Hello everyone! It has been a very long time since the last time I was active. Just looking at my account it had been... goodness, about three and a half years since I posted a story and nearly four since the last time I posted to this story in particular. A lot has happened since the last time I was active and pretty much all of it happened between the last two years. My father moved in with us. I had a baby. All three of us bought a house. And both my husband and I started seeking mental health counselling for all of our various issues. The last two years have been quite the crazy ride. Rest assured I am doing better. Post-Pardem depression had hit me hard, but I am finally enjoying life a lot more and am trying to be the best mom I can be. Within reason of course. Trying to be the perfect mom was one of my problems in the first place.

I've also started a new hobby. Streaming! I don't have any plans to become a professional streamer or anything. It's just something that I do on my nights off to relax and interact with people. Working nights leaves me wanting for human interaction and streaming has really helped my introverted ass. You can find me at /TheTallDwarf89 if you're interested in tuning in and watching. I stream Saturday nights from about 9-11pm with my husband. We've been playing Diablo 3 and its been a blast. We plan to open our play up so anyone who tunes in can play with us. Sundays are my usual big streams where I go from 12 or 1am till 6am. I've been playing Final Fantasy X and Harvest Moon: Light of Hope. I'd taken a break from Final Fantasy this past weekend, but I think I'm going to hop back on the RPG train soon. I do want to move to streaming from my PC, but my setup is far from ready.

So, the obvious question I'm sure some of you are asking: Why am I posting this update here instead of just on my profile? Well, I wanted to make sure everyone who reads or had read this story in particular see this message. I was in a certain mood just a couple weeks ago and went back to read a lot of my old stories. Most I was pretty satisfied with... except for this one. I'm sure you all know why. I ended this story very blunt force trauma. I didn't earn the ending I wrote. The ending didn't jive with the tone and direction the story was going. I'll be honest with you, I ended the story so quickly because I wanted to move to something else. I was getting bored. I had other projects I wanted to work on. And then what happened? Life got in the way. I ended up not completing any of those other projects I started after this one and that book I kept going on about? Yep. It's still unfinished.

So the good news? I'm revising this whole story. Rewriting it from the beginning. There are a lot of things that worked with this thing and I love it for them, but there are just as many things that are very cringy and need a lot of work. I attend to work on all of that. With everything I've experienced over the past four years (life, parenthood, mental health, etc), I think I have a few more tools under my belt to really make this story great. Especially with my husband's struggles with his C-PTSD.

For those who don't know, CPTSD is also known as Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and develops from prolonged abuse such as child and domestic abuse. I won't go into specific details regarding my husband's experiences, but just know that some of what my husband went through and what Seto Kaiba went through are pretty similar in regards to abusive parental figures, especially if you read into what Kaiba was put through in the manga cannon. I want everyone to be aware because I may have to up the rating of this story to Mature depending on how deep things end up going. I am going to make sure to put a warning in the story summary once I start uploading it and at the head of every chapter that contains such material.

So, the bad news, because there is always bad news.

I don't know how long rewriting this thing will take. Life will inevitably get in the way and I don't have much time outside of slow times at work to write. I have completed a couple chapters and will post them as a new story; probably titled something like "Dragon's Rebirth: Revisited," or something like that. Not a great title. Feel free to give suggestions and ask questions.

That is it for right now. Any future updates will be posted to my profile.

I look forward to hearing from you guys. Excitement. Skepticism. Doesn't matter. Comments keep me going.

Love to all of you! Buh-bye for now!