
Stiles whipped his head around towards the door when he heard the yell, knowing it could only have come from one person. The only person who basically refused to learn his name half the time no matter how long he taught and coached Stiles. Coach Finstock was walking into the bakery with a look of annoyance on his face. Though to be fair, Stiles wasn't sure Coach had another look other than annoyed, especially when talking to Stiles.

"Uh, hey Coach?" Stiles questioned.

"Don't you 'hey Coach' me, Bilinski," Coach scowled. "Where is Danny?"

Out of all the things Stiles expected to come out of his Coach's mouth, "where is Danny" was definitely not one of them. "What?" he eventually asked.

"It's a simple question, geez, who are you? McCall?"

"Did you really come all the way here just to ask that?" Stiles asked, trying to subtly change topics.

"No, of course not. You think I want to spend any more time than I have to with you losers? I was driving past and saw your sorry excuse for a car" – at this Stiles made an indignant noise – "and stopped to see if you knew where he was. Besides, I remember you two talking about how his cousin works here."

Stiles was mildly impressed that Coach had bothered to remember a random fact about Danny's cousin, but Coach did show he cared in weird ways.

"Why couldn't you have asked me at school or practice?"

"Don't ask stupid questions, Bilinski. I knew Greenburg would be a bad influence to the team…Now, do you know where he is or not?"

Stiles sputtered, but honestly wasn't surprised at Coach's response. "Uhhh… He… ummm… He's in London?"

"Why the hell is he in Kentucky?" Coach asked exasperatedly.

"He's not in Kentucky, Coach…"

"You just said he was in London, so where else could he be?"

"Uhhh… London, England?"

"There's one in England to?"

"Yes, there is a London in England. How is it you know about London, Kentucky but not London, England?"

"I'm not good at Calculus, Bilinski! Now, why is Danny in London?"

Stiles didn't know how to answer that. While most people knew where Danny was, he was one of few who knew why he left. Danny told most people that he just wanted to visit and stay with Jackson for a while, a reason Stiles could not understand even if he tried. When Stiles asked however, Danny told him that he just didn't want to deal with the supernatural for a little while. Even if Jackson was a werewolf, London wasn't quite the supernatural hotspot that Beacon Hills was. Considering Stiles was the only one who knew that Danny was aware of the wolfy goings on in their lovely little town (other than Ethan, of course), it wasn't really a surprise that Danny had told him.

"Uhh… He is staying with Jackson for a while," Stiles finally managed to get out.

"Why would he stay with Jackson?"

"They're best friends?"

"Since when?"

"Since always, Coach."

For a moment, they just stared at each other, wondering who would be the first to break. Unsurprisingly, it was Stiles who spoke up first. "Uh, is that all?"

"Why, Bilinski? Trying to get rid of me? Remember, I could make you run suicides until you puke," Coach threatened.

"Sorry, Coach…"

"You should be sorry. Now, when is Danny getting back? We are getting slaughtered out there, the back-up goalie is slower than my grandmother's dead corpse if it was 5 years older," Coach said, confusing Stiles.

"Umm, Coach? That makes no sense…"

"It doesn't have to make sense! Now just get Danny back here before I assign you enough suicide runs to make you wish you were my dead grandmother's neighbor."

"Why do I have to get him back?" Stiles questioned.

"Because I told you too, that's why. Now make it happen." With that, Coach left the bakery, giving Stiles no time to form a coherent response.

Grumbling to himself, Stiles pulled out his phone mentally doing the math to make sure he wasn't calling Danny at like midnight. Finally, after giving himself a headache and deciding he really didn't care, he dialed Danny's number.



"Stiles? Why are you calling me?" Danny asked.

"When the hell are you coming home? I just had to listen to Coach for the past ten minutes threaten me with suicide runs if you don't come back," Stiles complained.

Danny just laughed causing Stiles to scowl at his phone. "Why would he threaten you?" Danny finally asked.

"Maybe because he actually likes you? I don't know, all I know is that you better get your ass back here, and soon."

Danny sighed, "Stiles…"

"I know, I know, you want to get away from all the supernatural shit. Completely makes sense going to a werewolf for that, by the way. But honestly, the supernatural stuff here is never going to stop so if you want to completely avoid it you might as well just completely move to London with Jackson, you know, the werewolf…" Stiles ranted.

"You're right…"

"Of course, I'm right! Why does no one understand that?" Stiles exclaimed.

"Stiles, shut up… Anyway, you're right, it is about time I come back, but Jackson is coming with me," Danny told him.

"You know, suicide runs are actually starting to sound like a grand ol' time, Danny. You guys don't have to come back to creepy old Beacon Hills," Stiles started.

"You're hilarious, Stiles. Anyway, Jackson has been dying to come back to Beacon Hills. He has been bitching about it non-stop since I got here. We will be back in about a week, so tell Coach you won't be doing those suicide runs. See ya," Danny informed Stiles.

"Yeah, yeah, see you guys when you get back," Stiles grumbled while hanging up with Danny. "Great, just when I thought I had gotten rid of the jerk, he's coming back. Just my luck."

"If that's luck, I'd hate to see what bad things happen to you," Derek said sarcastically, scaring the crap out of Stiles, who hadn't heard him sit down. Stupid werewolf stealth.

"Hardy har har. Don't you have a bakery to run or something? I can't imagine you make a lot of money making fun of me," Stiles said, only sounding somewhat bitter.

Derek just smirked that stupid sexy smirk of his and walked away, leaving Stiles to debate the merits of endless suicide runs over having to see Jackson again. He wondered if it was too late to call Danny back?

Another one! Only one left and I am officially done with this group of stories! Thank you to EpicPickleNinja for once again proof reading my story and informing me that it's ok that my Coach makes no sense because Coach makes no sense anyway. Anyway, I own nothing! And you are all looking fabulous today! Ahhh! I forgot to add Greenburg! It's all ok now though! (Thanks to EpicPickleNinja and Kendadra).