AN: Not a chapter!

Okay. I know i haven't been a great writer but i re-found my passion to write stories again and have been updating my various stories in this site as well as others. I really do not know what is wrong with this website because, as a writer i usually write my stories in my laptop, proof check twice-thrice and then update it to the account. I usually check only the punctuation after it is uploaded in this website and then update it to the story as a chapter. I take really long time to proof read to check the grammatical errors on my laptop which is totally time consuming after i type it out(just like any other author ik) but this website is making me proof read twice, the whole chapter-line by line- the one that i already did very carefully, and make me proof read again after i upload/publish it her. This makes my writing look sloppy and make it look like i don't know how to make a sentence in English.

Eg: 'to' changed to 'of' or 'ought to' gets changed to just 'out to'- here letters get disappeared, making it a whole new sensible word but not sensible when read as a sentence.

So i therefore, am moving all my stories that have been left on hiatus or ongoing stories from ' ' to archive of our own. There too i use the same pen name 'KathrineZabini'. Also i have additional works there so please support me there, it means a lot to me.

I like ao3 better as it has a wide range of fandoms too. This website really needs to up their game. But this has been my very first fanfiction account to read and write. My acc will always remain here, and i will continue to enjoy works posted here by other authors.

Much love,



I hope i don't have to re-edit this chapter again too. :')