Chapter 13: Back to Work


Monday came with Marty back, but on desk duty only. Since there weren't any new cases, the rest of the team was at their desks filling out their after-action reports while Marty worked on liaison paperwork. It was shared drudgery. The quips were flying fast along with jokes and good-natured taunts. They took turns ganging up on each other about some funny event or undercover operation that had taken an unusual turn. It was Sam's turn to get lunch for everyone and he was taking orders when Hetty appeared in the bullpen.

"Mr. Deeks, may I see you for a minute?

"Sure Hetty, I'll be right there."

As Deeks joined Hetty in her office, she handed him a small package, his badge and new Sig. Giving her a questioning glance he opened the package and found a box of the Gushan Silver Needles White tea that he and Hetty had drunk when they were first discussing the just-completed assignment and aftermath. "I believe I told you I would get you some while you were still in the hospital" she smiled.

"Thanks Hetty, I enjoyed the tea and will definitely be drinking more. Was that all?"

"No, I have something else for you." Handing him a set of car keys, she continued "Since you no longer have your LAPD issued vehicle, I've made arrangements for you to have an NCIS issued one. It's waiting for you in the garage. Why don't you take Miss Bly out for a test drive in your new car?"

He couldn't believe his eyes, the keys were for a Jaguar, Hetty was giving him a Jag! Grabbing Kensi and heading to the garage he saw his new car and just stood there in awe. It was a silver 2014 Jaguar F-Type R Coupe with a black leather interior, power windows and seats, a sun roof and more bells and whistles than he could shake a stick at. It even had exotic wood for the instrument panels. Kensi looked at him and began to laugh. "Close your mouth before you start catching flies, Deeks"

"What?…oh…seriously? Do you see this car? This is my car!" he stammered running his hands over the hood.

"Yes I do. Are you going to give me a ride in it sometime soon?"

"Only if your good to yours truly. What will I get in return?" he teased her.

"How about a punch to your arm!"

"There's my badass Bly. Get in…get in!" Marty opened the door for her then ran around and climbed into the driver's seat to begin checking everything out.

They both buckled up and he gunned the Jag out of the garage. He was in heaven. He was in the car of his dreams with Kensi beside him. Maybe he had done something good in his life after all. Right this instant, he didn't think life could get any better than this. His car, his girl, the sun in his face. Wow! was all he could think. Marty put the car through it's paces as they drove down the coast and back. Every so often he would look over at Kensi and a smile would light up his face.


Returning to OSP after his test drive, Deeks strode into the bull pen and up to Hetty. With a huge smile on his face, he grabbed her in a hug, actually lifting her off of her feet and began swinging her around crowing. "Thank you so much! The car is awesome!"

"Put me down you cheeky bugger!" she exclaimed.

"Oops…sorry, I'm just so excited" Marty apologized as he put her back down. "The car is just…I've always dreamed about a car like this…but never thought…it's out of this world! What can I say, except thank you again. The car is so awesome…I'm repeating myself…but…really…I don't care! The car matches me in all my awesomeness! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Sam, Callen and Kens just stood there laughing. They had never seen Deeks this excited. It was like watching a little boy get exactly what he wanted for Christmas. His entire being was glowing and he had the biggest smile lighting up his face. They knew he had had a horrible childhood and were amazed at the man he had become. He deserved this.

"Back to work you lot. The paperwork isn't going to finish itself." Hetty reminded them as she returned to her office.


At the end of the week, Deeks received a clean bill of health from his doctor and the okay to go back into the field. He and Kensi celebrated with a Titanic showing along with ice cream and beer. It was fast becoming a tradition of theirs. "I'm glad I'll be back with you in the field come Monday, Kens. I know you can take care of yourself, but I worry when I'm not with you to watch your back."

"Me too, Marty, me too" was all Kensi said in reply.

Come Monday morning, Deeks arrived at OSP with his authorization to return to field duty in his hand. As he entered the bullpen, he noticed that no one was around except for Callen. Kensi had left before him, so they wouldn't arrive together but she was nowhere to be seen either. "Where is everyone?"

Callen looked up from his desk and grinned "You're the first one here except for me. Glad you got in a little early since we have a date in the gym."

"Uh, date in the gym? What date in the gym?" Deeks gulped.

"Don't tell me you forgot about punching me in the face during the op" retorted Callen. He was having fun watching Deeks try to come up with an excuse to get out of going to the gym.

"I don't remember. I was 'roofied' you know and I can't remember much of what went down" Deeks replied.

"Doesn't cut it man, now follow me like a good probie agent." Callen said while motioning Deeks to follow him. Deeks looked like a little boy being told to go to the principal's office. He was glad no one was around to see what was sure to be his humiliation at Callen's hands. But he felt like he deserved it for punching his team leader even if he couldn't remember doing so.

Callen led the way to the gym and as he began opening the gym door he shoved Deeks before him into the room just as a chorus of "Congratulations, Mr. Agent man!" came from what looked like everyone who worked at OSP. The look on his face was priceless. He didn't know what to do so stood there feeling heat rushing up his neck and turning his face red. "What…how…well this is better than getting punched out by Callen" he finally managed to blurt out causing the entire room to burst into laughter. Hetty made the formal announcement of his decision to become an agent to the room and presented a cake for everyone to enjoy before their workday started. Everyone came by and shook his hand and said things like "Glad you finally decided to join the team." and "It's about time." or a simple "Congratulations man" before grabbing a piece of cake and going their separate ways for the day.

Nell and Eric came up to him and told them they had video of the whole thing from the time he arrived at the mission to the cutting of the cake. "I would like to have a copy of that" he told Nell. "This was great, thanks guys."


Deeks sat at his desk a little while later thinking about everything that had happened since Max's 'last stand'. He was glad Max was dead. All was right in his world. He had a job he loved, the woman of his dreams in his life and something he never thought he would ever have. A family who cared about him and looked out for him.


I hope you enjoyed this story. Raderle