Part One
Wind of Banners

If you think it long and mad the wind of banners that passes through my life
And you decide to leave me at the shore of the heart where I have roots
That on that day, at that hour, I shall lift my arms
And my roots will set off to seek another land"
-Pablo Neruda, Selected Poems

Chapter 1

Alec watched his hands shake as he fell to the bed, with a small thump. The clock read 10:20 am, he watched the numbers tick, their sound feeling the dead silence. Breathe, he thought, breathe. Headless of his words, his hands continued to shake and pulse. Don't cry! With a loud, throat burning cough he slowly stood up, clenching his eyes shut as he did so.

Had they really been in this bed not only a week ago, arms around each other, lips firmly pressed together.

"I love you"

Alec sniffed, those damn tears running down his cheeks in long wet rows. He clenched his teeth together, and standing up started to leave.

He left the keys on the bed.

"I love you"

"Stop it", he commanded himself. "Stop"

Only Magnus could make a breakup so romantic. Biting the inside of his cheek he turned the corner and down the hall towards the wall, the feeling of Magnus' lips burning his forehead. He knew he probably look flustered and scary as hell. He hadn't slept, crying fitfully in his sister's warm embrace, the inside of his mouth was bleeding from the cheek chewing and his eyes were dry and irritated from hours of rubbing and being wet. And his hair, without Magnus' usually commentary and primping stuck up all over his head in little bunches.

"Just breathe",he whispered to himself as his hand reached the doorknob.

"I love you"

The figure in the doorway stared down at him in an accusing manner. Alec's hand decorated with little Spongebob bandages from his long nails cutting his hand seemed frozen in mid air.


Alec's face grew hot, weather from embarrassment or anger he didn't know. He silently cleared his throat before nodding, allowing his hand to fall back to his side.

"Remember son, you are a Lightwood, Robert Lightwood said firmly, pride and honor will lead you in life"

Alec tense and pushing back his hair with his hand and clutched his suitcase tightly.

" "

"I love you"

Magnus wasn't fooled. Alec. With his Lightwood pride, and blue eyed beauty seemed to be warning him, no, daring him to say anything.

Alec looked like an abandoned cat who had been kicked too many times.

"Excuse me, Alec snapped, the blush spreading to his neck, but some people have important matter's to tend to"

Alec's walls were up, straight and tall. A sign read, "Keep out".


Alec with a nod started out the door and down the hall towards the elevator, not even looking back.

"I love you"

If Magnus had seen Alec's face then, or noticed the tremor in his body he probably would have stopped Alec then and there. Or maybe he wouldn't have.

The elevator was empty except for a random fortune cookie.

Alec jammed his finger onto the button's furiously, his head leaning against the wall, his hands shaking so hard that his suitcase fell to the floor, displaying their many contents.

"Calm down, damn you", he almost screamed, punching the wall, leaving a medium sized dent.

He fell to the wall, hands holding tight to bar, usually reserved for the elderly and the young.

Shifting his knee he heard a loud, "crunch!"

The piece of paper from the cookie was barely visible.

"Trials will disrupt the patterns of your life"

"Trials, huh", he whispered quietly, his voice breaking.

"I love you"

Isabelle had seen Alec on the brick of death. She had seen him broken and defeated. For a while she had seen him mad and desperate and insane. Now though, he was just a combination of sadness and anxiety.

She thought about how she felt when she had learned that Simon was cheating on her. Her heart had crawled up her throat and sat there, beating in her swan-like throat.


He looked over at her, eyes guarded, lips pressed into a thin line.

"Yeah, Izzy"

"Are you alright?"

The taxi swerved down East St. making them almost fall out of their seats.

Alec only smiled back at her.

"I'm alright, Izzy, really"

She watched his hands shake.

So this is my first fanfiction, and my first Malec Fanfiction.
I don't own any of the character's but I love the book and the authors a genuis.

Please Read and Review!

-Shiori Kuro