Hello everyone, this is my first fanfic so please bear with me.

I will try to update as soon as possible Hopefully every week or so.

Disclaimer: I don't own FMA (I wish)

Please give reviews and

Without further ado here is Heartbeat


3 months ago Edward Elric, The Fullmetal Alchemist was sent on a secret to the North. The mission was supposed to take 1 month. When communication between Ed and the military suddenly ended, heavy suspicion was aroused. Since it was still a secret mission only ten men were allowed to go after the young alchemist. Those ten men also lost communication with HQ and the situation was brought the Furhrer's attention.

The King Furhrer Bradley ordered Colonel Mustang to gather men and go after Ed. Alphonse Elric was known to be with Ed but since Al wasn't officially part of the military he wasn't part of the rescues mission on paper, but Roy knew that he couldn't Ed to go anywhere without Al. Colonel Roy Mustang was determined to bring back the Elrics…Alive.

Roy Mustang gathered his best men to go on this mission; including Falman, Havoc, Hawkeye, and Hughes. In total they had 25 men. The Colonel went up North and would not return without the Elrics.

-End Intro-

-Chapter 1- I will save you

It took a whole week, but this was the last building in the town. This was the last town that Ed had been seen in so it seemed right to start their search here.

There was something wrong with this town though. At first it seemed like Ed went on one of his rampages and destroyed the whole town, but there was also no people. Alive people anyway, they had found traces of people it was just skeletons though, and Ed never killed anyone. Every building they had gone through had some sort of damage on the outside. But as they got closer to the last building in the town Roy noticed that it was untouched.

Roy thought about this, maybe this was the jail where they would find Ed arrested. But if he had been arrested Ed still would have called and the 10 men that came after him would not be missing. Things were just too weird and it was giving him goose bumps.

They got to the doors of the building and Roy turned around and looked at his men waiting for his order.

"Weapons ready men," the colonel commanded looking at every one of his men before continuing, "keep a look out for Ed and Al but also the other 10 men that were sent to find them." He opened one of the doors surprised to find it unlocked but entered anyway suspicion growing a little.

He looked around and saw three corridors. One going to the right, left and one straight ahead. He decided he didn't have the numbers to split into three and was going to go with something a little odd.

"Alright, here is what we are going to do. Since we don't have and means of communication other than our voices we are only going to split into two groups. Hawkeye you will take 9 down the right hallway, and I will take 9 down the left. The rest of you will stay here as a middle man to yell to the other if needed and also as lookouts down the middle Havoc you stay with them. And if Hawkeye and I find nothing down either hallway we will meet in the middle and go down the last hallway together."

Roy turned and walked down his hallway not waiting for any responses, he had to find Fullmetal, it was Roy's fault that he was here anyway if anything happened to him Roy didn't know what he was going to do.

He pulled on his gloves putting his fingers gently together ready to snap at the sight of any movement.

As Hawkeye turned and looked down her hallway she noticed it seemed a little too dark. She wondered what type of building this was. On the outside it looked like a factory, but on the inside it just didn't match anything.

As she started walking she couldn't see any doors or openings down the corridor at all. She picked up her pace a little not sure what was happening and looked back and forth at little quicker than she was before, searching almost franticly for an opening.

When she still couldn't find any opening she started running knowing that her men were just as confused as her. It was so dark when she was running and looking side to side so fast she almost didn't even notice the wall that came up right in front of her. She stopped just inches away from the wall.

She looked at it almost disbelieving that it wasn't real. Hawkeye turned quickly and ran towards the doors meeting the same mysterious look that she probably had on her face.

She was worried about the boys, of course, but what she was more worried about was her superior. Because underneath the confusion on Roy's face was fear.

Roy and Riza led the way down the hall, while the rest of their company followed behind. This hallway was a lot shorter than the other two hallways. Roy made it to the end… still no doors. He had failed Ed, if Ed wasn't here then where in the world would he be. Out of frustration Roy slammed his fist against the wall.

"Damn it," he screamed at the wall making a couple of his troops jump. Roy looked up, usually when he hit a wall, which he had before, there was pain. But when he hit the wall this time there was a softness to the touch.

As he looked at the wall he realized that his hand broke through the wall. He retracted his hand quickly and stared. There really was a hole in the wall and it looked like there was a room on the other side. He looked at the wall again and saw the small hints of a transmutation. The small flakes and paper-like parts of the wall showed that this was originally an opening.

Roy's heart started racing, he knew Ed had to be in there. What if Ed was on the verge of dying and Roy just stood here? Roy was going to save Ed, he was going to for sure, he had to. Roy snapped, breaking the wall completely down startling a couple of his men in the back.

Roy looked into the room it was dimly lit and very messy from what he could tell. He walked into the room and immediately spotted three bodies on the floor. He jogged over to them hoping to see Ed, his heart sped up even more. He dropped a knee by the first body and recognized it as one of the 10 men sent to find Ed. He placed two fingers on his throat checking for a pulse and felt a very light heartbeat, but it wasn't staggered. Without moving he looked at the other two bodies and saw their chests rising and falling.

Roy stood sweat dripping down his forehead, disappointed that Ed was not so easily found. "Get these men to a hospital right away." As a couple of the privates moved to pick up the men Roy took a step back to look at the rest of the room.

Ed could literally be anywhere he is so small that it could take all day just to search this room if he was really crammed in somewhere. Roy smiled despite himself, Ed would kill him if he knew what Roy was thinking. But Roy's smile didn't last for long, he had something to do right now.

On the far right side of the room was a stack of boxes that almost reached the ceiling. As he looked at the top he noticed that the wall was a good 3ft from the back of the boxes. He walked towards the boxes and saw a glint of metal, not from the boxes but from something behind them. Roy's heartbeat once again grew faster.

Roy clenched his hands and reached for the closest box and moved it out of the way. One by one Roy moved the boxes until he could see the cage that was hiding behind the boxes. Roy hurried to one side of the cage and started to push it out of the way. Hawkeye however, was already on the other side ready to lift. Roy looked up not noticing that she was there beside him the whole time.

As Roy and Riza moved the metal box towards the middle of the room he could tell that that there was something mildly heavy inside. They set the box down and looked around it… there wasn't a latch or door anywhere on it. This is déjà vu, Roy looked at the metal box with irony and snapped his fingers. A flame went around the box and burned around the top. Roy slid the metal sheet aside and once again, his heartbeat rose.

His knees almost buckled. If it weren't for his subordinates watching him he would have started to cry. Roy's throat went dry as he bent down to pick up the small body. He was so light without an arm or leg and ribs showing through his obscenely pale skin Roy didn't even know if he was 50 pounds.

Roy held him like a baby for a few seconds before he dropped to the ground on his knees with Ed's head on his lap.

Half of his hear was gone with a bloodied scalp, the hair had been ripped out. Roy gently moved his fingers to Ed's throat to check for a pulse. Roy's hand was there for 5 sec before he felt the lightest bump against his fingers. Roy moved his head down to listen for breathing. What Roy heard was a small shallow intake of air.

Roy gripped Ed's arm and pulled him further into his lap. As he did so, he heard Ed's breathing catch. The arm that Roy's was so gently pulling on tensed and Ed's eyes shut tightly.

Ed then opened his eyes and looked hastily around with fear.

"Ed. Ed. It's us Ed... Mustang, Hughes, and Hawkeye. We are here Ed, you're are safe." Ed looked at Roy and Roy took in his breath. The once golden eyes were now brown… they looked dead.

Ed opened his mouth as to say something but nothing came out. Roy leaned down towards him to hear better and let Ed repeat.

"A…..Al…" Ed mumbled and was too quiet to hear the rest and Roy watched in alarm as the boy tried to get him to understand.

"What? Al is what?" Roy looked at the boy again

Ed opened his eyes more with alarm and pointed towards the metal box and repeated himself louder and almost completely clear.

"Al…..box." Roy heard the mumble or pause in the sentence and assumed it as Al is in the box. Roy looked on the box quizzically. There wasn't anything in the box. He looked at Ed in confusion but Ed was staring at the sheet of metal on the ground. There was tears in his eyes. Ed got out of Roy's laps and crawled towards it. When he got towards it he saw a tear fall to the ground as Ed fell on top of it and cried Al's name.

That was when Roy realized In horror that what Ed had said wasn't Al is in the box but Al IS the box.