Annabeth's pov

"Can I borrow your homework?" Thalia asked while plopping down on the floor while propping up her feet on a chair. "Thalia how many times do we have to tell you, do your homework." Scolded Piper who was sitting on her bed. "Uh, in my backpack. I'm going to grab the ice cream, be right back." I groaned walking out of the room and into the kitchen. "Thanks' Annabeth!" I heard Thalia yell from Pipers room.

I was currently at piper's house that she lives with her dad in. Thalia, Piper, and I decide to spend the rest of are Thursday with each other. My names Annabeth chase by the way. I have long blond curls that many people say look like princess curls. I have startling grey eyes that many say looks like I'm thinking of the best way to take you down, which is usually true. Sadly in school I'm marked as the nerd, but I take pride in it because I know I'm going to go somewhere in my life unlike people who are always partying.

I opened Pipers fridge and was meet with tones of ice cream. What to choose rocky road, chocolate, vanilla, cookies and cream, strawberry. I grabbed the rocky road and 3 spoons, and took off up the stairs.

I walked up the stairs to see Thalia writing the answers down on her homework and piper on her phone. "Look what I got!" they turned their heads and then tackled me to get to the ice cream. I shoved them off, "jeez give me a minute."

We ate all the ice cream in the container and might I say it was delicious. I looked over to the clock 11:30! OH MY BABY NINJA UNICORNS! I have to be home in 10 minutes, I'm screwed. "You guys I got to go "I say while packing my bag up. "I can drive you home in a few minutes, if you want?" Thalia asked. "No I'm good it's nice outside, thanks though." I told her. "Alright see you tomorrow Annabeth." Piper yelled out after me. I turned around and waved bye.

As I walked down the street I checked my phone 11:35. Uhg I'm going to be late again. Last time, I was late Susan my step-mom made sure I was grounded for a month and had to come home to clean everything. And when I say everything I mean it!

I looked around to find the alley way I usually use to get to pipers. I have never been down it at night but it's not like the movies right? I took the chance and walked into the alley way.

I walked down it and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. The alleyway looked way different at night. The lights were flickering on and off which wasn't creepy at all. Hope you detected the sarcasm. It was dark, but I could see a few feet in front of me. For some reason I felt like I was being watched. I pulled out my phone to check the time, 11:47 crap I'm totally going to be lat-. My phone crashed to eh grown with a snap. I looked down to see a knife threw it! Oh god!

I took off running but didn't get too far before I slammed into a brick wall. Wait not a wall, a person. "What's a cute little innocent girl doing here all alone?" asked a gruff voice who I think is a man. "I'm not alone, my friends are with me." I said trying to sound confident but failing. "Oh I highly doubt that." I turned around only to meet 2 other guys. I looked all around me there were freaken 6 guys, just my luck. "Well boys I think we should start the fun." The man said while shoving me into the wall. Not happening, I'm not going down without a fight. I punched the guy in the noise with as much strength I could muster. I was quite pleased to hear a satisfying crack. One of the men tried to grab me but I kicked him were the sun doesn't shine. I was about to turn around when I was shoved into the building face first. I cried out in pain as my hair was yanked back with tons of force. One of the men came up to me pulling my arms behind me. I elbowed him in the stomach and turned around to kick him in the face. One of the men grabbed my foot and twisted in to an angle were your foot should not be at I screamed at the pain shoat up my foot. A man pinned me to the ground. "You are making this so much harder than this need to be, but I think I'll have fun." The man says.

He takes out a knife and starts to run the flat of the blade across my face. I scream out but he turns the knife over and cuts my forehead. I spit in the man's face and he got distracted which is what I wanted. I pulled my knees up to my chest and kicked him off of me. I grabbed the knife and stood up. The last 3 men circled me. "Should we help her?" a voice asked. I looked at the men but they didn't seem to hear it. "No we only help her if things get out of hand. She seems like a good addition." Said another voice. I think I'm going crazy! One of the men lunged at me but I ducked and sliced his leg. He howled in pain and another man came at me without noticing. I felt hot pain flair up in my shoulder and I screamed. I looked over to see a knife in it. I pulled the knife out and threw it across the alley way. "You're going to regret that." I said to the last man standing. I ran up to him and jumped in the air. I wrapped my legs around his neck using the momentum to fly through the air making him flip. I landed crouched down. I walked up to the man and started to kick him in the head even thought he was unconscious. "That's what you get for fighting somebody who has trained for years idiots." I muttered. By then I was completely tiered and all I wanted to do was go to bed.

I turned around only to slam into another wall. A very cute wall might I add, with black messy hair and sparkling sea green eyes.