Hello there lovelies! This IS A SLASH FIC. Don't like, then you don't have to read.
My co-author used to be princessgothicfull, but now I'm attempting at writing this on my own.
This is the rewritten version!
I actually got the idea while watching Don Jon so HERE IT IS!
The ages so far are: Wally-18, Dick-16, Bart-12, Tim-13, Barbara-16, Jason Todd-14, Damian-4,
WARNINGS: Slash, male-male relationship, language, man-whore behavior, suggestive themes
PAIRING: Birdflash (Dick/Wally) Robin-Nightwing/Kid Flash
DISCLAIMER: … Oh how I wish I owned Young Justice, but sadly I don't.
Rating may go up for later chapters.
Crave You
Chapter One
Scoring Tens
"I swear, you are the finest thing I've ever laid eyes upon." Wally West widened his bright green eyes innocently, trying to make his comment seem all the more realistic. The smile of a predator ready for the kill made its way across his freckled face, causing the girl in front of him to grin. Don't get him wrong, she was a pretty girl but he'd been with better. Way better.
"Is that so? Well, you aren't exactly an eye sore either, baby." She twirled a lock of dark hair around her fingers, smiling coyly at the redhead while leaning forward only slightly to minimize some of their distance. She slyly pulled down a little on the hem of her tight pink V-neck, exposing most of her boobs to the searching eager eyes of the other teen.
He smirked a little, placing one of his hands on the locker beside the girl's head.
"I sure hope you're not still with Charlie, such a shame to see a pretty girl like you being all caged in by that big idiot." Wally could tell he was getting closer and closer to his goal; the girl was already turning all ditsy on him.
If he'd been watching this scene with some other guy in his place he'd probably be laughing his ass off and cracking jokes about what a douche that guy was for lying to her. –But this was him. And hey- don't give me that look! She was obviously going along with it, so don't judge. Everyone knew about his reputation, so if a girl chose to play his game then it's all on her. She knew what she was getting herself into.
You see, getting girls was his strong suit, his profession if you will. He knew how to work them very well, thus why everyone at his shit excuse of a high school called him by the name Kid Flash. He could get any girl he wanted in a matter of seconds.
"I, uh...I'm breaking up with him, very soon." She forced herself to pay attention, already losing herself in the musk of Wally's cologne and his captivating eyes taking her in, heels and skirt included.
Say, why don't we take this...somewhere a little more private...?
"Well I'm definitely not the cheating type but... since you're breaking up with him, I'll make an exception." What a lie, he chuckled to himself. That was definitely one thing he didn't give a shit about, cheating. If the girl was willing then fair game man! There are only a few things that Wally actually cares about in life, which would be: his house, his family, his ride, his spot on the track team, his popularity, his girls, his friends, and most importantly his sex. Not one of those included being faithful.
The girl's head cleared enough for her to wrap her arms around Wally's neck and her calf tight around his to get him ever so closer. She gave a sultry smile with pearly white teeth and prepared to say something else, but her words never made it past the pouty ruby lips.
"THERE you are! I've been looking for you all around, cuz! You promised to take me and Tim to the arcade!" Wally groaned, hanging his head in defeat as the boy came bounding up to them, with an uncomfortable looking ebony tailing not too far behind. Ugh, why does this always happen to me? Wally pulled himself regretfully slow away from the brunette, turning to his younger cousin while clenching his teeth together in irritation. Why couldn't Bart manage to need him when he wasn't trying to get with a girl?
"Bart can't you see I'm a little busy here? I'm sure you both can manage to walk by yourselves." Wally said, giving Bart and Tim a wild look with his eyes, while trying to stay visibly calm in front of the girl. Speaking of which, the brunette gasped loudly, earning the attention of the other three males who snapped their heads in her direction just to see her absolutely horrified by the redhead's suggestion.
"Oh my god Wally, why don't you just take the poor kids? Don't make them walk all by themselves! We can continue this later... My treat." She gave him a flirty smile, which actually made Wally have to physically restrain himself from rolling his eyes.
"Is that Mandy...or was it Melinda? She's not the one from yesterday. Right?" Bart interrupts, jutting his lower lip out in confusion, blinking at Wally and the now angry girl before turning to Tim in question. Tim's mouth quickly forms into a straight line, aware of the origin of Wally's behavior which was still unknown to Bart and Tim wasn't going to be the one to tell him. The twelve year old quickly gives up before turning back to his cousin.
"She isn't?...whatever! Come ooon! Wally, let's go-go-go!" Bart wraps his hands around Wally's forearm, pulling him with as much force he could muster, his worn white and blue sneakers squeaking loudly against the linoleum in the school hallway. Wally let the younger boy drag him out, saving him from the attitude of a bitchy teenage girl who stood not too far behind with a look of disbelief on her tanned face. Instead, Wally settled for glaring at the messy auburn hair at the top of his little cousin's head, which was oblivious to everything.
When they pushed through the front doors of the school and made it to the front walkway, the redhead rounds on the kids, yanking his arm out of Bart's surprisingly tight grasp. Tim and Bart stood silently frozen in spot as the stare up at the face of the seething teen.
"What the HELL Bart- I was in the middle of getting another hook up until you ruined it! Couldn't you have waited at least a few minutes?" Wally glared pretty hardcore at his little cousin, but of course if Bart noticed he didn't seem to care
"..Sorry Wally. We can come back later? Or I could just call Alfred and have him pick us up." The dark haired thirteen year old gave an apologetic look, well, what Wally could guess was an apologetic look from behind his dark glasses. Why the younger wore them all the time never ceased to confuse him.
Bart elbows Tim in the ribs, hard, and turns back at Wally with wide, puppy like light green eyes "But you prooomisssed! And we are out of classes since like, an hour ago!"
Wally was about to say something else, but Bart cuts him off. "And Aunt Iris said you had to, so there!" he rounds on Tim with pleading eyes, "You were there when she said it, Tim! Back me up!"
The dark haired boy awkwardly looked between the two redheads, the older giving him a fierce look that dared him to side with Bart and the other looking so frantic, like he might pull his own hair out. Tim cleared his throat, choosing his battle wisely and answered. "She didn't exactly say he had to, she suggested it..." He trailed off, toeing a rock that happened to be on the edge of the sidewalk by his feet.
"Fine, whatever, let's go to my car." Wally sighed in defeat, slowly fishing his car keys out of the pocket of his favorite pair of blue jeans. There wasn't any use in arguing with someone as stubborn as Bart Allen.
The youngest busted out a giant grin and gave a whoop of joy. "Crash! I heard there's a tournament of Dance Battle Supreme in a few hours! We'll make them feel the mode!" The twelve year old made use of his peculiar vocabulary which he made up on his first day of high school because in his opinion, the language needed to be refreshed up. The kid was in fact a genius, causing him to skip a few grades and be placed in the Freshmen class this year. Though when it came to common sense, he wasn't as blessed.
The oldest of the three rolled his eyes before trudging through the parking lot and what was left of the lingering teenagers with the two pre-teens following close behind.
"I hope you have another way of getting home because I'm busy tonight." Wally said without sparing them a glance, finally coming to a stop beside a bright yellow Mustang and making quick work of the lock. The hyper boy hopped into the back seat of the car and settled himself, while Tim entered a bit more shyly, trying not to damage anything in the older's beloved vehicle.
"Tim's older brother Dick will take us to the Manor for the night. Didn't you pay attention when I told you I'm staying over?" Bart tilts his head to the side, raising a slim eyebrow. In reality, Wally had not in fact paid attention; he had been too preoccupied with thinking of an entire evening babysitting the pre-teens to care about what he said.
"Oh yeah well, good for you two." Wally mumbled, deciding to tune the younger two out.
Well more like Bart, Tim never really did say much. Sometimes Wally wondered why the redhead couldn't be more like that. He quickly sped out of Gotham Academy parking lot and down the highway. Wally was just starting to relax when, Bart poked his head besides Wally's, nearly making him slam on the brakes accidentally. Bart whined out, "How much longer until we get there, cuz? I'm bored to death in here!"
Death is right! If he keeps up with scaring the shit outta Wally, everyone in this car will be dead. Bart flopped down on the leather seat in a dramatic fashion, getting an amused smirk from Tim. Honestly, the ebony haired boy seemed mute or something. Maybe Wally should offer to get him therapy? I guess so many years of hanging with Bart would do that with a person.
Wally's eyes widened almost comically, breathing heavily and grasping his chest in a pained way. "I thought we already had this conversation. Don't DO that! Remember last time? God Bart, sit back please or you can walk to the stupid arcade." Wally shuttered, flashbacks of old ladies with canes and a screaming Bart clutching his head desperately while simultaneously choking him fluttered his mind.
Bart pouted a bit, but cringed at the memory and the way Wally yelled at him (after checking if he was fine, that is) "It's a habit! I can't help it, I'm impulsive. And we'd prefer you to drive us, thankyouverymuch," he then turned to Tim, "did I tell you that story? It was terrifyingly awesome!"
Tim blinked slowly behind the dark glasses, before shrinking himself back into his seat. "The time you almost run over a granny?"
"Yeah, that one!" Bart nodded his head frantically.
Wally actually chuckled a little at that, it actually was a little funny... -Well, after they got over the shock of the whole situation, it was hilarious. The redhead slowly came to a rolling stop at a curb in front of a rather large brick building with bright red and blue neon letters and gaming posters taped to the front window, located in between a sketchy drugstore with a one eyed women smoking a joint on the front steps and a pawnshop with a pretty sweet bass on the front window display. Bart and Wally used to spend most of their summers here together when they had nothing else to do, until Wally became fifteen and started shunning the younger boy for reasons unknown to Bart.
"Alright you two, we're here. Do you need money or anything before I go?" Wally turned in the driver's seat to face the two boys who still sat in the back. Both of them quickly shook their heads no. Shrugging Wally turned back around to face the steering wheel, waiting patiently, well, patiently for him, for the boys to get out. Tim quickly opened up his door before stepping out onto the gravel, adjusting his dark shades before moving towards the building with a nod to the one-eyed women. Bart followed suit, giving Wally a wide grin before sliding off the leather seat with ease and exiting the Mustang.
"Wait don't-"
Wally cringed as the younger slammed the door almost shattering all the windows at once. "...slam the door." Well too late for that.
Wally rolled his eyes. Yet another utterly useless try. 'Why do I ever expect anything less? At least now I don't have to deal with the terror twins for the rest of the day.'
"See ya, cuz! Thanks for the Whizees!" Bart runs into the arcade, the bell ringing loudly as the door opened and slammed shut, waving around a red and yellow bag that used to be in Wally's compartment in the back seat.
Tim waved an awkward goodbye and followed his eager friend, and then they were gone.
"That little pest! I swear this is the last time I take him anywhere." Wally grumbled to himself. I was saving those for later after track practice! He immediately turned the key in the ignition, sighing in bliss as the engine roared to life. Oh sweet Jesus. You know what that is the sound of? Yes exactly, nothing! No Bart, just completely beautiful silence. The redhead did a little victory dance in his seat before straightening himself out.
Wally wasn't exactly a douche; you'd feel the same way though if you had to spend twenty four-seven with the little ball of impulsive energy. Most people only got to see their cousins occasionally so it wasn't that bad, but he lived with the irritation for Christ's sake! He smiled a little to himself as he drove far away from the brick building that held his cousin. Thank Jesus it's the weekend!
Dick kicks open the door and enters his bedroom with his arms full of Alfred's cookies, padding quickly with graceful feet across the wood flooring to set the tray on the nightstand beside his bed. He didn't hesitate in hopping onto said bed where his bestie lay studying a fashion magazine on her stomach.
"Alfred says he'll keep Jay and Dami occupied, so we have the day to ourselves." He says, nestling in between the overly fluffy (and expensive) pillows with a patched stuffed elephant by his hip. He laid his iPhone on his other side, ignoring the device as he side glanced at his friend. This was how they normally spent their Friday nights, sitting in Dick's room alternating between chatting, watching movies, and stuffing their faces -gracefully and with mannerism- with Alfred, his beloved butler's infamous cuisine. They weren't pigs after all, they were classy.
"Thank GOD, I love the little runts but a girl has to have some time to herself. I don't know how you do it Greyson." Barbara shook her head in an incredulous way, an amused smile in place just thinking about the boy's three little brothers.
She continued to thumb through the magazine, occasionally making weird faces at the pictures and leaning down to smell the perfume samples. The ebony haired sixteen-year-old had gotten pretty used to the girl's habits. Dick first met his redheaded counterpart when he was around the age of nine. Those were trying times for the boy since around that time his parents had died in a dreadful accident. The young acrobat was then adopted to the richest man in Gotham city. And of course, being Dick and all, he was…rather short. That being said, every kid and their second cousin were trying to pick on the scrawny boy for being lucky enough to be picked by the famous playboy. That's when Babs came in.
The tall girl was plain vicious when given the circumstances. She didn't take shit from anyone. Not that Dick couldn't take up for himself, he was definitely capable, he just promised his new father that he wouldn't get into any trouble or make himself stand out.
But now at sixteen, Dick could handle his own problems. He was still on the short side and very lean but he did have some pretty kickass abs, if he did say so himself.
He rolls his eyes with a fond smile "I'm just awesome that way. And, I think that one would look awesome on you." poking the photo of a black and yellow dress.
"You think so? I'm sure if I bought that then Karen would steal it from me. You know her love of the colors black and yellow." Barbara giggled at the thought of her darker skinned friend.
The redhead then literally threw the magazine making it smack into a crème colored wall across the room from the king size bed. She yawned and sat up stretching and turning her head till it make a sickening pop that the girl knew her best friend hated. Just as she expected, Dick made a face before giving her a little kick in the leg.
He groans and represses a shudder, "Babs! I've told you how unhealthy that is, ugh!" he sits and nibbles on a cookie, "Hey, do we have calculus homework? Jay threw my notebook into the pool and I have no idea."
"Yep, it's like forty questions and they're all due Monday. I totally wouldn't worry about it if I were you; we all know Mrs. Quinn has some creepy thing for you-!" Barbara wiggles her eyebrows suggestively before bursting into giggles yet again. "I swear she's such a pedophile! Especially crushing on poor little gay kids.''
He gave a heavy groan, suppressing a shudder at the memory of his blonde teacher. "And she has a boyfriend. Why doesn't HE get pestered all around?" he wriggled to lie side by side with Barbara, "She's better than Mr. Wilson at least, the guy is such a creeper. And what about you? Did Cameron finally give up on taking you to the movies?" He asked, elbowing her playfully. "Don't be cold! He seems like a nice guy!" he couldn't help but snicker at the face the redhead made.
Barbara groaned, rolling over and burying her face in Dick's blue duvet. "shuff uffh. Hss goss." she mumbled. Dick laughed; he was used to Barbara acting like this. He knew how to decipher her language, thank god. She basically meant something along the lines of 'shut up, he's gross.' The redhead finally rolled back over, her makeup in smudges on her face from being buried in the plushy covers.
"Have you found anyone yet? I mean come onnn, you are always rating the guys at school! You can't tell me you wouldn't at least date one of them."
The ebony haired teen seemed to ponder the question. To be honest, Dick was the quiet rich kid. He was the smartest kid in his age-group as well so he was considered more of a nerd which meant not a lot of guys were lining up to date him. Actually, there weren't a lot of gay kids anyways to begin with. "Yeah, there are some fine guys around," He had a pensive face while stroking his chin for the show, "but nope, none has that appeal to me, I mean" he gestures wildly, "I don't wanna fall for a face! I want a disgustingly darling, overly cliché Prince Charming and to fall in true luuuve!" He ended using a corny tune and smirking stupidly while Barbara groaned in fake disgust, "You're makeup is ruined, by the way."
Barbara gasps in horror, literally jumping up off of the bed and sprinting across the white carpet to the boy's large full body mirror that was the size of two large Gothic style doors. "God, Dick! It's all your fault you asshole." The redhead's disgruntled face quickly morphed into a mischievous grin, "Where do you keep you makeup Dicky?"
He rolled in the bed, and waved his hand to the left "In the same place, in the closet at the bottom right and in the chest. Why do you always forget it?" He sits up on the bed with a leg over the other, "Want me to help? We both know you're crap with the eyeliner. And how it is my fault?" Dick cocked his head.
"Sometimes I wonder why you even have makeup... That's just so strange." The redhead mumbled while digging through the said chest. She gave a satisfied squeal before yanking out the red makeup bag. "It's always your fault. Don't act all innocent." She skipped across the clean floor and slumped down on Dick's bed tossing him the bag. "So Cassie invited me to go out on a girl's night this weekend, you in?" Dick raised a questioning eyebrow at her. Just because he was gay doesn't mean he wanted to go on a girl's night.
Taking out an oiled wet napkin and wiping Babs face for the smudges of makeup "You do realize I am actually a guy, right? Close your eyes," dabbing for the leftover mascara "The fact I'm openly gay doesn't mean I want a girl's night." He then took the eyeliner and started making a cat-like effect to Babs' eye, "Plus half my makeup is used and bought by you, so don't even try to deny it!"
The girl chuckled flipping Dick the bird. "Okay true, you have a point about the makeup thing. But don't deny your love of hanging out with us! I know your secrets, Grayson." Their conversation was interrupted by a terrible pop song playing from Babs' phone.
"Eeep! Oh my GAWD it might be Cass, hold on a sec." She lunged across the bed, almost taking Dick down with her, and grabbed a hold of her small black purse. She reached in searching around for a few seconds while cursing to herself. My god, how big is that thing? Does it have a secret compartment or something? Finally the female located the device and clicked the talk button before pressing it to her ear.
He muffled a laugh at seeing that when Babs ran for her bag, she made him slip and now a long black line connected her eye to her temple. He took out a sharpener to sharpen the now flat tip of the liner as Babs gushed on the phone "If it is Cass, say hi on my behalf!" He checked the time, and in an hour or two he had to go pick up Tim and his hyper friend Bart. Oh, Damian was going to throw a fit when he saw the boys. Tim was supposed to read to him tonight.
"Ooowh girl I'll be there in about an hour! -Oh, and Dicky says hi! Kk bye." Babs ended the call and quickly stood up. "It was Cass and she has an ubber girl emergency so I gotta split." The redhead yanked up her backpack and purse, while smoothing down her short pleated skirt before turning back to me. "Love you, sorry I gotta run! I'll make it up to you lates, I promise! Bye Richard!" She practically sprinted to the door, yelling her reply as she went. Dick didn't have time to tell her about her messed up eyeliner because she'd already slammed the door. Oh well, she should've been more patient.
Dick snorted and imagined her reaction for when she noticed the eyeliner thing, and decided to stretch in his bed and cuddle Zitzka a bit, basking in the quiet before he had to go get his brother.
He curled up in the middle of the large blue comforter, hugging Zitzka softly and yawning "might as well take a power nap..." he closed his eyes and started to drift of lulled by the warmth of his room and the rare quiet.
Dick barely got his eyes shut before the door flew open shattering his dreams and any thoughts of sleep.
"I can't deal with him anymore! YOU are the oldest so you take care of the brat! I'm done!" Jason screeched running a hand through his ebony hair. For Dick's younger adopted brother, they sure did look a lot alike. You couldn't even tell that they weren't related unless you actually knew them. Personality wise was a huge no, though.
He groaned and sat up, glaring doom to his younger siblings, and noticed Damian sitting as regal as a four year old could on the crook of Jason's arm "Jason, what is the problem now? Didn't Alfred have you dusting the East Wing?" He took the toddler from Jason as he came closer, getting up and settling the child over his hip.
The tiny boy made his trademark lisp, "Tt-Todd bwoke a vase and Pennywowth sent us away. It isn't my fault he's a mowon." For a child so smart, mean and cunning, Damian could be precious with his lisp and adorable scowl on his round face. The boy had darker skin than theirs, but the differences ended there and as them all he looked like they could pass as real siblings.
"R's, Dami, practice them." Dick reminded him, poking a puffy cheek to get a slap on his hand and a hiss as his answer.
Jason glared intensely, hatred burning in his green eyes at the little display of affection between his two brothers. "Keep the smartass in here with you. I don't care what Bruce says, I'm not watching him today." Dick secretly thought that Jason hated the youngest because he was the only real child of Bruce Wayne. Jason lived most of his life in Dick's shadow and now with two extra brothers he continued to be pushed to the curb. The second oldest refuses to talk about his actual feelings though so Dick never quite knew what was running through the anger prone younger teens mind.
Dick balanced the youth clinging to his neck and turned back towards Jason with an appeasing smile, the 'You know I love you' smile.
"I can look after him, yeah. Hey, Jay?" He quickly added at the green eyed boy before he left "Tonight Tim's bringing Bart over, and I was wondering if you wanted to watch Pride and Prejudice with me after Dami goes to sleep? I've started to forget the lines." It was no secret that Jason's favorite book ever was Pride and Prejudice; he had a leather-bound well-loved edition that Alfred introduced him to. He usually saw the movie to rant about the actors or the scenes that was cut off, but he loved it.
"Dwake is still weading to me, isn't he? He pwomised." The toddler's scowl became deeper, to show his distaste.
"I'm sure Timmy won't break his promise, Dami." He then turned to Jason, "So, what'dya say? I can bribe Alfie to make some scones..."
The fourteen year old attempted to look irritated at his older brother's suggestion but Dick could see right through it. "Fine. I guess I will, but just the movie then I'm going to hang with Kori and Rachel." With that said he gave an awkward wave and walked out the door.
Dick grinned as he exited the room, but the smile turned to a grimace as Damian claimed his attention rather plainly by digging his blunt little nails on his neck. And so he spent the next hour playing with his little brother. At the time to pick up Tim, Damian blatantly refused to let go of him so he had to place him in the kid's chair on his car (his pride and joy, a sleek black Mercedes Guardian) and drive to the arcade with him in toll.
Dick pulled in slowly in front of the arcade, awkwardly scanning the area for his younger brother and his partner in crime. His blue eyes landed on the two exiting the brick building. Bart was chatting away, making wild hand-gestures that almost took a lady and her son out. Tim walked close beside him staying silent as usual, hands buried deep in his dark green hoodie listening in content to the redhead ramble.
He smiled at seeing them both and honked the car's horn to draw their attention, which it did as Bart jumped about a feet in the air at the sudden noise before starting to pull Tim towards the car. From the way he moved and kind of hopped, Dick assumed Tim had been played into allowing Bart to eat sweets, and he grimace, it'd be a long night.
"Well, at least they haven't set anything on fire..." He said, wistfully.
The tiny boy frowned from his seat at the pair who neared the car, "He's dumb."
Sighing, Dick turned around and bopped him on the nose (gently of course),"Hush, you. He's Tim's friend."
The boys both piled in the back seat, "Thanks again for picking us up Dick." Tim said, giving his brother a small smile before pulling on his seatbelt. The dark haired thirteen year old then noticed his youngest brother glaring at him from the other side of Bart.
He smiled from the rearview mirror before starting the car again and driving off to the manor. "It's no problem, Baby Bird," his smile turned wider at the look of discomfort from Tim at the mockery.
Bart cooed briefly at Damian before turning to Tim with a face-splitting grin "Baby Bird? What's that?" He asked in wonder at a rather embarrassed and wary Tim.
Tim kept glaring heatedly at his older "brother" without uttering a Word, which unnerved Bart.
"It's just something that Bruce always called us... it's nothing." The usually quiet boy shot Dick a look, basically the I'llkillyouinyoursleep look. His older brother just didn't understand it was practically a death sentence to let Bart know of anything he was embarrassed of. Not because the younger would make fun of him, just because he had a loud mouth... Not just any loud mouth, the loud mouth. Bart just couldn't help it, he'd be in the middle of his ramblings as usual and spill whatever secrets he knew of. He'd then say in a sing-song voice 'Spoilers' and shoot an apologetic look. It already happened to Tim too many times to count.
"It sounds cute!" Tim died a little inside. Bart had already been riled on. "So if he's Baby Bird, what are you?" Bart asked, practically bouncing on his seat in excitement.
Dick ignored the obvious distress on his brother's face and went onward, "Well, Tim's Baby Bird, Jay is Little Wing, Dami is Little Bird and I'm Blue Bird. Though Jason calls me Goldie for some reason..." He stopped at that when a car sped ahead of them, and he huffed at the careless driver.
Bart brightened greatly, giving a look to Tim that made him want to strangle his older brother. "That's so cool! Baby Bird," he then nudged Tim's ribs, though no teasing was intended, he just liked the nickname.
Tim silently rolled his eyes, pouting a little while turning away from his best friend. "Is Bruce going to be home tonight?" he asked his older brother with a frown. Their 'dad' was never home anymore. He was always either staying late at Wayne Enterprises or going to business conferences and fundraisers. They hardly saw him anymore.
Dick's smile faltered a bit before he gathered himself again to answer, "He said he'd try, Timmy, but you know how it is..." He winced slightly at the sigh that came from the boy.
To Damian's credit, the child sensed the obvious discomfort of Tim and decided to make himself known as the car got closer to the road that led to the manor "Dwake. You've pwomised to wead one of youw books to me."
Bart barely resisted the urge to coo and pinch the boy's cheeks as Dick sighed in relieve.
"I'll see what I can do Dami, no promises since Bart is here. If I can't tonight then I will tomorrow." The dark haired boy said. Knowing him and Bart's usual routine, he'd probably forget all about his promises to Damian, being stuck in a round of intense video games and chin deep in junk food. Finally the large dark silhouette of the manor came into view, looming over their car.
Damian crossed his tiny arms across his chest "Tt-t." and that was the end of the conversation. Dick's Mercedes came to a stop on front of the manor, and Tim barely had time to go out the door when Bart grabbed him and all but ran towards the doors, babbling excitedly about some video game.
Dick smiled fondly at the pair before opening the back door and taking out Damian from his booster seat. "So, I think it's time for your nap, isn't it?"
The redhead groaned, his eyebrows knitting together in discomfort. Why the hell am I so cold? A green eye popped open before quickly shutting again as the bright morning sun shot right into his face, blinding him with almost laser like effects. JESUS CHRIST, was that really necessary? This time he opened both eyes, the sun still attempting to blind him for the rest of his life but he adjusted rather quickly.
"Of course" He mumbled, realizing he was in his bedroom. He rolled over to see a blonde haired girl lying next to him, hogging all the sheets.
He got up, having enough practice to not wake up the girl (Amanda? Miranda? ) and got a quick shower before dressing himself. He took a piece of paper and wrote a tiny note with instructions of which door would be open and a subtle phrase that suggested she better be gone when he came back. He huffed at seeing the girl on the middle of his bed, lounging like she owned it still asleep. He exited the bedroom following the scent of the breakfast Aunt Iris undoubtedly left for him before she and Barry went to work.
He plopped down onto the wooden chair in the kitchen practically drooling at the plate of food in front of him. Wally quickly downed the pancakes and bacon in mere seconds then drank three full glasses of orange juice before he heard the squeak of his bed springs, signaling the female in his room was awake. Well, shit it's time for me to leave. Wally quickly stood up and carried his plate and glass to the sink then grabbed his keys from the center of the rectangular table walking out the door to avoid any awkward conversation.
He made it to his car swiftly, but the danger wasn't over so he sped out of the suburbs where his Uncle's house was located and he was just nearing the city when a piece of bright neon paper caught his attention on his rearview mirror. Keeping an eye on the road, he plucked the sticky note to read his aunt's calligraphy 'Go pick up your cousin. Don't you dare make Mr. Pennyworth do it, Wallace.'
Wally cringed at the use of his real name. What were his parents thinking when they named him that? Like come on! Wallace is so not a hot name, it's not hot at all. It's ugly as hell and no girl wants to date a guy named Wallace. Just saying it aloud makes me want to vomit.
Shaking his head, he focused on the road and the route to Tim's house. It actually was pretty hard to get there, far out from anyone's way, but it was as big as hell and hard to miss. The times that Wally had been there were numerous, but he'd never been past the front corridor. Wally didn't even know how many people actually lived there but it had to be a lot by the size of the joint.
After twenty minutes of a long road that seemed to have no end, the dark silhouette of the great house came into Wally's view. No matter how many times he'd been there, the place always made him feel nervous. He could not for the life of him figure out how Bart could stay the night in there without going nuts. (Considering the number of anecdotes of him getting lost for hours on end).
The gates opened noiselessly, as he was two meters from them. That always creeped him out. He parked his beloved car and walked to the giant, wooden double doors and as his fist was about to collide with the wood, Mr. Pennyworth opened them.
"Ah, Master Wallace, good morning. Come in, Master's Timothy and Bartholomew are still having breakfast." Well, at least Bart's name was worse than his.
"Uhh thanks, and call me Wally." The redhead stepped over the threshold and gazed around the large area. Jesus, everything in this one room is probably worth more than his whole house and car put together! Wally tugged on the collar of his long sleeved blue and black plaid flannel, this whole place made him feel really uncomfortable. Actually, more like really poor.
"Where's Bart again?" He asked, green eyes looking at the old man rather unsurely.
"Right this way Master Wallace." Alfred moved down a hallway filled with random art pieces and then turned to the left. God, is it really that hard to say Wally? It's a five letter word people! Wally sighed, turning the corner right behind Alfred and almost hyperventilating at the sight of the- well everything! Bart and Tim sat side-by-side at a large mahogany table that was located in an area connected to the kitchen. A huge crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling right above the table and a glass swan sat in the center of the surface. The room had a dark feel to it, much like the exterior but it felt a lot more comfortable than the outside.
Bart perked up visibly once he saw him, and was about to call to Wally with a mouthful of French crepes (Crepes. They had crepes on a giant pile with so many toppings he couldn't count), but a stern look from Alfred seemed to convince him otherwise and he swallowed, chugged down some water and on a few seconds he was squeezing the life right outta the older redhead.
"Hi, Wally! You wouldn't guess what happened tonight! After I got lost on the east wing-" They had wings? He quickly covered his cousin's mouth and felt the pout he got in return. Tim waved at him shyly from his fancy-looking food, but otherwise stayed quiet.
"Master Bartholomew, would you care to finish your breakfast before it gets cold? I am aware you prefer it warm." And so Bart was back on his stool, eating away without a care. "If you haven't had breakfast yet, you can help yourself Master Wallace."
He had had breakfast, but looking at all that delicious food...well, there was a reason he got called "Kid Mouth." Wally felt himself smirk at that, well there were a few reasons why he was called that, being able to eat his own weight in food happen to be the first and main reason.
Wally didn't hesitate to plop down onto a fancy chair that literally had a bat carved into the back. What the hell? A bat? Whatever, it was still cool. I guess if you were that rich you could get whatever the hell you wanted carved into a chair. Wally started shoveling food into his mouth, looking a bit like Bart on the manners scale. Tim and Alfred both shared a disgusted look, Tim suddenly losing his appetite. The dark haired boy shoved his plate away from him, leaning back in his chair watching his best friend continue eating.
Soon footsteps could be heard from somewhere within the house, but of course neither Wally nor Bart ceased in their stuffing of the face.
"Hmm-! What smells so good?" Dick entered the kitchen, dressed just like the night before. After all, Jason had fallen asleep midway through the movie all curled around him and he hadn't had the heart to move him. Right now he was still asleep with Zitzka. As the great big brother he was, he'd picked up Damian on his struggle down the stairs and he placed him on his high chair. "Morning, Alfred, Timmy, Bart, Bart's cousin," He rounded the table and headed to the fridge to take out his yoghurt, not paying much attention to the (very, very handsome. Hot.) red-headed teen who happened to be eating breakfast at his table. His table. Was today a good day or what?
"Morning, Dick!" Bart said cheerfully, after swallowing a whole sausage. Wally looked absolutely horrified as he turned to his younger cousin. "Don't call him that, Bart! That was really uncalled for dude."
Everyone turned to the redhead at once, Bart raising an eyebrow at his delusional cousin. Wally incredulously shifted his gaze from Bart to the others then back to Bart.
"...Uhh what? That's his name. I didn't say anything wrong-" Bart kept on talking but Wally wasn't listening. The redhead had turned to apologize for his cousin's rudeness when his eyes landed on the boy and he found that his throat seemed to be clogged up and his mouth was now dry. Excuse me, did he say boy? He meant the most beautiful person he'd ever seen in his entire eighteen years of living. Wait, what? He totally didn't just think that. There's so many things wrong with that. Think of Kimberly from physics, think of Kimberly!
Wally quickly looked away but his eyes seemed to have a mind of their own. He glanced back up, okay yes he did think that. The teen was beautiful. This-Dick was wearing dark sunglasses similar to his young brother, his coal black hair was rocking the messy bedhead from just waking up and a few strands of his bangs hung on his forehead others sticking straight up. He looked kinda, cute. Wait, eww no he didn't, Wally! He's a guy. He's a guy, he's- so sexy. The boy was lithe and short, a red t-shirt clung to his thin frame along with extremely tight jeans that hugged him in all the right places. You could tell that he was in great shape though, just very feminine like. He was so delicate, yet an elegant and angular face giving him a regal aura.
Wally had had these thoughts about other guys before, but the player just dismissed them. He didn't see anything wrong in appreciating the looks of a 'hot' person but when it came to actually hitting on them, guys were a huge no-no. He just thought they were sometimes attractive, nothing else. He'd never ever in a million years date one or -heaven forbid- have sex with one.
Wally snapped out of his trance when a hand appeared in front of him, he realized that the hand was attached to the very beautiful ebony. "Don't worry, everyone gets confused too. I'm Richard Grayson, but everyone calls me Dick." He tilted his head (cutely), "I think I've seen you around in school, haven't I?" Wally shook his hand with what he hoped was a friendly smile. He wouldn't want to look like an idiot for such a cut-wait, no, that was wrong.
The ebony let go of his hand, obviously still waiting for an answer but going to sit beside the toddler on the high chair and handing the child a tiny spoon for his cereal.
Bart huffed, "See! I didn't say anything wrong! Hmph!" the auburn haired teen pouted before digging into his breakfast with renewed gusto. Geez, were those plates self-filling?
Wally then remembers the ebony's comment. 'I think I've seen you around in school', did he go to Wally's school? The redhead didn't recall seeing him anywhere. I mean he'd remember a face like that. Maybe the kid had classes that were at a different wing than his? That would explain why he'd never seen him. He did look like Gotham Academy prep though, he could see it. He had to be popular though, with a body like that and as rich as he was, no doubt a lady-killer.
"No, sorry man I don't remember seeing you around. I'm sure I have though. You play any sports?" Wally gave him his best charming smile, trying to play it cool for some reason. I don't know, he just had some weird urge to impress the boy. It's not like it would be a hard feat, everyone loved Wally –so he thought.
Dick gave him a weird look, a frown falling onto his pretty face, "I don't play any sports, but I'm in a lot of academic extracurriculars though."
Shit. Wally's heart sank at the words, academic extracurricular... Oh god, he's a smart kid. Don't get Wally wrong, there's nothing wrong with being smart. Wally was a genius in anything science related and proud of it but he wouldn't go around wearing his lab-coat with a specially made pocket-protector yelling random equations left and right. There are certain lines you don't cross.
Then, Bart picked that very second to pipe in, "Dick's the head of the Mathletes Club! He's like, super smart! Why aren't you that smart?" Okay, mood ruined. Maybe he should throttle Bart...but, mathlete? A boy like that hung with those kids? Not that Wally though the club was the problem, it's just that some of those kids were arrogant jerks who shoved their smarts in your face. Not all, though. Okay, maybe the club was a little bit of the problem, but not much.
"Ah! That's right! You're the head of the Track Team, aren't you? My friends are mostly the cheerleaders so I think I've seen you around." That would explain it, then. If he was with the cheerleaders then obviously Wally wouldn't cast a look to him. "Wall...Walla...Wally West, aren't you?"
He stopped glowering at his cousin and turned back to Dick, who was now eating some kind of vanilla yoghurt. Oh. Don'tlookathismouth,don'tlookathismouth. "Yup, that'd be me. The one and only." averting his eyes was when he took notice of the little boy glaring doom at him, a weird look for such a tiny and cute face.
The four year old kept looking at the redhead like that, not backing down. Said redhead was starting to get somewhat uncomfortable. He didn't know it was even possible for that much hatred to be in one look, especially from a toddler.
"Wait, yeah that's right! I do know you. I think I heard some of the cheerleaders talking about you making out with one of their friends then ditching her at a party. Real smooth West." Wally widened his eyes, struck by the comment just made from the raven haired boy. He was met with a wide smirk from Dick who then slowly stood up and made his way over to the sink. Wally cursed that boy's hips and ass as he practically sashayed across the room. He couldn't for the life of him, look away.
He would have kept on staring, if not for the hard object that collided with deadly accuracy against his temple, effectively making him look away. He cursed inwardly and noticed that the object was a plastic baby-spoon.
"Why you little-" in any other occasion he would have not thought a toddler could throw like that, but the smug look on his little face said it all.
"Damian!" Dick hurried at his brother's side, picking him up and frowning, though it looked odd. "How many times have we told you not to throw things at people? It's not nice." The child looked not sorry at all, staring at Wally from his place in Dick's arms.
It seemed that the spoon broke the charm, as he remembered that no matter how good he looked, he was a guy and a nerd from the looks of it. "Sorry bout that, he's not good with strangers."
"Or with whomever he doesn't like." He heard Tim mutter from his place. He noticed that Bart was done eating and just sat there watching the exchange.
"Yeah that's alright I guess, we'd better be going anyways. Right Bart?" Wally was desperate to get out of this place and fast. This guy -he cringed inwardly at that word- was making him feel a little too weird for comfort. He didn't need to be associating with a nerd anyways. Definitely not good for his rep. The redhead stood up, while simultaneously yanking Bart up with him.
"But Wally I'm not-"
"Come ON, Bart. Let's go. I have track practice later that I need to get to. You've already spent the night here so you've stayed long enough." Wally said, glaring down at his younger cousin daring him to go against his word.
The younger redhead gave a whining noise but mumbled out "fine," and following right behind Wally.
The older redhead was just about to exit the room when a soft voice spoke up, "it was nice to meet you Wally. I hope to make your acquaintance again sometime soon."
Wally stopped dead in his tracks, feeling a little bad now about rushing out on Dick.
"See you later, Tim!" Bart called at his friend, who had a puzzled look on his face "You too, Dick!"
Wally forced himself to turn back to the guy, and sure enough he was now leaning on the counter, toddler on his hip. He looked away then, not willing to notice how nice a nerd would look.
Damn, he needed to get a girl and soon.
He tugged his cousin out of the kitchen, just as a gruff looking guy, also ebony haired, looked at him weirdly. Bart only had time to chirp "Bye, Jason!" before they were out the house.
"That was not nice at all, cuz!"
"See you around, then. Thanks for the, eh, breakfast."
The two redheads piled into the yellow Mustang, Wally quickly throwing his seatbelt on and instructing Bart to do the same. As soon as they were both settled, Wally screeched out of the large circular driveway.
Bart was used to his older cousin driving like a maniac but this was ridiculous. Bart for once was completely silent and just awkwardly stared at Wally's head.
"Uhh Wally? Why do you look like you want to pee your pants?" The twelve year old asked with a concerned look plastered on his face.
Wally furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, casting a side glance at Bart. That's when he realized what Bart was probably referring to, he was clutching the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles had turned white and he was probably pushing around eighty down the shady street.
The redhead let out a sigh and loosened his grip on the wheel, but of course Wally being a speed demon and all didn't bother to slow down.
"I'm fine Bart. Really."
The younger studied his face curiously before frowning, "Do you hate Tim's family? You can't hate them, that's my best friend we're talking about. If you don't like them then at least be polite." Bart looked seriously upset, Wally had to note. He felt a little bad for running out now but he had to. The kid just didn't get it.
Wally West, The Wally West, can only hang around certain people and Dick Grayson was definitely not one of them. Like Wally had said before, there are only a few things that he actually cares about in life, which would be: his house, his family, his ride, his spot on the track team, his popularity, his girls, his friends, and most importantly his sex. Not one of those is faggot little rich kids with dark hair and a sweet smile.
Yes, I am rewriting this on my own.
Any thoughts?
Please review! The more reviews I have, the faster I update!
Slash will be in later chapters.
Also, on a side note, if you don't like slash or the pairing then please don't read.