I walk into the house and see my granpa watching t.v. I found the news on and sigh before walking upstairs to my roo
I knew my grandpa is going to pass away from sitting there like a couch potato all the time. I don't even know if I would feel sorry for him. I sat on my bed and pulled out all the homework and notes I needed to study with. For some reason, it seems as if every teacher hates me because I always seem to get the biggest pile of work than any student. Starting with the worst to get it out of the way, I get a caculater I stole from Algebra and began my math homework.
It was around eight at night when I finally finished all my work and went to take a shower. When I get back the only enterainment I would have is a textbook to read off of before bed. I open the chipped wooden door and into the small bathroom. Turning on the light that flickered before lighting dimly, I turned on the bath water and made sure it was warm enough. Me and grandpa share this only bathroom and we have to only use half a tub of water everyday if we want to survive the water bills. I step myself and sat in, sighing when warmth took over. I am so glad that school is finally delt with and the weekend has yet to come tomarrow. I then thought about Yami. His deep voice that comforted me whenever I was down. Those hands that held him from falling. That scent...Yami is so...well he's everything. He so perfect, in fact too perfect. He's so beautiful, light-hearted, I'm actually jealous myself.
I quickly wash myself before heading out and changing into my usual soft star-patterened pajama. Now is NOT the time to think about him. It's as if I'm relying on him to solve all my problems. After finally getting in bed, I imediatly go under my covers, not before I write a mental note to bring lunch money on monday. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~ " Bye Jii-chan!"
" Where are you going Yugi?" I had to admit, if I were him I'd be wondering too since I'm not the type of person to leave bright and early on a saturday.
" Just shopping." Whoops, wrong answer. " U-um Bye!" I hear him call out for me but I run out the door and was already crossing a street. My eyes widened at the scenery before me. It was snowing! I smile brightly as I stomped through the fluffy white snow under my shoes, snow flakes hitting against my cheeks. What happened though? It's only around the end of November. Shrugging, I set off a pace on the barely visible sidewalk.
Actually, I was planning to take a walk. I realized that whenever I see Yami, he's either out when I'm coming to school, and when I'm leaving. In college, it's everyday so I knew I'd find him somewhere. I just... can't help myself.
After a few more steps I began to shiver violently. Yah, I had forgot to put on his jacket but a feeling inside me made me keep it in the house like it doesn't belong outside. But just in my bed to keep me comfort.
I hear footsteps behind me and gasp happily. He did come! I turn around to greet Yami but my whole face dropped and paled at the person. It was Jounouchi and the gang. Why they would be out here is beyond me but I instantly turn around and walk away, more like fast-walked away.
" Oi! Yugi come here!" I whimper. Why, why, WHY, did this have to happen to me!? My feet stop.
What should I do?
I hear them coming closer before I finally snapped.
I began to run.
" What the- Get him!" I whimper loudly as tears began to blind my vision but I shut them, letting the tears fly loosely from the corners of my eyes. I didn't want this! What if they capture me and even do more damage than usual? I just can't let my self go that easily! The harsh cold wind stung my cheeks, my eyes closed in pain but I continue to run before I slip on the icy sidewalk. More tears fell as I bit my lip from screaming in pain. My butt hurts badly!
" Where did that little munchkin go!?" I hear a distant voice call. Trying to suck it up, I carefully slide on the ice-covered sidewalk before it was clear again and ran on the street. I was somewhere around the marketing center of Domino so I hoped that would wear the bullies down. I suddenly ran into something but I wasn't hurt at all. I choose to slowly look up and suddenly, my cheeks aren't so ice-cold anymore.
" Y-yami..." My muffled voice called out but I hear the teens coming up and I hide behind his lithe form like the coward I am. I dig my head on his backwhen I hear their running stop and almost gasped when a hand comforts me.
" Oi, you there! You seen a shrimp run pass here?"
" That's funny, I didn't know shrimp could run." Oh Yami. I almost snicker at the smart comment.
" Real cute. Now have you seen him or not." I hear some of the gang members crack their knuckles." Dammit.
" No I haven't. Nor do I know who this 'shrimp' is. I go to college so I'm not the one to know where a freshman goes running."
It was too silent for my liking and I peek out to see them walking away, probably because they couldn't cause a scene with everyone around. Once they were out of distance, Yami turns around and faces me with a concerned look on his face. I guess it's time to spill the beans.
" Yugi. Are...are they after you?" I gulp as my feet shifted uncomfortably with my hands behind my back. How this guy could make me feel so small is beyond me.
" Um... I-I..." I bit my bottom lip as my eyes began to water. No matter how hard I try to be strong, those eyes just keep pushing me down.
" Yugi, why didn't you tell anyone? Why didn't you tell me? You can't handle them on your own, your life is at risk with those kind of people!"
A tear slides down. It's like I'm being scolded by a parent. He kneels down and holds my shoulders, this time his eyes are full of warmth.
" Yugi, I want to help you. Please don't make this hard on yourself. I don't like to see people getting hurt, especially boys like you."
A hiccup is followed by more tears. His arms invite me to a hug in which I come in gladly. My face nestles on his warm chest as I sobbed loudly, letting his arms embrace me with a hand on my head soothingly grooming it.
Why is my life so hard?
I just want to be set free already!
I need someone to help me.
I need Yami.