Castiel stared at Dean's ring on his finger, slowly turning it with his other hand. He admired every scuff mark, every scratch and dent, knowing that Dean was the one that put each one there. Castiel had stared at it all night, while Dean slept peacefully beside him, feeling an abundance of belonging.

Now, he was sitting in the front seat of the Impala, waiting on Dean to join him. The man was placing his luggage in the trunk, as they, Bobby, and Sam were preparing to venture to east. Castiel watched with eagerness, as Dean opened the driver's side door and climbed in. There was a smile on his lips; a new smile that Castiel hadn't seen before. It was gentle, and full of meaning. His green eyes searched over Cas, as if he were some new thing he took joy in looking at.

"What?" Castiel asked, curious as to why he looked at him so differently.

Dean shook his head a little, his smile never faltering. He reached over and grabbed the angel's left hand, tugging it close to look down at the silver band wrapped around his finger.

"Nothing," Dean answered, his eyes finding their way back to Castiel's, "I just,...I've never looked forward to anything, before. But, I am now."

Castiel tried to decipher the meaning behind Dean's soulful words.

"To...this hunting trip?" he attempted, remembering where they were heading with Bobby and Sam.

Dean rolled his eyes, his smile widening. He scooted closer to Castiel in the seat, his hand reaching up to touch the side of his face.

"No, my blue-eyed love machine," he whispered, leaning extremely close, "I'm looking forward to banging you senseless for all eternity."

Castiel smiled. That sounded like a perfect future to him. Their lips came together, as Dean's hand tightened around his in the seat. Castiel pressed his tongue into Dean's mouth, allowing it to caress its way around. Dean shoved it out with his own, pulling back to take the angel's bottom lip in his teeth. Castiel whimpered at the sting of Dean's bite, feeling it echo to his lower half.


Castiel and Dean jumped, their mouths separating instantly. They both spun in their seats at the sound of Gabriel's voice. The archangel was sitting casually behind them, with one arm slung over the backseat and a wide grin on his face. Castiel glared at his brother, once again appalled at the way he announced his presence.

"That's what I'm talking about," he continued, pointing to them with approval, "you boys have earned yourselves a nine! Nice work. Did the suckers help?"

Dean's face grew red again, as his jaw visibly clinched.

"You damn, holy perve," he growled, "don't you have anything better to do than watch us?!"

"Whoa, whoa there, sonny boy," Gabriel said, his face turning to dramatic sternness, "I just popped in to see if you were still taking care of my little bro. I don't want you to break his tender heart, like a guy breaking up with his date at the prom. Gotta make sure you're not gonna tap it and leave. You know, come and go? Ejaculate and evacuate? Blow your load and hit the road -"

"I wouldn't do that to Cas," Dean shouted, seeming genuinely angry.

Castiel glanced between Dean and Gabriel. He suddenly recalled their last meeting with his brother, and realized how to remedy the situation.

"Gabriel," Castiel said, giving him a threatening look, "cease your teasing. Dean has done what you've suggested."

Castiel gripped the top of the seat with his left hand, bringing the silver band on his finger to Gabriel's view. The archangel's eyes widened as he instantly leaned forward to look closer at it.

"Well, pluck my wings and fry my ass up," Gabriel grinned, "you really did it! Dean Winchester put a ring on it! Wow, Cassie, you must be one hell of a lover to have accomplished that colossal feat. Good on you, baby bro."

"Yeah. It's freakin' fantastic. Can you get the hell out, now?" Dean grumbled, glaring at him.

"Slow your roll," Gabriel said, sitting back against the seat, "I just got here. Those suckers really worked for you, didn't they, guys? That lip lock was a whole lot better than the first one."

Before Castiel could request Gabriel to leave as Dean wanted, one of the back doors of the Impala opened. Everyone watched Sam step in to sit in the backseat. There was a lollipop in his mouth, which mumbled his speech.

"Dean, I forgot to get -"

Sam stopped, upon turning to see Gabriel beside him. His eyes widened, the stick of the sucker jutting downward from his mouth. Castiel watched a grin slide across Gabriel's lips.

"Hey, moose," he said, patting Sam's knee, "at least somebody got some use out of my gift."

Sam was unable to reply, as he glanced up at Dean with embarrassment. Dean only rolled his eyes.

"Okay. You've had your damn fun," Dean said, sounding final, "we've got important crap to do, now, so adios. Get lost."

Gabriel nodded.

"I understand. You've got to go save the world. Again. It can be such a drag. Oh! And, hey," the archangel said, leaning forward again, "I wanna give you a little something-something. Consider it a wedding present."

Gabriel reached into his pocket and retrieved a small jar. He reached over the seat to sit it between Castiel and Dean. Castiel observed that it was a jar of red cherries.

"Maybe you can use them on the honeymoon," Gabriel said, patting both Dean and Castiel on their backs, "I have a feeling you guys are into the kinky stuff."

Dean huffed loudly.

"Leave," he demanded.

Gabriel chuckled as he sat back. He reached around to rest his arm behind Sam. The younger Winchester looked a little worried, as the archangel's attention was now on him. Gabriel smirked as he plucked the lollipop out of Sam's mouth with a slick 'pop.' Castiel watched Sam's jaw fall a little as his eyes locked with Gabriel's.

"Catch you later, Sammy," the archangel said smoothly.

Gabriel popped Sam's sucker into his own mouth and winked, before disappearing from the vehicle. Sam exhaled, as if he'd been holding his breath. The younger Winchester turned forward in the seat, covering his face with one hand while the other braced on his knee in a tight fist. Did Gabriel upset Sam, too?

Castiel turned to pick up the small jar between him and Dean. He looked at the cherries within it, wondering what sort of purpose they would serve. Gabriel had said it was a present, and to use it on...

"Dean," Castiel said, looking up at him with wonder, "What is a honeymoon?"

Whatever it was, it sounded delicious to the angel. But Castiel saw a look fall across Dean's face; the same look he acquired when they discussed intimate things. It was a look of secret arousal. Dean glanced back at his brother before reaching up grip the key in the ignition.

"Baby," he whispered, a small grin appearing on his moist lips, "you're gonna love finding out."

(Author's Note: I can't take credit for that 'come and go, ejaculate and evacuate, blow your load hit the road' line. I saw those on a tumblr post. :)

I've asked myself so many times, "when is this story gonna end?" Well, you know, there may come a day when I finally give in and call it quits...But it is not this day! :) I can't help it. I'm hopelessly in love with writing this story. So, part seven is up on my wall. It's titled 'Foreign and Domestic. Thanks for all your awesome reviews! Enjoy part seven!)