Tris POV:

My father: An angry tyrant

My mother: A quiet woman frightened of her own husband and son.

Caleb: My brother who will abuse me whenever possible.

Me: A girl who will stay quiet and fight in small ways.

I walk out of my room to hear my mother's screams from her usual beating. I know that I am next. I walk into the kitchen and go to grab a slice of bread.

"What do you think you are doing, sister?" My brother says as he grabs my wrist, twisting it until I cry in pain. A tear slides down my pale face.

I yank my arm from Caleb's grasp, "I am not your sister!" I say, but right after the words leave my mouth, he punches me in the eye. That is going to leave a mark. It's my day to choose where I am placed in high school. It is a boarding school, so my father can't get to me, but my brother still can. If I choose the same faction as him. Luckily, he chooses first.

A knee to the gut. I fall to the ground, gasping. I groan, "Soon, I will be rid of you." Caleb gives me a kick to the side.

"Aw. Does my baby sister think that the friends she has no chance with will save her?" He pauses for a moment, letting the horror sink in, "I will get to you in Faction High, and don't worry, I'll make sure to get your friends, too."

I crawl up the stairs to my room to get dressed. I wrap a brace around my side and apply salve to my eye, though it won't do much help. I put on a lot of makeup to cover up my eye, and my scars. I put on lip gloss and put my hair into a simple bun. I wear a black skirt and gray top, with only a watch on my wrist. I couldn't cover up the scars. I put on a long gray cardigan to hide the skirt also, so I slip on a pair of gray leggings.

I take my suitcase and pack a picture of my mother, my teddy bear (only because it is the one thing that gets me through the beatings), a first aid kit, and clothes. I also pack my IPOD and my kindle.

I am finally leaving this place forever. A tear slithers down my face. I look at myself in the mirror. My eyes look as dull as my outfit. I run downstairs to find my mother in the kitchen, crying.

"Did Andrew hurt you again?" I ask her in all kindness. Andrew is my father, but I will never address him as such again.

She nods, and the image that used to be of perfect beauty is destroyed. The long golden hair that was once her prize is now chopped off and disheveled. Her blue eyes that used to be so bright are as dull as mine, but struck with even more fear. I look her in the eyes.

"Mom," she has a distant look in her eyes. I snap my fingers to get her attention, "You need to be strong." She begins to drift again, "Hey!" She whips her head around and I take my hands and put them on her cheeks, forcing her to look at me. "I need you to be strong. It's not so long now. After I graduate I can take you somewhere that they can't hurt us anymore." My mother nods and takes my hand. I shiver at her touch.

She drags me up the stairs and into her room. Andrew is helping Caleb get ready for his trip. "Sweetie, I have something for you." My mother digs through her jewelry box and finds what she is looking for. "This is so you can stay strong. Close your eyes." She puts something cold on my wrist. "Open your eyes," she says, clasping her hands together. She is smiling brightly and her eyes are twinkling, something I haven't seen in a while.

It is a bracelet with a gray stone set in the center, and a locket on the side. I open it, and it holds a picture of me when I was young, and a picture of my mother. I look up at her, "Are you sure?" She nods with tears in her eyes. "Come here," my mother says with open arms, I walk into them. This is our last moment alone, we haven't had much time alone, but it is better than nothing. I remember that my mother chose Abnegation for her faction, but they are selfless. Andrew chose that too, but look where that got him. "It's time for you to know, I came from Dauntless, but you are with Abnegation, now. Your father was in Erudite." She just hugs me tighter.

"I love you, Mom." She looks at me with tears glistening in her eyes. Tears stream down mine.

"I love you, too, Baby." Then her face turns serious, "Listen, Beatrice, no matter what happens, don't look back once you leave." I wipe my tears away.

"But, Mom, wh─"

She shushes me, "Don't look back." I nod as Andrew walks into the room, sober enough to understand.

"Beatrice, get out! I have to talk to your mother." I run out and take refuge in my room.

I shiver under the blankets. Mother and Andrew are fighting. I hear my mother, "No, I need more time!" A sob escapes from her lips, "Please, Andrew!" I hear her get hit. This goes on for an hour, and I realize that it is 8:00 am and I have to be there by 9:00 am.

My mother comes in, grasping my wrist and dragging my suitcase with her out the door. "It's time to go." She looks at me, her eyes teary. "Goodbye, Beatrice." She says it in a ceremonious way.

"I'll miss you, Mom." We are at the door.

"I'll miss you, too." She looks at me and tears flow down her face, "Remember your promise. Do you have your bracelet?" I nod as I show her my wrist. She shows me hers, a locket, which she opens. It contains a picture of me now and when I was young, two black stones are one either side, with one gray stone. She takes off a black one and puts it on the bracelet, "When you look at this bracelet, remember that I will always be here for you."

My mother pulls me into an embrace and hugs me tightly saying the words, "I love you, Beatrice. By the way, you are going to have to choose a new name for your faction. Any ideas?" I shake my head.

I give her a squeeze and say, "I love you, Mom. Be strong." She nods.

"I love you, too." Andrew comes onto the porch with Caleb. Caleb walks to the car, but doesn't hesitate to elbow me where I was kicked. My mother lets go of me, and I get on my bike. I throw my suitcase in the basket and take off my long cardigan and slacks, revealing my short black skirt and gray t-shirt.

"Be strong," I yell to my mother.

"Goodbye, Beatrice! I love you!" She waves. I think to myself, she has never called me that before. As I turn into the street, I hear a gunshot.

My mother's words echo in my head don't look back, Beatrice. It's too late, my head turns and I see blood streaming down her side. She yells weakly, "I love you, Tris!" Then she slumps to the ground.

"Mommy!" I scream childishly. I see Caleb grin widely and Andrew holding the gun. I can't look anymore. As I ride away with tears in my eyes I whisper, "Goodbye, Mommy."