AN: Hello! Thank you for the support that I've garnered in this story! I'm very glad that readers liked it. Though, as I already said, this was inspired by a manga entitled 'Yamada and the Seven Witches' but I have to admit that it's a different one from the actual manga. I'm not actually trying to copy the plot of that, I've got my own one, but some actually thought that it's the same concept. As I've mentioned, I was inspired, not doing a YatSW AU.
I only told you to read the manga so you know what idea I got from it. Like the powers, how it belongs to the school, etc.
Warning(s): This chapter might be a littler darker than intended since I've shaped my AU in a way that goes along with the view on Teikou Arc. There will be unexplained things but I'm still building up the actual story.
This story is GEN, like my others.
For any of those who are interested in KHR-KnB crossovers, check out my stories entitled: My Father is A Hitman and Phantom Tutor. Of course, only for those who are interested. If you're not, but just wanted to read a good KnB story, then go for Providence.
After that advertising, on with the second chapter.
[Chapter 2: The World that Only Magic Sees]
I watched and saw and listened.
"…do you remember me?"
"I don't."
I smiled – bitterly, painfully, regretfully.
"The world is too big for us."
"…will you show me?"
It was all black, no speck of white or gray or colors.
It was so dark that I couldn't see my reflection.
Kuroko could remember the first time when Teikou had talked to him. It had been by the end of second year. A time when their powers were already at the peak of insanity's door. Sometimes, he asked if it was the price that they were paying in place of their magic. It always answered that it was their right. Sometimes, he asked if this was really their fate. Teikou would always tell him that it's not predetermined.
It was easy to see how this power was slowly destroying them. He wondered if their predecessors suffered as they did.
Kise Ryouta simply didn't believe in love. It simply lost its meaning overtime. Sometimes, it was frightening how the blonde could stay apathetic to all the affection and care that was surrounding him. Or, he simply couldn't tell if they were genuine or not anymore.
Akashi Seijuurou acted as if he was above everyone. They couldn't disobey or lie to him. At least, those that weren't one of them. The redhead had the tendency of not listening to anyone because they listened to him. Sometimes, Kuroko wondered if Akashi even knew generosity. Because, people did things for him because they had to and not because they want to. This had led to his captain disregarding other people's feelings.
While Aomine Daiki didn't have a specific purpose in life. Not because he was stupid like other people labeled him as but because his priorities got mixed up with so many people that he had a hard time distinguishing which was his and which wasn't. He loved basketball with everything he had, because that was the thing that he could consider as solely his. And, it angered him when their opponents gave up on him when he was trying so hard to hold on almost desperately.
The tanned teen acted callous and uncaring because it was the only default he knew when his feelings and attributes didn't get jumbled up with the other personas that he had to deal with. Always trying his best to be an individual of his own above the rest.
Momoi Satsuki, though, absolutely adored Kuroko and he didn't know what to do when he knew that her feelings were genuine and rather deep.
She was such a sweet and kind person. And he was sad to see how she became distrustful of other people overtime. Eventually becoming disillusioned of humanity as a whole. Her ability was a very powerful one, being able to read people's minds. But, with that ability, it opened a can of worms that she had obviously not considered. False friendship from artificial relationships and even just the general human mentality that could be too cruel if left unchecked.
And the pink haired girl seemed to be captivated by him because the only person she couldn't read was Kuroko. Most would think of it as shallow but after dealing with the worst, Kuroko understood that she would stick close to the only source of normalcy she could get.
Midorima Shintarou's case, though, was simple. He didn't befriend or bother to know anyone outside their group. For the sole reason that he couldn't be bothered with it when he already knew them, even down to the second when they were born, before they were even aware of it. Kuroko couldn't help but wonder of how Midorima saw each of them as and if it had anything to do as to why he strongly believed in horoscopes almost religiously.
Murasakibara Atsushi was harder to read. Sometimes, he looked unaffected about it all. Sometimes, he felt rather intensely when he saw something interesting. But, it dawned on Kuroko that the purple haired giant could care less about everything because he already knew the consequences before it happened. Murasakibara didn't like people, unless there was food involved, because he already knew what would happen once he befriended them.
It was terrifying how their group was starting to feel… apart from other people.
Even he couldn't deny that when his abilities had reared its head. Akashi knew the basics but even the redhead didn't know what he was fully capable of. It was starting to scare him and he had even asked Teikou for guidance.
The answer he received wasn't much help.
"Let things make its natural flow," It had said with such knowing voice that Kuroko had learned to abhor by the time he was in third year. Their torment merely showed itself in their decreasing interaction with people and it especially revealed itself in their basketball.
He needed… to fix this. He needed them to feel human. Even if there would be an end by graduation. Before it was already too late.
But, how?
Of course, Teikou had answered his call.
From: Murasakicchi
Subject: kise-chin
Msg: don't you dare.
From: Kise-chin
Subject: Nyah ^_^
Msg: I just did, Murasakicchi, I just did! :)
Seirin stared at the gaggle of girls lined up inside the gym. They didn't seem to notice their teal haired member lingering by the back, further remaining unseen. Though, it was Riko who finally noticed the tall blonde male standing within the crowd, a bright grin on his face as he signed autograph after autograph.
Now, she knew that it couldn't be a coincidence. Especially after they just knew that they were against Kaijou in a practice match by the end of the week.
"Kise Ryouta," She couldn't help but mutter.
The blonde perked up at the mention of his name, gold eyes meeting hers for a second. His brow furrowed for a moment before he was smiling back at the girls (his fans?) once again. Riko ignored the urge to grit her teeth and merely stared at the spectacle in front of them.
Just what was the Generation of Miracles' Kise Ryouta doing in Seirin?
Her eyes narrowed as she watched the mesmerized girls almost beside themselves with anticipation just to get an autograph from the blonde. Ever since that discussion with Hyuuga and Izuki about that legend, she had been wary of any student of Teikou. It was especially hard when one of their teammates was from said school. Though, Kuroko hadn't shown any sign of discontentment towards them so it had been easy to act normal towards him.
But while that notebook certainly helped, it wasn't complete and that idiot Izuki hadn't thought to ask about the second volume.
Emperor, Prophet, Reader, Jumper, Practitioner, Charmer, and Caster. With the information provided only consisting of the second, third, and fifth conjurer. Well, she already had her guess as to what the role of Charmer was but she could never be too sure as their powers always delved deeper than the actual norm.
She had done her own research. Teikou was a very old school. So, it had been natural that there were many myths surrounding its history. Some of which had been about a goddess blessing the school, or about an animal spirit protecting its students (an article had been devoted to this one during an earthquake that had occurred thirty years ago, with the trapped first year middle school students miraculously surviving) or, the root of the matter, the Conjurers – where the founders were originally seven witches who entrusted their powers to Teikou's students every generation.
Of course, she also couldn't overlook the present legend that dominated the basketball circuit, the Generation of Miracles.
"I didn't mean for this to happen," Kise murmured to the crowd of swooning women. "Can you wait for another five minutes?" His golden eyes met Riko's once again, seemingly pleading, but she had a sharp eye for people to be able to pinpoint the real intensity behind that stare.
Riko wanted to shout that their team had practice to commence and Kise Ryouta was disrupting it. Though, looking at the awed and slightly wary countenance of her team, it might take a while before they could even focus on practice. It was why she hated attention-calling nuisances, it kept her boys distracted. So, turning back to the bothersome blonde, she merely sighed and nodded in consent and received a grateful beam for her effort.
Contrary to his words, it took about fifteen minutes before the girls were persuaded to leave the gym. And that had been when Hyuuga finally had enough and stepped in.
Riko looked for Kuroko for some advice. At first, she thought that he had disappeared on them. But, squinting better, she found him at the very back and eyes nowhere near his former blonde teammate who appeared to be more of a celebrity than an actual basketball prodigy.
"Well, that's that," Kise sighed, once again, calling their attention. "That's not what I actually came to Seirin for. Since I heard that we'd be playing you in a practice match, I can't help myself and come here. After all, this is the school that Kurokocchi chose for himself," He smiled at them, but Riko frowned, it didn't look sincere.
"K-Kurokocchi?" Hyuuga mumbled out in slight confusion.
"Kuroko Tetsuya," The blonde shrugged nonchalantly before his eyes searched among them. "So, how long are you going to hide from me, ne, Kurokocchi? It's been a while since anyone saw you. If it wasn't for Momocchi, I wouldn't even know where to look for," Kise laughed but there was no humor in his eyes.
If Riko wasn't already staring at Kuroko, she would've missed his flinch. It was subtle but she noticed the sudden, no matter how slight, movement of his shoulders.
Kuroko stood silent for a moment. Then, his feet moved and he slowly went to stand in front of the team. And directly across from Kise Ryouta.
W-What is this atmosphere? Riko wondered with trepidation, her eyes moving from the teal haired teen to the blonde. This pressure is… overwhelming. I can't even tell if it's coming from Kise-kun or Kuroko-kun. She grimaced and noted the cautious stance of the rest of the team. Even Kagami was silent.
"You protected them very well," Kise suddenly remarked as he eyed her in particular.
"I always do what I have to," Kuroko replied coolly, if not a bit frostily. "What is Kise-kun doing in Seirin?"
"I thought I'd come say hi," The blonde brighten as he grinned at the shorter boy before turning to the team. "Kurokocchi's one of my best friends, you see, so I came here to see what kind of people he chose to play with in basketball. I've got to say, are you really that weak for him to protect–"
"Kise-kun," Kuroko had his eyes trained on the blonde, making the other pale. "That's enough," He mumbled softly.
Though, the team had other things in mind.
"Did he just say–?" Hyuuga growled ominously and it took one menacing look from her for them to settle down. Looking back, she glowered at the blonde with silent fury. For now, she would let Kuroko handle this before she did something that might sabotage their upcoming match this week.
"I think we should take this outside," Kuroko commented, not even bothering for a response, as he moved to go out of the gym.
Riko didn't stop him. They were missing something here. Something big.
"Wait, I didn't get to challenge him yet!" Kagami was suddenly yelling as he moved to block Kuroko and Kise who had followed after the teal haired teen almost obediently. "You! One-on-one! Right now!" The redhead demanded.
"Bakagami, let them go," Riko had to refrain from outright snarling, her anger from earlier still simmering hotly. "You can fight him during the practice match. Let Kuroko-kun have his reunion with Kise-kun." At this, she directed a venomous glare towards the blonde who merely raised an eyebrow at her.
Kagami didn't look satisfied but a hand on his shoulder and one dark look from Hyuuga successfully cowed him into shutting up.
With that, the two members of the Generation of Miracles exited the gym.
"You're walking on thin ice," Kuroko remarked as soon as they stepped out of the gym.
"I'm sorry about that, Kurokocchi," The blonde apologized, sounding sincerely contrite. "I didn't know what came over me. Still, it's been too long since I've really seen you. Even now, I can't exactly say that this is how I wanted to meet you," He stated a little wryly as he combed a hand through his blonde locks.
Kuroko stopped once he was certain that they were out of earshot.
"You know the conditions that I've set," Kuroko reminded as he crossed his arms over his chest, eyes not meeting the other's golden ones.
"Of course, of course! All of us know that!" Kise was quick to placate, a nervous tinge in his voice. "I promise that I didn't use my powers this time. Those girls are really my fans, I guess, if they hadn't been lured before," Sensing the teal haired teen's displeasure, he quickly backtracked. "Okay, I'm sorry that I tried to use it on your team but I just wanted to check if the rules you've stipulated were actually valid. After all, Aominecchi and Midorimacchi forbade me from meeting their teams unless we're on tournaments," Kise admitted with a sigh.
"What makes you think that I don't feel the same way as them?" Kuroko posed the question with narrowed eyes.
At that, the blonde calmed down as he crouched down on the ground, looking up at the teal haired teen with searching eyes.
"Because no matter how much the others deny it, we all know who's the person in charge," Kise murmured quietly as his gaze flitted to the ground. "I hate this, being away from all of you, and even if Midorimacchi denies it, I know he feels the same way. I have a team that I just can't connect with. They're actually decent people but they're just not the same," He complained, almost childishly, as he refused to look at Kuroko.
"And that is the reason why we can't stay together," The teal haired teen was quick to counter. "You should know the most. After all, even if it didn't look like it, you were the first among the others to give in during that day in our third year," He reminded monotonously, his voice dropping down an octave.
The blonde paled at those words.
(I just can't care. Is that a bad thing–?)
"Is it really that bad?" Kise murmured as he tilted his head. "Even now, people are always easy to tease," He laughed as he stood up, a grim smile on his face.
"Just what do you see, Kise-kun?" Kuroko asked with resignation, his arms now hanging limply by his sides. "What do you see?"
The blonde only closed his eyes for a second before they snapped open once again. Kuroko merely waited patiently as he regarded the blonde with calculating eyes. Kise's golden eyes dilated slightly before they turned pitch black. It first focused on where Kuroko was standing, then to their surroundings, then to his hands, before going back to Kuroko.
"I see… lilac," Kise answered almost dazedly as his dark eyes stayed on Kuroko. "Everywhere, it's the same. But, you're not there," The blonde observed as his eyes went back to their normal golden hue.
Kuroko's lips quirked up into a ghost of a smile.
"You still can't see beyond that, even the others," Kuroko's expression softened. "Until now, even with eyes that can actually see magic, you only see that mist." He softly spoke as he indirectly referred to the 'lilac' that the blonde had seen.
"That's so unfair!" Kise pouted. "What about Kurokocchi? What can he see?"
Kuroko's eyes darkened slightly, retaining its color, before going back to its normal shade.
"Everything," The teal haired teen mentioned cryptically. "Well, I'm glad that we understood each other, Kise-kun." Kuroko suddenly started to go back to the gym. "Now, for compensation, why don't you give Kagami-kun that one-on-one he's asking for?" His voice seemed indifferent but the blonde straightened as he caught the warning in his words.
"I don't think that's a good idea–" The blonde tried to decline.
"Let me tell you something," Kuroko cut him off with an unreadable tone in his voice as he paused in his step. "Some of my teammates are aware of the existence of Teikou's Conjurers. And your careless statements earlier might cause a trigger in their investigation. I only know that it had something to do with my predecessor. But, as I already said, you had made careless statements. Now, you're going back to that gym and accept Kagami-kun's challenge. As you do that, I want you to remove any traces of your magic." Kuroko instructed with no real urgency in his voice but his eyes spoke of a darker sentiment if Kise failed to comply.
Though, instead of being cowed, Kise's eyes narrowed. Believing in a legend was one thing. But knowing about it was another matter.
"They know?" His voice echoed coldly. "And what's it got to do with Nijimura-senpai?"
"I don't exactly know yet," The shorter teen answered cautiously. "But I already intend to find out. If it's anything dangerous, I'll be quick to step in. That has always been my job, hasn't it?" He merely stated as he continued his walk towards the gym.
Kise followed after him reluctantly, not seeming to be appeased by the other's words, his feet dragging on the ground.
"Are you going to let Akashicchi know about this?" He asked plainly.
"No," Kuroko answered bluntly.
That was going to be the closest thing he got to a warning to keep quiet.
From: Kise-chin
Subject: Kurokocchi :) :)
Msg: Ne, ne, Murasakicchi! \(≧▽≦)/ I met Kurokocchi's team today! ヽ(・∀・)ノ But you already know that, right? Anyway, they're somewhat plain for my taste but they got this promising person, Kagami Taiga, who sort of reminds me of Aominecchi! (; ̄Д ̄) Waah! Kurokocchi wasn't happy to see me! I know that we made a promise that we won't use our magic on each other's team, but I can't help it!(#`Д´) (ノ°益°)ノ Kurokocchi's the only one who went to an unknown school! Please don't tell Akashicchi, he's going to kill me. (;;;*_*) Lastly, do you know if something happened with Nijimura-senpai back in Teikou? Like… when he's still holding Kurokocchi's place? Well, ja ne! (^o^)ゞ Wish you would stop by Kanagawa, there's a new store that sells this really awesome mochi!( ´ ▽ ` ).。o I really miss all of you! ヽ( ⌒o⌒)人(⌒-⌒ )ノ
From: Murasakicchi
Subject: stop annoying me
Msg: kise-chin's message is so full of useless emoticons. it's so annoying. there's already a store here that sells good mochi. and i already told aka-chin about what you did. he says that he'll set you straight when he comes to tokyo. and i can't see anything about nijimura-senpai, you know, even if he's now just a previous conjurer, he used to have kuro-chin's powers. i can't see theirs unless i'm looking at other people's and see them in that vision too. now, stop bothering me.
From: Kise-chin
Subject: Mean!
Msg: All of you are so mean to me! And why did it take you an hour to reply to me?! Mean! Mean! And Murasakicchi really sold me out to Akashicchi… I'm gonna die! I'm sorry, I asked the wrong person. I should've asked Midorimacchi. He-he, it's my fault. Though, now that you said that, I don't think he'd have any answers either. About that mochi, I'm so sad that you won't come to Kanagawa. Til' next time then!
PS – There, I removed the emoticons!
From: Murasakicchi
Subject: asdfghjkl
Msg: you're still annoying.
"Ne, Aomine-kun," Momoi called the other as she sat beside the other on her knees. "Aren't you going to watch the match between Ki-chan and Tetsu-kun tomorrow? It's the first time that some of us gets to meet again face to face after we've been forbidden to, ne, ne?" She pestered him relentlessly as she started poking his cheek.
Aomine growled as he swatted her hand away.
He had been napping on the rooftop when the pink haired girl had shown up. Of course, he already knew about the match. They all knew. It was actually a pretty big thing, after all, it had been one of Kuroko's conditions. Momoi knew that he hated this, Kuroko also knew that. To Aomine, it was like going back to square one.
"Didn't you tell me that Kise already went ahead and met Tetsu?" He grunted as he became comfortable again.
The girl pouted at this.
"It's so unfair!" She complained loudly, balling up her fists. "Ki-chan is a sly underhanded idiot! How could he! Even I couldn't even just waltz in Seirin and hug Tetsu-kun! And why did Tetsu-kun let him? That is so unfair!" She cried out passionately, jealousy coloring her words thickly.
"You're too loud, Satsuki," Aomine grouched as he glared at the girl. "Besides, Tetsu didn't forbid us to see each other. He just told us that's it's not a good idea. Besides, I don't want others hanging around near Touou. At least, not when we're in a game," He yawned as he scratched his head.
"It's the same thing!" The pink haired girl insisted with a frown. Then, she suddenly beamed. "Oh, you do care about the team, Dai-chan!" She sparkled at the tanned teen.
The other automatically scowled.
"Don't think too much about it," Aomine advised, his voice dangerously indifferent. "I just don't want them dragging me down," He remarked unconcernedly.
Momoi's smile fell.
She didn't want to hear his thoughts. And she didn't. That had been one of her selfish requests from Kuroko. But now, she wanted to badly hear the other's thoughts. No matter how much it would upset her. He'd been this way ever since second year.
"So, stop bothering me," The navy blue haired boy carelessly stated. "If you want to watch so badly, just go,"
"It's not a good idea," Momoi replied softly, subdued. "Tetsu-kun's right about that one. Ever since we graduated, I thought that it's all going to end. But, it didn't. I can still hear them. You can still switch with other people. Even Ki-chan's still loved by so many. And it's only because of Tetsu-kun that we're somehow making it work." She sighed at this, staring at her childhood friend and was actually tempted to just lie down and take a nap as well.
"Eh, really?" Aomine responded dryly, undaunted. "Well, I guess it doesn't bother me anymore. And don't trust Tetsu too easily, Satsuki. That guy's dependable, yeah, but he doesn't trust us." He warned with no real malice, just matter-of-factly.
The pink haired girl bit her lip, unable to look back at the other.
"Mou, Aomine-kun, you say such deep things once in a while," She suddenly sighed, voice exasperated and doubtful. "I already know that! Though, I noticed that you haven't been using your gift lately, not that it's a bad thing, but you know where reduced exposure leads to," Momoi warned as she poked his cheek once again.
This time, he didn't bother swatting her hand away.
"I have," The tanned teen admitted unabashedly. "You just didn't notice," He stated almost dispassionately.
At this, she flinched.
For that to happen, he had to be that person. Plain and simple. But horrible and painful. Though, looking back on it, it wasn't a matter of simply abusing their gifts. It had been like some sort of weekly medication before their powers consumed them.
After all, there had been that time when they had thought that simply not using them would help.
That had been their method to madness.
Takao stared at the quiet Midorima.
"So…" He drawled innocently, eyeing the other. "We're going to watch one of your teammates' matches. But, I don't know about you, Seirin's not that good. At least, according to Kimura-senpai, they were obliterated by the Three Kings last year," Takao commented, seemingly nonchalant, but he was watching the other closely.
"Seirin's got an interesting person in their team this year," Midorima merely commented as he continued taping his left hand. "And I don't intend to disappoint," He murmured to himself.
"There you go with those cryptic remarks again, Shin-chan!" Takao whined loudly, not even acknowledging the bristle he received for the nickname.
Midorima gave a dark glare towards his teammate.
"Besides, Kise is an idiot," He stated ruthlessly as he went back to his work. "He's too emotionally invested. I just don't understand why Kuroko's letting him do as he pleased. It's infuriating," Midorima scowled in obvious annoyance.
"Kise Ryouta is in Kaijou… So, this Kuroko must be that interesting person from Seirin then," Takao deduced with a calculating glint in his eyes.
Takao knew that it had something to do with Midorima's relationship with his teammates. But, he got the feeling that the other's consecutive statements were just implications layered upon multitude of implications. Ones that were supposed to make sense but actually didn't.
The green haired teen scoffed.
"Takao, go be annoying somewhere else," He stoically ordered with a glare.
Akashi watched detachedly as the ball entered the hoop.
In the darkness of the gym, his left eye glowed an eerie gold. He closed his eyes for a moment as he let out a slow breath. Then, he opened them once again to reveal dark irises that watched his surroundings penetratingly. Even now, those colorful tendrils lingered around his own silver one, it was beautiful. Captivating. He wondered what Kuroko saw with those eyes. Even if he had come to accept Kuroko as a better holder, he would never forgive Nijimura. That title should've been his.
He felt that pull. One that he knew only Kuroko would feel.
"So, it finally begins," He smirked to himself as his eyes went back to their natural heterochromatic hue.
"Ne, Muro-chin, if I tell you to do something, you'll do it, okay?" Murasakibara lazily instructed as he munched on his third maiubo.
The dark haired teen beside him sighed.
"I'm not a dog, Atsushi," Himuro lightly remarked as they walked through the corridors of their school.
"But you have to," The purple haired giant insisted. "Or else, I keep seeing the same things," He pouted at this, obviously unhappy with this deduction.
"Same things?" The older teen asked patiently, if not a little confused.
At this, Murasakibara frowned.
"No one understands," He grumbled glumly, almost irritably. "I already miss Kuro-chin," He mumbled childishly.
"No one will understand if you don't explain it to them," Himuro explained it to him good-naturedly, unaffected at the obvious dislike now directed towards him. "Besides, I thought you don't get along well with him because of your differences in basketball?"
"Only Kuro-chin and Aka-chin understands," Murasakibara asserted almost stubbornly. "So what? I like Kuro-chin," He declared mulishly, sounding offended as he set aside his fifth maiubo in favor of glaring down at the completely unmoved form of Himuro Tatsuya.
"That means you still get along with him," Himuro merely smiled. "That's a relief," There was something unreadable in his visible eye as he said this.
Murasakibara stared at the other contemplatively before taking a resounding bite of his maiubo.
"Muro-chin is really weird," The giant merely commented. "Now, I almost wish that I took up Kise-chin's offer. The mochi here is good but I feel like watching him fight against Kuro-chin." He didn't actually sound upset by this.
"Then, why don't you?" The dark haired teen inquired curiously.
Murasakibara frowned.
"Kuro-chin won't like it," He seemed sad, if not sulking. "I'm not invited because I'll see it anyway,"
"Oi, Haizaki, stop slacking off and go to practice!" Ishida Hideki yelled as he entered the locker rooms, frowning.
"Don't get your panties in a twist, captain," Haizaki Shougo merely sneered as he stood up and tossed what could only be a notebook or journal back into his locker. "It's not like we actually get along. I'm only playing because I've got some grudge against people. I don't really care about basketball or training so don't be such a fucking idealist," He scowled as he slammed his locker door shut, stalking to the doors angrily.
"That brat," Ishida massaged his temples in order to calm himself.
Looking back at the other's locker, he was surprised that it was hanging open. The arrogant first year must've slammed it too violently and probably broke through the lock. He wouldn't be surprised if their funds went too low by the end of the year. With all the repairs they had to do with Haizaki's aggressive behavior, he wondered if the team would even survive up until the winter cup. The other was strong, he would admit, but what was their coach thinking?
Sighing, he went to close the locker and made a mental note to tell his vice-captain about another repair costs. This was seriously going to kill the club's budget.
Just as he was about to push it close, something slid out of the locker.
Obviously, he picked it up and saw that it was a battered blue notebook with frayed and yellowed edges. It was a bit old. Turning it over to see the cover, not that he was actually interested in anything that caught Haizaki's fancy, he raised an eyebrow at the title.
"Seven Wonders of…Teikou?" He read aloud in confusion. "Conjuring Legend – Volume two? Are you kidding me?" He grumbled as he threw the notebook back into the locker, making sure that it was workable to close itself.
Honestly, he was going to kill that brat when given the chance.
[End: Chapter 2]
There are two worlds. One that we see. One that others see.