Chapter 7
Title: the world changed us
Summary: let's go back to the way we were
Pairing: YahiKonan
Word Count: 569
Disclaimer: huh. I wish.
A/N: I was sad. Here. Have a sad drabble.
Everything wasn't how it was supposed to be.
"Hey. Hey, don't cry. What's your name?"
"It's not safe here. Let's get out of the rain before the shinobi sees us."
"Hey, hey. Stop crying. I'll protect you."
They were supposed to change the world, the three of them. They were the hope of the forsaken. The champion of the weak.
They were supposed to make the rain stop.
That was the reason they formed their group. They were going to make the rain stop and bring peace.
"I want to be strong. I need to be strong to protect you."
"I will bring peace to Ame."
"We'll make the rain stop."
Yahiko was the sunlight, burning bright with hope and ideas. He was a good leader. He was going to protect them and lead them to peace.
She and Nagato were the support. They were the foundation. They were to back the leader and make sure he doesn't fall. They were going to put him up there.
At least, that was the plan.
The part where she was kidnapped and he and Nagato were tricked to coming to get her was not part of the plan. Yahiko sacrificing his self was not part of the plan—never pat of the plan.
He was supposed to be the sun.
Nagato is sorry—so, very, very sorry. He should've known, he said, should've seen it coming. He wasn't thinking. He just stood there while the kunai was lodged in Yahiko and blood mixed in the rain.
Konan blames no one but herself. It was all her fault. She was the reason why Yahiko is dead, why the sun is gone.
"Protect them, Konan."
"Don't worry about anything. I'll take care of it."
"I'll always be with you."
And now all the promises are broken and the plan is ruined.
They formed Akatsuki but Konan knew it would never be the same. It just won't be the same without Yahiko.
The one Nagato uses is not real—notrealnotrealnotreal—just a hollow reminder of what used to be hope (and goddamn Nagato for even thinking of using Yahiko. Goddamgoddamgoddamn). And it kills her everyday to see it—walking, talking, functioning like a real live human being while he shouldn't because Yahiko dead. He's gone and he's never coming back.
"Don't give up, Konan. We can't give up."
"We have to bring peace to the world. We'll bring peace to the world."
"I'll protect you okay? I promise."
She still hears his promises sometimes (all broken and empty) and she wishes they could go back to the way they were.
In Ame, working to bring even some semblance of peace in their small village, fighting side by side and laughing even in the worst times. When Yahiko is still alive and Nagato is not half-dead (well, he's gone now too so) and there's still hope that the sun will shine some day.
But that was so long ago and Madara is closing in on her now (the evilest of evil, the reason for the darkness, it was all his fault) and a searing pain rushes through her as she is impaled and defeated and this was not part of the plan and—
What is this peace that you speak of?
Blood mixes with water and seeps through paper and Konan closes her eyes and welcomes the darkness.
She'll be seeing the sunlight on the other side.
A/N: Yeah, I know I should be posting the next chapter of Strange Attractions but I was out of fluff and funny so here's what you bitchachos get. Also, school's being a bitch so, yeah. It's 3/4 done though so...maybe next week.
Hopefully you have a nicer day than I did.