Author's note: Mmmm... Yeah... another lovey-dovey, and short, fan fic. What can I say, I love this couple...

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read and review! Please, enjoy!


Gajeel was bored.

Team Shadowgear (well, mostly Levy) invited him and his Exceed to go on a mission. The pay would be rather good and he would get to kick some bandit ass. Except there was another catch.

Levy was supposed to translate some runes before going after the bandits, and this meant library work. If you think that's boring, imagine what it would be like for Kurogane no Gajeel. Pure torture.

Gajeel was drumming his foot impatiently, guarding the petite bluenette while she was busy (and very concentrated) translating Lost Magic runes. Jet, Droy and Pantherlily were patrolling the corridors of the huge library and Gajeel was left to guard Levy. Everything would've been just peachy, if Gajeel wasn't bored to death and beyond. This made him grumpy, glaring at the back of Levy's head with his arms crossed.

Levy's movement pulled him back from his glaring, noticing she was approaching him. He looked intently at the bluenette, realizing she didn't even see him as she stretched on her toes to get a heavy looking book. Unconsciously, he reached for the book, pulling Levy from her concentration.

"Thank you, Gajeel!" Levy didn't wait for him to lower his arm and hand her the book she was reaching for.

"What for, short stuff? I didn't say you can have it." Gajeel grinned, holding his arm in the air, making Levy puff.

"Okay, this is hilarious. Now give me the book. I need it so I can finish the translation. Do you wanna finish early or keep me company for the rest of the day?" Levy folded her arms, snickering.

"I don't know... I kinda like your company, squirt." Gajeel smiled, seeing Levy's shocked expression and the blush that took over her cheeks.

"Come on, Gajeel, stop playing around!" Levy puffed, reaching for the book in his hand, jumping slightly while holding onto Gajeel's shoulder.

"Ain't playing." Levy looked at him intently, seeing the red in his eyes melt.

"Give me the book! I'm not kidding!" Levy threatened.

"Cute, but still, you gotta try harder." Gajeel lowered himself slightly so he could grin in her face. Levy glared at him, jumping again for the book. Gajeel merely laughed at her feeble attempts.

"Fine, then I'll have to resort to my secret technique."

"Hoo... And what might that be?" Gajeel couldn't help but grin wickedly, seeing he determined look in Levy's eyes. He was expecting anything from a kick in the nuts to a slap, but what came next left him speechless.

"Chuu." Levy pecked him on the lips when she feigned another reach for the book, letting Gajeel stare dumbstruck and forget how to work his own body. Just as the blush took over his face, Gajeel relaxed his hands, letting the book fall flat on his head and bounce in Levy's hands. "When nothing else works... A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do." Levy smiled proudly, letting Gajeel stare after her. Just as Levy turned away from him to head back to the table and continue her translation, Gajeel's hand shot out, grabbing her by the wrist and turning her shocked form over. Levy had the slight chance to see his red eyes burn with desire before Gajeel crushed his lips to hers, tangling his fingers in her blue strands. He tasted her lips, nibbling on her lower lip and slithering his tongue ever so slightly to taste more of her. Gajeel ruffled her hair as he kissed her passionately, leaving Levy unable to react. In fact, she didn't react in any way, she merely stared with her eyes wide open and hands hanging in the air as Gajeel ravaged her mouth. He was so absorbed by the moment he didn't even hear when Pantherlily came in to check on them.

"What are you doing?" Lily snapped Gajeel from his moment, making him blush worse than Levy. Both Levy and Gajeel snapped their heads to the door and back at them, Gajeel jumping away from Levy with a strange knot inside his stomach.

"Uh... uhm... we were... just... Nothing! We weren't doing anything! Stop glaring!" Gajeel snapped at his Exceed. Levy took advantage of this and crept back to the table to finish her translation, trying to concentrate on the text in front of her and not the butterflies that were fluttering wildly inside her. An hour later and the text was finished. Levy called all of her nakama (for Gajeel made himself scarce soon after the incident, leaving his Exceed to watch after Levy) and off they went to pound the bad guys and get their reward. Everything went smoothly and, by the end of the day, they were heading back to Magnolia. Gajeel and Levy said nothing to each other. In fact, they ignored each other completely, raising some question marks in Jet and Droy, looking confused from Levy to Gajeel and back to themselves. A couple of times, they were under the impression Gajeel wanted to say something, but nothing happened, so he got up and walked out of the train compartment.

"Hey, Levy-chan..." Jet dared after a couple of minutes of absolute silence.

"Hmm...?" Levy turned from the window with a thoughtful look.

"Are you... okay? Cuz you seem... distant for some reason." Droy sat in front of Levy, looking concerned at her.

"Did that creep upset you?" Droy continued the interrogatory.

"What did make you think that? No! Heavens, no! I was just... lost in thought." Levy couldn't bring herself to tell them about the little incident.

"I knew we shouldn't have taken him with us! All he ever does is to hurt you!" Jet raised his voice, making Levy glare at him.

"I invited him!" Jet and Droy gulped loudly, not realizing Gajeel didn't just invite himself. "Why do you keep this grudge? Hasn't he done enough to deem himself worthy of our family? I was expecting more from the two of you!" The two men looked away in shame. "Most of the guild members think exactly like you! And you can't even see he's lonely!"

"What? Are you kidding me? He's got that flying cat! Lonely... hmpf!" Jet crossed his arms.

"And do you really think that is enough? When no one wants to team up with him for anything? He has to do EVERYTHING by himself! Do you have any idea how hard it is on him? To walk around the guild he destroyed, see the faces that despise him every freaking day, and yet he still does everything in his power to make everyone see he's a changed man!" Levy glared at her two most trusted friends.

"You like him, don't you?" Jet pulled Levy out of her fit, blinking a couple of times confused.

"What's that got to do with anything?" Levy seemed outraged by the thought.

"So you DO like him." Levy's cheeks puffed red.

"You're being an idiot!" With that, Levy got up and stormed out of the compartment, stomping her way to the restaurant. She was so upset because of Jet, Levy didn't even realize she passed furious by Gajeel.

"Wow, wow, where's the fire, short stuff?" Levy turned with her glare plastered on, making Gajeel cringe. "Never mind." He turned on the spot and walked away, letting the bluenette stare at his back.

"Baka Gajeel..." Levy whispered before walking calmly to the bar and ordering some alcohol. Just as she was about to sip her cocktail, a gruffly voice could be heard next to her.

"That never helps." Lily was sitting on a high stool, playing with his kiwi cocktail.

"I know..." Levy looked disgusted at her drink.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Not really..." Levy sipped her cocktail thoughtfully.

"Is it because of Gajeel?" Lily pushed.

"Why does everybody think he upset me in any way?" Levy raised her voice in frustration.

"Well, he did surprise you with that..."

"DON'T even go there!" Levy shoved a finger under his feline nose, shutting him up. "I'm still trying to figure out what the heck happened..."

"You did kiss him first..." Pantherlily smiled wickedly.

"I did NOT!" Levy was outraged.

"Gajeel told me. He was teasing you with that book and you resolved to the ultimate hidden technique when you reached for that silly book again, and kissed him on the lips." Levy's ears went red.

"I was aiming for his cheek, but HE turned around!" Levy glared at the black Exceed like he was the one to blame for the whole incident. "I was so embarrassed... And then, he freaking..." Levy's face burst, making Lily laugh.

"Was it really that bad?" Lily was enjoying himself teasing the two.

"... No..." Levy pouted, feeling her cheeks burn. "As I was saying, that's not why I'm upset..."

"Then why are you upset?" Lily got closer to the bluenette.

"You know... You're spending too much time with Mira-chan, some of her bad habits rubbed off on you. Like poking your nose in someone else's business." Levy pinched Lily's nose.

"I'm only trying to help. You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to." Lily sipped his kiwi cocktail and looked away. Levy sighed.

"It's those two idiots I call nakama... They still keep a grudge on Gajeel... After all he did for us... for me..."

"He doesn't care about what others feel about him. You, on the contrary..." Levy snapped her eyes to the black cat.

"Well, I care about what others think about him. He worked too hard, for too long, all alone... It's not fair..."

"Life never is. He knows that..." Lily stopped suddenly when a large hand grabbed him by the scruff on his neck, making the cat raise his feet and enter a state of trance specific for felines.

"The fuck are you doing, you damn cat?" Gajeel raised Pantherlily to his face to let him see his deadly glare.

"Gajeel! Let him go!" Levy snatched the entranced Exceed and cuddled him to her chest in a protective way. She ruffled his head to wake him up. "Are you nuts? The hell's the matter with you?"

"He's talking shit about me."

"No, I was talking shit, he merely approved. You gonna grab me by the neck, too?" Levy challenged, starting a glaring contest with the Dragon Slayer.

"Levy, thank you for the concern, but that move doesn't hurt me at all." Lily tried to calm the spirits between the two, with no luck. Levy and Gajeel turned their heads away at the same time with a HMPH, Gajeel stomping his way out of the restaurant cart.

"I'd... better go check on him..." Lily activated his Aera and looked again at a sighing Levy.

"Yeah, go. He's lucky to have at least you around, considering his stubborn character. Thanks, Lily." Levy smiled at the Exceed as he hovered above the bar. He waved and hurried to his Dragon, letting the bluenette finish her drink in silence.

She returned a while after to their compartment, Jet jumping to his feet when he heard the door.

"I'm sorry!" Him and Droy bowed in apology, making the grumpy Dragon Slayer throw a glance at the three.

"What are you apologizing for?" Levy was perplexed, forgetting all about why she was upset in the first place.

"Well... I said some things... that obviously upset you... And I wanted to apologize. So..." Jet blushed when he bowed again.

"Baka... Apology accepted." Levy smiled warmly, Gajeel feeling his cheeks burn when he saw her reach for both men, kissing them on the cheeks. The bluenette risked a peek at him, smiling widely at him when she saw he was watching her intently, but he merely blinked surprised and turned to glare out the window. The train ride was rather quiet after this, Gajeel ignoring Shadow Gear and receiving the same treatment. He peeked from time to time to Levy, and she glanced back more than once. A couple of hours later and they were in Magnolia, grabbing their stuff and heading for the guild. At one point, Lily broke the awkward silence.

"Are you gonna stay like that the whole day?" Lily spoke only for Gajeel's ears.

"Like what?" He glanced bored at his Exceed. Lily flew on his shoulder and made himself comfortable.


"Ain't grumpy!"

"Right. That's why they're a couple of meters ahead of us. Because you're NOT grumpy." Gajeel shot an angry look at the black cat.

"I'm giving her space, that's all." Gajeel pocketed his hands and slumped his shoulders.

"Why don't you just talk to the girl? It's obvious you have feelings for her..."

"Shove it. I don't wanna talk about it." The Dragon Slayer kept his bored pace.

"Avoiding the matter won't make it go away."

"I said shove it."

"And when did I ever listen to you?" Lily snickered as he flew off his shoulder when Gajeel tried to grab him.

"That reminds me..." Gajeel jumped suddenly, grabbing Lily by the tail. "What exactly did you tell her about me?"

"Nothing intimate, chill. And I like to keep my conversations private. If you wanna know, you should ask her and not blame me for the whole situation." Pantherlily changed suddenly in his normal form to look Gajeel in the eye. "And hands off the tail!" He yanked his tail from his hands and changed back to his chibi form, strolling back to the guild. Gajeel glared at the black Exceed, stomping after him.

The guild was as loud as always, Natsu challenging the Raijinshuu, ending up stoned by Evergreen. Lucy quickly jumped on Levy's neck, welcoming her home.

"Levy-chan! How was it? Did you have fun?"

"What fun, Lu-chan? We were on a mission! And we successfully completed the mission. Oh, yeah, I almost forgot." Levy rummaged through her bag and yanked her fist out of it, shoving it under Lucy's nose. "A late birthday present from the five of us." Levy pointed at Shadow Gear, Lily and Gajeel and opened her fist. The blonde stared at the golden key resting in Levy's small palm.

"Aries' key... Where'd you..." Lucy looked with wonder at the bluenette, not believing her eyes.

"The bandits we caught had it, and I thought it's safer in your hands. I'm sorry we didn't get back in time, but it took longer to get a hold of the bad guys. Like Gajeel put it, slippery as eels." Gajeel snapped his eyes their way when he heard his name, but quickly looked away when Lucy moved her eyes to him and smiled.

"Thank you…" Lucy glomped the petite bluenette, continuing with the rest of Shadow Gear. She went to Gajeel and Pantherlily with a big smile, the Dragon raising an eyebrow at her.

"I hope you're not thinking of hugging me." Gajeel crossed his arms and glared.

"Heavens, no, the mighty Kurogane might get cootie.' Lucy laughed. "I just came to thank you both."

"It was our pleasure, Lucy-san. Happy birthday!" Lily went to the blonde and gave her a hug before Lucy turned to Levy again with an excited look on her face.

"Wait till you see Loke's face when he finds out about Aries." Lucy almost jumped for joy, itching to get home and open Aries and Loke's gates. Levy smiled fondly and went to Mirajane, followed closely by her teammates.

"Levy-chan! Minna! Welcome home! You were supposed to be back a couple of days ago, what happened?" Levy handed the paperwork and ordered something to drink.

"This freakin' midget took her time with some runes." Gajeel came behind the bluenette and grabbed a nail from a cup.

"Well, they were important. The runes took us to the bandits, so stop complaining." Levy shot a bored look Gajeel's way. "Don't mind him, Mira, he's just grumpy."

"He's always grumpy." Mirajane placed a clean glass on the counter and filled it for Gajeel.

"He is right here, and he can hear you just fine." The Dragon grabbed his glass and downed it.

"Well, good for him." Levy turned to glare Gajeel in the face.

"Ara, ara… Trouble in paradise?" Mira looked amused at the two.

"What paradise?" Gajeel downed another glass, turned and walked away without a second glance.

"Jeez… He's insufferable sometimes!" Levy puffed indignantly.

"It'll pass, don't worry about it."

"Who said I was worried in any way?" Mira smiled at the bluenette and continued with the debriefing. It was late and the pub was almost empty by the time Levy finished, so she quickly grabbed her stuff and headed home. The town was sound asleep and the streets empty. Levy reached Fairy Hills rather quickly, took two steps at a time and exhaled contently when she finally reached her room. She quickly threw her backpack next to an armchair and headed for the shower for a well deserved time of relaxation. Once she was finished and her muscles relaxed, she threw herself on the bed and was fast asleep a moment later.


How about it? Did you liked it? Loved it? Hated it? Please review, your opinion matters to me as a writer.