Chapter 5
Guys I am terribly sorry for not posting for literally 6 months. I feel terrible so I'm really working hard to get the next chapter done fast and soon so please hang in there!
Please comment and leave reviews all will be welcomed happily!
Disclaimer: Yeah.
The darkness spread around him. All he could see was Al's body, the body that was no longer an armor nor body. Just an essence of something that used to be and no longer was. There wasn't even a face, but Ed could still tell that Al was there.
Where even were they? At the gate, in his subconscious? Were they alive or dead? He heard a voice then, it was Al.
"Brother, it's time for you to go back now." The essence, the shadow stood motionless but Ed searched desperately to find a physical hint of Al in it.
"Go back where?" Ed responded still trying to find the source of his beloved brother's voice.
"Back to Roy, and Riza, and Hughes, and everyone else. They are waiting for you." Ed was taken aback. Why would everyone be waiting for him?
But why was Al using the singular, like he wasn't going to come as well. Ed's eyes widened as they realized the terror of the fact that Al was not going to come with him.
"Al…" he choked on his words as his throat closed and tears welled up. Breaking over, the start of a never ending waterfall.
"Ed, you were the best brother that anyone could ever have. You may have been a little overprotective but what older brother isn't. I lived every single day to the fullest, all with you. Brother, you did all you could. It's time for you to live for yourself for once. I love you."
The shadow still hadn't moved and there was no face but Ed could tell that there was a sad smile on Al's face. Wherever he was. It almost made Ed cave into the force that seemed to want to take him away from Al.
"Al, I'll bring you back. I have to I can't do anything without you."
"No Brother! You can't! I don't want to live again! I know that I don't belong in that world anymore. If you brought me back it would upset the balances. I want to move on Brother, please let me go."
Ed was stubborn, he knew this. So, why was he being swayed so easily now? Why was even thinking about letting his brother go? He was supposed to protect Al, how was he supposed to protect him if he wasn't there. The tears came even harder, blurring his vision and falling to the nothingness of his subconscious.
"Al, I don't want to leave you."
"Brother, I'm already gone."
The pain surged through Ed. Rushing through his left arm, slashing through his back. And worst of all was his heart, no longer having Al with him crippled his heart.
The pain sent him back. The pain made him remember all that had happened. Made him remember the torturing and the fear.
The fear was too much it almost sent him back to the nothingness. But, a hand quickly grabbed his, becoming an anchor that kept him connected to the real world.
"Ed… Ed. Come on Ed, you can't go back." Roy's voice resonated through Ed's head. Ed wanted to get through, he knew that he couldn't go back to the nothingness. He had to live for Al. So that when they meet again things would be ok.
Suddenly, Ed's body felt heavier, like his mind was finally back. He could feel the sheets underneath him crinkle as, he breathed in and out. His arm and back was still in pain but it was not as painful as before. Roy's hand was a heat that warmed his body with comfort. Why was that?
Ed tried to open his eyes, almost unwilling knowing the pain of the bright hospital lights. But when one eye cracked open no bright light shone down and the room was dark. Ed opened his eyes all the way and out of the corner of his eyes saw Roy's form leaning over him.
"Ed are you alright? Hawkeye is going to get the doctor right now." Ed looked over at Roy and saw the worry all over his face. God he looked terrible, like he hasn't slept in years. The poor man was looking around franticly waiting for the doctor and Hawkeye to come back. His leg was even shaking up and down. Ed couldn't help but to smile, he never would have thought that Roy would be worried at all. The sadistic colonel actually had a heart? Who knew?
Hawkeye and the doctor rushed in and Hawkeye's face lightened when she saw Ed. He could see the tension if just a bit release as a small smile almost made its way to her face. The doctor came over and started to examine Ed. He pressed the call button and called for a nurse. They poked and prodded Ed and all seemed okay until seemed okay until, when they tried to move him and a yelp came from Ed's mouth. He was almost unaware of it himself until he realized the striking pain and gritted his teeth to keep in the next yell.
"Ed?!" Roy said as he bolted up from his seat and gripping his hand harder, having never let go of it.
Ed could feel the panic in Roy's voice, something that warned Ed not to let go so easily. Ed gripped Roy's hand to try and steady his pain and grab control of himself.
"I-I'm fine." Ed tried to say through his gritted teeth. It almost made the people around him smile as the saw his body being tortured by pain but the boy unwilling to succumb to it. The doctor decided that Ed needed some anesthetic to ease the pain. The nurse brought over the needle and handed it to the doctor. When he turned around with the needle Ed's eyes suddenly got wide with fear, and he recoiled back.
"S-Stop. I-I'm fine. I don't need that. I don't want it. Please no." Ed eyes wide and incomprehensible, made the doctor hesitate as he was surprised by this action. Roy looked down as well, as the boy clung to his arm. Something, Roy knew, Fullmetal would never do, something was wrong and it scared him a little.
With another spasm of pain Ed ducked his head down, giving the doctor a chance to stab the needle into his arm. Ed went limp only a few seconds later. As Roy was placing him back under the sheets he noticed the small tears of running down his cheeks.
Roy was going to start yelling until a comforting hand landed on his shoulder. Riza stood behind him with unwavering eyes. She had seen worse, doesn't mean it didn't touch her, but she was a pillar that stood strong and tall for him. It gave him a second to come down before he turned to the doctor.
"What was that? Why was he hurting so much?" Roy said looking towards the doctor needing an answer to his question. The doctor looked concerned and that worried him a bit more but Riza's hand on his shoulder helped him keep what little composure he had left.
"Well, as for the pain that was probably just the large wound on his back." The doctor took a deep breath looking over Ed. "However, that little episode he just had is a different story."
He looked back at Roy with eyes that held no good news. "Ed's psychological damage seems to be extreme. I'm guessing the only reason he was calm when he first woke up was because you were here. I think that we have to release custody to you, in interest of the patient."
It calmed Roy a bit hearing that but there was still something bugging him. "When will his wounds enough to move around, or at least go home?"
"I-I. I think physically it would be possible in a week but psychologically…" Dr. Nowaki looked back down at Ed sighing, "He most certainly won't be the same."
Roy had to think, he was a master manipulator was he not? He needed to get Ed out of this, he knew Ed didn't commit treason so who gave those documents to the Drachmans? Was there really any documents that were given or was it all just a lie?
Most importantly what would happen to Ed if he couldn't get out of this soon? Ed will already be going through so much with Al's death. Had he even really thought about it? I mean this was Al the giant armor that he never got to see as the boy that he really was. A small tear ran down his cheek at the sheer tragedy of it all. How did it even end up like this?
For the first time since coming to the hospital Roy sobbed, thinking of this tragedy and how it wasn't fair in the least.
Roy would change this for Ed, he would help him through this if nothing else.
Well Dr. Nowaki was right on one note, everything will most certainly not be the same as they were.
Dr. Nowaki stood right outside the door, hearing the sad sobs of the Colonel. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the letter signed by the Fuhrer. It was two pages long in the tiniest font ever. A bunch of jibber jabber all to say that he is going to have to kill Ed. Well, it didn't really say that specifically, but if he were to do what this letter said there is no doubt that Ed would be killed.
Dr. Nowaki looked back at the door, the sobs have stopped, or quieted down enough to not be able to here outside of the door. He thought about doing what the letter actually said. Thinking it over it wouldn't be to hard to actually do it, but there was no way he could get away. The more he thought the more hopeless he became.
If he did go through with it the Fuhrer would know who did it, and who's to say he's exempt from persecution. This letter most certainly doesn't assure him exemption from this vile crime. He was a doctor he was supposed to help people not kill them. Surely the Fuhrer could understand that. Dr. Nowaki was not about to become a murderer just because one man told him to do so. Let alone killing a child. Ed was not even an adult yet, he didn't know why Ed was targeted but he was not going to be the one to kill him.
Dr. Nowaki turned back around and walked into the room once again. He would warn the Colonel of this before another person was told to kill Ed.
"Colonel Mustang, I have someth…" Dr. Nowaki stopped before finishing finding that no one was in the room to hear him. Dr. Nowaki looked around, Ed was not on the bed and the Colonel was not in the room. There were some files laying around confirming that it was their room. Looking closer he saw that even the IV line had been taken, probably along with Ed. At least they were smart enough to take that.
Dr. Nowaki smiled, well so much for having to warn them. But how did they know in the first place? Hopefully they will be ok.
Roy knew that Ed would be lighter than usual, but by this much it still scared him how much lighter he really was. Jumping out the window was the toughest part, Ed had almost slipped right off his back being literally as limp, and almost as thin, as a noodle. Roy thought about where he could take Ed where he wouldn't be found and the only thing that came to mind was hi home. Since it was fairly big he would easily be able to hide him. But being able to hide him was not the problem. The problem was being able to keep the Fuhrer from becoming suspicious of him.
Shit. This was all just so messed up.
First thing first, he needed to clear Ed's name, and he had to figure out what exactly happened to Ed.
Hughes walked into the hospital, whistling and looking at his lovely pictures of Elicia. He had to admit his daughter was the most adorable thing on this earth. But seriously her little smile lightened everyone's day, he didn't know why some people got mad… like Roy. Man that guy was obstinate. He was probably in Ed's room still. He knew the man too well, and the only time he ever stayed in a hospital through the night was for Hughes and Riza when they were hospitalized. He would visit his subordinates of course, but to practically live at the hospital. There was something special about Ed for Roy. He knew that since Roy first picked him out of Resembol. But now, he realized it could be something more.
Hughes opened the door to Ed's room and almost ran into the doctor walking out at the same time.
"Hello Dr. Nowaki!" Hughes said looking at the now startled doctor noting something just didn't feel right. "Um. Is there something wrong?"
Dr. Nowaki looked around and made sure no one was coming down the hallway before pulling Hughes into the room.
Bradley almost felt bad about having Ed killed, he could have been more useful. But no, he had to meddle into things he shouldn't have. Now he was going to pay the price, just like his younger brother.
To achieve their plan Bradley had to get rid of the Fullmetal brat since the resistance against him was too strong. Bradley knew that there was no way to complete their mission without getting rid of him.
He would rule this country and achieve success no matter what.
Now all he had to do was wait for Ed's heart to stop beating.