A Long Awaited Adventure
Stars were shining brightly high in the evening sky as the light of the moon shone down upon the gardens at the western edge of Bag End. All was silent for the night was still as all of Hobbiton lay fast asleep. Yet within the vast emptiness that seemed to fill the air a single voice was heard softly humming a song last sung while on the road to Bree. There sitting under the moonlight in the garden at Bag End was Frodo, Samwise Gamgee's eldest son. The thoughts of his father had kept him from finding rest and he seemed to find peace sitting among the flowers and herbs that grew in his father's soil. He sat looking far into the western sky in hopes to maybe see his father riding up the road having second thoughts about leaving the Shire and sailing over to the lands beyond. But he never came and deep inside Frodo knew he never would. He sighed deeply looking to the rose bushes that he had helped his father prune just the day before. His mother loved those flowers. So much that she would bring fresh cuts of them inside every morn. Yet for many months now their sweet fragrance had not filled the halls of Bag End. He missed his mother so and his father even more. Just that morning he had woke to bid him farewell before he journeyed to the Grey Havens but he only found a note lying on the desk in the study where the Red Book once sat.
I have never been fond of good-byes."
The letter said. "But know that you will always be in my heart and in my thoughts each day.Your father, Samwise
.Frodo wished so much to have seen his father off but he knew deep within that him leaving without saying goodbye was best. Like his father he was not well with saying goodbye and it would have tore at his father so to see him filled with such sadness when he left. Frodo closed his eyes taking in a deep breath of the cool evening air. He then heard soft footsteps falling on the grass. They stopped behind him and he opened his eyes turning around. It was his wife Hanna.
"I thought I would find you here." She replied softly sitting in the grass near Frodo's side.
"My thoughts held me away from sleep." Frodo said looking back to the stars. "I miss him already Hanna. And he has not even been gone a day."
"We all miss him Frodo." Hanna whispered brushing away the curls that had fallen over his face. "It will take some time but once again we shall all be whole."
Frodo turned to Hanna and took her hand in his leaving a gentle kiss upon her skin. He smiled softly drying away the tears from her eyes.
"That we shall." Frodo replied. "We still have his memory here within our hearts and too his stories and songs." He said placing his hand on his chest.
"We do." Hanna said quietly. "And with them he shall always be here with us, as is the memory of your mother within the garden."
A tear fell from Frodo's eye as he looked to Hanna with a smile upon his face. Her words had always touched his heart for she had a way of speaking them unlike any other and those words alone about his mother would stay with him forever. Frodo then stood to his feet and held his hands out to Hanna helping her up from the ground. He took her within his arms holding her tightly as they both looked into the starlit sky.
"May your stars shine brightly as they light your way home." Frodo whispered. "Fare the well father, until we meet again."
Frodo looked down to Hanna and she smiled through the tears in her eyes. Frodo drew her close and reached his hand to her cheek drying away her tears.
"Come now." He replied. "It is time I rest. Tomorrow will be the start of a new day."
As the sun slowly rose over the horizon a soft voice was heard humming among the flowers in the garden at Bag End. Golden rays of sun shone upon the dew kissed blossoms as work worn hands gently patted down the soil around freshly planted lilies. Hearing the humming Frodo opened his eyes slowly, listening to the voice outside his window. Frodo looked to Hanna who still lay sleeping soundly at his side as he gently pushed aside the covers. Frodo quietly made his way out of the bed and went to the door. He turned the knob and pulled the door open trying not to make a sound. Frodo crept out of the room and down the hall into the den. There hanging on the hook near the door was a familiar blue cloak mended with many patches and faded with old age. Frodo made his way to the front door opening it slowly as he slipped though it and outside. He walked down the front path and around the western side of Bag End until he could just see the garden in his view. There sitting in the soil was his dear friend Samuel Boffin still humming softly to himself. Frodo quietly walked up the hill to the garden coming to rest near the study window. It was then that Samuel seen Frodo and smiled brightly.
"Hullo Frodo." Samuel said as he brushed dirt off his hands. "I hope I did not wake you coming in so early this morning."
"No Sam, you did not." Frodo replied. "Actually I never heard you come in, it was your singing that woke me from my sleep."
"I'm sorry sir." Samuel said standing up and brushing the soil from his trousers. "I just wanted to come by early and leave a little something in the garden to live among your mother's roses. I thought they would be fitting seeing that they are your father's favorite." Sam then stood aside and held his hand out to the flowers that he planted at the foot of the rose bushes Frodo's mother so loved.
"Lilies." Frodo whispered as a tear came to his eye.
"That they are." Sam said through a smile. "The most lovely ones I found in the Shire. I thought they would remind you of his stories that he told to you and I about his friend from Bree. From what I remember of those tales she seemed fair and sweet such as these flowers are."
Frodo went to Samuel and placed his hand on his shoulder. He stood at his side looking down into the garden at the flowers as they wavered gently in the wind. He then looked to Sam and smiled.
"I could not ask for a better friend than you." Frodo replied. "What would I ever do without you?"
Sam passed a soft smile and shrugged his shoulders as he looked up at Frodo.
"I'm not really sure what you would do Frodo, but I know you did quite well by yourself long before I came along." Sam replied with a gentle laugh.
"That I did." Frodo said as he looked back to the garden. The sweet aroma of roses filled the air as the sunlight shone her golden rays upon them. The dew resting on their crimson petals caught the light of the sun casting shimmering reflections onto the lilies below. Frodo's hand fell from Sam's shoulder as a deep sigh passed his lips. He stood silently at the garden's edge thinking of how his life seemed empty now that both his mother and father were gone but peace soon came to his heart as his dear friend spoke his name.
"Frodo?" Sam replied touching Frodo's arm. "Is everything alright?"
Frodo looked over to Sam, placing his hand back on his shoulder as a smile came to his face.
"I'm so glad you are here with me Sam." Frodo replied. "Here when I could use a friend the most."
Sam reached up and patted Frodo's hand.
"You've done so much for me throughout the years and it is only right that I return the favor."
"Thank you." Frodo replied smiling. "But come now let us go inside and enjoy ourselves a warm breakfast. We can talk more over a plate full of bacon and eggs."
The day passed quickly and soon the moon hung high in the evening sky. The next day came and gone and with it followed many more until three whole years almost came into passing. It was early in the spring of 1485 and Frodo was once again sitting out near the garden under the light of the moon. Samuel was at his side looking into the sky at the stars while he smoked his pipe blowing small smoke rings into the air. He glanced over at Frodo every now and then for he seemed quite unlike himself that day. He seemed to have many thoughts on his mind and he would often start humming the song that his father always sung when he traveled to Bree. Sam sighed deeply and took his pipe away from his lips as he looked to Frodo who was staring down at the ground pulling grass up from around his feet.
"What is troubling you Frodo?" Sam asked softly. "You have not seemed yourself today."
Frodo said nothing at first and then took in a deep breath as he tossed some grass off to his side.
"Just wishing." Frodo replied. "I was thinking of all the stories that my father had told me while I was a child about the fellowship and of the adventure he had with Mr. Baggins." Frodo looked up from the ground and then to Sam. Frodo sighed and then took his glance back down to the ground.
"A part of me seems to long for an adventure dear Sam." Frodo said quietly. "Something that I can tell my own story about. A story unlike any other."
"Perhaps someday." Sam replied. "But for now we are here in the Shire and there seems to be no better place to be at the moment. Besides, adventures are not my type of thing if you get my meaning. They always make one late for dinner." Sam said with a laugh.
Frodo laughed and looked up to Sam smiling.
"Just like you Samuel, always thinking with your stomach!" Frodo replied. "Yet one day we may go off on holiday together and it will turn out to be an adventure that we least expected."
Sam smiled to himself and looked back to the stars as he took another puff from his pipe letting more smoke rings into the air.
"That we may Mr. Frodo." Sam replied looking back to Frodo once more. "That we may."
Two weeks later the rain began to fall and the wind howled into the night as Frodo sat in the den before the fire trying to find sleep. His mind had been full of many dreams that kept him awake hours after his dear Hanna had drifted away. Frodo sat staring at the fire as the soft glow of the flames shone upon his face. Outside the rain could be heard beating against the closed shutters as the wind blew open and closed the front gate. Frodo was lost in his thoughts when he suddenly heard the front door fly open. At first he thought it was the wind but when he turned around there stood Samuel with the hood of his cloak up over his head standing in the doorway soaking wet with rain. Samuel quickly closed the door and then bent over resting his hands upon his knees as he tried to catch his breath.
"What has happened to bring you here at such an hour?" Frodo replied as he jumped to his feet running up to Samuel. He tried in vain to get the words he wanted to say past his lips and they finally came as he took in a deep breath.
"They called for your father." Sam gasped. "In Gondor, Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took. They sent a rider here to seek him." Sam said looking up at Frodo.
"My father?" Frodo replied with a look of confusion. "Did they not get word that he had left for the Havens?"
"I fear they did not." Sam said still trying to catch his breath. "The rider stopped at my place asking where he may find Mr. Gamgee and I told him that his son lives at Bag End and he said no, that he was looking for Samwise Gamgee. Then I said to him that he had gone away years ago and that he would never return. That is when he told me to pass the message on to you. He says that King Elessar bids your father to come to Gondor for Merry and Pippin are old in age and their time is nearing. They wished to see your father before they passed"
"Where is the rider now?" Frodo asked.
"Not quite sure." Sam replied. "When I went back inside to fetch my cloak he disappeared."
Just then Frodo heard a soft footsteps behind him. He turned around and seen Hanna standing in the den with a shawl wrapped tightly around her shoulders.
"What has happened?" Hanna replied noticing Sam standing at Frodo's side. "I heard voices and it woke me from my sleep. Is everything alright?"
"I'm afraid not." Frodo replied as Hanna came near. "Remember my father's friends Merry and Pippin."
"I remember." Hanna said softly.
"Their time is nearing and they sent word that they wished to see my father. They never got my letter saying that he had gone away, never meaning to come back." Frodo replied.
"What now Frodo?" Sam replied taking down his hood. "How can we get word to them now that the rider has left?"
Frodo looked to Hanna whose eyes were filled with tears. Deep within she knew what Frodo was going to say and her heart wished that it wasn't so.
"I will have to go there myself." Frodo replied. "Many years have gone by since I last traveled that road with my father yet I pray my memory will not fail me. The journey will be long, but there is no other way."
"Then I'm coming with you!" Sam yelled without a moment's hesitation. "You should not have to go on this journey alone."
Frodo smiled and shook his head with a soft laugh.
"You do amaze me dear Sam." Frodo replied. "After all that talk of not wanting to leave the Shire and here you are more than willing to go off with me on a long journey to Gondor."
"Aye." Sam said with a laugh. "I do surprise myself now and then."
"Then it is settled." Frodo replied. "We shall leave with the coming morn."
As the sun rose with the coming dawn Frodo opened his eyes and sat up rubbing them with the palms of his hands. When he took his hands away he seen Samuel sitting in the rocking chair near the bed with his hand resting up against his head. He was fast asleep. Frodo then noticed that Hanna was no where in the room. He reached over to Sam and tapped him on the arm waking him from sleep.
"Have you seen Hanna?" Frodo asked as Sam opened his eyes.
"Can't say that I have." Sam replied as he stretched and yawned. "But I did hear some noise out in the kitchen earlier. She may have woken before the both of us."
"Maybe." Frodo said pushing aside the covers. "Get yourself woke up now Sam, once we have had our breakfast I will be setting out." Frodo then jumped out of bed and walked out into the hall. He peered down the hallway into the den and a smile came to his face. Hanna was sitting in his chair sleeping with two bags resting in her lap. Frodo went into the den and stood before her watching as she slept. Her hands were resting over the bags and her hair had fallen out of its tie letting her auburn curls fall over her face. The smell of sweet bread filled the air as Frodo realized that she had been baking and packing their bags for them before they woke. Frodo then took the bags down from her lap and Hanna woke with a deep sigh.
"Hullo." Hanna whispered seeing Frodo standing before her. "Has the sun rose already?"
"That it has." Frodo said as he pushed Hanna's curls away from her face and behind her ear. He smiled and took her hands in his holding them tight.
"Thank you for packing." Frodo said as he helped Hanna up from the chair. "That was very sweet of you."
"Glad to help." Hanna said through a smile. "I thought it would save you some time." Hanna then embraced Frodo tightly resting her head on his chest.
"I'm going to miss you so." Hanna whispered. "You will be gone for months."
"They will pass quickly." Frodo said putting his hand on Hanna's chin lifting her head so her eyes met his. "I will come home, I promise you. I am not going to stay away."
Tears filled Hanna's soft green eyes as Frodo kissed her gently on her brow pulling her close to his beating heart. She listened to his heartbeat as she thought of the days ahead that she would fill with worry until Frodo was safe within her arms once more. She then looked up to Frodo and seen that his eyes too were filled with tears. She reached up and dried them away as a thin smile passed over her lips.
"Let me go and get breakfast ready for you and Sam." Hanna replied. "The days ahead will be long and you should not leave on an empty stomach."
Frodo smiled brightly as he gently caressed Hanna's cheek before she walked away into the kitchen. He sighed deeply as she disappeared around the corner. Indeed the days ahead were going to be long but the vision of her smiling face would keep him going on forever.
After breakfast Samuel left for home as Hanna quietly packed some bread and meat for the long journey ahead. She then went to the study and there found Frodo standing before the open window holding a cloak in his hands. Hanna came to his side and gently brushed the back of his neck with her fingers. Frodo turned and looked at Hanna as tears fell down his sun-kissed cheeks.
"I found this in my closet. It was hidden away on the shelf under some old shirts." Frodo said softly looking back out the window. "It's my father's cloak. The one given to him while he was in Lothlorien. There was a note pinned to it."
"What did it say?" Hanna asked. Frodo then handed her a small piece of paper. She unfolded it and read the words aloud that were written in his father's hand.
To wear when you at last set out on an adventure of your own.
"He knew one day that you too would long to have your own tale to tell such as his." Hanna said as she came around Frodo standing in front of him. She took the cloak from his hands and draped it over his shoulders letting it fall behind him. Hanna then fastened it around his neck with the silver-green leaf shaped broach that was pinned to the cloak near Frodo's shoulder. She then pulled his hair out from under the hood and looked deep into his eyes smiling.
"I will be here waiting when you return Frodo." Hanna said as she left a kiss upon his cheek. "I will miss you."
"And I you." Frodo replied drawing Hanna close. It was then when Sam came into the room gently tapping on the open door.
"Sorry to disturb you Frodo, but all is ready." Sam muttered. "The ponies are saddled and out at the front gate loaded up and ready to go."
"Thank you Sam." Frodo said as looked down into Hanna's eyes. He then took her hand in his and walked with her into the den and out the front door as Sam followed behind. Frodo made his way down the front path and stopped at the gate. Sam stood silently at his side as Frodo brought Hanna's hand to his lips leaving on it a gentle kiss.
"I shall be home in four months." Frodo replied. "Keep yourself well while I am away and know that you will be in my thoughts every waking moment." Frodo then dried the tears from her eyes as he gently touched her cheek. She brought her hand to his and pressed it to her lips.
"You shall be with me always." Hanna said through her tears. "From the dawning of the morn till the rising of the moon." Frodo took Hanna into his arms embracing her tightly before letting her go as he left a kiss upon her brow. He then made his way through the gate and sat himself on his pony. Sam then turned to follow but Hanna took him by the arm.
"Promise me you will look after him Samuel and bring him safely home." Hanna whispered.
"I promise." Sam said trying to hold back his own tears. "I shall let nothing happen to him while we are away."
Hanna then took Sam's hands in hers and grasped them tightly.
"Thank you." She whispered as she brought his hands to her lips. She kissed them gently and then let them fall from her grasp. Sam smiled and then turned away walking through the gate and to his pony. He climbed on his pony's back taking the reins in his hands. Frodo then clapped his reins together turning his pony to the eastern path out of Hobbiton. Hanna stood at the front gate, tears falling down her weary face as she watched Frodo and Sam go down the path until they faded away over the hill in the light of the shimmering sun.
Two days later as the sun was beginning to fall below the horizon, Frodo and Sam arrived at the west gate of Bree. There they were greeted by the guard and let inside. They both made their way down the street through town stopping at the stables where they left their ponies for the night. They then went to the Prancing Pony Inn where they planned to stay for the evening. Frodo opened the door letting Sam inside before him. This was the first time that Samuel had been to Bree and the first time he had been around the big folk. Sam stood close to Frodo following him closely as he walked towards the front desk near the common room. There standing at the desk was a tall dark haired man laughing with a fellow customer while he dried freshly washed mugs. Frodo went to the desk and kicked it with his foot so he would be noticed. The man then turned around and leaned over the desk with a stern look on his face but it soon turned to a smile when he noticed who it was.
"Why if it isn't Frodo!" The man said putting down his mug. He came around the desk and stood before Frodo taking his small hands in his.
"What brings you here dear friend? So many years have passed since I last seen you here with your father."
"That they have Aldamar." Frodo replied softly. "Too many years. I never meant to stay away so long dear friend."
"So where is the old rascal?" Aldamar replied looking around. "Did he come with?"
"Nay." Frodo whispered. "He sailed over the sea a few years ago never meaning to return."
"I am sorry to hear such news." Aldamar said as he let go of Frodo's hands. "Such sad news indeed…but who is this here, this shy young lad hiding behind you."
Frodo laughed to himself and looked over his shoulder at Sam who had his hood pulled down over his face.
"That is Sam, Samuel Boffin to be more exact. He has not been away from the Shire nor had the pleasure of being around the big folk. He'll open up once you get an ale in him." Frodo replied.
"Ale!" Sam shouted taking down his hood. "You never told me they served drink at this inn!"
"It must have slipped my mind." Frodo said turning to Aldamar with a wink. "But anyway, it is nice to see you again after all this time. Ten years must have slipped by since I last came here with my father."
"I do believe it has been that long." Aldamar said looking into the common room. "Come now, sit before the fire so you can warm yourselves. I'll get you both an ale and then we can sit and talk among ourselves until you find the need for rest. It has been some time since I've been able to have a good chat with old friends!" Aldamar then led Frodo and Sam to the common room where he sat them in two wooden chairs near the fire. He soon returned with two mugs of ale handing the larger of the two to Sam.
"Since Frodo let it slip his mind that we served ale, I thought this would make it up to you." Aldamar chuckled as Samuel took the mug in his hands. The creamy froth rolled over the top of the mug and down Sam's hands as he put the pint to his lips taking in a deep drink. Frodo laughed as Sam's face disappeared into the mug until it was finally drained dry. Frodo then looked back to Aldamar who was sitting on a stool in front of the fire. Aldamar took a pipe from his pocket and lit it taking in small puffs as he looked out into the crowd that had gathered in the Pony.
"So what brings you to Bree at this time of year Frodo?" Aldamar asked as he drew his pipe away from his lips.
"We're on our way to pay a visit to some old friends of my father. I believe he had told you of them on one of his many visits. Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took."
"That he had!" Aldamar replied. "They have been here on a few occasions with your father. If I remember correctly Mr. Took is quite fond of his pints. But it has been some time since I seen them here. Is everything well?"
"I wish it was." Frodo replied. "King Elessar sent word last night that they are nearing their time. They called for my father but they do not know he has left. That is why Sam and I are riding to Gondor."
Sam looked up from his empty mug hearing his name. He turned to Aldamar and seen that the smile was slowly fading from his face as he looked around the room cautiously.
"There have been foul happenings south of here." Aldamar said quietly leaning close to Frodo and Sam. "Three men alone were found dead and five others wounded by arrows in just the last few months. All I shall say to you is keep to the south road and never steer away from it at any cost. The road is well guarded but if you fall away from it you will be on your own."
Sam looked to Frodo his face full of fear.
"I know the road well." Frodo replied softly looking back to Aldamar. "Many years have gone by since I last traveled that way with my father but I will do all I must to save myself and Samuel from harm."
"Your father taught you well dear Frodo." Aldamar replied. "If it was not my place to stay here at the inn I would go with you but since my father Rowin has passed my grandfather's inn is now under my care."
"I understand." Frodo replied. "We will take care to stay to the road and I shall send word to you and my dear Hanna once we reach Gondor."
"Then take care and travel well!" Aldamar replied standing up from his stool. "I should take my business back to the front desk for the night. I will be awaiting your arrival here at the inn along your journey back home!" Aldamar said raising his mug to Frodo as he walked away. Frodo then looked back to Sam. His face was full of worry.
"Fine mess we seem to have landed ourselves in." Sam said with a sigh. "Just our luck to be heading that way.
Right out of the frying pan and into the fire I say. I sure hope you know what you're getting us into." Sam replied looking inside his empty mug.
"All we have to do is stay to the path. In no time at all we will be riding into Gondor safe from all harm."
"I hope so." Sam muttered into his mug.
"Come now Sam." Frodo replied putting his hand on Sam's back. "You shall see. Let us go to our rooms and rest. We will head out first thing in the morning after breakfast."
Frodo then stood up and made his way through the common room with Sam following slowly behind. Deep within Sam was beginning to wonder if following Frodo was such a good idea after all.
In the morning a soft knock came upon Sam and Frodo's door of their room at the inn. Sam opened his eyes and looked to the bed next to him. He sat up quickly looking all around seeing that Frodo was no where in the room. He then heard a faint mumble come from the floor and he leaned over the side of his bed. There lying on the floor between the two beds was Frodo. He had a pillow pulled over his head and his blanket wrapped tightly around him. Sam laughed to himself and came down from the bed going to the door. He opened it and found Aldamar standing there smiling brightly.
"Good morning to you Samuel." Aldamar replied. "I hope that I have not woken you."
"You did." Sam said quietly. "But it was for the better. If you had not come along I may have slept the day away in the comfort of that bed." Samuel laughed.
Aldamar smiled and looked into the room.
"Is Frodo awake yet. I wished to see him before you set out."
"Not yet." Samuel said looking back to the beds. "It seems he had quite a rough night. I found him lying on the floor between the beds when you came knocking. He was talking to himself a moment ago but I should wake him. He hates missing breakfast as much as I do." Sam laughed.
"Does he now." Aldamar replied coming into the room. He then walked towards the beds stopping at the foot of them. He smiled seeing Frodo lying on the floor still mumbling in his sleep. Aldamar bent down and took hold of Frodo's foot giving him a quick tug. Frodo sat up quickly looking all around his eyes open wide. Sam burst into laughter seeing the look on his dear friend's face as Aldamar jolted him from his sleep.
"Come now Frodo you have slept the whole day away!" Aldamar replied amid the tears of his laughter. "Why you have missed breakfast!"
"And second breakfast too!" Sam added with a hearty laugh.
Frodo looked up at Aldamar and then to Sam who was smiling brightly. The look of surprise soon came away from his face and a faint smile crossed his lips.
"Why you two, I should skin you both!" Frodo replied shaking his fist at Sam and Aldamar. He then stood up throwing his pillow and blanket back up onto the bed. "Miss breakfast bah!" Frodo mumbled looking out the window. "The sun isn't that high in the sky."
"That look!" Sam laughed as he came to Frodo. "It surely put a smile on my face at the start of the day!"
"That it did!" Aldamar replied putting his hand on Frodo's shoulder. "It was just a bit of fun. You have not missed breakfast nor second breakfast at all. I just wanted to come by to bid you farewell before you set off."
"That was kind of you." Frodo replied. He then looked to Sam shaking his finger at him. "But next time he means to wake me like that I should expect a fair warning from you!" Frodo laughed.
"Aye." Sam said as he blushed. "But it was a lovely start to bring to our long journey ahead."
"It was." Frodo replied. "Some time has passed since I seen you laugh as you just did. I can only imagine the look on my face when I jumped from my sleep."
Aldamar smiled and put his hands on Frodo and Sam's shoulders.
"Well I must bid you farewell now dear friends." Aldamar replied. "Take care and may you ride safely to Gondor."
"Your words will comfort us on the way." Frodo replied. He then reached into his trouser pocket and pulled out a piece of folded paper. He held it in his hands for a moment and then handed it to Aldamar.
"Can you see that this gets to Hanna. Tell her that I will send word once we arrive in Gondor."
"I shall send it this afternoon." Aldamar replied.
"Thank you dear friend." Frodo said taking Aldamar's hand in his. "We will return to the Pony while on our journey home."
"I shall see you then." Aldamar replied placing his other hand over Frodo's. He then let his hand go and made his way to the door. "Until we meet again." Aldamar said looking back to Frodo and Sam. Aldamar then left the room. Sam looked to Frodo and a deep sigh passed his lips.
"So this is it." Sam replied. "The first day of our journey."
"That it is." Frodo said looking to Sam. "That it is."
Early that afternoon Sam went to the stables for the ponies while Frodo looked through his maps in their room marking out the path that they would take. It had been some time since he last traveled down the south road with his father but the way still seemed close in his mind. Frodo drew a line down the map from Bree to Minas Tirith where Merry and Pippin were with King Elessar. He then began figuring on the map how many days would pass before they arrived in Gondor. Sam then came into the room startling Frodo as he came to his side.
"All is ready for us to leave." Sam said softly. "A rider just left for Hobbiton with your letter to Hanna. It should arrive in two days."
"Thank you Sam." Frodo said as he began tapping his pen against his face. He stared down at the map lying on his bed and then folded it up placing it in his pocket.
"What is on your mind?" Sam asked as Frodo got up off the bed.
"Many things dear Sam." Frodo replied as he placed his cloak around his shoulders. He clasped the broach at his neck and then reached down for his pack on the floor. He slung it over his shoulder and began walking to the door. Sam picked his bag up off a nearby chair and quickly made his way to Frodo as he walked down the hall.
"It will be about a five week ride Sam." Frodo said quietly once Sam came in stride with him. "Are you sure you want to follow me all the way to Gondor?"
Sam was quiet for a moment. He sighed deeply and then looked to Frodo.
"I am sure." Sam replied. "Besides I made a promise."
"A promise?" Frodo said coming to a stop.
Sam continued walking and then turned around when he noticed Frodo no longer at his side.
"Yes." Sam whispered. "Hanna made me promise that I would look after you and bring you home safe and I could not refuse."
Frodo smiled as a tear fell down his cheek. He went to Sam and put his hand on his shoulder.
"And I thank you for making that promise to her and to me." Frodo replied.
"It is the least I could do." Sam replied with a smile. "Besides, you should not have to go all this way alone."
"You are such a dear friend to me Sam." Frodo said patting his shoulder. "But let us go now. The day is passing and our journey has yet to begin!"
Frodo and Sam left the Pony and rode out onto the south road for nearly eight hours before they came to rest. The sun had long ago fallen below the horizon and the soft glow of the moon now filled the evening sky. Frodo and Sam made their way to the side of the path where they made camp beneath the large flowing branches of a willow tree. Sam had already begun a fire and he had gone to his pony to fetch some pans that Frodo had brought along so he could make some bacon and eggs for a late night supper. When he came back he found Frodo sitting close to the fire poking at it with a long stick as he watched small burning embers fly high into the night sky. Sam came and placed a pan on the fire and filled it with some eggs. He then sat next to Frodo watching as their meal cooked upon the fire.
"I've been wondering about something." Sam began. "Why was it that I found you on the floor when I woke this morning. It is unlike you to fall out of bed Frodo."
Sam looked at Frodo and he seemed to be staring into the fire lost in thought.
"Frodo?" Sam whispered tapping him on the shoulder.
Frodo turned to Sam and sighed deeply and then looked back to the fire.
"My night was restless Sam." Frodo replied. "It was filled with many dreams. Horrible dreams. Ones I dare not wish to relive again." Frodo said looking to Sam. He then looked back to the fire poking at it once more. Sam sat in silence not knowing what to say. He then glanced back at the eggs and stirred them quickly adding some bacon into the pan. Frodo appeared to weigh heavy with thoughts but Sam dared not to ask him what they were. He knew Frodo had more than enough on his mind already and it was not his place to bring to mind those dreams again. Soon supper was ready and Sam filled up a plate handing it to Frodo.
"Here you are." Sam replied. "It's not much but it will fill you for the evening."
Frodo smiled and took his plate quickly eating every spoonful to be had. He then put the plate down on the ground beside him and looked up to the stars.
"You suppose he is looking at the same stars tonight?" Frodo whispered.
"Perhaps." Sam said as he too sat his empty plate on the ground. "Your father gazed upon the stars on many nights just as you are now."
"It seems hard to imagine that here we are, you and I on the road to Gondor. Off on an adventure of our own." Frodo said with a sigh. "Only our adventure will not bring as great a story as my father's."
"You never know." Sam said putting his hand on Frodo's shoulder. "There is still much road left to travel and many more people to see along the way. You can not tell what the days ahead will hold."
A smile came to Frodo's face as he took in a deep breath.
"Well put Samuel." Frodo replied. "Yet no matter the outcome a story will be at hand to tell on those rainy nights by the fire."
"Aye." Sam said with a laugh. "And much laughter will come of the part where Aldamar took hold of your leg!"
"That it will!" Frodo chuckled. "Much laughter indeed."
Sam smiled brightly as he pulled his blanket tight around his shoulders to hold out the crisp night air. He looked back to the sky at the stars that were now shining brightly in the heavens above. Frodo took his gaze away from the sky and looked down to the ground with a deep sigh. His mind was clouded with the thoughts of his dreams from the night before. Sam's mind too was full of many thoughts only his came with the wonder of what the days ahead would bring. He had never been away from home in all his years living in the Shire and he was as happy as a young child would be on his birthday. Sam took in a deep breath and turned to Frodo who was still looking down at the ground lost in thought. The smile soon came away from Sam's face as he looked upon his dear old friend.
"What is troubling you Frodo? It is unlike you to keep to yourself." Sam said softly.
"Just thinking." Frodo replied. "About those dreams Sam. They seemed so real to me but I know it was just my mind playing tricks."
Sam sat quietly as Frodo slowly looked up from the ground. Frodo looked to the burning fire seeming to lose himself within the warm glow it cast upon his face. He then sighed deeply looking over to Sam.
"Something happened Sam. On the way to Gondor. It is all dark to me now but something drew us away from the road. We were gone. Gone for some time. Hanna became worried with fear and she came for us. Looking for us Sam. She never found us and then she was lost. Lost forever." Frodo said as his voice trailed off to a whisper.
Sam's eyes grew large as his heart pounded within his chest. He could not think of a word to say. Indeed the vision of his dreams was enough to drive one to madness if they were to be true but he prayed they were only what they seemed, a dream.
"I can not lie and say that I was not worried leaving on such a long journey. It has been some time since I last traveled this far with my father but my heart weighs heavy knowing Hanna is alone, without me by her side."
"All will be well." Sam replied. "Time shall pass quickly and we will be home again before you know it."
"That it shall." Frodo sighed. "And soon enough I will be home once again."
Sam smiled and patted Frodo on the shoulder.
"Forget about those thoughts Frodo. We should rest now. Tomorrow is yet another day." Sam whispered as he lay down on his blanket on the ground. "Sleep well."
"Goodnight Sam." Frodo replied watching as Sam slowly drifted off to sleep. Frodo looked up to the stars once again as a deep sigh passed his lips. He sat awake for hours gazing into the night sky before finally lying down near the fire losing himself within a peaceful sleep.
Three weeks soon passed by as Sam and Frodo came to the southern edge of the Misty Mountains near the Gap of Rohan. Sam was in awe at the beauty of the mountains as he looked up to their glorious snow covered peeks. Golden shades of orange and amber shone upon the mountain as the sun began to slowly fall down the sky. Frodo smiled as he looked at Sam who dried tears of happiness from his eyes. In all of his days Samuel never thought he would see the world beyond the Shire and here he was riding along the foot of glorious mountains that none in his family had ever seen. Frodo was beginning to tire for they had been riding for eight hours without a bit of rest or a bite to eat. Soon a large tree came into view that was surrounded by large fallen rocks from the mountainside. It was the perfect place to set camp for the night. He stopped in the path and came down off his pony and then went to Sam helping him down from his. They both walked to the tree with their ponies where Frodo took both sets of reins tying them to a low branch. Sam then began searching for some wood to start a fire while Frodo rolled out their blankets near the tree. Frodo sat down on his blanket and began rubbing the small of his back with the palm of his hand. Sam then came throwing the logs and sticks he had found on the ground and began making a circle out of stones in which to start the fire. He looked over at Frodo as he arranged the stones and smiled shaking his head.
"Riding starting to get to your hind side." Sam laughed as he began placing the sticks inside the stone circle.
"It is." Frodo replied smiling. He then lay down on his blanket stretching his arms high above his head. Sam started the fire and then came to the tree sitting on his blanket next to Frodo.
"Only two more weeks Sam." Frodo replied folding his arms under his head. "Then we shall finally arrive in Minas Tirith."
"It can not come soon enough." Sam laughed as he opened his pack taking out a pan and a loaf of sweet bread. He cut two slices from the bread handing one to Frodo and keeping the other for himself. Sam took a bite of the bread and then stood up from the ground. He went to the ponies and took down the large bag that held all their food. He took out some sausages and tomatoes and picked a few mushrooms that grew near the tree. He went back to the fire and sat down near Frodo slicing them up and putting them into the pan. He then placed the pan on the fire and watched as they slowly began to cook. The sky was starting to turn dark as the sun finally fell out of sight and Frodo sat up looking out to the road that still lay ahead. It seemed as if they had been gone for months but the days were finally starting to go by steadily. Just then Frodo heard something behind him and he turned around quickly. Sam was still sitting next to the fire and he too was looking down the road they just traveled.
"What was that?" Sam whispered looking over at Frodo. Frodo held his hand up and put his finger to his lips. Sam became still looking all around trying to listen for another noise. All was silent but then another snap was heard close by. Frodo turned to the sound and listened.
"It is like the sound of twigs giving beneath ones feet." Sam replied faintly.
They both listened for quite some time for another sound but one never came. Frodo then turned away from his glance and looked back at Sam.
"I have had a feeling as though someone has been following us Sam." Frodo said leaning over to Samuel. "I did not want to say a word fearing I would worry you but now I feel as though it may be true."
"But who?" Sam asked as he took the pan off the fire. He spooned some of the contents onto two plates and handed one to Frodo.
"I am not sure." Frodo replied as he put a few mushrooms into his mouth. "I know of no one who would want to follow us." Frodo then looked back down the road. All was silent once more. He finished everything on his plate setting it down near the fire. Frodo then stood to his feet and walked towards the path looking down it both ways. The moon was now in the sky and the stars were beginning to shine in the sky. Frodo sighed deeply and looked back to Sam who sat near the fire with his blanket pulled around him. He went back to Sam and sat near the fire throwing in a few small twigs.
"Rest now Sam." Frodo replied. "I will keep watch tonight. It seems as though we may need to keep a watchful eye on the road before us."
"But what of you?" Sam said as he lay down next to the fire. "You shall need your rest too."
"I will rest when I can." Frodo said softly. "You should not worry yourself about me Samuel. Goodnight and sleep well dear friend."
"Goodnight." Sam replied quietly. His heart raced in his chest as he lay there watching Frodo stare off into the distance listening for the faintest sound. Sam took in a deep breath and reluctantly closed his eyes. It was going to be a long night.
Sam slowly opened his eyes as a soft rain began to fall. It was morning and the fire had long faded with the passing night. Frodo was lying on the ground across from Sam having finally given into sleep. Sam sighed deeply and sat up looking off into the western sky. He seemed to see something standing far off in this distance. He rubbed his eyes and then looked again wondering if his eyes deceived him. Indeed there was a figure on horseback standing along the distant horizon. Sam quickly scurried over to Frodo and shook him waking him from sleep.
"Frodo! Frodo!" Sam whispered as he shook his arm. "Wake up!"
Frodo opened his eyes and sat up quickly realizing that he had fallen asleep.
"Confound you Samuel what is the matter with you!" Frodo yelled grabbing his arm. Sam said nothing but pointed off into the west, as his eyes grew large with fear. Frodo turned around slowly and his heart quickened in his chest as he seen the figure in the distance. Frodo and Sam both sat still for some time wondering if the figure be friend or foe but it did not move. Frodo leaned back towards Sam as he slowly took his blanket up from the ground.
"Get your things and go back to the ponies. Let them loose and ride ahead down the path." Frodo whispered.
"I can't leave you!" Sam replied grabbing at Frodo's arm.
"Go now!" Frodo snapped shaking him away. "I will catch up with you soon enough."
Sam quickly gathered up his blanket and pan and then ran over to his pony. He untied the reins watching as Frodo slowly made his way up from the ground and over to him. Sam climbed up on his pony and turned him towards the path that lay ahead. Frodo took the reins to his own pony and walked to the path with Sam at his side.
"Ride hard Sam!" Frodo replied slapping the hind end of Samuel's pony. The pony reared up and bolted away down the path as Frodo quickly climbed onto his own pony's back. He turned towards the figure and seen that it was moving in his direction. Frodo held his hand to his belt where he kept his small knife as he slowly backed away down the path. He could hear Sam yelling his name far off in the distance as the figure quickly began riding towards him. Frodo snapped the reins and his pony reared up taking off down the path. Frodo's heart pounded within his chest for he knew his small pony could never outrun the horse and the rider behind him. He looked behind him as he rode and seen the rider growing closer to him. He turned back and looked ahead seeing Sam just ahead. Sam had finally brought his pony to a slow gallop and he was reaching back to Frodo as he rode towards him. Frodo pressed his pony on trying to catch up to him. It was then that Sam yelled out to Frodo as the rider finally drew near to his side.
"Frodo!" Sam screamed as the rider galloped around Frodo stopping in front of his pony. His horse let out a shrill yell causing Frodo's pony to rear up. Frodo clung to its mane to keep from falling to the ground. Sam quickly pulled back on his pony's reins stopping in the path far ahead of Frodo. Frodo then turned his pony away from the path and began riding off towards the northeast.
"Frodo no!" Sam shouted into the pouring rain as the rider took off after Frodo. Sam slapped his reins together and bolted off after them falling away from the south road.
"Stay to the road!" Frodo yelled looking back seeing Sam following behind him. Sam rode hard coming around the rider and up to Frodo's side following him towards a distant forest shadowed in the fog of the morning rain. They continued to press on keeping ahead of the rider until they at last came into the dark forest. Frodo's pony reared up as they came into the wood knocking him off his back before galloping away. Sam quickly jumped from his pony running to Frodo's side. Frodo sat up holding his shoulder as he looked out through the trees. The rider was just now coming through the clearing.
"Quickly now, to your feet." Sam said helping Frodo up from the ground. "That rider is still behind us!" Sam then went for his pony but found that he had bolted away with Frodo's.
"What now Frodo." Sam replied clinging tightly to his friend.
"Just run Sam." Frodo said through clenched teeth as he tried to hide the burning pain within his shoulder.
Sam grabbed Frodo's arm tightly and began running off into the forest towards the light in a distant clearing. They both looked behind them watching as the rider came closer upon them. The sound of the horse's hooves beating upon the ground echoed into Sam's chest as he ran as fast as he could pulling Frodo along behind him. Soon he came to the clearing and he ran through the trees coming out on the eastern edge of the forest. There they came to the bank of a fast moving river that ran along the edge of the forest to the south. Frodo stopped as the rain poured down around him trying to catch his breath. Sam looked back and seen the rider at the outer edge of the forest reaching behind his back. Sam took hold of Frodo's arm urging him to go on. Sam glanced back into the wood once again only to see the rider putting an arrow into a bow and pulling it taught aiming it straight at Frodo. Sam yelled out pushing Frodo aside just as the rider released his grip on the bow. Frodo fell to the ground and looked up just to see Sam get struck by the arrow and fall back down the riverbank.
"Sam!" Frodo screamed reaching out to him as he sank beneath the water in the river below. Frodo stood to his feet and ran down the bank jumping into the quickly moving stream. Once Frodo came above the water he looked down the stream and seen Sam's hand sticking out above the water as he was quickly swept away. Frodo swam as fast as he could towards Sam catching him by the arm as his head came above the water one more time. Frodo held onto Sam as the current pulled them further downstream until they came to a large tree that had fallen onto the bank. As they went by Frodo reached out his hand taking hold of a branch that was resting in the water. He began pulling himself and Sam out of the water and onto the shore. Sam was gasping for air as Frodo lay him down in the grass. Sam coughed up some water and took in a deep breath as he clutched at the arrow that stuck out from his right shoulder.
"Leave it for now." Frodo said pulling his hand away. Sam opened his eyes and looked at Frodo as a faint smile drew across his lips.
"Maybe I should have learned to swim." Sam laughed softly.
Frodo smiled as Sam tried to cover his pain with laughter. He knelt down on the ground beside Sam and opened his shirt to examine the wound. It was deep. Just then Sam's eyes grew large and he reached up pointing behind Frodo. Frodo quickly swung around just as a large shadow came down upon him knocking him to the ground. He remembered nothing more.
The rain was falling outside as a fire was lit to light the darkened night. The warm glow of the fire cast long shadows upon the walls of Bag End as Hanna sat down in Frodo's chair holding a folded piece of paper in her hand. It was Frodo's letter. The one he had written for her while he was in Bree. Her hands trembled and tears fell down her face as she opened the letter reading it once again. While she read the front door opened and closed softly as a figure came inside wearing a brown cloak soaking wet with rain. Hanna, hearing the door open, looked up and dropped the letter to the floor as she ran towards the door her face wet with tears.
"My son!" Hanna yelled as she fell into his outstretched arms. "My dear Holfast, I am so glad to see you!"
He pulled her in close kissing her brow as she buried her head in his chest crying tears of joy.
"Why did you not call for me sooner, mother?" Holfast replied softly. "I was only but a two days ride from home."
"I did not want to worry you." Hanna said looking up at her son. "Many years have went by since your father last traveled so far. Twenty-three years in fact. He has not gone away since you were born. But I have had this ill feeling that something has happened. Many of my nights have been filled with visions of your father not returning."
Holfast sighed deeply and took down his hood shaking the water from his cloak. He took it off and walked into the den hanging it on the back of a chair in front of the fire. He then noticed a piece of paper lying on the floor and he picked it up.
"That is the letter he sent." Hanna replied coming over to Holfast. "It came to me five weeks ago."
"May I?" Holfast asked looking at his mother. She nodded and he began reading the words aloud.
My Dear Hanna,
I am here now in Bree resting within my room with Samuel sleeping soundly in the bed next to mine. I have been kept from sleep with horrid dreams after learning that the south road is not the fairest one to be traveling at this time. Many foul happenings have been noted along the road but I shall do all I can to make the journey without any harm to myself or Sam. I have figured that our journey will be a five week ride. I shall send word to you once we have arrived in Gondor. You are in my thoughts my dear and remember that you are always with me.
When Holfast finished he folded the letter and handed it back to his mother. She took it in her hand and sighed deeply as her son sat down in a chair.
"You say five weeks have passed since the letter came to you." Holfast replied looking to the fire.
"That they have." Hanna replied as she sat down next to Holfast.
"When did he leave?" Holfast asked looking to his mother.
"The twentieth of April I believe." Hanna said with a sigh. "The letter came to me five days later. I wanted to tell you that he had gone but I knew you would want to run after him to go along on the journey. If my heart did not trouble me I would have not told you of your father leaving until you came back home from your aunt Elanor's."
Holfast was silent for a moment and then he began muttering something to himself.
"It is now the first of June and add another five weeks…" Holfast whispered. "We should hear word from him by the end of this month." Holfast said loudly. "If he is in Gondor now it may take a rider five weeks to reach the Shire with word he is there. All we can do is wait and pray that father and Sam make it safe to Gondor."
Hanna reached over to Holfast and took his hand in hers. She was still trembling and Holfast took his mothers hand holding it tightly. He looked over to her and smiled drying away the tears that were still falling down her face.
"Do not worry yourself." Holfast whispered. "He is safe and will return. You shall see. Before you know it he will be walking through that door with Samuel at his side."
"That is what I am hoping." Hanna said softly as she looked into the fire while it cast a warm glow upon her face. "Your father and Samuel safe at home where they belong."
The sun was just starting to come over the horizon as Frodo slowly opened his eyes. His head swam with pain as he put his hand to his eyes to block away the sun. Just then he heard a familiar voice call out his name. Frodo wondered if he was dreaming or if he had passed on but when he took his hand away from his eyes, the brightness of the sun fell away revealing Samuel sitting on a chair next to his bed. Frodo sat up quickly looking all around trying to grasp a sense of where he was or how much time had passed since he was struck on the head. He looked over to Sam and he smiled as he sat up from his chair.
"We are safe now." Sam replied as he came to Frodo's side. "We are in Edoras. The capitol city of the Horsemen of Rohan."
"Edoras?" Frodo mumbled as a man came into the room.
"Yes, Edoras." The man replied as he went up to Sam. "You have been here for two weeks now Frodo. You and Sam were found by our riders about a week ago.
"A week ago?" Frodo muttered. "I have no memory after being struck on the head. What happened out there?"
"Well…" Sam began. "After you were struck on the head that rider was about to come after me when I heard something. I am not sure what it was but it scared him off it did. You were out cold so I started carrying you back to the south road. I don't know how much time passed but I remember seeing some riders on horseback along the road and I started calling out to them. It was then that I felt faint and the last thing I remember was Baradur here lifting me up onto his horse." Sam said looking up to the man standing at his side.
"Sam's will to carry you all the way he did was a wonder to us all." Baradur replied putting his hand on Sam's shoulder. "When we found the two of you he was weak for he had lost much blood. The arrow was still in his shoulder but the wound was tended when he was brought here. It has now begun to heal as has your own."
"My own?" Frodo asked looking to Sam.
"You had quite a cut to your forehead Frodo." Baradur replied. "The wound was cleaned and bandaged but I am afraid that it will leave quite a large scar my friend."
Frodo reached up to his forehead and above his left eye he felt a bandage tightly wrapped around his head. He took his hand away and sighed deeply as he looked over to the open window. The sun was shining brightly and the sky was clear and blue. He then looked to Sam who was now sitting back in his chair.
"What of that rider?" Frodo replied. "Was he found?"
"Not yet. We had been searching for him months before you came across him." Baradur sighed. "He is Caldamar. He suffers from a madness of the brain after his father was killed many years ago. He has been wandering this country seeking to kill all who cross his path. He will be found and put to death for all those he has slain."
Frodo sighed and looked down to his hands as they lay trembling in his lap.
"What of the rest of our journey?" Frodo replied looking up to Baradur. "Will it be safe?"
"When it is at your will I shall ride with you so no fear will be in you along the way." Baradur replied.
"We are traveling to Minas Tirith." Frodo muttered. "To see the aging friends of my father. Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took."
"I know them well." Baradur replied. "Their names are often spoken of throughout Gondor. It would be an honor if you allow me to accompany you on your journey there."
"That you may." Frodo replied. He looked back out the window and sighed deeply.
"Six weeks have now passed." Frodo replied softly. "I must send word to Hanna to tell her I am well. If I wait until we reach Minas Tirith too much time will have passed by and she may worry."
"I shall send a rider at once." Baradur replied. "What is the message you wish to send?"
"Tell her I shall be home soon and that she is in my thoughts." Frodo whispered. He then glanced over at Sam and smiled as a tear fell down his cheek.
"Anything more?" Baradur asked quietly.
"And tell her thank you, for Sam held to his promise." Frodo replied.
"So shall it be." Baradur replied as he bowed low bidding farewell to Frodo and Sam. He then left the room passing the message on to his fastest rider as he soon set out under the ever rising sun.
Four days soon passed and on the twelfth of June Frodo and Sam began on their journey to Minas Tirith once again with Baradur at their side. The days were long and many nights were filled with cooling rain but after riding for two weeks time, the white city of Minas Tirith soon came into sight over the distant horizon. The tall towers rose high into the sky catching every golden ray of sunlight within their grasp. As they came upon the silver mithril gates of the city Sam looked to Frodo with tears in his eyes. In all his years he never imagined that he would finally see the city of the King. The wind gently swept around them as the gates were opened revealing the whole of the city within. The streets were paved with white marble and not a courtyard in sight was without a smiling face or a shimmering fountain. As they rode through the gates they made their way down the streets to the Citadel where the banner of the Trees and the Stars waved atop the topmost tower. There they would find the King and their friends that they had come so far to see.
As they came up to the Citadel they were greeted by a tall fair looking young man who took their horses to the stables and then led them inside. Frodo and Sam were in awe of all the beauty that lay before them in the majestic statues and tall columns that filled all the halls within the Citadel. Baradur kept close to them as they were finally led into a great hall where two elegant thrones held within their arms King Elessar and his Queen Arwen. The young man left their side and went to the King to announce their arrival. Baradur went down to his knee and bowed his head and Frodo and Sam followed in suit as the King stood to his feet and made his way to them.
"Arise my friends." The King spoke as he touched his hands to Frodo and Sam's shoulders. A warm feeling came over the both of them as they looked up to the King as a great smile came across his face. He gazed upon the young hobbits in awe as he knelt down before them.
"My eyes have seemed to deceived me after so many years." King Elessar replied. "My dear Frodo you look a splitting image of your father and your companion here looks just like your father's old friend Frodo Baggins."
Samuel blushed and looked to Frodo with a smile.
"My father has told me that also." Frodo replied. "His name is Samuel Boffin but I just call him Sam."
"Frodo and Sam together again!" King Elessar said with a gentle laugh. "So where is your father, did he not come too?"
"Nay." Frodo replied softly. "That is why we have come. My father sailed over the sea a few years ago. I had sent word of his passing but I now know it never came. I felt it would only be right that I were to tell Merry and Pippin myself that he has gone."
"Ill tidings indeed." King Elessar sighed. "I wish it had not happened so soon but they will be glad to see you Frodo. It has been some time since they last seen your face."
"Many years in fact." Frodo replied. "I have not seen them in over twenty years."
"Then let us not waste any more time." King Elessar said leading Frodo and Sam away through the hall. "Come now, let me take you to them."
As King Elessar led Frodo and Sam down a long corridor, Frodo could feel his heart weighing heavy in his chest. He did not know what to expect when he seen Merry and Pippin or what they would say after hearing that his father was now gone. Soon they came to a large round door and there they stopped as King Elessar knelt down before them.
"I shall leave you here now so you may be alone. Meriadoc and Peregrin are within this room here, more likely than not sitting before the fire as they always do sharing stories of the past. Their time will be coming soon and it will be a great comfort for them to see the two of you together, for I know you will remind them of your father and his master Frodo." King Elessar replied as he stood back to his feet. He then walked away back towards the hall leaving Frodo and Sam standing before the closed door. Sam looked at Frodo and sighed deeply.
"If what everyone says is true, what will it do to Merry and Pippin if they see me looking like their old friend who they know has long passed?" Sam said softly.
"I do not know Samuel." Frodo whispered. He then reached behind Sam and pulled his cloak hood up over his head hiding his long dark curls behind his ears. "For now let us just hide your face until I tell them who you are. I do not want to scare them."
"But what of you Frodo?" Sam muttered from under his hood. "You look a splitting image of your father. Would it not break their hearts if they thought you were he since they do not know he has passed?"
"You are right Sam." Frodo said as he pulled his hood up over his head. "I shall show my face once they know I am not my father." Frodo sighed deeply and then looked to Sam as he reached for the knob on the door slowly turning it and peering inside. There before him he could see Merry and Pippin laughing among themselves before the fire that burned in the fireplace. Frodo opened the door a bit more and Merry and Pippin turned around hearing it creak open.
"Who is there?" Merry called out looking to Frodo and Sam.
"I am a friend of old." Frodo replied as he came in the door pulling Sam in behind him.
"Friend?" Pippin replied. "Your voice is not familiar to us. What brings you here?"
"We share a common interest I believe." Frodo replied. "I believe you knew a Samwise Gamgee."
"Knew?" Merry answered. "We still know of him. Where is he? Did he not come?"
"That he did not." Frodo said softly. "I am afraid that word never reached you that he has since sailed over the sea three years past. He has gone home to his dear master Frodo."
Merry and Pippin looked to each other as tears began to well in their eyes. A deep pain seemed to come within their hearts, as they knew they would never have the chance to say goodbye to their beloved friend. Merry then looked back to Frodo who was still standing by the door with Sam hiding behind him.
"Then who are you my friend?" Merry whispered. "May I have your name?"
Frodo bowed his head low and took down his hood letting it fall behind his shoulders as he looked back up to Merry and Pippin.
"I am Frodo Gardner eldest son of Samwise Gamgee." Frodo replied softly. Merry and Pippin looked to each other with eyes large as the sun as they sat up from their chairs coming over to Frodo. A smile came to Merry's face as he touched Frodo's cheek and pulled him into his arms.
"My boy I have not seen you in more than twenty years!" Merry replied through his tears. Pippin came and embraced them both as Samuel backed away towards the door trying not to be seen. Merry then held Frodo away from him looking him over from head to toe.
"If I had not known any better I would have thought you to be your father. You look just as he did when he was of your age."
Merry then noticed Sam who was standing by the door with his hood pulled down over his eyes.
"And who is this here?" Merry replied coming over to Samuel. Sam cowered away for Merry was much taller than he was and he felt uneasy about looking so much like Mr. Baggins. Frodo then came to Sam and stood at his side putting his hands on his shoulders.
"This is my friend Samuel Boffin." Frodo replied.
"Well why is he hiding?" Pippin muttered looking at him oddly.
"It was my idea to hide him." Frodo replied. "He looks like a friend of yours that has been gone for some time. I did not want to startle you when you seen him before you knew who he was." Frodo then looked down at Sam as he peered up to him from under his hood. Frodo smiled and shook his head as Sam slowly took down his hood showing his face. Merry and Pippin both put their hands to their mouths as tears began falling down their face.
"Why he looks just like Frodo Baggins when we last seen him as he sailed away from the Havens." Pippin said softly."
"That he does." Merry choked through his tears. "To see the two of you here is just like having our dear old friends with us once again. Come now the two of you." Merry said as he put his arms around Frodo and Sam. "We have so much to share with you."
Many hours slowly passed by as the day fell into the evening and the new moon hung high in the sky. Samuel was sitting before the open window looking down to the streets of the city below as lanterns shone within the darkened night. Far away Frodo still sat with Merry and Pippin before the fire sharing stories of old that he had heard many times before. Soon the time came when there was a moment of silence and Frodo looked over to Sam as he gazed out into the star filled night.
"It is still a wonder to us how you and Samuel remind us so of your father and Mr. Baggins Frodo." Pippin replied looking over to Sam. "Your friendship seems to be just as tight a bond as theirs was and more."
"That it is." Frodo replied softly. "We have been through much within our lives. More so within these last few weeks than any other time."
"How is it that you and Samuel met Frodo?" Merry asked quietly.
"It is funny you should ask that." Frodo said smiling as he laughed quietly to himself. "It was my father who brought us together. So many years have since past." Frodo replied his voice becoming soft. "It was late on a summer evening. My mother was sitting in the garden as my father tended to the garden. I was inside watching from the study window when I seen a young lad come up the garden path his face stricken with tears. He said his mum had just passed away and he asked my father for a rose to put on her grave. My father cut a red rose from a bush and handed it to him as tears fell down his face. The young lad smiled and thanked my father by telling him that he wished he too could someday grow flowers as beautiful as his. He then walked away and my father broke down in tears falling to his knees in the garden."
Merry and Pippin looked at each other and then pleaded Frodo to continue on.
"I was just twenty years of age then and it was the first time I had seen my father cry. I asked him later that night what it was that brought him to tears and that is when he told me that the lad looked just like Frodo and it tore at him so to see his face once again. Two days later the youngster came back to watch my father in the garden day after day. He soon took an interest in learning how things grow so my father did not hesitate to show him the trade. It was then when he introduced me to Samuel asking me if I could show him how to weed the garden and plant seeds. He was just ten years old then. Such a young thing with a heart bigger than all the mountains I have seen. To this day he still has come to the garden every morning tending to the flowers."
All was silent for a moment as all eyes turned to Sam as he looked back to Frodo and smiled. He had not heard the conversation but within he knew that Frodo had been speaking of him for his face was bright and joyful as it always was when he spoke of their friendship. He sighed and then took his glance back to the glorious sights that lay outside the window.
"Had your father ever spoken to you of how he came to meet Mr. Baggins?" Merry replied softly.
"He never had." Frodo said quietly. "I did not ask for I thought it would pain him more bringing back memories from his distant past. He and Frodo were very close and it hurt him deeply when he left."
"I can imagine so." Pippin replied. "It pained us too when we seen him sail away but now your father is with him once again and the pain will no longer be."
"That he is and it is a comfort to know his heart is no longer heavy." Frodo replied. He sighed deeply and then looked into the fire as small burning embers flickered into the air. A stillness filled the night as all within the room were silent and then suddenly Merry broke the silence.
"Frodo?" Merry whispered. "Would you like to hear of how your father and Frodo Baggins met?"
Frodo turned to Merry as a tear fell from his eye.
"That I would." Frodo whispered.
Merry smiled and then began his story…
"Your father was only nine when they first met. His mother too had just passed away. He came with your grandfather to the garden at Bag End to pick some roses for her grave. Frodo was twenty-one then and had just arrived at Bag End a few days before to come and live with his Uncle Bilbo. He was sitting in the study reading when he heard your father crying below the window. He dared not intrude but when Bilbo came back inside after talking to your grandfather he told Frodo what had happened. Frodo too had lost his mother and his father to a boating accident when he was just twelve. It hurt him so knowing what pain was in your fathers heart and that evening he went to his home and brought him a rose bush so that he would always have something to remind him of his mother. From that day on they were inseparable. They were there for each other in times of need and your father followed him to the ends of Middle Earth and back just so Frodo did not have to go alone."
"Much like Samuel has done for me." Frodo replied quietly. "It seems that the same circumstances had brought us all together."
Frodo was silent for a moment as he dried the tears from his eyes. He then looked to Merry and Pippin as a soft smile came to his lips.
"Now I know why my father was so fond of roses." Frodo softly replied. "There was a rose bush below the study window that he tended every day. He once said that it was a special thing to him for it reminded him of Frodo but I had never known why. It was more likely than not the very same one Frodo had given to him when he was a child. My mother too was fond of those blossoms and she would bring fresh cuts of them inside every morn. The day after my father sailed away Samuel came and planted some lilies beneath the rose bush to remind me of him. My father would often say those flowers reminded him of his friend from Bree." Frodo sighed deeply and looked to Sam who had finally made his way to one of the beds in the room. He was covered with a blanket snoring loudly.
"What of your mother Frodo?" Pippin softly replied. "How is Rose?"
"She too has passed I am afraid." Frodo whispered. "My father left just a few short months after. Without her he was empty again and he knew he could no longer stay in the Shire forever longing for all he could not have. That is when he chose to return to his dear master Frodo so his healing could begin."
Merry sighed deeply and looked to Pippin who was now beginning to yawn.
"It has been a long night Frodo." Merry replied standing up. "You need your rest. This room will be yours and Sam's for as long as you wish to stay." Pippin then stood to his feet and smiled as he put his hand on Frodo's shoulder.
"It was nice seeing you once again dear friend." Pippin replied. "We shall have much more to talk about as the days go by."
"That we will." Frodo said with a smile. Merry and Pippin then left the room closing the door behind them as Frodo made his way to his bed where he soon fell into a peaceful sleep.
Many weeks passed by as Frodo and Sam sat within Merry and Pippin's company on many nights before the roaring fire. They shared stories and songs from the distant past and ones of anew. It was now the first week of August. Five weeks had since gone by when Frodo and Sam arrived in Minas Tirith. Yet on this night while they sat within their room sharing laughter with Merry and Pippin a soft knock was heard upon the door. Sam stood up and made his way to the door as Frodo continued on with his story of how he and Samuel were caught stealing mushrooms from farmer Bolger's field. Sam smiled as the story went on while he turned the knob on the door opening it slowly. His smile soon faded when he seen the solemn faces staring back at him in the hall.
"Is Frodo here with you Samuel?" King Elessar replied softly.
"That he is." Sam said his face filling with worry. "What has happened? Why has Baradur come with?"
"I must speak with Frodo." Baradur replied. "Bring him to me Sam."
Sam quickly scurried away from the door and went to Frodo who sat still sitting before the fire with Merry and Pippin. He leaned over to Frodo whispering in his ear and he stood to his feet staring blankly at the door. Frodo felt his heart sink as he began walking slowly towards the door as Merry and Pippin grew quiet with fear. As he neared the door he saw Baradur and King Elessar standing in the hall, their faces holding no expression. Sam followed closely at Frodo's side as he finally came to the door stopping before Baradur. Baradur knelt down before Frodo and placed his hands on his shoulders as a deep sigh passed his lips.
"I bring both good and ill tidings I am afraid." Baradur said softly. "Our riders found Caldamar soon after I left here to return to Edoras. He was slain yet we have discovered our rider two weeks past dead along the trail. He never made it to the Shire Frodo. Your Hanna has yet to know you are here and safe."
Tears came forth from Frodo's eyes as he fell to the floor on his knees. Sam knelt down beside him taking his dear friend within his arms to comfort his cries. Sam looked up to Baradur trying to find words to say.
"So much time has passed." Frodo replied through his tears. "She does not know that it has taken us longer to get here than expected. I know Hanna's heart shall break for she will be expecting me home within this week. What have I done by staying here so long?"
"You have done nothing." Sam said as he dried the tears from Frodo's eyes. "You did not know what had become of the rider."
"We must leave without haste." Frodo said as he pulled away from Sam. "We should leave tonight."
"Nay Frodo." Baradur replied. "With the rising of the sun my company shall take you and Sam back to the Shire. We will ride through many evenings and rest when it is only a necessity. If all goes well you shall be home within five weeks time."
"Then it must be so." Frodo replied as he stood to his feet. "We shall leave with the 'morrow as soon as the sun rises."
"That we shall." Baradur said as he bowed low. "I will come for you and Samuel as the sun comes over the horizon." Baradur then left as King Elessar followed behind him. Frodo turned to Sam as he closed the door and a deep sigh passed his lips. Merry and Pippin looked on as Frodo slowly made his way to his bed and climbed onto it staring out the window into the vastness of the dark night before him. No words were said for not one within the room knew what to say. For hours Frodo sat lost among his thoughts before finally lying down and giving in to his will to sleep.
Throughout the night Frodo found his dreams filled with the very images that had haunted his mind when they stayed in Bree. He often woke sitting upright in bed as his heart raced within his chest. Sam would always wake when Frodo gasped as he sat up staying with him until he finally fell back to sleep. Soon the sun began to rise and Samuel woke looking over to Frodo, as he lay fast asleep in bed. The door slowly began to open and Sam sat up watching as two faces peered inside the doorway. It was Merry and Pippin. Sam put his finger to his lips as they walked inside coming to rest near the foot of the beds.
"Baradur has come." Merry replied softly. "He is waiting in the courtyard with his men."
Sam looked to Frodo as he lay sleeping. He did not wish to wake him for he had not found much sleep within the night but he came down from his bed and went to Frodo's bedside gently shaking his arm.
"They are here Frodo." Sam whispered. "The 'morrow has come. It is time for us to go home."
"Home." Frodo mumbled from his sleep.
"Yes home." Sam replied. "Hanna is waiting for you."
Frodo quickly sat up and looked all around as he was roused from yet another dream. He clutched at his chest as he breathed in deeply trying to catch his breath. Frodo then noticed Merry and Pippin standing in the room smiling while they stood near Sam.
"Quite a rough start to the morning I would say." Pippin softly laughed. "Dreaming were we Frodo?"
"That I was." Frodo replied as a smile came to his face. "What a sight it must have been when I jumped up from my sleep."
"A joyful sight it was." Merry replied. "But the time has come for us to say goodbye my dear Frodo. Baradur has come to take you back home."
"Home." Frodo said softly to himself. "My heart has so longed to see it once again."
"And so you shall." Sam replied as Frodo came down from his bed. "And Hanna will be there waiting for you once you return."
"Yet I just pray that her heart still believes I will return after all the time that has passed." Frodo replied. "When we do come back to the Shire almost two months will have went by from the time I said I would be home."
"Do not worry yourself with such things." Sam replied.
"I have tried not to Sam." Frodo said. "But my mind has been filled with those dreams once more. I can not help but worry what has become of my Hanna." Just then a young man came into the room and bowed low before the hobbits.
"My liege wishes to see Frodo and Samuel before they ride home." The man replied. "He is waiting in the great hall."
"Thank you young sir." Frodo replied. "Tell him that we shall be there in a moment." The young man then nodded and left the room leaving Frodo and Sam with Merry and Pippin.
"So this is it." Frodo said with a deep sigh. "Time for goodbye."
Merry and Pippin smiled and came to Frodo taking him and Samuel within their arms. They embraced them tightly and came away allowing Frodo and Sam to stand before them.
"Our paths will cross once again." Merry said softly. "Though we could not see your father Frodo seeing you and Samuel filled all the emptiness within our hearts that was lost with their passing."
Frodo smiled brightly as tears fell from his eyes. Samuel too smiled as he dried away the small tears falling slowly down his cheeks.
"May your journey be well." Pippin replied. "You both will forever be within our thoughts."
"As you in ours." Frodo said softly. He then looked to Sam as he still dried the tears from his eyes. "Come now Sam." Frodo replied. "It is time for us to see the King."
After gathering their few things Frodo and Sam left with Merry and Pippin at their side to say their farewell to King Elessar. They walked slowly down the long corridor that led to the hall for Frodo's heart was heavy with the thoughts of his dreams. Soon they came into the hall and there standing before them was the King with Baradur at his side.
"Your presence has graced us within these past weeks." King Elessar replied. He then came to Frodo and Sam and knelt down to the floor smiling as he looked within their eyes. "I know I speak not for myself when I say that having you both here was like having your father and Frodo Baggins with us once again. Although they are gone their spirits seem to live within the two of you." Frodo smiled and put his arm around Sam bringing him close as King Elessar stood back to his feet. He then held his hand out to his squire who stood behind him. He came forth holding two small golden chests adorned with shimmering white jewels.
"These are for you." The King replied as he handed a chest to both Sam and Frodo. "For your bravery dear Frodo and your undying will to keep to your word Samuel. May they keep you and your families well throughout the years."
Sam looked to Frodo as tears filled his eyes. They both opened the small chests and within were held many golden coins and brilliant shining jewels with colors of crimson red and sapphire blue. Frodo smiled as he closed the lid to his golden treasure.
"No words can express the many thanks I wish to say." Frodo whispered.
"Just two words would be all I need." King Elessar said with a smile.
Frodo and Sam smiled to each other and said a deep thank you as they bowed low before the King. They then placed their gifts within their packs and turned to Baradur who still stood at King Elessar's side.
"It is time we leave." Baradur replied. Frodo and Sam then began walking with him as they made their way through the hall and out into the courtyard at the entrance to the Citadel. As they came down the steps and to the horses that were in waiting to take them home, Frodo and Sam both turned back to Merry and Pippin, as they stood with the King at the top of the marble stairs and waved their final goodbye. They knew not when they would be able to return but someday their road would lead them back to the white city of Minas Tirith. Baradur then took Frodo by his waist and lifted him up onto his horse followed by Sam. Baradur then took the reins and drew himself onto another horse at their side. Sam held tightly onto Frodo and looked back to the wonderful city as Merry and Pippin smiled brightly waving to them. In his heart he knew that he would never see them again but their memory would live on forever within his heart. Baradur then let out a cry charging his company to ride on as Sam watched while Minas Tirith slowly faded over the horizon at they set out on their journey home.
Two weeks had since passed when Frodo and Sam set out with Baradur's company. The day had long fell into evening as they rode on nearing the Gap of Rohan. The memory of the attack came to Frodo once again as they passed by the tree where he and Sam had awoken that fateful morning. He sighed deeply looking up into the starlit night as they rode hard along the path to the north seemingly never stopping for a bit of rest. They had indeed made good time along the way but Frodo could no longer stand to sleep through another night on the back of his horse. He called out to Baradur who fell away from the lead of the company coming to his side.
"I want to rest." Frodo replied with a weary voice. "I can not go on any longer like we have. I want to stop and sit before a fire and lay within its warmth passing the night with a restful sleep."
"And I too." Sam said as he tried in vain to keep his eyes open. "Two weeks with little rest has worn me thin."
"So we shall." Baradur replied as he rode back up to the head of the company. They soon came to a halt and turned away from the path resting among a circle of trees. A fire was built as Sam and Frodo were helped down from their horse and led to the trees. There they sat before the fire warming their hands and feet from the cool autumn air. A meal was prepared and drink brought forth as all within the company broke out in song. Frodo and Sam ate quickly taking down a few mugs of ale to warm them inside. Baradur then came to them sitting by their side before the fire.
"We have made good time." Baradur replied. We will be nearing the Shire within another two weeks. You should reach Hobbiton soon thereafter."
"Will you be accompanying us the whole way?" Sam asked quietly.
"My company will be turning back to Edoras once we reach the crossing at Tharbad on the river Gwathló. We will hold to the north road until we reach the split near the Sarn Ford on the Brandywine River. From then on you should take the road west. It is but a three day ride from there."
"You speak as if you're not coming with us all the way Baradur." Frodo replied.
"That I am not." Baradur said softly. I will be returning home once we reach the Ford. You shall be safe in the Shire for no danger lurks there anymore."
"Will we ever see you again dear friend?" Sam asked as he looked up to Baradur.
"Your road will lead you back again Sam." Baradur said putting his hand on his shoulder. "There is nothing more to fear within our land and you are welcome to return with Frodo at any time."
Sam smiled as Baradur stood up.
"May you rest well my friends." Baradur replied before he walked back to the gathering of his company. Frodo and Sam looked on as he sat among his fellow riders joining in their song once again. They then looked away back to the fire as it's glowing flames shone brightly in the dark night. Sam then lay next to the fire covering himself with a blanket and soon drifted to sleep. Frodo watched Sam as he slept peacefully beside him and soon he too rested himself on the ground falling into a dreamless sleep.
Many days and nights quickly passed as the company continued on to the north towards the Tharbad crossing. The day soon came when the rest of the company turned away leaving only Baradur to ride the remaining five days with Sam and Frodo. They rode on through many evenings resting only a few hours during the day before continuing on once more. Frodo was full of anticipation as they neared the Shire when the day finally came for Baradur to bid them farewell.
"I must leave you now." Baradur replied as they came to the Ford. "May you be well along your journey home." Baradur said as he turned his horse away from the river. He clapped the reins together and rode off as the sun began to fall down the sky. Frodo and Sam sat upon their horse watching as Baradur quickly faded away within the distance becoming only a distant memory. Frodo then took the reins of his horse within his hands and snapped them together going on once again. Sam still held tightly to Frodo as they went along the path while he watched the stars slowly began to fill the sky. The moon was full and shining brightly lighting the way before them with shimmering moonbeams.
"The Shire." Sam whispered softly as he looked all around while they rode down the path. "There was a time when I thought I would never see it again Frodo."
Frodo was silent and he sighed in deeply stopping in the path for a moment as he looked back at Sam.
"That day will forever be in my mind Sam as it will be in yours." Frodo said softly. "But we should leave it within the past and think of it no more."
"That we should." Sam said as a small grin came onto his lips. "But you will forever have an imprint of it on your head." Sam laughed as he put his finger to Frodo's scar on his forehead. Frodo laughed as a large smile filled his face.
"You always seem to find the humorous things in the bad aspects of life Samuel." Frodo said through his laughter.
"Aye." Sam softly replied. "Laughter can heal all Frodo. It is what has held me together in life."
Frodo smiled and patted Sam on the shoulder as he turned back around clapping the reins together leading their horse on once more.
Frodo and Sam rode on all through the evening and into the late hours of the day thereafter before coming to rest along the path beneath a large tree. As they made a fire thunder was heard far in the distance and streaks of lightning flashed across the darkened sky. Frodo looked out into the night as he sat near the fire slowly eating a sweet cake given to him by Merry for their journey home. Sam had gone off for a walk and he soon came to Frodo holding a hand full of mushrooms that he had found nearby.
"This is all I could find." Sam replied handing some of the mushrooms to Frodo. "Besides this all we have left among the two of us are three more sweet cakes and a bottle of water. It is a good thing we shall be home within two days." Sam said as he sat next to Frodo before the fire. Sam put a few mushrooms in his mouth and looked to Frodo. He had not said a word for some time and his face seemed long as he stared into the flames of the fire. Sam sighed deeply and turned his attention back to his meager supper as another crack of lightning streaked across the sky followed by a loud roar of thunder.
"What is on your mind Frodo." Sam said quietly as a soft rain began to fall. "You are silent once again."
Frodo took a bite from his cake and then sat his hands in his lap as he looked over to Sam.
"I have an ill feeling." Frodo whispered. "Something just does not seem right but I can not place what it is."
"Maybe you are just nervous Frodo." Sam replied. "All is well as you will see once we arrive back home."
Frodo sighed and took another bite of his cake, chewing slowly as he stared into the fire.
"That may be it." Frodo said as he swallowed. "I am worried about Hanna and all the fear that must be in her heart since I have not returned."
"Her heart may be heavy but she will be filled with joy once more when she sees your smiling face come through the door." Sam replied with a smile. The rain then began to come down hard as another loud roar of thunder echoed out into the night. Frodo pulled his hood up over his head and stood to his feet taking in a deep breath.
"It seems we will find no rest along the road tonight dear Sam." Frodo replied. "We should take to the road and travel on. You can rest your head on my shoulder as we ride if you find the need for sleep." Frodo said as he went to their horse. He took the reins and Sam came to his side pulling his hood over his head as he placed their pack over his shoulder. Frodo helped him onto the horse and then Sam held his hand down to Frodo pulling him up onto the horses back. Sam held fast to Frodo as he snapped the reins together setting off once again.
As the sun slowly began to rise the rain had begun to taper off into a fine mist. Sam had long fallen asleep leaning his head on Frodo's back as they rode through the pouring rain during the night. Frodo too was nodding off as his head fell down to his chest and back up again. Sam opened his eyes and sat upright stretching his arms high above his head. Frodo's head was leaning to the side after giving in to sleep. Sam smiled and took the reins from Frodo's hands as he scooted back on the horse allowing Frodo to lean back into his chest. Frodo continued to sleep as they traveled further down the road while Sam took in everything around him. The scent of the freshly fallen rain was all around him as a thin fog hung in the air. The soft cooing of doves could be heard high in the trees as their songs were carried off upon the wind. In all the glory Sam had seen while on his journey none could compare to the peaceful tranquility he felt within the Shire. Hours passed as they rode on through the day while Frodo still slept soundly within Sam's keep. The day soon fell into evening and they were now only but twelve hours from home. The rain had long passed and the night was still and silent as Sam continued on under the moonlit sky. Sam soon began softly humming to himself while they rode when suddenly Frodo let out a yell in his sleep. The horse reared up and Sam grasped tightly to the reins and onto Frodo trying to keep from falling to the ground. The horse soon calmed and Sam looked to Frodo while he clutched his chest trying to catch his breath.
"What happened?" Sam replied putting his hand on Frodo's shoulder. Frodo shook his head and just continued breathing in deeply saying not a word. He then turned back to Sam and a look of fear was in his eyes.
"Give me the reins." Frodo said holding his hand out to Sam.
"What for?" Sam said as he looked at Frodo queerly.
"Just do it!" Frodo yelled taking the reins from Sam's hands. Frodo then shook them fiercely snapping them to the horse's neck shouting out for him to charge on. Sam took a firm hold of Frodo's shirt as the horse reared up before bolting off down the road.
"What is the matter with you!" Sam shouted as he clung to Frodo.
"We must ride hard Sam!" Frodo yelled looking over his shoulder as they rode like the wind down the path. "That dream has haunted my sleep once again and I will not rest until I reach home to see for myself that it is not true Samuel."
Sam said nothing as a deep sighed passed his lips. He just closed his eyes and held onto Frodo with all his might as they pressed on down the road.
Frodo rode hard through the night never once stopping along the way. The rain had once again began to fall stinging their skin as they flew down the road. Sam opened his eyes trying in vain to see the path before them but it could not be seen through the never-ending downpour. Sam was shivering with cold as he could now see his breath in the crisp night air. His hood had long fallen from his head and his hair was now hanging down in his face as the rain fell around him. Sam's arms were wrapped tightly around Frodo and he could feel his heart pounding hard within his chest. The night would soon draw into the morn and it was then that Frodo yelled out seeing the lights shining under the hill from Hobbiton below.
"There it is Sam!" Frodo yelled as he pointed before him. "Home!"
A smile came to Sam's face as he thought of the warm fire waiting for him once they came to Bag End. He could almost smell the aroma of hotcakes filling the air as he thought of the breakfast that would be had upon their arrival. Frodo pressed on even faster riding down the hill with a fury as the water on the road flew up under the hooves of their horse. The rain continued pouring down as they rode up into the southern edge of town as a faint hint of the sun began to show beneath the clouds on the distant horizon. All of Hobbiton was silent as their horse pounded along the path through town until they at last came to the front gate of Bag End. Before the horse had even come to a stand still, Frodo jumped down from its back falling into a puddle on the ground below. Sam pulled back on the reins bringing the horse to a stop as Frodo sprung to his feet and fled up the front path. The pouring rain stung at his face as he ran towards the door with all he had. Not a single light was to be seen in the windows as he finally came to the door grabbing the golden knob within his hand. He turned it while he choked back his tears as he thought of seeing Hanna's face once again. Yet his tears soon came forth as he shook the knob realizing it wasn't turning. The door was locked. Frodo began pounding his fists against the door yelling out Hanna's name screaming out to her that he was home. There was no answer. Frodo cried out sliding his hands along the door as he fell to his knees. Sam, seeing Frodo collapse, came down from the horse and ran to him taking him within his arms.
"She's gone Samuel!" Frodo sobbed as he looked up at Sam. His heart fell within the pit of his chest as he drew himself to the door leaning his back against it. Sam knew not what to say. He could only sit back and watch as Frodo fell to pieces before his eyes. Samuel looked down the road hoping to see Hanna or Frodo's son Holfast coming up the way but nothing was to be seen but the dense fog. His heart sank but suddenly a faint light shone down the path to the east. Sam jumped to his feet waving his arms calling out hoping the light to be someone carrying a lantern. The light then began approaching quickly as a figure formed in the rolling fog.
"Hey there!" Sam said coming down the path to the gate. He then saw the shape to be a hobbit running at a fast pace holding a lantern high in their hand.
"Samuel is that your voice I hear?" The figure yelled out.
"Father!" Sam shouted. He then ran out through the gate and into the road catching his father Holman within his arms. They both fell to the ground lost amid their tears.
"My son!" Holman gasped as he held Samuel's face within his hands. "I thought I would never see you again. It is so good to see that you have finally come home!"
"I am home." Sam choked through his tears. He then helped his father to his feet as he turned back to look at Frodo. He was still sitting before the door with his face buried within his hands. Sam then looked at his father as a deep sigh passed over his lips.
"Where is she father?" Sam said softly. "Do you know what has become of Hanna?"
"She has left." Holman said quietly. "She has been gone for weeks now Samuel but she left me this." Holman replied as he reached inside his cloak. He then drew out an envelope and handed it to Sam. Sam took it in his hand as his father held the lantern up shining its light upon the writing. Frodo's name was written on the envelope and it was sealed with yellow wax. Sam turned to Frodo and looked down at the envelope he held within his hand. He slowly began walking back to the gate and up the path with his father following behind. Sam came to rest before Frodo softly calling his name. Frodo looked up to Sam as he held out his hand showing Frodo the envelope. Frodo reached out to it, his hand shaking as he took the envelope from Samuel. He turned it over and seen his name written on its front, blurred from the falling rain. His fingers shook as he pulled away the seal opening the envelope as he removed the letter within. Holman held his lantern above Frodo's head as the rain fell around while he read the words aloud…
My Dearest Frodo,
If you are reading this then I have gone on my way hoping to find you. Four weeks have since passed when you said that you would be home. I've had an ill feeling that something has happened to you while you were away that would cause you not to return. My path will take me to Bree where I hope to find your friend Aldamar. I pray that he may have word you are safe. If he has no word from you then I shall take to the road hoping to find you somewhere along the way. Fear not for I too shall return when I do find that you are safe at home.
Frodo sat without saying a word as he looked at the letter watching as the rain washed away the ink holding the last words he feared he would ever hear from Hanna again. He let the paper fall from his hands and it fell down near Samuel's feet. Sam reached down and picked it up and folded it placing it in his trouser pocket.
"What of my son?" Frodo said softly. "Where is he?"
"He is staying with your sister Frodo." Holman replied kneeling down before Frodo. He placed his hand on his shoulder as Frodo looked up, his eyes meeting with his.
"Does he know she has gone?" Frodo whispered.
"He does not." Holman said quietly. "It was only recently when I noticed that she had not returned after she left me this letter. She never spoke word to me of where she was going. Never in my days did I think she would go off on her own to find you. If I had known Frodo I would have made her stay."
"It is not your fault she has gone." Frodo quietly replied as he looked down to his hands. He then took his glance back up to Holman and Sam as they looked to him with concern.
"When did she leave?" Frodo asked.
"About two weeks ago Frodo." Holman replied. "She took your father's pony, the one that was brought to you after he sailed away."
Frodo stood to his feet and closed his eyes as a deep sigh passed his lips. He then opened his eyes slowly looking down the front path and to the gate where his horse still stood grazing upon the grass.
"I'm going to find her." Frodo replied as he began walking away.
"Not without me!" Sam shouted grabbing Frodo by the arm.
"No Sam." Frodo said taking Sam's hand away from his arm. "It is because of me why she has gone and I am going alone. I need you to stay here if she does return." Frodo replied as he put his hands on Samuel's shoulders. Sam looked up to Frodo as his eyes filled with tears.
"But what if you do not return?" Sam whispered quietly.
"I can not say if I will or not Sam." Frodo said softly. "But if my road leads me elsewhere I need you to be strong and to take care of Holfast for me. You are like a brother to me and he has come to know you as an uncle. Will you promise me that dear Sam?"
Sam's heart weighed heavy as he looked into the eyes of his dear old friend.
"What about my promise?" Sam whispered. "I can not break my word."
Frodo smiled as a gentle laugh passed his lips.
"You will not have broken your promise Samuel." Frodo replied. "You have brought me home and I am safe. Your word was kept well dear friend."
Sam smiled and drew his hand across his face drying away his tears and the falling rain.
"Then I shall stay." Sam said softly. "And I will keep my promise to you."
"So it shall be." Frodo said as he patted Sam's shoulder. Frodo then turned away and walked down the path. He went through the gate and stopped near the horse taken the reins within his hand. He looked back through the rain to Samuel and his father Holman as they stood in front of Bag End shadowed in the light from the glowing lantern. Frodo sighed and pulled himself onto the horse looking back to Samuel as he waved a saddened goodbye. Frodo held his hand up as tears fell down his face hidden within the falling rain. He then pulled his hood up over his head and snapped the reins together riding off through town fading away into the morning fog.
Frodo rode hard never stopping for a moment as he pressed on through the pouring rain. His heart beat with a fury as small lights came into sight as he drew near to Bree in the late evening after riding for a day and a half's time. Frodo came upon the gates to Bree and pulled back on the reins of his horse as he let out a loud cry. His horse came to a stop within the veil of fine rain that still hung in the air as a face peered through an open hole in the gate. The gate then drew open slowly and Frodo charged inside riding fast along the path through town. Many lights shone within the windows of the homes along the way as Frodo came upon the stables near the Prancing Pony. Frodo quickly jumped down from his horse as he held tightly to the reins. He pulled his horse towards the stables tying his reins fast to a post. Frodo pulled his hood close around his face and looked across the way towards the inn. A few lights were still lit within as figures came into view while they passed by the windows. Frodo then made his way across the muddy road as he held his cloak tightly around him. It was then that Frodo heard a yell come from the stables and he turned around quickly as a tall man came out from the barn holding a lantern in his hand.
"Who goes there?" The man called out as he stood beside Frodo's horse. "Come now speak your name!"
Frodo was silent as he stood in the middle of the road soaking wet with rain. The voice seemed familiar to him but he could not see the face of the man before him.
"I come from the Shire." Frodo replied. "I am seeking a friend with whom I wish to speak."
The man stood for a moment, quiet as the night but then he came away from the stables slowly walking towards Frodo as he held his lantern before him. The small figure standing in the road bore a voice he knew…one that he thought he would never hear again.
"Frodo!" The man called out as he came close. "It is I, Aldamar!"
A great smile came to Frodo's face as he ran off towards Aldamar. He placed his lantern down beside him as he knelt down to the ground, catching Frodo within his arms.
"My dear Frodo I never thought I would see you again. All this time I had feared you dead." Aldamar replied.
"I have come." Frodo replied. "But my heart was heavy when I at last came home. Please tell me friend that you have seen my Hanna."
"That I have." Aldamar said as he put his hands on Frodo's shoulders. "She came to Bree twelve days past. She was looking for you Frodo, asking me if I had word from you saying that you arrived in Gondor. I told her that I had heard nothing from you since the day you left me her letter. She wanted to go off to find you but I said to her that you spoke word of returning here while on your journey home. She fell into tears and could speak nothing but of her visions of you never coming home and that she could not rest until you were back within her arms."
Frodo grew silent as he looked to Aldamar. He spoke of nothing but the past. In his heart he felt as if she had already gone off to find him.
"When did she leave?" Frodo said softly as he felt tears come to his eyes.
A smile then came to Aldamar's face as he patted Frodo's shoulder. He sighed deeply and stood to his feet taking his lantern back within his hand.
"Come with me Frodo." Aldamar said quietly as he walked back towards the inn. Frodo followed closely behind as they walked through the rain filled road and up the front step to the Prancing Pony. Aldamar opened the door letting Frodo inside as he came in behind him. Aldamar walked inside and set his lantern on the front desk as Frodo took down his hood letting his rain soaked hair fall over his face. It was then that Frodo seen a small figure sitting before the fire in common room, looking through the window into the starless night.
"Hanna." Frodo whispered softly to himself.
"That it is." Aldamar said quietly as he put his hand on Frodo's shoulder. "She has been sitting there every day since she came here with hopes to see you once again. I could not bare to let her go fearing that she too may become lost along the way."
Frodo looked up to Aldamar his face stricken with tears. A faint smile came to his face and he looked back to Hanna as she still sat silent before the window.
"Go now." Aldamar replied giving Frodo a small nudge. "Go to her Frodo. She has been waiting too long already."
Frodo's heart beat hard within his chest as a lump came into his throat. He swallowed hard and slowly began walking to Hanna. He made not a sound while he came across the room as the rain dripped from his hair and cloak. Frodo soon came to rest behind her as he reached out his hand to her shoulder. Frodo touched her gently as he closed his eyes knowing she was real and that she was here. Frodo opened his eyes and smiled as Hanna slowly turned around, her pale green tear filled eyes meeting with his. No words could find their way past her trembling lips as Frodo fell down to his knees holding her tightly within his warm embrace. He kissed her brow as she rested her head upon his shoulder while she cried out with tears of joy. Frodo then pulled her away taking her face within his hands as he dried away her tears.
"I'm home." Frodo whispered as Hanna reached out to touch his smiling face.
"You are." She said softly as she drew her fingers along his cheek. She pushed his damp hair back away from his face tucking it behind his ears. It was then that she noticed the scar on his forehead above his left eye.
"Oh Frodo what has happened to you?" Hanna replied as she put her hand to his head.
"I am well." Frodo said taking her hand down and holding it within his own. "Samuel and I were attacked in Rohan. He saved me from an arrow Hanna keeping his promise to you."
Hanna then looked around Frodo and her smile slowly faded for Samuel was no where to be seen.
"Where is he Frodo?" Hanna said looking into Frodo's eyes. "He is always at your side. Why is he not here?"
Frodo smiled and reached up to Hanna's face drying away her tears. He then drew Hanna's hand to his lips and kissed it gently as he placed it down within her lap.
"He is home." Frodo whispered. "I left him there waiting if by chance you were to return. I did not want you to come back thinking that neither of us had come. He held fast to his promise to you as he did to mine when I bid him to stay and not follow me here."
The soft smile slowly returned to Hanna's face as Frodo drew his fingers through her long auburn curls letting them fall around her face. Frodo touched her cheek and she took her hand from her lap drawing it up to his as she held Frodo's hand within her embrace. She sighed deeply and then fell into his arms holding him tightly as tears of joy filled her eyes. At last she could go on. Frodo had finally come home.
When the morning sun rose welcoming a new day Frodo woke finding Hanna sleeping peacefully in his arms. The night had grown long and Aldamar offered them rest within the inn before they headed back for home. Frodo left a soft kiss upon Hanna's brow as he sat up catching a golden ray of sun on his face. Hanna slowly opened her eyes smiling as Frodo's deep brown eyes met with her own. Frodo touched his hand to her cheek and smiled. Seeing her face before him was all he needed to put the pain from the journey in the past. A deep sigh then passed his lips as he looked out the window to the sun as it rose within the sky. The soft melodies of finches filled the air as he came down from the bed stretching his arms before him.
"We should set out for home within the hour." Frodo said softly as he turned back to Hanna. "I do not want to leave Samuel any longer than need be knowing his heart is full of fear that we may not return."
"I would so love to see his dear sweet face again." Hanna replied as she braided back her hair. "I have so many questions for the two of you I don't know where to begin!" Hanna said with a soft laugh.
"There will be plenty of time for questions and answers." Frodo replied as he went to the door. "But let us go now and have a quick breakfast before setting out. I would like to have a word with Aldamar before we leave."
Hanna smiled and came down from the bed following Frodo out the door and down the hall to the common room. Once there Frodo seen Aldamar sitting at a table with two other men laughing among themselves. Aldamar then seen Frodo as he came into the room and he bid the others to give him a moment. He came away from the table to Frodo and Hanna as smiles came to their faces. Aldamar knelt down before them and took them both in his arms embracing them tightly.
"It shall not be the same without you here." Aldamar said to Hanna as he took her small hand within his own. "I will miss waking every day and seeing your beautiful face greeting me here in this room every morn."
Hanna blushed and put her hands to her lips to hold back her soft laugh.
"And you Frodo. I never thought I would see you again. My heart is happy to see you safe home my friend."
"As is mine." Frodo said as Aldamar stood back to his feet. "My heart is filled with joy upon finding Hanna safe here with you. I thank you my friend for having her stay within your care until my return."
"No thanks are needed Frodo." Aldamar said as he put his hand on Frodo's shoulder. "Just having you and Hanna safe are all the thanks I need. But come now. I bet you are famished. Let me get a breakfast for you that is fit for a King." Aldamar replied as he led Frodo and Hanna to a nearby table. They sat down and watched as Aldamar went away soon returning with two plates laden with hotcakes, sausages, eggs and biscuits. He sat them down before Hanna and Frodo and he went off again returning with a jar of warm syrup and two large glasses filled with freshly squeezed orange juice. Frodo looked up to Aldamar smiling more brightly than he had in all the days he had been away. Five weeks had gone by since a meal such as this was placed before him. Frodo ate quickly even finishing off what Hanna could not eat before finally resting back in his chair full from his delightful meal.
A few hours later Frodo went to the stables to fetch his horse and his father's old pony as he prepared for the journey back home. He held onto their reins and walked them out of the barn and out into the road where he stood before the inn waiting for Hanna. She soon came out the door with Aldamar at her side carrying a small basket on her arm. Aldamar stood on the front step watching as Hanna walked away towards Frodo. When she came to Frodo's side Aldamar raised his hand and waved a goodbye as Frodo helped her onto her pony. Hanna placed the basket in her lap and waved back to Aldamar as a smiled came to his face. Frodo pulled himself onto his horse and looked back to Aldamar as he held his hand up high to his friend.
"Until we meet again dear friend." Frodo said as he drew his hand back to the reins. "You shall be with us always!"
"As will you!" Aldamar shouted to Frodo with a smile. Frodo then clapped the reins together as his horse went on down the road while Hanna followed at his side upon his father's pony.
Two days later Frodo and Hanna rode into Hobbiton just as the sun was coming over the horizon. Hanna was now riding with Frodo resting herself within his embrace as she leaned upon his chest lost in a peaceful sleep. Frodo had tied the reins of Hanna's pony to his own horse's reins, leading him on with them as they came down the road through town. Not a soul was to be seen as they rode quietly by all the smials still closed up and silent from the evening past. Hanna opened her eyes as they came upon Bag End where they stopped before the gate. Frodo came down from his horse and held out his hand to Hanna helping her down to the ground. They made their way through the gate and Frodo stopped for a moment on the front path as a soft voice filled the air. Frodo put his finger to his lips and listened as a gentle song was carried to his ears upon the wind. He left Hanna's side and slowly made his way around the eastern side of Bag End to the garden. As Frodo came around the hill a smile came to his face as tears filled his eyes. There kneeling within the soil was Samuel softly singing to himself while he planted a small white blossomed rose bush next to his father's. Frodo stood there silently watching as Sam gently patted down the soil around the bush with his hands. A deep sigh passed Sam's lips as he drew his arm across his forehead. The golden rays of the sun caught Sam's face as Frodo seen tears slowly falling down Samuel's cheeks. He dried them away and went to tending the bush once again but as he trimmed away a few stray branches something within told Sam to look behind him. He turned around slowly and there standing before him was Frodo with a bright smile upon his face. Sam quickly jumped to his feet and ran to Frodo knocking him down to the ground as he fell into his open arms.
"Frodo you've come back!" Sam cried out through his tears.
"That I have." Frodo replied as patted Sam on the back. "I could not stay away any longer than I had."
"I could not wait for the day you would come home." Sam said as he pulled away from Frodo drying away his tears. "I've often wondered over these last few days if I would see you again."
"Well, I'm home." Frodo replied. "And it will be some time before I journey so far again."
Sam then looked away as he smile slowly faded when he noticed that Hanna was no where to be seen.
"Where is she Frodo?" Sam said softly. "Did you not find her?" Sam replied as he looked into Frodo's eyes.
"I did." Frodo smiled. "She is here." Just then Hanna came up the side of the hill, tears falling from her eyes as she seen Frodo and Sam together before her. She came to them kneeling on the ground at their side taking them both within her arms. She held them tightly leaving a gentle kiss upon both their brows.
"Thank you for bringing him safely home Sam." Hanna said softly. "Frodo has told me everything while on our way home. It was a brave thing you did taking that arrow."
Sam blushed as he pushed his hair back away from his face.
"I was keeping my promise." Samuel replied with a smile. "I could not bare the thought of him dying and leaving you alone so I pushed him out of the way."
Hanna leaned over to Sam and embraced him tightly whispering a soft thank you as Frodo stood to his feet. He looked to the garden and smiled as he gazed upon the rose bush Samuel had planted next to his fathers. Sam looked up as a tear fell down Frodo's cheek while he stared at the dew covered roses.
"I planted it for you." Samuel replied softly as he stood to his feet. "If you did not return I wanted something in the garden to remember you by. But now that you're home it can be it can remind us of Merry and Pippin since they are still so far away."
"That it shall." Frodo said as he put his hand on Sam's shoulder. "But come now with me Samuel and let us go inside. It is time we sit before the fire and warm ourselves within each others company."
That day a small celebration was held in Hobbiton in honor of Sam and Frodo welcoming them home from their long journey to Gondor. When the day finally drew into the evening Frodo came away from the celebration returning home to sit in the study before the open window. He looked out into the night to the stars that shone brightly within the sky. He sighed deeply as he looked back to the desk to his father's cloak as it hung on the back of a chair. The silver green broach caught a glint of light from the moon as it shone onto the wall. At last he had his own tale to tell. The story of him and Samuel and their ride to Gondor. A smile came to his face as he turned back to the window looking out to the star filled night. He wondered if his father too was looking upon the same stars far across the endless sea. Frodo then looked back to the desk once more. He stood to his feet and came to the chair at the desk taking his father's cloak within his hands. He passed his hand over the leaf shaped broach as he pulled the chair away from the desk sitting down upon it. He placed the cloak within his lap and looked to the drawer in the middle of the desk. Frodo had not went through the desk since his father had gone but he felt the need to open the drawer and take out a few sheets of paper and a pen. He took the small wooden knob in his hand and pulled on it as the drawer slowly opened. A thin layer of dust rested upon all the trinkets and papers within the drawer as Frodo looked inside. He reached in and took out a pen and a small bottle of ink setting them down on the top of the desk. He then pulled out a few pieces of paper and set them on the desk gently blowing away their cover of dust. Frodo then went to shut the drawer when he noticed a small corner of yellowed paper sticking out from under the last few sheets of paper still left inside. Frodo pushed aside the white papers and beneath them found a small stack of folded papers worn yellow with old age. Frodo took them in his hand and drew them out gently unfolding them noticing that they were torn along the left edge. Tears then began slowly falling down his face as he read the words written on the paper drawn by his father's hand. Just then Hanna came to the door of the study with Samuel at her side. They stood silent within the doorway looking at Frodo as he sat at the desk. Frodo then broke down dropping the papers down on the desk as he face fell within his hands. Hanna looked over at Sam asking without words what was bothering Frodo. Sam shrugged his shoulders and went inside the study as Hanna followed closely behind.
"Frodo?" Sam said softly as he came up behind him. "What is troubling you?"
Frodo turned around drying away his tears as a smile came to his face.
"Nothing Sam." Frodo whispered. "Nothing at all. Come see!" Frodo said waving his hand to Samuel. Sam came to his side and looked down on the desk at the papers before him.
"Those are pages torn out of the Red Book!" Sam replied as he reached out to the papers. The writing seemed vaguely familiar and a smile drew across his lips as he looked to Frodo.
"It is my father's story about Lily." Frodo said taking the pages within his hand. "I never knew he had written anything about her." Frodo replied as he read through some more of the writing. Hanna then came to Frodo placing her hand on his back.
"I once noticed that there seemed to be a few pages missing from the Red Book somewhere after my father had begun to tell his tale of the fellowship but I did not think nothing of it then." Frodo said as he laid the pages down on the desk again. "I was about to start writing a story of my own about our tale Sam when I found them lying here in the drawer. What a surprise it was to see this story written in my father's hand that he has told to us all time and time again."
"Surprise indeed!" Hanna said with a smile. "And it is a surprise to me to see you so eager to write about your own travels so soon after coming home."
"I just felt the need come over me." Frodo said quietly. "Besides now I actually have my own adventure to write a tale about."
"That you do Frodo, that you do." Samuel replied as he patted Frodo on the back. "A tale of your adventure that has finally come to its end."
Autumn soon fell into winter and with the passing of winter came a new year. It was now early in the spring of 1486 and a whole year had almost gone by from the day Frodo set out for Gondor. Frodo was sitting within the study as Samuel sat outside below the study window trimming the rosebushes while Frodo sat writing at the desk. Seven months had gone by since Frodo first began writing his tale about himself and Samuel and all the things that came into passing while they were away. He was just now finishing the end to his story ending it with the joyful reunion when he at last rode back from Bree finding Sam within the garden. As he wrote his final words he heard a faint knock on the front door and he turned around watching as Hanna sat up from her chair in the den to answer the door. He looked back at his papers reading over his writing as he heard the door creak open. A long forgotten voice then echoed into his ears and his papers fell from his hands onto the desk. Frodo slowly stood up and made his way to the door of the study looking out into the den. There standing before the open door was Baradur, his face long and full of sadness.
"What has happened?" Frodo said softly as he came into the den.
"They are gone Frodo." Baradur replied as he held his head low. "Meriadoc and Peregrin both passed five weeks ago. They have been laid to rest in Rath Dínen among the great of Gondor. I came at once when I heard to bring you the news."
Frodo's heart felt heavy and he yelled out Sam's name hoping he would hear him through the open window in the study. Sam, hearing Frodo, jumped to his feet and ran around the side of the hill and right into Baradur as he came around from the garden. Sam fell to the ground and looked up to Baradur as he reached out his hand to help Samuel back to his feet. As Sam stood back to his feet he knew why Baradur had come when he seen the look upon Frodo's face as he came to the door. Sam ran to Frodo taking him into his arms as tears came forth from the loss of their friends.
Two months later as summer came; Frodo was sitting in the study writing once more accounting all that he had been told about his father and Frodo Baggins while they stayed with Merry and Pippin in Gondor. He told of the joy in Merry and Pippin's eyes as they seen him and Samuel and of King Elessar and his precious gifts. As he penned his final words Frodo took a blank piece of paper from the desk drawer and sat it before him as he pondered on a name for his story. A smile came to his face as a thought came to mind and he took his pen to paper once again writing out a long elegant title for his story. One that seemed fitting with words taken from Bilbo's own titling of the Red Book so many ages ago. Just then Sam came into the room as Frodo neatly stacked his papers together placing the title page on top of them. Sam said a soft hullo as he came to Frodo's side while looking down at the desk.
"Why you've finally finished it Frodo." Sam said as Frodo placed his hand over the writing on the top page.
"That I have." Frodo softly replied as a faint sigh passed his lips.
"What have you called it?" Sam asked as he looked to Frodo. Frodo then pulled his hand away allowing Sam to read the writing upon the paper.
"A Long Awaited Adventure." Sam said with a smile. "Very fitting indeed Frodo."
"I thought so too." Frodo said as he took all the papers in his hand placing them in his knapsack nearby. Frodo then stood up from his chair and took his knapsack in his hand slinging it over his shoulder.
"How about another adventure Samuel." Frodo said putting his hand on Sam's shoulder.
"Really Frodo? Another adventure already?" Sam said with a sheepish grin.
"Aye Sam." Frodo replied smiling. "Let us ride to the Tower Hills. I want to see my sister so we may include our own tale within the Red Book and finally bring this story to an end."