This is the end. Thank you to everyone who has stuck through and all the wonderful readers kind enough to leave a review! I appreciated and adored each and every one of them! I hope you enjoyed this little bit of my crazy imagination as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Fingertips on my naked back, feeling each bump of my spine, make my skin ripple with goose bumps, pulling me from my slumber. The sheets lays across my waist from where they were thrown the night before, barely covering my body to the cool morning air.

"You were yelling." A whisper so sweet against the tears on my cheeks.

"I had a dream."

You fall to your knees, clutching at your heart. Your gorgeous greens so wide as they watch the blood run onto the floor, collecting in puddles, diluting the water already there.

"About what?"

"That night."

"So a nightmare."

The scream you let loose is filled with so much anguish, so much terror, so much pain as you let the blood run through your fingertips, collecting around your nails, coloring the lines in your hands.

"I'll make you feel better."

I laugh, sneaking a peek over my shoulder. "I'm sure you will."

I'm pulled to my knees, my back arched, my shoulders, cheek, hands, support my weight in the front. And then there's that desire, so hard and long and sweetly familiar, pushing inside of me, slow and then fast until flesh hits flesh and I have to stop myself from falling over with a hand on the headboard.

"What have you done?" you ask.

"I'm sorry, Daddy," is my reply, watching as the blood runs in my direction. I don't have the energy to move, to avoid the red river of my actions, of my guilt, of my evil. "I had too."

My moans echo the grunts from above me as the desire makes itself known over and over, harder and harder, pushing, thrusting against sensitive and willing flesh, begging for more. Always for more.

"Does that feel good?"

"Yes! Please! I'm so close!"

The gun is snatched from my hand. I let it go without a fight. I don't see where it goes. I don't care. Those eyes. Those colorful, vivid eyes are slowly losing their light, crying their sadness over the love lost, the life slowly leaking from their body, their soul slipping from this earth, heading straight to hell.

The slap of skin against skin is harder this time. More intense than it was before. The desire is so close for both of us. Right there. I can see it. I scream into the pillow, biting the soft, wanting this torture to end, to fly into the clouds. The fingers gripping my hips, my breasts, my shoulders, my neck, tell me the same.

"Why, Isabella?" Your voice fades off at the end as your dimming gorgeous greens search my eyes, looking for an answer, hoping for the best.

"Protect. Defend. Secure. This is our home. No one can change that."

I'm flying. Falling into the abyss. Spreading my wings and taking flight in the glorious that you give me. Only you do this to me. Only you make me feel this way. Only you can bring me to the heights of pleasure and come crashing down in waves of feel-good desire. Only you.

"Are you okay?" you ask me. And I shouldn't have been. I should have been anything but okay, staring down as his heart finally stops beating, his mellow blues closing, his body sinking against the bloodied wood.

Jasper is dead and I'm smiling, a relieved, happy laugh following soon after. "Of course I am."

You smile back, your gorgeous greens dancing along with mine. "You and me?"

"We're forever."

I know when you come. Your fingers grip me so hard and your roar is so loud, as you scream your pleasure to the ceiling. Your hips pushing and pulling in no discernible rhythm as you take and take, releasing inside of me. You fill me so good. So full that I can feel you leaking down my thighs, pooling at my knees, soaking into the black silk.

"Yes! Daddy! Give it all to me!"

When our hearts have settled back to normal and the sweat has dried from our bodies, you kiss my shivering skin, slipping from the bed, pulling me with you. I whimper in protest.

"Get dressed, sweet girl," you say, running your hand over my still-flat tummy. "You have five minutes or we'll be late for the meeting."

I pull on the clothes you chose for me as quick as I can. I run down the hall and into the living room, glancing quickly at the TV you've turned on, fingering the two bullet holes in the wall you've yet to fix before turning into the kitchen.

"Let's go."

You tut your tongue. "Not before you've eaten something. You can't skip meals now, Isabella."

I roll my eyes, smiling slightly at the growl you send my way. "Of course, Daddy."

You place the fruit you've just diced in front of me before picking up your coffee mug and slipping into the living room, your eyes glued to the television. "Her remains were found at the bottom of Nightshade Ravine. Police suspect alcohol and careless driving played a role in her demise. Neighbors have attested to her erratic behavior since the death of her sister last winter."

The phone rings just as you've settled onto the couch. Your gorgeous greens give me the okay to answer, so I rush for the receiver. "Hello?"

"Hey, Belly-bee!"

"Rose. What are you doing?"

"Being bored. We should hang out today." Her voice cracks on the other end.

"I can't."

"Oh…maybe tomorrow? I'm just so lonely. Ever since Alice and Jasper ran away together."

I pause, smiling a bit to myself. They deserve each other. "What about Emmett?"

She's crying now. Loud sobs stab at my ears. "He broke up with me."

"Oh, Rose. I'm about to head out, but I'll ask and maybe I can come over tonight?"

She sniffles. "I would like that."

You tap your watch, so I say a quick goodbye and hang up. From a bowl on the foyer table, you grab your gold chain, pulling it over your head. I do the same with my silver one, making sure the flattened bullet lies between my breasts.

You place a wide brimmed hat on my head. "It'll be sunny and hot today," you say as explanation. I smile, picking up Dad's keychain, the four or so keys clanking against each other.

Your cell phone rings. "Hello, Mr. Black. Yes, sorry. We're running a little late. We'll be there in a few minutes."

I wait as you lock the door and then turn around, placing your arm around my shoulders, protecting me, loving me. You wave at Mrs. Webber, smiling as she comes over to our side of the yard.

"I love the poppies you've planted," she says with kind eyes. "That red is just so beautiful, and they've really seemed to flourish."

You laugh. "It must have been the fertilizer we used."

"Well, you'll just have to tell me your secret one day."

She waves goodbye as we drive away, her wrinkled hand barely visible in the rearview mirror. I sigh when you reach across, holding my fingers between yours, resting our hands on the center console.

"Are you ready, sweet girl?"

"Yes, Daddy."

If you missed it, I've already posted a new short-chapter story: A Breath Away - What happened Then affects her Now. Bella rushes to save Edward from his destruction before she loses him forever.