A/N: Here's another installment. Hope you guys enjoy it. I know I dropped out of the radar but I'm back again. For those who are still reading since the very beginning and have been waiting, I sincerely thank you all for your patience and support. Enjoy!

Lilly's POV:

I lost track of time after the crash. I stayed with Humphrey for hours, clutching his body and resting my head on his chest, tears slowly streaming down his bruised body. Thankfully, his breathing stabilized, and after further examination of his body, nothing seemed twisted out of place or oddly contorted, so that calmed me down. I felt Humphrey's paw slide down, and he began to caress my face. I was touched that Humphrey still cared about me even when he was hurt. We both fell asleep from exhaustion due to the recession of the adrenaline rush, and the sun began to quickly drop below the horizon.

I woke up to the sound of coughing, and I stood up abruptly from Humphrey's grasp and checked to see if he was choking on anything. It was terribly dark outside, and I couldn't see him very well. Through the faint light from the moon, I could see Humphrey coughing up a dark substance, and my heart sank for I realized it was blood. His coughing stopped, and soon after his little episode, he looked at my face, his sapphire eyes piercing through the dark looking straight into mine. He then grimaced into a smile, his white teeth also breaking through the darkness, and I noticed a space of darkness between two of his teeth. I quickly and came to the conclusion that he lost one in the middle of the crash, and I relaxed knowing that the blood was only from a minor problem. I smiled back at my love, and he surprisingly began to speak…

Humphrey's POV:

I tried to calm Lilly by comforting her and wiping her tears with my paw. Thankfully, it did work, and she held me tighter still. We both fell asleep to the sun setting. My sleep was unfortunately interrupted by the need to cough out more blood. I was annoyed at how much my gums were bleeding. Lilly was startled by my sudden episode, and she quickly got up to check if I was ok. After getting everything out, I looked in to those pure purple gems of Lilly's. She was one part sad, one part concerned, and another part afraid. I painfully drew my mouth into a smile, making her tear up and return my attempt to make her happy.

I finally found a part of my voice, and I managed to croak, "So… Not… Our best day… Isn't it?" Tears started to stream down her face as she smiled and replied with a shake of her head. She kissed my head and held me tight. "It's going… to be… ok," I reassured her weakly. We needed to get moving again. I was very thirsty, and I needed to clean myself from all the dirt and grime.

"We need to leave here, I need water," I told her softly. I was slowly regaining my ability to speak. Lilly shook her head in agreement and let go. She look concerned again and asked, "Can you get up and move? I can carry you if…" I cut her off by forcing myself up, and my body replied with aches all over. I groaned, but I pulled through, and I started to walk towards the sound of a stream. I was stumbling along the path, but I needed to be tough for Lilly, I couldn't show weakness to her, she needed to know I was ok. My paw tripped over some stump and I cursed as my knees buckled and I fell to the ground. Lilly soon rushed to my side and helped me up. I looked up at her, and I couldn't help but let a tear slide from my eyes as I realized how I could not deal with all of my pain and I have become a hindrance to Lilly. She didn't need all of this trouble, and none of this would've happened if I didn't make the stupid decision to sled down the hill. I was surprised to find compassion in her eyes, and she pressed her snout against mine. Tears continued to roll down my eyes.

"I'm so sorry Lilly… This was all my fault…" I spoke through soft sobs. She cut off my apology very quickly and looked at me with a grin. "Sh… Don't be sad love, it's ok… We'll be ok…" she reassured me like I did with her. "I'm just grateful you're alive. That could've ended a lot worse, now be quiet and rest. Let's get to that stream," She ordered. She kissed me again, and I obeyed her command. With Lilly as my support, we silently limped along towards the sound of the stream in the distance.

A/N: Hope all of you guys enjoyed it. Thanks again to all those who are still reading, and be sure to leave feedback in the reviews. I'll see you all later for the next one.

