Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers Prime
Chapter 2 - The Arrival
A young girl fiddled with her long brunette hair nervously as her light brown eyes peered around curiously. "Where is he?" she whispered. Crowds of people walked past her and she sighed before staring down at her lap. She had recently gotten off the plane and sat waiting out of the air port.
An loud engine soon revved and she glanced up. It didn't take her long to gawk as a blue blur drove past before skidding to a stop 2 feet away. 'Who was that?' she thought in shock before she examined what captured her attention. Some smoke cleared and she saw that it was a male, she assumed, who had driven a sleek blue with pink highlights guy son took off his helmet and muttered something to either himself or the motorcycle.
He then looked at her, his blue eyes meeting hers. She gasped. "Jack?" she asked in a hopeful tone. He smiled a bit sheepishly. "Hey Marga, I'm sorry abou-Woah!" she tackled him with a hug as tears streamed down her cheeks. She sniffed. "Jack! I-I missed you!" she sobbed a bit, snot dribbling from her nose a bit. He laughed a bit and hugged her back.
"I missed you too" he said softly. Arcee listened to them talk quietly. She would have smiled if she was in bipedal form. Marga sniffed and soon let go, wiping away some snot. "Where's aunt June?" she asked looking around. Jack smiled and said "She's at work. So you'll have to ride with me" he said grabbing an extra helmet for her. She blinked and stared at the helmet. "Is it legal for me to?" she asked, taking the helmet.
"I think so" Jack said, scratching his head. "Well, I better take you to my uhhhh...friend's place" he said. She stared at her reflection in the helmet and snapped her head up. "Whose your friend? Is it a girl?" she asked with a giggle. Jack sputtered with a blush.
"W-WHAT!? N-no! No" he said. Arcee quietly chuckled in amusement. Marga laughed giggly and put on her helmet. "Let's go then" she said, her tone slightly muffled. She had not had much anyway, only her backpack which held most of her clothes and a phone.
Jack sighed before putting his helmet on as well. Marga then slid behind Jack on the motorcycle and hugged his waist tightly. Jack revved his engine and exited out of the air port before speeding away at a moderate speed. Marga clung tighter as she closed her eyes and held her breathe for a moment.
"You feeling alright?" he asked over his shoulder. "Y-yeah" she shouted. He smiled behind his helmet and drove towards outside of Jasper, Nevada before he stopped a bit off the rode. "Hold on, I gotta call my friend for a sec" he said before he walked away for a bit. She took off her helmet which showed her slightly frizzled hair.
Arcee's POV
I sighed as Jack spoke to his cousin about going back to base. 'I better inform Optimus' I thought before setting up a com link.
{Arcee to Prime}
{Prime here. I something the matter Arcee?}
{Negative sir. It appears that Jack will have to bring his cousin back to base.}
{...I see. I shall inform Agent Fowler. Be safe. Optimus out}
I sighed and leaned a bit. "Whose your friend? Is it a girl?" Jack's cousin giggled. Jack began to sputter as I let out a quiet chuckle. This small human may not be tat bad after all.
Narrator's POV
"Sorry for the wait" Jack said as he got back on. Marga smiled at him before putting her helmet back on. They soon drove off again. "Hey Marga...when we arrive, promise not to faint okay?" he said suddenly. She blinked. "Why would I-JACK!" she screamed as they drove towards a giant boulder. Her heart leaped as it suddenly opened and showed a sliding metal door.
She tried to catch her breath as she looked around. They soon arrived at a room. She gasped from behind the helmet as she saw giant robotic beings. Jack got off and slid his helmet off. She silently did the same, staring around the room.
"Marga...these are my friends...the Atoubots" he said as the motorcycle suddenly transformed. She jumped back and stumbled a bit. She gulped.
"Jack..." she started, her breath shaky. "You have a lot of explaining to do..." she finished shortly before falling back. She had fainted.
End of Chappie