About a year ago, my wife decided to run a campaign in Dungeons and Dragons based on the Year of the False Spring, the Tourney at Harrenhal, and Robert's Rebellion. I initially was not up for this; games I had played in the past with canon characters and events had turned out to be… less than satisfying.

I'm glad my wife talked me into it. The characters came to life and she has been doing a wonderful job of letting us play with the events that happen, even altering them if our story allows it. She has done a masterful job of keeping the characters true to themselves while not railroading us through other people's plots.

This story expands on those characters, assuming much of canon and a little of the game. Although there was never a Tristan Lannister or Jocelyn Tyrell mentioned in Martin's world, these events happened long before, and we allowed for some people to have fun and play the character they wanted. So if you don't recognize a character's name, don't suddenly shout that Tristan Lannister isn't real. Just for the sake of this story, he is. Besides, this is all in the past...

And if you're one of my regulars, wondering what happened to The Rising Fist, don't be alarmed. I'm still working on that, too…