Decided to take place in the 31 day challenge, I will try my hardest to update every day. Each day will have a one shot. The challenge is from Eastonia.
Disclaimer: I don't own Young Justice or anything associated with DC Comics. It is probably a god thing.
Just a little background information: This story takes place the year before season 2. Nightwing would only be about 17 I believe.
~Day 1: Insomniac~
Mount Justice
Saturday, March 1
02:00 am
It was day three of his non-stop awakeness. It had been exactly 78 hours since Nightwing had gotten any sleep that was longer than a couple of minutes. He was currently at the cave working on a case that Batman needed to get done.
"What are you doing, 'Wing?"
"Working, I need to finish this mission report for Batman. You know how he gets when the reports are done on time." Nightwing said to Batgirl. She then walked into the kitchen to check on the coffee machine to see if it was on and running.
From the kitchen Batgirl asks loudly, "Just exactly how many cups of coffee have you had tonight?"
Still working at the computer and not taking a break Nightwing said, "Only about 4 cups, Batgirl. I wasn't going to sleep anyways."
Batgirl walks back into the main room and goes up to Nightwing. "How long have you been awake?"
"You know me BG. I have insomnia. I really want to sleep I can feel the tiredness seeping into my bones, but I just can't sleep. I try to and well I wake up like 5 minutes later or I just lay there so I am just gonna keep going till I pass out. I'll be fine, just go back to sleep." Nightwing sounded stressed and tired but Batgirl gave up knowing that she would have no further luck with him.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 hours later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Recognized Batman 0-3
Batman walked into main room and saw Nightwing still sitting at the computer and working on the mission report.
"How long have you been up Nightwing?" Batman had gotten a worried call from Batgirl that Nightwing was dealing with a bad case of insomnia again.
"Hey, Bats. I'm almost done with the mission report. Don't worry." Nightwing said not having payed any attention to what Batman had actually asked.
"Nightwing, I don't care that you aren't done with the report yet that can come later. Right now I want you to come back to the manor and just rest for one day to not think about anything. You need sleep. How long have you been up?"
"I can't sleep, Bats. This isn't even the longest that I have been up at one point anyways. You know that it is getting close to the date anyways; I don't sleep much around then. I can't go back to the manor either. The team has training today and I need to test them on their skills. I also have a lot of other stuff that I need to do." Nightwing rambled on as he stood, stretched his muscles, and started to set up the training course on the main screen for when the team woke up.
Batman watched as Nightwing did all of this in silence. He knew that the coming month was going to be the hardest for his oldest ward but he knew that Nightwing needed some sleep. "Nightwing, I will watch the team's training today. You will go back to the manor and at least try to get some sleep. I will call Alfred and make sure that he knows that you are on your way and he will have permission to drug you into sleep if it needs to be done."
Nightwing finished setting up the training course then turned around to look at Batman. "Fine, since you asked so nicely I will head to the manor. You know that Alfred will make sure that I get sleep even if it is against my will."
So, Nightwing headed to the teleporter put in the coordinates for the Batcave and went through, only to be confronted by Alfred.
Alfred started talking the moment Nightwing now Dick Grayson came out of the teleporter moved and into the changing area of the cave. He then moved to the base of the staircase waiting for Dick to get done changing and follow him up. "Master Bruce just phoned me and told me to have tranquilizers on hand for when you came through the teleporter. If you would so kindly take these then I won't have to use aggressive force on you Master Richard." Dick having just finished changing walked over to Alfred and followed him up the stairs to the manor and to his old room. Alfred then handed him the drugs to help him sleep and stood in the doorway.
"Alfie, I'm not little anymore I'm not going to throw away the drugs I will actually take them."
"I will believe that when I see it, Master Richard. Now, please take the medicine and I will be on my way only call away." Alfred stood there and made sure that he took the medicine.
Dick then got into his bed not even taking a second to change because knowing Alfred and Bruce whatever they had decided to give him he would be out cold in the next few minutes. True to his thoughts Dick was sleeping soundly and peacefully before he could even manage to start thinking of how the team was doing under Bruce's watchful eye.
~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5 hours later ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bruce had just come back from the cave and was heading to see if Dick was still sleeping or not the scene that he saw as he quietly opened Dick's door was almost too much for him. Dick was spread eagle on his bed and sleeping soundly; it looked as though he was having good dreams and not his usual nightmares. Just as Bruce was about to close the door Dick moved around a little and Bruce could see just the top of Peanut, his stuffed elephant. It brought a small pleasant smile to Bruce's face as he pulled the door closed and decided that he would personally make sure that Dick got enough sleep from now on.
This is probably one of the longest things that I have ever written in a while. Sorry if it is really bad. I would really like some constructive criticism. Thanks for reading. I should have another update ready tomorrow.
Random question can anyone tell me when Dick Grayson's parents died I really don't remember when that was and I would like to know for future reference. I believe it was his birthday but I am not sure.