Before reading!

I do not know anything about Yato and Nora's past, so this is all made up! If you don't accept that I made a few things up then please don't waste your time reading it ;D Thank you~

Nora felt only anger towards Yato's new companions. Fine, she was also Yato's shinki, so it was most natural that she would hold most of the grudges against Yukine, but she didn't, that much at least. No, most of her anger got on Hyori. She had seen how every time she was close to Yato she would smell his sent then blush. Hyori always glanced at Yato every time she got the chance without Yato noticing a thing. What made her even angrier was that Yato always kept an eye on Hyori. Everywhere she went Yato would follow, just like an obedient dog. ''Why did Yato find this annoying human so amusing? Why was she that important to him, even though they just met? Why?'' Would Nora always think. She had done so much for Yato in the past, it was so much fun. He could protest all he wanted against it now, but he clearly enjoyed it just as much as her at that time. He had changed, for the worse. Before it were just the two of them, doing jobs, slaying everyone in their path, just like Yato was born to do. It was and is his destiny but now he has gone astray. She had to bring him back to the right path, the path only the two of them could walk together, and now is the perfect chance. His new pathetic, tasteless, klutz of a shinki, Yukine, had only been torturing Yato the last few days. She had really had problems with staying away, not stab him right in his gut for hurting her Yato. Maybe she had to thank him? It was his doing that made her closer and closer to Yato. When Yato gets weak, helpless and in plain misery she would strike. In the past, maybe it wasn't completely Yato's will to kill all those people, especially when he killed Bishamon's shinki. She had maybe controlled him a bit, only for his wellbeing though. When she started to get new masters to follow they got separated for a long while, maybe that was what made Yato distancing himself from her. One day Yato got new a shinki, it made Nora feel so hurt. After that Yato wouldn't be close to Nora at all. And now he got Yukine, and Hyori. Nora bit her lip. There, there did Hyori glance at Yato again while he laughed. ''Stop blushing'' Nora whispered to deaf ears.

It didn't seem like Hyori and Yukine were aware of her being present, but Yato knew. That's why he wouldn't separate with them if not necessary. He knew that if he would be alone with Nora now in his state he would fall into her darkness yet again. She would touch his skin with her smooth hands and he would lose himself to her, just like in the past. He had to stay with Hyori or Yukine, but lately Hyori would always take Yukine with her and tell Yato to leave them alone. He just has to hang on.

Nora was in another school building staring through the window to where Yato, Hyori and some random kid were. She had seen the kid come out of the girl's bathroom with two knives that she knew was Yato's. She knew his style of doing things. Soon after Yato came out and was staggering. She couldn't help but smile. His weak state just made him even cuter. It made her wanting to protect him even more. Her smile disappeared as fast as it appeared. Hyori came running after Yato. They were talking a bit but soon Yato left Hyori. Nora read Yato's lips that he said ''I'm going to lay down for a bit'', so she knew where he went off to.

Minutes later Nora was in front of the schools infirmary. She could feel Yato's aura, slowly she opened the door. She walked to the bed where Yato was fast asleep. Even though awake he was in so much pain, he seemed really peaceful asleep. His eyes were closed and his mouth slightly open. A smile and a blush appeared on her face as she got closer to the sleeping god. She got up on the bed and sat down, taking his head up on her lap. She stroke and played a bit with his hair, it was so silky. ''I've missed you, you know. I'm always there for you to use me anytime. You know I could make you a wealthy god. We can still get rid of your other shinki, Yato'' she whispered softly while kissing his head. Nora got a bit surprised at first, but then smiled. Yato snuggled closer into her in his sleep. He was so cute. She went back to stroking his hair, remembering how they used to do this all the time before when Yato were napping. And look at it now, she's like a stalker. But soon enough they would to this out of both of their free wills. Yato suddenly opened his eyes slightly, still sleepy and maybe thought it was his dream. ''N-Nora… what are you…doing? We can't… do this anymore… Get away from me…'' he said with a weak voice. He knew that every time Nora would touch him like this he would little after little lose his own will. His senses would go numb, and he would be hers again. He couldn't let her control him again, he didn't want to shed any more innocent blood. He weakly tried to push her away, after being in her arms for so long he had already started to lose control over his actions. He would fade away into more darkness if he let this go on, so when he still got any strength left after Yukine's backstabbing and her control, he had to push her away from him. ''Fine for now, this was a good session for today, Yato. But you will soon be by my side again'' she said softly while forcing Yato's eyes to close again, sending him off to sleep. She put his head down and disappeared out of the room.

Not long after Hyori came into the room and found a sleeping Yato. Nora watched Hyori while she took a look under Yato's shirt. Nora clenched her fists. Even worse was that Hyori suddenly punched Yato into the wall for no reason, what an idiotic girl. Nora had to hurry up and get Yato, he doesn't need to be with this violent human longer than necessary. With a little help from the ignorant Yukine, a few more gentle touches and Yato will once again be on Nora's side. Even if he wants it or not, and the others won't be able to get him back this time.

This is a short first chapter, more will come xD I feel really strange by what I find fun to read and write, I love when my favorites characters gets hypnotized and such, heh xD Well, hope you enjoyed! I do not speak English so I have to apologize that! If you see really bad grammar mistakes, please tell me about it, it would really help me a lot! Review, review~