Hey guys! I need to figure out a name for anyone who reads my stories... Oh well. I guess I'll just keep calling you guys 'guys'. It works. Sort of. Anyway, here's what came of a dream where Sky lost his memory of his friends, the Sky Army, and his hatred for the squids. I haven't been able to find a story with this kind of plot. Originally I just wanted to read a fanfic, but since there aren't any... I guess I'll write one. Remember to Rate and Review, tell me whether or not I should continue this! And now, before I can babble more or talk myself out of writing this, ON WITH THE STORY!

(EDIT: Hey, my be-ay-yoo-tiful Rulers! This is Future-Hannah speaking. I just want to tell you that I rewrote the majority of this chapter, and I did the same for chapter two. I'll probably do the rest of the chapters later, but for now, I just wanted to fix these horribly crappy intro chapters. In this part of the story, I hadn't really gotten to know my characters well enough, so... yeah. Failure.


Remind Me

Ch 1

Ty's POV

I concentrate on my footing, positioning myself so that I will hopefully be able to make the next jump. I'm playing a medium-sized jump map with Sky, and we've only got one stage of parkour left before the finish. The platforms are made to look like clouds, but they're solid. We're not at cloud level, either, but it'd still be a long drop if we fell from here.

Sky smirks as he prepares to jump as well. "I'm gonna win!" he shouts.

I smile and roll my eyes, silently promising myself that this time, he won't. I'm going to win this time. We both bend our knees, and we're about to jump when Seto's voice suddenly comes over the intercoms attached to the underside of every other platform. "Attention, Minecraftians! I'm sorry for the interruption, but I'm going to have to ask that you refrain from playing any mini-games or maps that could cause death."

Sky peers over the edge of the platform. The fall damage from that drop might just be enough to kill someone. Seto continues talking. "The Respawn Mechanism is malfunctioning, and although you will definitely respawn, you may experience some unwanted side effects. Again, please try to avoid life-threatening games or maps until further notice. Sorry for the inconvenience."

I glance over at Sky. "Well, what do we do now? To get back home, we have to either jump to the finish or jump to the start."

Sky shrugs. "I don't think it's really that big of a deal. We'll only have to deal with respawn if we fall. I say we just keep playing."

"But, Sky, Seto said the Respawn Machine was broken."

"Not broken, just malfunctioning."

"It's the same thing."

"Not quite. It still works, just not well. I'd still respawn, I'd probably just wind up with budder-colored hair or something. Wouldn't that be great?"

"If you want budder-colored hair so much, why don't you dye your hair?"

Sky's expression turns serious. "Dude. No hair dye known to man can match the brilliance of budder. Anyway, as long as we don't fall, we'll be fine!" He jumps to the first platform, then the next. "I'm gonna beat you if you don't hurry up!" He warns me, stepping back to get a running start at the next jump. He jumps again.

And misses. He shrieks as he falls to the ground. But he doesn't die. "HALF. A HEART. THAT'S HOW MUCH HEALTH I HAVE RIGHT NOW!" he screams, standing up and brushing himself off.

I sigh with relief, but then I spot a creeper coming out of the thick forest Sky landed next to. Wait, weren't we planning on playing this on peaceful? Sky must have forgotten to change the difficulty! "Sky! Watch out!"

Sky spins around just in time to see the creeper blinking white before it blows up. Sky's body disintegrates, and I hear a pop and turn around to watch him respawn on the checkpoint platform. I glare at him, and he gives me a goofy grin. I sigh. Then I remember the large quantities of budder Sky always carries around. I peek down at the ground where the creeper blew up, and, sure enough, there are tons of budder ingots lying in the crater left behind by the creeper. I wait for Sky to insist that we go down and pick it back up.

But he doesn't. He follows my gaze to the budder and simply says, "Looks like someone lost a bunch of their stuff." My eyes widen and I gape at him. He looks over at me with a confused expression. "What?" he asks.

I stare at him a while longer in disbelief. "I- Aren't you going to go get it?" I ask, motioning towards the budder below us.

"I would, but that fall looks big enough to cause death," he responds. What? He just fell, literally twenty seconds ago. It didn't cause death then, it was the creeper that ended him. "Anyway, that stuff really doesn't look valuable enough to waste my time on." WHAT.

I yank my phone out of my pocket and quickly dial Seto's number. Sky just watches me curiously. "Hey, Seto, have you gotten the respawn machine working yet?"

Seto replies, "One moment... Okay, as of three seconds ago, yes."

"Um... Sky died about a minute ago..."

Seto gasps on the other end. I can hear him hurriedly talking to someone else. "Okay, I'm not sure what's going to happen, but I need you to bring him to the lab immediately," he tells me.

"The lab?"

"My basement."

"Right. Okay, bye."

"Bye," he replies, hanging up. I put my phone back in my pocket and turn to Sky. "Alright, Sky, come on, we're going to Seto's."

"What? How come?"

"He wants to make sure the respawn didn't affect you in any way."

Sky shakes his head. "I feel fine. Who's Seto, anyway?"

I raise an eyebrow. "What? Don't you remember?"

He shakes his head again.

"Oh man, we really have to get you to Seto's." I grab his wrist and start to drag him with me to the next jump and over to the end of the map.

Sky pulls back, trying to escape my grasp. "No way! I don't even know who you are, I'm not just gonna follow you around!"

I stare at him with wide eyes. "I-I'm Ty," I stutter, not quite believing that he could forget his best friend.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sky. Okay, now I'll follow you around."

Something is definitely wrong.


At Seto's 'lab', Sky is strapped down to a table, eyes wide. "Dude, what the heck?" he keeps saying. Seto ignores him and continues mixing potions and examining Sky.

Sky glances over at me. "Hey, Ty, could you maybe, oh, I don't know, GET THIS CREEP TO LET ME GO?"

Seto winces but keeps working. "Sky, I'm your friend. I'm trying to help you," he says calmly, attempting to squirt a drop of a silver potion onto Sky's head.

Sky jerks out of the way, mumbling something about lies. Seto sighs and sets the dropper he was using down on the table. Then he turns away from his brewing stand to face Sky again. "What if I give you a few budder blocks? Then will you sit still for a bit?"

Sky's eyes widen even more, if that's possible. "You can craft butter into blocks? I didn't even know there was butter in Minecraft! Now all we need is the ability to slice up loaves of bread and make toast!" he rambles excitedly.

Seto and I stare at him for a good thirty seconds, letting his words sink in. Finally, Seto pulls out a budder ingot and shows it to Sky. "I mean this."

Sky raises his eyebrows. "Dude, I don't know what you're seeing, but I'm seeing gold."

Seto whirls around to face me. "Call the rest of Team Crafted. This is serious."