoli, Fellichan, Murna, AnimeGirl91215, HaruHanabishi, Salmiria, sakuraroses, Yumiko Kanzaki, kmimzy .

Review answers:

StarliteOracle: I am glad you like the story ^-^

GreenDrkness: I am really sorry about the errors. I try my best, I swear but I don't really use the English, except when I write this story and it's hard sometimes but I will try harder!

DragonClanMaster: Yay! I am happy you like it and that it makes you laugh :D