I don't own the characters of Harry Potter I do own this plot though. I hope you guys like it! The characters would be different and I hope you read the character page before this to understand it better. Reviews and suggestions would be appreciated!

"I have PMS and GPS which means I am a bitch and I will find you."

Chapter 3: Let the bitchiness begin!

The ground of Hogwarts was covered with pure white snow lying lifelessly on the asphalt. It was a week before Christmas, a Saturday, and it would prove to be another white christmas for the people living nearby. Students were walking hand in hand outside. Their robes touched the ground and matters of sparkling snow clung to their hems. All were wearing thick clothing beneath and scarves to add warmth. It was cold and chilly outside but that did not stop the excited students of Hogwarts from going to Hogsmeade.

Some students of Hogwarts already left for Christmas break while some stayed to be with their friends in the castle. The castle seemed to be more alive than ever. The Great Hall had an artificial snow falling from the magically created sky. Everyone was busy with something. Some already begun their Christmas shopping while some just started planning. Galleons and gold bounced in every pockets just waiting to be spent. It was Christmas after all. The time to spend for unnecessary things and to indulge one's desire.

Meanwhile, a couple of people still lay asleep on a black but elegant bed in one of the prefects' room. Tom Riddle had his arm around the still sleeping Harianna Black who had her head placed on his shoulder. Her left arm was placed on his chiseled chest that followed the rise and fall of Tom's breathing. Tom's hair was still tame even though it undergo eights hours of sleep. He was wearing his dark green v-neck shirt with his black pajamas. Harianna, on the other hand, wore her casual sleeping night gown. It was white and thin that barely covers her body. It was a v-neck night gown with spaghetti strap that only goes a foot below her waist. It was only thanks to the thick black comforter that was covering them that she was not shivering with the rapidly dropping temperature.

Tom blinked his eyes trying to chase his sleepiness away. He turned his head to the right and was met with a black mass of hair. He felt his lips spread into a soft and fond smile. He inhaled the scent that the woman always had beside him. It was a mixture of lily and sugar that has a tint of ice coldness in it. It was exhilarating.

He looked outside.

Then frowned.

It was snowing. It was going to be cold.

He hate coldness.

Hate what the paper said to Harry.

"You are going to die the coldest way."

He stopped his way of thinking. Nothing will harm her. No one but him.

He looked at her and true to her nature. She was still sleeping. Her small and soft snores always warm his cold and twisted heart. He found it adorable. He shook her gently while kissing her forehead. Rumbles of incoherent mumbles answered him.

"Witch, wake at once. We wasted enough daylight and I don't have the desire to make this day unproductive." He said with his stern voice but his eyes shone with amusement.

No response.

"Girl, weren't you listening? I just told you to wake this moment. I gave you enough time to sleep and I can spare you no more. Time is being wasted." He said again and shook her not too gently.

"What was that?" He asked when he heard something.

"I said, fuck off Riddle! You do not wake a lady like that! If you are so eager to start this Goddamn day then go on and leave this blasted bed. I am going to stay here and catch up with my sleep." Harianna said with her blazing eyes.

Damn, Tom forgot that a certain Harianna Black and mornings never combined well.

"Well? What in Merlin's beard are you waiting for? Go on, leave so I can sleep peacefully." Harianna said while turning her back on Tom and huffing on her pillows before closing her eyes again.

Tom sighed. He did not want to be in a fight so early in the morning. So he hugged from behind the still fuming girl beside him who was still trying to sleep.

"In my defense, I really did try to give you more time to sleep, but dear, you have to admit that it is getting pretty late." Tom started with his chin placed on her neck.

He was met with silence.

"Harry, it's Hogsmeade day and wasn't you the one darling who wanted to buy all this gifts for our lovely friends?" He said the word friends through his gritted teeth.

"Is this your way of apologizing? Your charm is really probably failing you because I don't feel charmed to forgive you." Harry said still with closed eyes.

Tom groaned.

"Harry, I, Tom Riddle, do not apologize." Tom said a matter-of-fact and probably doubt what he just said when he felt a familiar wand poking his neck.

"You will or Merlin help me, you annoying me this early in the morning would cause your oblivion." Harry said with deadly tone.

Tom glared at her and tightened his hold. "Was that a threat I am hearing dear because we all know who is better between us."

"Don't be too cocky,darling. The last time we duelled, I remembered you losing." Harry said in her sing song voice.

"You distracted me. That's all." Tom seethed at her.

"Details. It's not my fault kissing you would be so distracting for you." Harry waved her heard as a sign of dismissal.

"I'm building my immunity."

"Do what you must but I haven't heard my apology yet."

Tom groaned but he knew she would be bitchy the whole day if he did not.

"I apologize for waking you in way that a lady should not be awaken with. I hereby promise that the next time would be more gentle and suited for a lady of your calibre. Would that be enough to suite you my Highness?" Tom ended sarcastically.

"There, there. It wasn't so bad right?"

"You know I hate you right?"

"I know. So what are you getting me for Christmas?" Harry asked excitedly finally facing him with wide grin.

Bipolar bitch.

"No one's getting you what." Tom said without blinking.

"What! Why?" Harry asked.

"Should I really need to elaborate? You've been naughty. Getting into trouble, flirting with the elves, talking to Potter, embracing Rabastan, not following my orders, calling me a bastard, shouting at me all the time… should I go on?" Tom said like he was reciting a well thought speech.

"But, but Tom!" Harry exclaimed. "You can't be serious. I need a Christmas present!"

"Oh I'm sure the others would give you enough." Tom said lazily.

"But I always love your Christmas present to me the best." Harry said sorrowful and Tom felt guilty.

Tom looked away then pressed his eye shut."Oh fine! I'll see if you deserve one."

"Yay! Okay so, how much are you willing to let me spend this time?" Harry asked hopefully.

Tom sputtered. "Wha.. what? Excuse me? I hope you are not insinuating of using my own well earned money as your pocket money for your shopping spree again?"

Harry pouted. "But Toooom! I don't have any money."

"Are you deaf? Can you hear yourself right now? Should I remind you again that you are Harianna Black and the last time I checked, Blacks are not beggars."

"But that means going to Gringotts for galleons! You know those little goblins always scare the crap out of me! Tom you must not let me near those.. those.. things!" Harianna held his shirt tightly like begging for mercy. Tom can feel a forming headache.

"No. I refused to waste my money on people I don't even consider friends. And shall I remind you again that I am a very reasonable person who thought of saving his money for better purposes."

Harry was now straddling his waist with her both arms on his chest. "Tom, you don't even use your money. What do you do with them? Bury them somewhere and wait for someone to find them?"

"As always, you are not listening. I said I am saving them."

"But! Please?! Have mercy Tom! I'll just spend some hundreds of galleons. You would not even notice it from your incredible sum of money."

Tom pinched his nose bridge. "Yes I will and hundreds of galleons is not little. You could support a small family for year with that.

"Okay, so maybe just half of that?" Harry asked with her doe like eyes. "Please? That would really make me so happy."

Tom definitely had a headache already. It was huge and he knew it won't go away soon like the girl straddling him.

"I knew I should have killed you long time ago. You continue to prove as a menace in my life." Tom sneered at her.

"I'll take that as a yes, my dear." Harianna leaned and kiss his lips. Tom was still scowling but did not refuse the kiss that was given upon him.

"Bitch.." Tom muttered.

"What was that?" Harianna asked finally getting up and stretching.

"I said witch." Tom said with a frozen smile. "How about we meet up in front of the gate around 11?"

"Fantastic! I'll see you. Bye!" With that, Harry left the quarters with a certain Tom thinking how much hundreds of galleons would be wasted that day.

"Are you sure we shouldn't have waited for them?" Abraxas asked the others while roaming around Hogsmead.

"Oh! Come on Malfoy! You do know those two will wake up once they feel like it." Rodolphus said while balancing his purchased candy bags.

"They are probably tired from last night's… performance."

Abraxas turned red. "Tom would not dare touch… touch that blasted girl.. in that way."

Bella, on the other hand, who heard the conversation whirled so quickly and pointed her wand on Malfoy. "I hope you are not doubting our Lord's capacity to think for himself. I also do hope that you are not mentally calling my cousin a bitch because we all know it did not go well with you the last time you did, Malfoy."

Abraxas sputtered. "Of course not, Bella. I would not dare doubt our Lord."

"Good." Bellas said before pocketing her wand quickly and turning around.

"What is that potion you bought earlier, Abraxas? Is it for class?" Zev asked to lighten up the mood while eyeing Abraxas bag with purchased things.

"It's nothing. Just some sort of experiment."

Everyone looked doubtful because all knew that potion was definitely not one of the Malfoy's pastime. If ever, it would be fashion and how to be famous.

"Hey kiddo! Aren't you going to buy anything?" Rodolphus asked while swallowing loads of candies.

"I am not hungry but I might stop later to get new books." Rabastan said quietly.

Abraxas sneered at him. "Why is he even here? He's not even one of us."

"Now Malfoy, the Lord said he can come with us and so he will." Bella said with pointed looks that shutted Malfoy's foul mouth.

When Harry walked towards the gate, she noticed that most of the students already left. It was weird to see Hogwarts so quiet. As she walk the corridors and halls, she thought of what to buy for whom. New potion ingredients for Zev, prank book for Rodolphus, Dark Arts guide for Bella… etc. Harry was so lost in her thought that she did not see what she collided with because the next thing she knew, she was falling.

She let out a small shriek and waited to feel the hard floor on her back. She did not. Instead, she felt a strong arm, encircling her waist. She looked at the person. Glasses. Messy Black Hair. Warm eyes. It was Charlus Potter.

"Sorry.." Charlus said sheepishly.

"Oh! No! I wasn't looking. Thank you by the way and… nice reflexes." She said with a grin.

"All thanks to quidditch." Charlus returned the grin.

"Speaking of quidditch, are you ready to lose the next match?" Harry teased before standing on her own.

Charlus raised his chin for an air of superiority and crossed his arms. "I'll have you know Black that your dear cousin Orion was practicing to no end just to ensure that victory would not be once again yours."

"Well.. isn't that a nice cousin gesture?" Harry asked unsurely. "Very sweet of him, ensuring my failure and all of that."

Charlus burst into laughters and Harianna followed. "Yeah, I guess it is really very sweet of him."

"CHARLUS POTTER!" Someone shouted down the hall and a running Orion Black burst into their view.

They waived at him and Harianna was immediately engulfed by his cousin who spinned her in the air.

"Hello, little cousin who is not so little anymore." Orion said while putting her down.

"Har Har, Orion." Harry said with a glare while dusting her robes.

She was wearing a light green robes that matched her eyes. Beneath it, she had a plain white shirt and a skinny pants.

Orion and Charlus both wear their red robes. Figures. Gryffindors.

"So, what brings you here alone cousin? Where is your entourage?" Orion asked while mock looking around her like looking for someone. Charlus smacked his head for his idiocy.

"I do not have an entourage Orion. They are called friends." Harry said with a sigh.

"Friends do not walk behind you like it is a freaking Halloween parade." Orion said innocently and Harry could feel her eyebrow twitch.

"Ow!" Orion exclaimed while shooting daggers towards Charlus who hit the back of his head again.

"That's twice in a row, Charlus. You are pushing the limit." Orion glared at him but Charlus just rolled his eyes.

"What my lovely friend here was trying to ask is, why are you alone?" Charlus smiled apologetically.

"Oh! I am not alone. I am on my way to meet Tom for Hogsmeade." Harry said like she just remembered. Orion looked worriedly towards his friend Charlus who looked certainly looked defeated. He was running his hand on his hair distractedly.

"Oh! Is that so.. So I guess you should go now huh?"

"Yeah.. I really should.. you know Tom." Harry tried a weak smile.

"No, we don't..." Muttered Orion who Charlus just elbowed to shut up.

Charlus gave her a tired smile too in return. "Yeah, so I guess this is goodbye."

"Yeah. I'll see you around." With that, Harry left the two person who was still looking at her back.

"It's okay.. there's plenty of others.." She heard Orion whispered and she felt her heart contradict.

Why won't Charlus just give up? She told him no multiple times but the damn boy won't just give up. She warned him, ignored him, and asked him to stay away. Merlin! She was so horrible but the boy would still come back. He would come back with a smile like she just did not broke his heart for the millionth time. It was very idiotic and she wondered if Charlus liked feeling his heart break. Was the pain addicting?

But despite everything, she would be a liar if she denied that it did not warm her heart whenever Charlus would come back to her for more pain. Salazar! She was really a horrible person. She wondered how he can love her still after putting him into so much pain. She knew she did not deserve him. No, he was too good for her.

Everytime they would see each other, it was like a stage would be built just for the two of them. Them, just the two actors on stage without script needed. They would act and act like nothing was wrong, like no one was hurting. It was the worst play ever and she wondered when it would end.

Before she could turn in the end of the hallway, she heard someone shouted her name.

"Harry!" Charlus shouted at the other end of the deserted and quiet hallway. His voice echoed through the hallway.

She raised her eyebrow and looked at him confusedly.

"I.. I.. I just want you to know that.. you're welcome to celebrate christmas with us in our tower or if you just want to hang out anytime." Charlus said while running his hand on his hair again, his nervous gesture. He looked like a lovesick schoolboy. It was adorable.

She can see Orion burying his face in his hands with a groan.

"Just stop by sometime cousin so this idiot here would stop talking about you once in a while." Orion said shamelessly while pointing towards the red Charlus Potter.

She found herself laughing at the ridiculousness that was happening. Two Gryffindors inviting a snake into their den. It was all very unusual. She waved at them with a fond smile.

"I'll try sometime!" She shouted back before turning the corner.

Charlus Potter's face broke into a genuine smile.

She saw Tom waiting impatiently outside the gate. His arm were crossed and he already had a scowl plastered on his face but whenever someone would greet him, it would be replace with a polite smile. He was twisted, really. He was wearing a thick black robes. He was graceful and more refined than the others. She wondered how he learned to be one.

"You are late" Tom said with distaste.

"Morning to you too, orphan boy." She sneered in return.

"I detest that blasted name." He sneered back.

Her smile became wider. "I know."

She proceeded to walk but Tom stopped him. She looked at him questioningly.

"It's going to be cold." Tom said while removing his dark green scarf on his neck and tying it around her neck.

She looked for some emotion on his face but all she saw was deadly calm. She looked at his eyes, there was a tiny sparks of softness in it. She smiled at him.

"Thank you."

They walked together, side by side towards Hogsmeade. It was too crowded. People were rushing everywhere trying to finish their shopping trip early. Tom reached for Harry's hand and hold it securely to ensure that he won't lose her. She looked at him but he was looking straight forward.

"Can we go to the Gladrags Wizardwear?" Harry asked Tom who looked at her expectantly.

"I would like to buy Abraxas a new robe."

Tom snorted. "He already have millions." Harry then frowned.

"But another one won't hurt him." Tom immediately followed.

Harry beamed.

Wizardwear was full with raging types of clothes. It range from robes, trousers, shirts, shoes and dress robes. It was fantastically expensive too. Harry and Tom made their way towards the robes. They were carefully created.

"Green or white?" Harry asked while holding the two robes.

Tom examined both of the robes critically before saying, "Green."

It cost 80 galleons. The witch in the counter gulped at the prize of one robe but Harry merely extended her right hand expectantly towards Tom. Tom merely groaned before not too willingly thrusting a pouch of galleons towards Harry.

"Should let Malfoy pay for this… ridiculous.." Tom muttered under his breath.

Picking Bella's Dark Art book and Zev's set of Potion ingredients was easy because they have a certain thing to look for. Of course, Tom was not too happy about his amount of galleon being wasted. He kept muttering curses under his breath towards the carefree girl beside him.

"Should have killed...blasted blacks… insane like the others.."

But whenever Harrianna would look at him, he would try to look compose like he was not doing anything.

"I'm hungry."

He raised his eyebrow at her. "Is it too hard to prolong your sentence here and now?"

"I am hungry Tom Riddle and I would really appreciate if we could stop and eat somewhere like Three Broomstick for lunch." Harry said pointedly.

"There,there. It wasn't too hard was it?" Tom teased before pulling her towards the direction of Three Broomsticks.

Three Broomsticks was in chaos. It was crowded beyond belief. Groups of Hogwart students were laughing and talking too loud for Tom's liking. Near the back, someone waved at them. It was Rodolphus. Tom's little court were eating there too. They walked towards them and it looked like they just got there too.

"So finally up? Was sex too intense last night?" Rodolphus asked shamelessly and Zev elbowed him roughly.

"Do shut up Rodolphus." Zev said under his breath.

"Would you like to join us M'lord?" Abraxas asked hopefully but Tom noticed that there was not any single empty chair left.

"The gesture was appreciated but I think the upper floor would be less crowded." Tom said.

"Is everything alright?" Bella asked while pulling Harry in the corner for a little privacy.

Harry looked at her suspiciously. "Why do you always ask me that question?"

"Why can't you just answer the question?"

"Yes, Bella mother, everything is alright." Harry said while rolling her eyes.

Her eyes landed on Rabastan who was there too with them. He looked out of place though, not talking to anyone at all.

"Would you like to join us darling?" Harry asked Rabastan with opened arms who looked startled.

"It is a bit crowded in here isn't it?"

She could feel a glare coming from Tom and not too surprisingly an arm wrapped around her waist.

"He is not coming with us." Tom said quietly in her mass of hair.

Harry just smiled sweetly with her gritted teeth. "Yes, he is."

Tom hissed at her.

Rabastan walked quietly shyly beside her and Harry wrapped her right arm around his shoulder as they climb the stairs together.

As the three of them sat together in a private room of Three Broomsticks, Tom looked or more likely glared at Rabastan. It was not like he hated the boy. Not completely, just maybe a little. The boy was talented and showed his usefulness during times. Tom liked people who were useful. Also, the boy could be the start of his younger followers. They will help him in the future. The problem is, the boy was too close to his Harry. Too close and intimate. He did not like it. Not at all. He wondered if he should just kill the boy. No, the boy would be very useful. He could play a good part if Tom play the cards right.

"What do you want to eat dear?" Harry asked while Tom snorted at the endearment.

Harry glared at him.

"I. I don't have my money with me. Rodolphus have them." Rodolphus said softly.

Harry looked surprised. "Oh! Is that so? Nothing to worry. I don't have mine either. Tom will just pay for the both of us."

Tom looked at Harry like she just lose her mind. She was really pushing it.

"I think I am going to get their shepherds pie. How about you?" Harry asked while putting down the menu. The blasted girl did not even bother to ask Tom. Tom felt his eyebrow twitch.

"Same as yours, I think." Rabastan said evenly.

"Fantastic! Have you decided yet Tom?" Harry said while finally looking at Tom.

Tom smiled at her without humor. "It's about time you notice me dear and yes I think I would get their vegetarian pasta."

"Of course I noticed you dear. Who could not if you are practically glaring at me the whole time?" Harry asked sweetly and Tom heard the little Lestrange beside her snickered. He did not reply in her impertinence.

Eating lunch was uneventful. Tom would practically glare at Harry's head once her face left his. Harry was the only one who kept the conversations going and little Rabastan was still in his shy self.

Harry dragged both Rabastan and Tom towards Zonko's so much to Tom's distaste. When Tom looked around, Harry was already giving Rabastan a bag to be filled with candies and prank materials. He prayed at Merlin for some help. It was nearly four in the afternoon when Harry and Rabastan stopped picking for more candies. Tom finally managed to drag the two away from the merchandise and immediately paid for it before dragging them out. Harry and Rabastan were laughing when they reached the exit. Both of their bag were full of assorted candies and pranks that Tom did not even want to know why they bought it. He just spent 200 galleons inside Zonko's and he can't help but scowl towards the two rascals who had mischief shining on their eyes.

"Tom! Don't be like that! It was so fun!" Harry whined while hooking her arms with Tom's.

Her eyes were still laughing. Rabastan was checking his purchases a few meters away from them. The boy looked too happy.

"You won't be laughing too when you just lost couple hundreds of galleons for some candies." Tom said sternly while pulling Harry closer to him.

Harry just chuckled at his attitude before wrapping her arms around his neck. "The boy is happy Tom. Let him be. I also had a lot of fun."

"Mhmhmmhh. You smell good." Tom said with his nose still buried on Harry's neck, nuzzling it.

Harry just chuckled again. "Do I now, dear?"

"Uh huh." Tom said with now roaming hands on her body.

Harry groaned when Tom's hand roamed a sensitive spot. "Tom..ahh Tom.. We can't we have Rabastan. Pervert."

"We.. should have left the boy with his.. blasted brother." Tom said huskily while nipping her neck.

"Tom." Harry said warningly. "Stop it now. Rabastan is waiting." Harry pushed him a little away before turning towards Rabastan. Tom just groaned again for not getting what he wanted.

Harry froze and Tom asked what was wrong.

"He's gone."

Harry was frantic and Tom cursed the boy who was causing her distress. The boy probably wandered without meaning to while looking at his purchases. Idiot.

"You look towards the way to Hogwarts. He probably realized he lost us and just made his way back. I'll look at the other way and bring him back with me to Hogwarts." Tom said while cupping her face.

"Find him Tom, please! Do be careful also." Harry said before Tom pressed his lips against her.

Tom jogged towards the other way, away from Hogwarts. He was looking right and left and elbowing the people who was on his way.

"Where are you cockroach." He cursed the words under his breath.

It was also freezing and he was sure that it would snow sooner or tomorrow. Christmas was definitely around the corner. Tom quickened his phase and made sure to look at every alley that he would past. He was nearing the end of the border of Hogsmeade and he hoped Harry already found the blasted boy because he was clearly not near him.

He was already about to apparate back when he heard the sound. A small whimper in the small alley hidden between two stores. He inspected what caused the whimper and saw what he was looking for.

Rabastan was there surrounded by older Ravenclaws who were probably in their fifth year. The older boys were already bleeding in some parts. The boy definitely fought before they tied him. Two were holding Rabastan hands, one was holding his wand and the other was checking the bag with things he bought for the boy. Rabastan was being bullied by four older and coward fifth year Ravenclaws.

Tom saw red.

He stepped into the light and was immediately noticed by the Ravenclaws but not by Rabastan who was still kneeling with bruise on his right cheek.

"Ri.. Riddle." The boy who was holding Rabastan's bag said.

"What.. What are you doing here?" The other squeaked.

"I should be asking you that. What. Are. You. Doing?" Tom said slowly but menacingly.

"This.. This boy Tom! Can't you believe it? He stole our bag of Zonko's!" The other boy who was holding Rabastan's other hand pointed at Rabastan.

"This little thief!" The other one smacked Rabastan's head.

Tom had enough of the show. "Flipindo!"

The boy blasted on the wall.

"Do you know how much that bag cost me?"

"Co..co.. Cost you?" The boy who was holding Rabastan's bag asked.

"Yes. I bought that bag of Zonko's for the boy. So technically you imbeciles are stealing from me. Crucio!" Tom pointed his wand on the boy who immediately screamed.




The other boys were frozen with fear so Tom lazily cursed the others before the other knew what was happening. The alley was left with a standing Tom Riddle, a kneeling Rabastan and four unconscious bloody bodies.

He walked towards the kneeling Rabastan. He lifted the boy's chin and was faced with a bruised face but his eyes, his eyes was full of defiance, just like the girl who was probably worrying about them. He felt some pride for the boy. He was true slytherin indeed. No one can make them bow.

"Are you alright?" Tom asked quietly while removing the tie on Rabastan's body.

Rabastan just nodded. Probably ashamed.

Tom sighed. He does not like comforting others. It was too much work.

"She's worrying about you, you know. Frantic would probably the right word."

"Is she mad at me?" Rabastan asked with frightened eyes.

Tom shook his head before pulling the boy on his feet. The boy was just below his rib cage. The boy definitely had more growing to do.

"Will I be punish for this turn of events?" Rabastan asked him bravely.

Tom looked back at him without emotion. "You should be for the trouble you caused me."

Rabastan looked down with shame and probably fear of punishments.

"But based on what I've seen, you handled yourself like a true slytherin. Salazar would be proud of you. Therefore, I believe punishment is not in order." Tom finished while turning around not wanting to face the incredulous face of Rabastan.

"Thank.. Thank you." Rabastan said softly.

Tom scoffed.

"Don't be ridiculous. Thank the blasted girl who is so fond of you. I would have let them beat you if she didn't ask me to look for you."

Rabastan nodded but his soft smile on his face did not disappear.

"Lets go back to Harry."

Harry thought she was going to lose her mind. No, she probably lost it years ago since she met Tom. She was pacing Tom's room endlessly since she got there. She did not saw Rabastan on her way back and she prayed to all the great wizards and witches she knew that Tom had found him.

"It's all my fault. I shouldn't have let him out of my sight. Fucking idiot." Harry told herself.

She kept doing that all over again until the door opened.

"Maybe you would like to stop talking to yourself. It is unbecoming of you." Tom said lazily on the doorway with Rabastan tucked beside him.

Harry's heart flipped.

"You found him! Thank Merlin! I was so worried!" Harry cupped Rabastan's healing face.

"Are you alright? What happened? Who did this to you?" Harry looked at Tom when Rabastan did not speak.

Tom sighed before pushing them all inside the room. "Some idiot fifth year Ravenclaws who wants his Zonko's."

Harry saw fury.

"Where. Are. They? Have they been taken care of?" Harry asked dangerously while wrapping an arm around Rabastan.

"Yes." Tom said while sitting on the bed. Harry was still kneeling in front of the still not speaking Rabastan.

"Did you curse and hex them? Were there loads of blood?" Harry asked quickly.

"Yes, dear. I made them bleed." Tom said while cupping his nosebridge.


"And they said I'm the.. ruthless one.. fucking hypocrite Blacks…" Tom muttered but Harry was still inspecting Rabastan.

After an hour of checking on Rabastan, giving him more healing potion and finally walking him towards his dorm, Tom and Harry were finally alone in Tom's room.

"Thank you for finding him. You did a good job." Harry said while hugging Tom.

Tom hugged her back while tucking in her head under his chin. "You make it sounds like I am a dog."

Harry looked at him. "Aren't you one? In perverseness level, I think you and dogs are the same."

"Stop calling me that and I don't here you complaining. I am a growing man and I have my needs." Tom glared at her.

"I am just teasing no need to be mad. But seriously, thank you." Harry said genuinely and Tom looked at her for a second.

"You are welcome." Tom said before kissing her forehead.

Tom thought he was still having a dream when he woke up. No, nightmare would probably closer to what he was seeing. His bed had a circle of still warm liquid substance. His bed was black in color; therefore, it was hard to see what spilled on it.

He did not wet himself. That was for sure.

Did Harry spill something last night?

Tom touched the puddle of wet thing on his bed and his finger was immediately stained with red. Warm red that looked like it was coming from Harry's body. Harry was not injured last night. She can't bleed for apparently no reason. Unless..

It finally clicked in his mind. No!.. No!

A girl and a red wet thing on his bed could only mean one thing. He could have swore his eyes got a little bit bigger and Tom wished he was still dreaming. He would take it even though it was a nightmare. Just get him out of reality.

He refused to participate such an embarrassing and ridiculous notion.

Tom's mind was running 200 km/s. He considered fake sleeping but he knew Harry was too smart to fall for that. He also considered leaving the room but that would require him to change and any movements would wake Harry up.

He heard her moan.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

So he did the only thing he could think of. He comforted the girl and maybe he would be spare of the wrath of a pms-ing girl.

"Darling, you need to wake at once." Tom started while rubbing Harry's back gently.

"We… you have your visitor." Tom was proud he was able to say the words.

Harry opened her eyes and looked at him irritatedly.

"What. are. you. talking. about. Riddle?"

Tom did not show fear.

"Dear, correct me if I am wrong but I believe it is your time of the month."

As quickly as that, Tom's day started with hell so early as 7 in the morning. Goddamnit. Thank Merlin it was Sunday.

Tom was banished from his own room by a screaming Harianna Black who chased him away with nasty spells. So he did not have any other choice but to transfigure his clothes into a robe and make his way towards the Slytherin house.

"Fucking girl, I just reminded her it is her time of the month… hexed me.. should be thanking me.." Tom hissed under his breath.

When he arrived in the Slytherin house, no one dared to ask what he was doing in there. Even his little court looked confuse but did not asked. He sat near the fireplace and planned what his strategy would be in dealing with a PMS-ing Black. Sooner or later, he needed to go back and claim his authority in his room. The girl also needed to eat and he was pretty sure PMS-ing girls have needs. He just wished, Harianna Black already had them with her.

He let an hour past before he stood up from his thinking chair. The others noticed the determined face on Tom's, his war face. They then wondered if he was going to duel someone so early in the morning.

"Goodluck, M'lord." Rodolphus dared to say out loud and Tom looked confused but did not dismiss the words. He knew he needed it more than ever.

When he arrived in front of his room, he composed himself before knocking softly. "Harry, dear?"

He was met with silence.

Do PMS-ing girls have the tendency to hurt themselves?

"It's me Tom. Let me in." Tom said softly.

He heard a swished and the door opened.

He did not recognized his room. It looked more like a dumpster to him. Broken things were everywhere and he wondered why almost all of his books were on the floor. The bed though was with a new sheet. At least it was cleaned. In the middle of the room, was a sobbing Harianna Black who was sobbing on the floor.

He was prepared for an angry Black, not a crying one.

"Darling, it's alright." Tom said as he knelled in front of her.

Harry lifted her head and Tom noticed that she changed her clothing. Thank God.

"It hurts, Tom." Harry said while still sobbing.

"Where does it hurt?" Tom asked.

Harry just pointed the region of her lower abdomen. Tom sighed before picking up bridal style the still sobbing girl. She was a messed. He placed her on his bed gently.

"No!" Harry protested too loudly and Tom wondered what was up now.

"I am going to stain your bed again Tom! Merlin! I really apologize for that!" Harry sobbed harder.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!"

Tom did not know what to do. He was so lost.

"Harry… dear.. it's alright.. you can bleed all you want on my bed." Tom said with a weak smile but he definitely noticed the changed of aura around Harry.

"So you want me to bleed more?! Did I not bleed enough?!" Harry screamed at him and he wondered what he did wrong.

"No.. what I was saying is… dear.. it is only normal…" Tom tried to redeem himself.

"Oh! So me hurting like this every goddamn month should be consider okay and normal?!" Harry asked with fury eyes.

Tom did not know what to say, he knew he was standing on a shaky ice. "Well… yes?"

"FUCK YOU TOM RIDDLE! GET OUT OF THIS ROOM OR MERLIN HELP ME I AM GOING TO CASTRATE YOU!" Harry roared and Tom found himself outside his room again.

How did it go so wrong?

After being kicked out of his own room, Tom spent his entire day in their training room demolishing almost all of the dummies while muttering words that his court could not understand.

"Kill!... Destroy!... Blasted cycles!... Evils!.." Tom Riddle was definitely not in his good mood.

"What is wrong with the Lord?" Rodolphus asked Zev who was practicing protego with him while eyeing Tom blast more dummies.

"No idea. He was like that since he got here." Zev said with a shrug.

Rodolphus smirked mischievously. "Harry did not probably gave him any last night."

"Don't let the Lord here you that or you might be his next dummy." Zev said evenly before going back to practice.

"Your assumption is wrong Lestrange." Malfoy sneered.

Rodolphus rolled his eyes. "Of course I am Malfoy. When did I ever get it right?"

"Black seemed to be sick since Tom sent Bella to look after her." Malfoy continued while dusting his robes, not even paying Rodolphus any attention.

"Is she alright?" Zev asked Malfoy but Malfoy only shrug as if he could care less.


An hour later, Bella came back and leaned towards Tom to say something privately.

"She is sleeping now M'lord." Bella said and Tom saw that she was tired.

"Is she alright?" Tom asked quietly and Bella knew he was still annoyed.

"M'lord, she managed to ate her soup earlier and I gave her some pain reliever. She was looking for you before she fell asleep. I believe she feel bad for being unreasonable so early in the morning."

Tom just nodded. "Will this end today?"

"M'lord, you do know as well as I that it just started." Bella said apologetically.

Tom hissed then dismissed Bella.

"Also M'lord, she asked me to ask you to get more of her tampons in her room. She said something about you being only the only person who can enter for being a parseltongue." Bella said way too innocently while Tom turned pale.

True to her words, when Tom entered his room, Harry was still sleeping on his bed calmly and his room looked normal once again. He placed the disgusting packed of tampons in his bathroom before changing into his pajamas.

He slowly slipped under the cover beside Harry.

"Tom…?" Harry asked sleepily and Tom prepared for the worst.

"Harry." Tom greeted him a little bit colder.

Harry looked at him sorrowfully. "Oh Tom! I'm really sorry for this morning!"

He did not reply.

"S'kay.. I'll just .. go back to my room..now" Harry said with a slight sob while removing the covers from herself.

Tom caught her wrist. "Stay. I did not tell you to go."

"But.. !" Harry asked with tears in her eyes.

"It's all good now. I forgive you." Tom finally said while pulling her against his body. Harry snuggled happily while wiping her tears with Tom's shirt.

"Does is still hurt?" Tom asked while touching her lower abdomen.

Harry whimpered. "Little.."

Tom then began to caress it in a slow circle motion that Harry found comforting.

"Better?" Tom asked while still moving his hand.

Harry just nodded. "Thank you and I'm sorry again. I know you hate emotions."

Tom sighed before pressing a kiss on her temples. "It's okay. You'll learn to control them. Sleep."

And Harry did while Tom chaste the pain away.

Sorry for the long wait! I just got home from New York! I hope you like this chapter. Thank you for the kind reviews. I would really appreciate some reviews for this chapter. Some suggestions? Request?


Next: I am not scared of werewolf. We all have our own monsters inside.