AN: So this is my Destiel King Arthur AU fic. I keep getting new ideas and wanting to write them, I am by no means abandoning my other fics but I'm just kinda sporadic with what I update, so please be patient with me. I hope you like!
Chapter One
It all began with the stars.
In particular, one star.
It blazed a path across the sky, illuminating the land for miles around before landing in an explosion of light and fire.
If anyone had been watching the smoking crater, they would have seen, past the stuttering fires and shards of steaming rock, a man - a boy, really - stand up and look around. They would have also seen him, naked, lean and pale, brush the almost black hair out of his startlingly blue eyes, look around at where he was, and mutter, "Shit. Out by twelve miles and….fuck, a good 16 years".
He disappeared in a blinding flash of light.
Meanwhile, in a castle of stone, King Jonathan looked at his advisors in exasperation.
"Sire, what could it mean?"
"Is it a portent?"
"A sign of terrible evil!"
"Could it have anything to do with the Queen and her barrenness, sire?"
That was it. He sighed through his nose, and stood up.
"I don't know!" He yelled, and they shut up. "If I did, do you really think I would be enduring your pointless fretting?!"
Unable to cope with the Council, he stalked out of the Hall, to where Queen Marianne was waiting for him. Once they had entered the bedchamber, he finally relaxed, allowing his wife to hold him.
"I'm sorry, Mary. I just…..what do I do? A shooting star, that's a sign of something, isn't it?"
Marianne smiled at him.
"Of course, John, but I'm sure it's a good one"
As soon as she finished speaking, there was a rap on the door before the Chief Astronomer, Robert Singer, barged in. The only reason he was allowed to do so was because a) he had no sense of decorum, and b) he and John had grown up together. Currently his bearded face was flushed with excitement, and he waved a piece of yellowed parchment excitedly.
"John! It's the star! It's the prophecy!"
"What in the name of all that is holy are you banging on about, Bobby?"
Bobby took a deep breath and began to read from the paper.
" 'A star shall fall in the Western Land; he shall bring a new age and hope; a Queen shall birth a son, and he shall be one with the star; and after four summers have passed, a new son shall be born, and he too shall have a great destiny. But..' and after that is gets kinda scratchy, but the general gist is that your first son is gonna be in danger, and your second son is gonna powerful as shit and if evil gets a hand on him, your older son is screwed"
There was a silence.
"Are you screwing with me, old man?" John finally asked.
"No, ya idjit, I'm telling you something that was written about a thousand years ago! You need to protect that boy, and find that damn star!"
Ten months later
The Queen let out a sob as she handed her newborn son, Dean, over to Karen Singer.
"Please, just….let him be happy," she whispered. Karen gave her a soft smile.
"Of course I will, love"
Four years later
"Dean?" Karen called from the kitchen of the country home they'd moved to.
"Yes, Mother?" Dean was outside, playing catch with his older brother, Adam.
"We need to tell you something, sweetie. Please come inside."
Dean did as he was bid, sitting in front of Bobby and Karen.
"Dean…you aren't our son."
Dean, at four years old, felt his world fall apart.
"And your parents gave you to us to look after and keep safe. But now, they've given us another son to help protect. This is your brother, Samuel." A bundle wrapped in blankets was proferred.
The four year old boy, who barely understood the world around him, peered at the small, sleeping face.
"Hey, Sammy," he whispered. "I'm Dean. I'm your big brother, and this is Karen, Bobby and Adam, but….you and me, we're all each other's got now."
AN: I really love the whole King Arthur story and there's this whole set of novels - the Avalon series - by Marion Zimmer Bradley that everyone should read because they're a feminist take on the King Arthur thing. But yeah, let me know what you think!