Location:School in Odaiba middle school POV:Kai

I was at lunch waiting for Lina and my other friends. We were going to talk about our TV marathon of Digimon, All of us were planning on having a giant sleepover and watching the marathon together. It is the last one we are going to have for a while since spring break was coming up we wanted to do something special. I saw my friend Lina she is the Izzy of the group she is amazing with computers and spends a little too much time on the computer. She had a huge grin on her face.

"Kai, kids are disappearing, then showing up babbling about monsters. You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?" The expression on her face made it clear she was talking about digimon. Her smile only got that big if she was think about digimon, or visiting family.

I replied, "What makes you think that? I wish Digimon were real too but, right now there isn't any proof."

She replied, "True, but that doesn't mean we can hope."

I chuckled, "I guess what do you want to do about it? Did you make a portal the digi world?"

She said, "Not yet, I'm still working on it." Then they laughed. "Give me a few more weeks, or wait and see if we get sucked up."

I said, "Alright should we go see what's taking the others so long?"

"Probably." Lina agreed. "But it could just be that the lunch line is long today."

I replied, "I guess." The two of us waited for about 5 minutes until the other came to our table. Chatting about grades, and the supposedly sane people in the school. I spoke up and said, "Hey guys what are we going to do about the marathon? It's going to be the last one we have for a while."

Sky replied, "Maybe we should bring our stuffed digimon, the ones that Lina's mom knitted for us."

"Crocheted." Lina corrected.

I said, "That's a good idea but what else could we do?"

Tyler said, "Maybe we could all dress up like our favorite characters. I mean we have the costumes for it."

A faint blush appeared on my face thinking about that.

Marcus, the Matt of the group said, "Yeah I think thats a good idea. Not to mention I can't wait to see Kai in his Kari costume again."

"That'll be funny!" Lina chuckled.

I was blushing like crazy and said, "Fine but only this one time."

After all that was settled, we went to rest of our classes for the day. At the moment I was walking home with Sky we are next door neighbors. I was walking into my apartment and Sky was following me. I turned around and asked, "Sky, what are you doing?"

She said, "I'm making sure you don't skip out on your promise."

I sighed, knowing Sky was stubborn. I said, "Alright, but before we do that I need to set up the media room for the party. Think you can help?"

Sky replied,"I can handle that." The two of us got to work after about an hour and a half everything was set up all the chairs had been moved so everybody could lay out their sleeping bags out other than the girls since they prefer the couch. I sighed and said, "All set everyone is going to be here in about a half hour."

Sky grinned, "You know what that means Kai, right?"

I sighed, "Yeah costume time, but I'm just doing the outfit nothing else."

She said, cracking of her knuckles, "OH no, you're doing the hair too."As an evil glint shown in her eye, I gulped in fear. Within 10 minutes I was in my costume and Sky had done my hair to make it look like Kari's 01 haircut.

I asked, "How do you girls make short hair look like its longer than it actually is?"

Sky answered, "We're magic." A smirk spread across her face.

"Well now that I'm all set you need to change into your Sora costume."

"I'll go home and change and don't even try to get out of that."

"Alright, why don't you go and get ready." With that Sky left for her home, to change.

I walked up to my room to get the last few things I needed. All of us had our own makeshift crest, the ones our favorite characters held, our own homemade digivice, and last but not least the plush of our favorite character's partner in their rookie form. I knew that something big was going to happen I just wish I knew what it was. In less than 10 minutes Sky was at the door in her Sora costume from season 1 with her sleeping bag, pillow, her own crest of love, her Piyomon plush, and last but not least her Digivice was a attached to her waist. The two of us waited for the others to arrive. The next person after her was Maya in her Mimi costume with her crest of sincerity, Palmon plush, sleeping bag, pillow, and her Digivice attached to her hip.

Maya said with stars in her eyes,"Oh my Angewomon! Kai you look so cute in your Kari costume. I love what you did with your hair."

"That wasn't me Maya, Sky is the one who did my hair." I said.

"I don't care you still look cute in that outfit." Marcus was the next to arrive in his Matt costume with his Gabumon plush, his crest of friendship around his neck and his Digivice on his waist. His brother Tyson had arrived with him in his TK costume, his Patamon plush, his crest around his neck, and his Digivice on his waist.

Marcus said while laughing, "Hey Kai looks like you didn't chicken out. Or should I call you Kari?" My face was as red as Myotismon's cape.

"Lay off Marcus, there is no need to be a jerk," Sky snapped. This shut Marcus up quick because he has always had a crush on Sky. After a few more minutes Joseph arrived with his Gommamon plush, crest of reliability, and his Digivice clipped onto his sleeping bag. He didn't say anything about my outfit. After Joseph arrived Lina arrived with popcorn, her laptop,her crest of knowledge,her Tentomon plush, and her Digivice on her hip. She had the same reaction Marcus did.

"Hey, you look funnier than me in my Izzy costume!" She laughed. "I just wish I could get my hair right." Instead of sticking up like Izzy's, her hair was hanging around her head. Last but not least, Tyler arrived with his Agumon plush, crest of courage, his digivice on his waist and sleeping bag. The 8 of us went to media room, where we set up the snacks we'd brought and all the sleeping bags.

Several hours later, when we were watching the final episode of season one, a buzzing came from everyone's waists. Just as the Digivices on screen were caging up Apocalymon, Kari's shone towards the screen and a bright flash of light enveloped us, and we were falling.

Icy: Here's a filler for What if Kari was older than Tai. I have a special guest author with me. Introduce yourself.

DFC: Hi peoplez! Call me Digi! Oh, hey, cookies! *Dives off screen*

Icy:Thats digi fan capp my co author for this story tune in next time.

DFC: Cookie?