Hello ladies and gentlemen, I was bore so I decided to do some one shots with Masamune and Frieda Kadoya-Love, starting with the birth of Annabelle, their daughter, BTW, the story Annabelle's 5th b-day still needs OC through PM, just to give you heads up.

Plz enjoy, this is when Annabelle was born...

It was a cool night on January 24 at the time of 1:30 AM in the streets of new York City. Also, the Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center seems to be hectic 24/7/365, no matter what is going on. And to this night, a new life is about to be born. Frieda and Masamune were in room 102, awaiting the birth of their first child, a girl.

"That's it, Frieda...push very hard." Instructs one of the midwives. Frieda did so as told, while screaming in labor pain. The honey haired woman was wearing a pale blue hospital gown while squeezing her husband's hands for dear life. Yes, the two got married last year and so far, the relationship has gone strong since then.

"You're doing great, my Cherry Love." Masamune says, trying to encourage her. Frieda managed to smile while she was still pushing. She was taking deep breaths until the next contraction arises. Then about 15 minutes later, the nurse says," You're doing excellent, the baby is coming real soon!"

After the next push, the Kadoya couple could hear a crying sound. Then a beautiful baby girl was seen from the nurse as he nurse says," Congratulations!"

The Italian-Japanese woman, now a mother, was crying tears of joy as she takes a glance of her newborn daughter. The nurse cleans her and Masamune had the honor to cut the umbilical cord. Then the nurses took the baby for further examinations while Frieda was able to rest up from this exhausting labor and childbirth, yet she was happy that it was all over.

"I can't believe our lovely bundle of joy has arrived," Frieda whispers, happily.

"Yes, and she is welcomed to the Beyblade world." The Japanese man replies to his wife, "You make me the happiest guy alive."

The honey haired woman responds," That's sweet, and you make me the happiest gal alive. I can't wait to start a new life, as a family."

"Me neither, our number one Kadoya-Love family." Masamune says.

Then a few minutes later, the nurse returns with a newborn girl swaddled in a baby pink blanket. That baby was also wearing a matching cap with a mini bowtie. Frieda was able to hod her little baby girl for the first time, giving the new mother a warm smile on her face. She admires the child. The

"Aww...she's so cute and beautiful..." Frieda states.

"I totally agree with you." Her husband replies. The baby had her mother's signature hair color, which was red velvet. The baby also shares the same skin tone with Masamune's.

"Well...what should we name her? I'll say you can be the first to come up with a name." Masamune suggests.

"Let's go with Annabelle, since it can be an Italian name. Also her middle name can be Kyoko, meaning mirror in Japanese. Also the mirror of her middle name can symbolize her reflected beauty that is life-lasting. Wouldn't you agree with the name?" Frieda answers.

"Yes, it's Annabelle Kyoko Kadoya Love then? I like that name." The Japanese man remarks.

"Alrighty then, not to mention let's name our children Kadoya Love, instead of Kadoya Belvini, tee-hee." Frieda giggles while slowly rocking her newborn daughter.

"Once again, I'm so glad to start a family with you. And I wanna say, I love you and Annabelle."

"I...love you too, and little Annabelle."

And...there you have it. One drabble down, more t come, so stay tuned! ;)