Chapter 13: Paper Mache Finale

"Amoeba Gang?" Blossom asked as the girls met up with Peter later on after the incidents they all went through.

"Weirdest afternoon of my life." Spider-Man said to them with a nod. "And that's saying something considering I fought a criminal named Frog Man with Daredevil before."

"So great not only did Mojo get away we now have to deal with Amoeba bad guys?" Buttercup shook her head. "This is ridiculous."

"Well at least no one was hurt." Bubbles said playing the peace-keeper.

"Hey Paper Doll, you've been pretty quiet." Spider-Man turned to their new member. "What's up?"

"... Nothing." Paper Doll muttered and the girls could still see the dark aura around her flaring a bit.

It's been doing that ever since Mojo and her fought.

"I need to go." Paper Doll said taking off.

Spider-Man blinked before looking at the girls. "Did something happen?" He asked curiously.

The girls looked at each other uneasily.

"Well, she has this dark aura that has been coming out of her lately." Blossom began a little hesitantly.

"Dark Aura?" Spider-Man asked in surprise with Courage nodding rapidly. "Wait you girls can see aura?"

"Well, not exactly." Bubbles said shaking her head.

"We can see Mojo's Aura as well as Fuzzy's and each others." Buttercup explained causing Spider-Man to snap his finger.

"I get it, you can see the White or Black Z-Rays when they affect people." Spider-Man realized with a nod.

"Yeah well, Paper Doll's has been running a little rampant whenever Mojo brought it up." Blossom said causing Spider-Man to frown.

'This is turning into Electro all over again.' Spider-Man thought feeling like he should talk to Paper Doll soon.


Johnny Cosmo was humming to himself as he was in his hotel room washing his face as his mask was on the sink.

Today was an embarrassment for him because he showed how cowardly he was.

"I'm just an actor." He muttered to himself not noticing something slipping into his room. "Anyone would be panicked being held hostage by that monkey."

Hearing a noise, Johnny turned to see Paper Doll.

"W-What are you doing here?!"

"I came to talk." Paper Doll snarled.


The next morning, Peter was yawning as he poured a bowl of cereal only to see Ken looking like the walking dead entering the room. "You alright, cuz?"

"I'm fine." Ken said sitting down with a tired look. "Just couldn't sleep."

"Why not?" Peter asked before seeing Ken go quiet. "Ken, what's wrong?"

"My TV kept turning on by itself last night." Ken said to Peter making him frown in confusion. "I couldn't sleep with it turning on every time I turned around."

"That's weird." Peter said not expecting that. "You ever find out what caused it?"

"No and that's what's bothering me." Ken said before he yawned.

"Well I think you should get some sleep." Peter said to his cousin. "I'm sure Uncle Utonium would say the same thing."

"Peter's right." Utonium walked into the room himself. "After breakfast you will be going straight to bed."

Ken looked like he wanted to protest, but a yawn cut him off as he rubbed his eyes. "Alright."

Peter gave Ken a worried look before he got up and walked to the lab where his Spider Suit was at along with the unfinished backpack that Ken was attempting to make only to see Poochie looking out the window growling.

"What are you doing?" Peter asked in confusion causing Poochie to look up.

"I've been feeling Dark Z-Rays lately and it was strong last night." Poochie explained causing Peter to frown.

"Could it be the Amoeba Gang?" Peter asked as he did fill the Professor in on that one.

Poochie shook his head. "No, it's different than the one I felt yesterday." He explained as Peter hummed in thought.

"Well it could be nothing." Peter said as he turned back to his suit. "I'll get the girls and look into it when they're awake."

Poochie gave a nod as Peter began to work on his Web Shooters.

He wanted to add a few new features considering he has the resources now and the time since it was the weekend.

Right now he was adding a small Taser that could be useful in a fight.

He also made plans to add some tranqs that he could fire from the web shooter as well.

Looking from his Web Shooters to his other gadgets from the Web Grenades to the Ice Spider's, Peter couldn't help but smile.

With these gadgets he could get out of a lot of situations.

'Maybe I can work on my Anti-Magnetic Device?' Peter thought remembering how useful it was against Cletus. 'Except add it to the suit because considering this is metal if I run into anyone with Magneto's power I would be in a lot of trouble.'


It was two hours later when Peter came out of the lab to see the Girls doing their usual thing.

Momoko was eating snacks while reading Comics.

Miyako was looking through Fashion Magazines as she had Courage in her lap brushing him.

And Karou was watching a sports game.

"When did you girls get here?" Peter asked wiping his hands with a rag.

"Morning." Miyako called out as Karou looked over.

"Just a few minutes ago." Karou answered. "You just getting out of the lab?"

"Well of course, I finished working on my Web Shooters for a bit-." Peter stopped when he saw the Johnny Cosmo DVD's in the Trash. "The hell? Momoko, aren't these your DVD's?"

"Yeah." Momoko said not even hesitating as she had a small look of anger at the thought of them.

"I thought you liked the show." Peter said sounding confused.

"Johnny Cosmo is a jerk." Momoko said crossing her arms. "No one tries to tarnish the reputation of a member of our team."

Peter looked surprised by that as he chuckled. "Thanks."

"Hey we stick together." Karou told him before the TV began experiencing static. "Oh come on, my team was about to win-."

"Attention Powerpuffs!" Mr. Mayor had a horrified look. "We have a serious problem."

"Mr. Mayor?" Prof. Utonium walked in after making sure Ken was asleep. "What seems to be the problem?"

"There was a murder." Mr. Mayor said surprising everyone. "And the victim was Johnny Cosmo."

Now they were shocked.


"I don't get it." Spider-Man muttered as he was at the crime scene with the girls. "I mean sure Cosmo is an asshole, but why would anyone kill him?"

"I was hoping you would tell us." Officer Makoto said walking in. "The door was locked along with the windows, and there aren't any vents big enough for a person to come in."

"So that's why we were called, it was probably someone with powers." Blossom realized as Makoto gave a nod.

"Where's your new teammate?" Makoto asked curiously noticing she was missing.

"We haven't got a way to communicate with Paper Doll yet." Spider-Man told him. "We'll have to fix that."

"I see." Makoto said as Bubbles shook on seeing the blood spatter on the bathroom sink.

"Bubbles?" Buttercup asked placing a hand on the blonde's shoulder.

"I-I'm fine." Bubbles muttered before feeling a paw on her leg as Courage gave her a smile, despite the terrified look in his eyes.

"Thank you for moving the body before we got here." Spider-Man whispered knowing that the Police did their work first before calling them in. "Do you have any suspects?"

"We ruled out Mojo and Fuzzy because despite their attacks, no one has really been killed in them." Makoto said making the Web Head agree. "We still have Kassidy in custody along with Octavius, Sandman and Rhino."

"Girls, focus." Blossom said suddenly causing Spider-Man and Makoto to give her a curious look. "See that?"

Bubbles gasped. "Dark Z-Rays are here."

"It's probably something new." Buttercup said making Spider-Man frown.

"Poochie did say he sensed a strong amount of Dark Z-Rays." Spider-Man said as Makoto raised a brow.


"Uh remember the explosion of lights?" Spider-Man asked as Makoto raised a brow before his eyes widened as he remembered the girls and Mojo appearing the same day. "There are two different forms, White Z-Rays that hit people like the girls here and Dark Z-Rays that hit people like Mojo and Fuzzy-... You girls think it could be Princess?"

"No, she's not this quiet." Blossom said.

Spider-Man gave a nod as he looked around before he remembered one other person with Dark Z-Rays.

Paper Doll.

'I-It can't be.' Spider-Man thought as he looked around the crime scene. 'Not a lot of people can get in here, for Paper Doll it would be a cakewalk.'

Hoping he was wrong, Spider-Man looked at Makoto. "What was the cut like?"

"A clean one." Makoto said raising a brow. "Does that sound familiar?"

"... I'll get back to you on that one." Spider-Man said causing the man to raise a brow. "I want to be sure before I say anything."

Makoto frowned but he gave a nod deciding to trust Spider-Man on this one, but if he took too long he would carry on the investigation himself.

As Spider-Man left, the girls followed.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Buttercup asked with a frown. "You aren't thinking about pulling another stunt like with Sandman are you?"

"No, it's just… I think Paper Doll did it." Spider-Man said causing the girls eyes to widen.

"Well, it does make sense." Blossom said a little hesitantly as she thought about it. "She could get in just as easily.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Buttercup asked cracking her knuckles.

"Whoa, I want to talk to her first." Spider-Man said causing them to give him looks of disbelief. "I could be wrong for all I know and I'd rather we don't accidently turn her into a Supervillain like with Electro."

Courage gave a low whine, not sure any of this was a good idea.

"D-Do we have to fight her?" Bubbles asked sadly.

She actually liked Paper Doll and the thought of fighting someone she saw as a friend wasn't something she liked.

"If she did kill Cosmo, we'll have to." Blossom said with a sigh.


Spider-Man swung through the city, keeping an eye out for Paper Doll as he landed on the side of a building. 'Great, if she is the killer, then it's my fault for ignoring my spider-sense instead of listening to it.'

Thinking back, Spider-Man could remember how excited she looked at partnering up with him.

'Paper Doll… Where are you?'


Paper Doll was in the sewers by herself as she had her back to the wall before slowly sliding down.

'I-I can't believe it.' She thought staring at her hands. 'W-What was that?'

She could barely remember the other night.

But she had flashes.

Leaving Spider-Man and the others before ending up confronting Cosmo.

It got harder to remember as she saw his face before waking up in a nearby alley and hearing the News report his death.

'D-Did I kill him?' Paper Doll thought looking horrified.

She had blood on her hand when she woke up.

'B-But I'm a hero.' Paper Doll thought to herself in horror. 'Heroes don't kill-... Oh God, what will Spidey think of me?'

Tears streamed down her face as she imagined him turning his back on her for that.

'No, no, no, I-I'm not a killer.' Paper Doll tried to deny but the more she thought about it, the more likely she was the one that killed Cosmo. 'I-I'm not.'

"Mojo and Fuzzy got their powers from a Dark Light." Paper Doll remembered as she thought about the light that hit her. "A-Am I destined to be a killer?"

The sheer thought made her sick.

"No I'm not." Paper Doll finally cried out.

"Denying your true nature?" Paper Doll stiffened up as she saw a weird being.

It was a man dressed like some sort of green gargoyle wearing blue shorts as he gave a fanged grin.

"W-Who are you?" Paper Doll asked backing away as her finger lengthened into a blade.

"You can call me the Jackal." Jackal introduced himself with a grin at how his new disguise easily scares this girl. "And I've heard quite a bit about you Piper."

"How do you know me?" Paper Doll asked glaring at the man.

"Oh I knew about you since your first appearance." Jackal said with a smirk. "And after doing a background check on you I have to say you have some bad luck from your parents and that Bobby kid?"

"S-Shut up." Paper Doll muttered grabbing her head as she shook.

"Too bad history is doomed to repeat itself." Jackal commented with a sick laugh. "Especially since Spider-Man is looking to arrest you."

That caught Paper Dolls attention. "W-What?"

"Listen to this." Jackal pulled out a Tape Recorder.

"I think Paper Doll did it." Spider-Man's voice came out causing her eyes to widen.

"I recorded this as he looked around the crime scene." Jackal said causing Paper Doll to have tears stream down her face. "He recognized your handy work and told the police."

"N-No, he couldn't have." Paper Doll muttered. "I-He-."

"Poor thing." Jackal said in fake sympathy as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "All alone and you are still denying your true nature."

"No, I'm not." Paper Doll shouted as she took off running.

Jackal smirked. "Oh but you are." He said his voice echoing around the sewers as Paper Doll was running through the maze. "You just haven't realized it yet."


Spider-Man spent another hour of searching before seeing Paper Doll climbing to the rooftop. 'There she is.' He thought swinging down there.

Hearing the familiar 'thwip' sound, Paper Doll turned to see the Web Head landing. 'No, not now.' Paper Doll thought with tears still on her face.

"Piper, I-." Spider-Man stopped at seeing her face. "Are you-?"

"Stay away." Paper Doll shouted before he got any closer. "Just stay away."

"I just want to talk."

"You mean arrest me?" Paper Doll asked before seeing him go quiet. 'S-So it was true?'

"Did you do it?" Spider-Man asked hoping for a no.

When those four words were asked, Paper Doll felt pain that her hero, her idol really did think she did it. "What difference would it make if you already believe I did it?!" She snarled anger clouding her judgement.

"Piper I-."

"THE NAME IS PAPER DOLL!" Paper Doll shouted her fingers becoming blades as she lunged at him.

Reacting quickly, Spider-Man jumped back and landed on the other side of the roof.

No sooner did she attack did a blast of electricity knock her away.

"Stay down." Buttercup ordered landing there along with Blossom and Bubbles flying down, the latter looking pained at what they just heard and saw as she carried Courage.

Courage shook a bit at seeing the dark aura exploding around her.

"No." Paper Doll pushed herself up. "I won't."

"I-... I'm sorry." Spider-Man muttered as he shot webbing causing Paper Doll to slice through it before Heat Vision and a Sonic Scream knocked her away.

Landing in front of her, Spider-Man threw one of the Ice Spiders as Paper Doll rolled out of the way with the spot she was at frozen.

"Enough." Buttercup went to punch Paper Doll, but Paper Doll dodge by contorting her body. "The hell-?"

She didn't get to say anything else as Paper Doll's finger blade went right through her shoulder causing her eyes to widen.

"Buttercup!" Blossom shouted as Courage screamed in fear, the scream shattering some nearby glass and disorientating everyone.

Stumbling a bit from the scream, Paper Doll was unprepared for a haymaker that was delivered by Bubbles who looked beyond angry.

Sure she was hesitant to fight in the beginning, but at seeing one of her best friends injured like that, she wasn't holding back.

"You'll PAY!" Bubbles shouted, her sonic scream blasting Paper Doll off the rooftop as her body broke apart, becoming Paper Cranes that flew across the wind.

Landing next to Buttercup, Spider-Man saw that it was already healing and the girl was angry at being caught off guard like that.

"Oh she's going to pay." Buttercup muttered as Blossom looked relieved at her friend for being alright.

"But we have to be careful, she could seriously injure us." Blossom warned her as Buttercup gave a nod.

Paper Doll landed on the building across from them and gave each of them a hate-filled glare.

Seeing them looked towards her, Paper Doll broke apart again as different origami cranes flew in many different direction.

"Crap." Spider-Man muttered on seeing that.


In the sewers, the Paper Cranes came together again to form Paper Doll who looked over to see Jackal. "You were right."

"I'm sorry you had to find out that way." Jackal said sounding apologetic, but he had a smirk on his face. "I can help you get revenge if you want."

Paper Doll looked at him. "How so?"

"What do you think of being a part of a Six-Man Team?"

As Paper Doll went quiet, Jackal smirked at how this went.


"You can't be in here, I'll call the Police." Johnny Cosmo said backing up.

"Relax you coward, I'm not going to hurt you." Paper Doll said crossing her arms. "I just want to talk."

"A-About what?" Johnny asked calming down a bit.

"About why you made Spider-Man a criminal when he isn't?!" Paper Doll said to him.

"Hey Jameson said it would bring ratings to my show if I did." Johnny said causing Paper Doll to look dumbfounded.

"Let me get this straight." Paper Doll began slowly. "You damaged his reputation for some show ratings?!"

"Well of course." Johnny said as if it was obvious. "More Ratings means more money after all."

Paper Doll glared before hearing a noise as a sharp prick hit her neck.

Stumbling a bit, Paper Doll fell over with a Tranq in her neck.

Johnny stared before Jackal came out with a smirk. "The hell-?"

That was all he got out before Jackal slashed his throat right open with a small blade.

Collapsing to his knee as blood hit the sink, Johnny Cosmo fell over, dead.

Smirking at how easy that was, Jackal grabbed Paper Doll's left hand and dipped it in the blood before picking her up to leave.

~End Flashback~

'She made it all to easy.' Jackal thought with a smirk as he chuckled. 'Her and that Arachnid that is.'

"I have no problem with that." Paper Doll whispered. "Just as long as Spider-Man pays."


Needless to say, the girls and Peter were quiet as they sat in the Utonium Lab by themselves.

Not only did they lose Paper Doll who evidence pointed to murdering Johnny Cosmo, they lost someone they were beginning to trust as a teammate.

And to make matters worse, they couldn't find her after she escaped.

So with nothing left to do, they told Makoto what happened and now there was a Warrant out for Paper Doll's arrest.

"Poochie, do you think you can sniff her out?" Prof. Utonium asked the robotic dog who shook his head.

"No, I don't have her scent like I have Princess and Fuzzy's." Poochie replied with ears drooped. "Sorry."

"It's not your fault." The Professor said with a sigh as he looked at Peter and the girls who didn't move as much as they always did.

"How do we find her?" Momoko asked with a sigh. "I mean, she could be anywhere."

"I should've stuck a Spider Tracer on her." Peter said in a defeated tone.

'Just like with Max Flint and Alexander, I helped create another Supervillain.' Peter thought clenching a fist. 'Damn it, I should've done more to help Piper before she became like that.'

The Doorbell rang causing Momoko to get up. "I'll get it." She said dejectedly as she walked towards it and answered to show an Orange Haired Teen in a white lab coat. "Uh may I help you?"

"Yes, I'm looking for Prof. Utonium?" The Teen said causing the Professor to walk out.

"I'm Prof. Utonium and you are?" The Professor said walking up as the teen pushed his glasses up.

"Call me Dexter, Boy Genius." Dexter said with a smirk.

To Be Continued…

Finally done with this arc and I know some people won't like what I did to Paper Doll, but I had plans to make her a villain in the beginning before this whole arc, which took forever, which is my fault.

But I bet none of you were prepared for the truth of what really happened to Cosmo am I right?

Anyways, now Paper Doll is in hiding, the team is depressed and Dexter himself made it to the Utonium Labs.

How will this fare out?

Time to Answer Reviews.

Geo hikari the 2nd: Yes, her anger is her flaw in this story and it became her undoing at this moment.

Thewhitedragon1993: In order? 1) Perhaps. 2) No clue. 3) Maybe. 4) Not sure about that one. 5) Not sure about any of those yet. 6) That would be a little weird, but funny. 7) Perhaps.

Reaper1nthedark: Both.

Duskrider: Yup.

Coldblue: Yeah, I felt like the subtle ones before this chapter would've been a great idea but now things have really hit the fan with all that has happened. I need to work on Courage's character a bit more in future chapters and I'll look into Dexter's a bit more with what was shown so far. Well I figured that would've been a good way to break Blossom out of her hero worship and to grow up a bit more, I'm happy you liked how Peter was when interacting with Johnny Cosmo in the last chapter. Yes they are silly, but I plan on showing how they can be a threat if taken too lightly… If I can come up with a way though. Actually the Girls can see the Dark Z-Rays as well, it was shown in the first episode when Blossom and Mojo met for the first time they saw each other's Auras.

Now for your Questions. 1) I think this chapter answered that question. 2) Yes I will. 3) In the future yes. 4) Yes he will. 5) Yes I do. 6) Oh that will happen soon and I gave a hint of what's to come in this chapter if you can guess what I mean. 7) That could work later on. 8) I hope you enjoyed that small scene. 9) Possibly. 10) HIM is still in the shadows for now but yes more Spider Villains will appear soon. 11) He'll have the cameras but he won't be able to draft them, I'll explain more later. 12) Eventually. 13) Probably. 14) Yes and yes. 15) It'll probably be in the next Arc.

Nightmaster000: Yeah, I need to work on updating this more… As well as work on how I write the story because it's kind of random in contrast to my other stories. Yes the Amoeba's, the show of the weirdness of the Hero Life. Hoss versus Kraven? My interest is peaked. Well I already have a pairing planned for Jenny later on, but I'll have to do some research on what happened with Missy and see if I can fix it.

Chaos-Guard: Not sure yet.

Emiko 392: Sorry, but I don't know anything about that character or the show she's from.

Phantom Fan: Thanks and hopefully I'll get the hang of updating this story as well as keeping everyone in character.

Kirbymaniac2: Yeah, sorry for the wait.

Xbox432: Huh, that's a good question about Rhino, I may have that happen in their next fight.

JTD3: Thanks.

Monkeydnatsu: In order? 1) Yes. 2) ISO Stone? 3) Definately. 4) He won't. 5) I think I'll have him and Wolverine become friends in Japan due to Peter only being Spider-Man for a little bit. 6) Maybe. 7) No clue.

Pachysam: Interesting ideas, thank you.

Zboy2: Yeah, that's a good point.

Driliviel 2: Yes and yes.

Alright that's enough out of me, Spidey Signing Out!