Hi guys!
Sorry this isn't an update or anything on this story (or any other story for that matter). I just wanted to hop on here and let you guys know that I have taken part in the VA 10th Anniversary Project, hosted by Swimming the Same Deep Waters and Llaria6. 12 of us have come together to create new oneshots, all involving our darling Rose and Dimitri and centered around Valentine's feel good fluff.
My contribution to the compilation prompts the question, if your younger self could see you now, what would they think?
So please guys, it would mean a lot for all of us if you went and checked them out when they're posted, and as always, leave us some love in the form of a review!
As a side note, I'm aware that I've completely and utterly failed at updating That Would Be Enough, and my schedule is set to get busier in the upcoming weeks, so I've decided to put that story on a little hiatus (though, let's face it, it has been for a while now). I'm really sorry for this guys, but I promise I'll be back soon, this isn't a huge hiatus (3 weeks, give or take). Again, sorry for that, but do check out the compilation so read some new work from me, and some amazing fics from the others!
I'll see you later guys and as always, I wish you have a great day/night wherever you may be.