A/N: Here is the next chapter as well, I didn't wanna make the last one TOO long so I decided to break it up into two chapters c: please enjoy and R&R! E

Why did she always make him feel inferior? Kakashi felt like a complete jerk now, and he couldn't come up with anything to get her back. He supposed that sometimes he did forget that his comrade's were children amidst all his constant battles, for they always acted so mature in those situations. He had even been saved by his own students before. Turning around and quietly heading to the bathroom, he decided to do as she said, even if he wouldn't eat. I don't need to relax, he thought like a strict man.

Kiba and Lee were in the main room again, both sitting beside each other. "Thinks he's so great." He muttered angrily hunched over with Akamaru sitting at his feet seeming to fall asleep. "I'll show him... I'll show them all." Lee couldn't help but wonder what made Kagome so feisty about fighting yet she also partook in it herself whenever others around her started it up. Maybe her past friends fought a lot? He turned to look at Kiba who stared after Kagome again. "You have something different inside of you. I can smell it. I'm starting to think that if you went out that many ninja out there could easily sense your abnormal presence, even if the wouldn't quite understand what you were yet. Either way, it could cause attention and make way for problems."

The door opened back up silencing the Inuzuka as Kakashi reappeared in the room. "Which is why, again, I'm with her. And I would appreciate your nose more if it stayed out of her business."

Shippou listened to the guys talk as he and Kagome finished up the sushi, she left him to the rest when the tea kettle whistled letting her know it was time to pour the tea.

Kagome hummed while she poured the boiled water into the kettle over the tea leaves, putting the lid on when she was done she let the tea steep while she rinsed out the kettle and left it on the stove to pull out some plates, "Okay guys, dinner is ready so come and get it, Kakashi you too, I'm pretty sure your hungry just like everyone else what with all your running around today, besides it would be an insult seeing as how I already pulled out a plate and poured you a cup of tea." grabbing a few of the sushi rolls and putting them on her own plate she sat at the table letting the boys hustle into the kitchen for the food. "I hope you guys like it." she called as she shoved her own roll in her mouth watching them fight for a place in the line to get their dinner.

Kiba and Lee dashed over to the counter and grabbed their plates with an easy force, even adding a few extra ingredients or sauces they could find if it was out before taking a seat next to Kagome at the table. "Thank you for the meal!" They said in unison, their mouths already watering at the sight and smell.

Kakashi on the other hand made a leisure way over and took his time with grabbing each and every little item he wanted before he walked over with his plate and sat down. Seeing all of them at the table he suddenly jumped up and pointed. "Oh no!" He said loudly, seeing their heads turn with a quick alarm. As they turned back to look at him, his meal was already gone. "My bad. Must have been a rat." The elder male grinned resting his hands on the side of the table.

"Man! Don't pull stuff like that on me. What's behind your mask?" Kiba asked, his mouth slightly stuffed with food already and amazed at how fast Kakashi ate. Did the guy even chew?

"It is true, you never take it off. Is there something you're hiding?" Lee questioned forking his sushi roll and eating it whole.

"Who knows." Kakashi answered slyly but then jokingly added. "It may be the secret to the world surviving."

Kagome listened to the boys pick on Kakashi and smiled, "Or maybe your lips are so fat that if anyone looked upon your face they would be turned to stone, or maybe you don't have lips at all and your mouth isn't actually a mouth but a gaping hole of sharp teeth that you suck little boys souls out with." she teased watching Lee and Kiba shiver at her joke. Shippou just shook his head and continued to eat, though the image of Kakashi with unbelievably fat lips made him smile with amusement.

"Hmmmm," Kakashi said placing a hand to his chin, "I might just test that soul sucking theory out. But having big lips, I disagree." He turned to face the other two shinobi and eyed them with beady eyes, making them a little fearful as he slowly reached his hand up to his black mask, taking the edge in hand. Kiba and Lee seemed to pause in breathe, anticipation, this had to be the worst or the best thing ever! They thought that the theories were actually true for a minute. "Boo!" The elder man said quickly tearing it down as two screams ripped through the home. After a few seconds, they quickly died down seeing as their souls really weren't being taken, and really, it was just another mask.

"You jerk!" Kiba cried wolfing down his meal. "How did Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura even handle a guy like you? You would drive me nuts!"

"The unknown can certainly distract ones mind. I suppose one day, when you're ready, you will show everyone. Right?" Lee asked hopefully, but a silence lingered and he only continued on with his meal a little disappointed.

Kakashi turned to the kitsune and patted his head. "You've been quiet. Is something eating you?" He asked curiously. He knew Shippou didn't talk much as it is, but he did talk a lot when he got down to it.

Kagome gave a hearty laugh and shook her head at Kakashi's antics, "You guys crack me up." Shippou swatted Kakashi's hand away from his hair and gave him a glare, "I'm just not in the mood to talk right now, I have a lot on my mind." shoving his last piece of sushi in his mouth he picked up his dishes and went to rinse them off in the sink. he felt rather than heard someone come up behind him and wasn't surprised to find Kagome picking him up for a hug. "Do you miss them?" she whispered as she rocked him in her arms gently, at his nod she gave a gentle sigh, "I miss them too sweetie, it's going to take some time to get used to it here. just bare with me, please." pressing a kiss to his forehead she set him back down and took his place at the sink to wash off her own dishes.