Author's note: I'm sorry this chapter is really short. I have everything planned out and this just had to be short. I also cringed when I realized how short the first chapter was as well. Future chapters will likely be about the same length as chapter two, or longer. I also understand how much of a bitch I wrote Uhura out to be and even I don't like how far I took that. Ugh *facepalm*. But, there is a reason for that.
I always loved Uhura, but in the reboot movies to be honest she seems a bit... Overly girlfriendy and clingy at inappropriate times. Far different than how she was in TOS. These differences of how she acts from TOS and the reboots play a part in the plot, not to spoil anything. But damn, I read over that last chapter and I certainly will not make that mistake of making her like THAT again. Jeez. What was I even thinking?
Although I'm really excited for my future plans for this plot.
In the mind of a Captain…
I'd be dumb not to notice Spock had been acting weird lately. After what happened between him and Uhura I can see poor guy. She was really harsh on him. He's never really had anyexperiences like that before. Being a good friend I offered to be an ear if he would feel better talking about it, but he said he was fine. I don't believe him. Today we were going to Argelius II. Maybe he can find a nice attractive woman.
After arriving at Argelius II Bones, Spock, Scotty, and I went to watch the bellydancers. Scotty was on shore leave after having a concussion and I thought I should take him and the others out to relax. We sat down at a table to watch the dancers. I couldn't tell if Spock had any interest, being a damn Vulcan. It's so hard to hook your friend up if they show no emotion.
"That woman is attractive." I said, gesturing towards one of the belly dancers. Spock simply raised an eyebrow and looked over at the woman.
"Her name is Kara. I invited her to sit with us." I said.
"Kara. What a beautiful name." Scotty said, watching Kara. He looked lovestruck. Kara finished her performance and came over and sat by Scotty. They began to have their own conversation. Well shit. I think I hooked up the wrong friend. I looked back over at Spock, who was sitting there quite awkwardly.
"I'm sure one of these women would love to date you." I told him.
"I do not have interest to date any of these women." he responded. Jesus, how difficult does he have to be? Maybe he's just really picky. I sighed. Reminding myself that the reason we were here was for Scotty's shore leave, I looked over at him. He seemed really interested in Kara. Damn.
"Captain, would you mind if Kara and I leave for a bit to take a walk in the fog?" Scotty asked. I was about to speak but no words escaped my mouth when I felt a hand on mine.
I looked over at Spock who was blushing green. He was looking straight forward, not making eye contact.
"Uh… Spock are you feeling alright?" I asked.
Spock quickly took back his hand, still not making eye contact. "No, captain. I don't feel too well."
"Good thing you guys got a doctor here." Bones said as he began to check him, putting a hand on his forehead and then on his neck to feel his pulse.
"He seems alright. He has a high temperature but that's because he's a damn Vulcan. His BMS is high though. We should take him back to the Enterprise for further analysis." said Bones.
Back at the Enterprise, I stood by Spock where he lay on the medical bed. "Captain allow me to once again inform you that I am feeling better." he said. I shook my head. "Bones is just making sure, Spock."
Bones walked back over to us, taking off his medical gloves. "I ran every test and he seems fine. It looks to me that he is just experiencing a feeling sickness from a nervousness or stress because the only thing irregular was how fast his heart was beating," said Bones. I immediately thought it had to do with the Uhura situation. The guy isn't taking it too well, is he? "I suggest you avoid stress and get some rest." continued Bones.
Spock quickly got up from his seat. "Thank you, doctor. I'm sure I will be fine." he said before walking out of sick bay. I walked with him.
"Listen Spock uh… We should talk." I said.
"And what would that be about, captain?" Spock asked.
I looked around. There were too many people around. This is a topic that would be better to talk about in private. I opened a door to an empty conference room and gestured for Spock to come inside. We walked in and I shut the door behind us.
"I've noticed you've been acting different. I understand breakups are hard and I'm sure talking about it would make you feel better." he gave me an odd look.
"Captain you do not understand..." he said.
"She was pretty harsh and I get that she has hurt you emotionally. I know you've been going through more emotion this past while than you have your entire life." I continued
"Talking about it will help I'm sure you'll feel a lot better. I've had a lot of experience with women."
"Captain you've got your information wrong.."
"You've been a great boyfriend to her and any girl would be lucky to date you. She doesn't understand what she lost out on. I'm sure you'll find an awesome new girlfriend and she'll wish she-"
"Jim, I appreciate your concern but I can assure you I am fine. The situation between Nyota Uhura and I has not affected me, in fact I think I prefer not having an intimate relationship with her," Spock said.
"Are you completely sure? Because if not, I'm always here if you need to talk," I said.
"Jim, as I value our friendship and trust that I can speak to you if I ever have an issue, I can assure you that I am perfectly fine. The only issue I suspect might happen is if Uhura lets her anger interrupt a mission that involves us working together."
My mind immediately thought back to the time when we went to Kronos in our mission to annihilate Khan. Uhura interrupted a life-or-death mission to nag Spock about how he doesn't show his feelings. In all honesty, I prefered Uhura before she got with Spock. It doesn't take a Vulcan to see the illogic in what she thinks; if she wants emotion so damn bad, why would she date a Vulcan?
"Alright. But if she does mix your guys' personal problems with work, let me know and I'll take care of it."
"Thank you, captain." Spock said with a single nod and walked out.
Alright so he's being secretive over what his real problem is.