The Beginning of Chaos

~ = Shadow Creature (Dementor) tongue

§ = Parseltongue

Abcabc = Gobbledygook

Chapter Four

"Harry, are you sure you don't want to go as Harry Potter?" Sirius asked.

"Of course I'm sure! I want Dumbledore to think I'm dead!" Harry snapped back

"And you think introducing yourself as Harrison Azkaban is better?" Sirius asked dryly.

"Well, maybe not, but I already responded to my letter that way!"

"You do know he's immediately going to connect you to being the Lord of Azkaban, right?"


"So, think of the number of aurors the Dementors have killed."

"Bah! Semantics!"

"You don't even know what that means!" Sirius protested.

"So? It seemed to fit my point." Harry said in a superior manner.

"How about you go as Harry Black!" Sirius said eagerly.

"Oh, and how many people with the last name Black are there? One! AND THAT'S YOU! That means he'd immediately link me to the Potters, thus realizing that I am Harry Potter."

"Whatever. Start getting packed. Your trunk is cool, by the way. Twelve compartments, 2 of which are bathrooms, one is a kitchen, another three are bedrooms, and another is a massive library… It's like a fucking house! Where did you get it? Can I have this one," Sirius exclaimed, kicking an open trunk next to him.

Harry calmed himself down at being interrupted by using occlumency, "I don't know, all I know is that I have it because I'm the Lord of Azkaban. Now, if you actually looked at my trunk, you'd see that I'm already done packing. I was actually waiting for you to stop ogling that trunk. And no, you can't have it."

Sirius pouted, "Fine, be that way then."

"I will."





There was silence for about thirty seconds before Sirius started begging, "Can I please have the trunk? It's so awesome!"

Harry face palmed and sighed, "Fine, but only if you shut up."

"Deal!" Sirius shouted eagerly before walking off.

"§ You do know that he isssn't going to ssshut up, right? §" Alsan hissed.

Harry sighed, "Yesss, I am well aware of that. Thisss way, however, I can Crucio him when he talksss. §"

"§ You can Crucio him any time… §"

"§ Yesss, but thisss way, I'll have a good reassson to do ssso. Besssidesss, he'sss become a father figure to me, and I can't Crucio him in good conssscience. §"

"§ You have a conssscience? §" Alsan asked incredulously.

"§ Of courssse! It'sss just very well hidden! §" Harry shot back.

"§ You're weird. §"

This caused Harry to huff, "§ Great, my own familiar isss insssulting me. You're lucky you're my familiar, if you weren't I'd have Crucio'd you to insssanity. §"

Sssoo ssscary §," was the only response he got.

Chapter Four

"§ Whatever! How are our sssnake friendsss sssettling in? §" Harry hissed to his familiar.

"§ They are ssstill getting usssed to the new environment. Other than that, they are doing fine. They've already sssaid that thisss isss an upgrade from the ssstore, sssomething I agree with. §"

"§ Good. I've alwaysss been fond of sssnakesss, ssso their company isss a welcome change. I've alwaysss wante― §"

"Merlin damn it, Harry, we need to go, now!" Sirius interrupted.

"Alright, alright. No need to get all snappy," Harry paused. "On second thought, I won't leave until you answer a question."

"Fine! Just hurry up and ask!"

"Why are you ok with me being dark and evil?"

This caused Sirius to do a double take. He sighed before saying, "Well, the first reason is that you're my godson, and I'll love you no matter what. The second is you have a good reason to, after all, Dumbledore just stuck you with the Dursley's when your mother's will clearly said not to. And finally, because that bastard Dumbledore let me be locked up and even testified against me! He knew Peter was the secret keeper! The bastard just wanted you to be raised the way he wanted you to be! He wanted to mold you when you got to school! Well, he's in for a rude awakening."

"Good, I'm happy you feel that way. By the way, just to cause more havoc, I plan on bringing good ol' Voldy back. Don't worry, though. I plan on killing him in the end. I already know how he's alive. I've also been researching where the things keeping him alive are. In fact, I have discovered where they all are but two of them. I believe the two I don't know about are a diary and his familiar. Don't ask questions. Just deal with it. Oh, by the way, hurry up we need to go!" Harry imitated Sirius in an overexcited, childish voice.

"§ Come, Alsssan. Mold into my ssskin in tattoo form. §" With that, he apparated to King's Cross Station, leaving an extremely confused and irritated Sirius behind.

An irate and irritated Sirius just apparated out of the station when Harry met his first 'friend'.

"Hello," said a snobbish voice that had just entered his compartment, "I'm Draco Malfoy. And who might you be? You don't seem familiar, so you must be a mudblood." Harry stared at the boy with an amused glint in his eye, something Draco seemed to have noticed. "Answer me, already!"

"Tsk, tsk, Draco. So impatient. Well, if you must know, I am Harrison Azkaban. And yes, as in that Azkaban."

Draco looked shocked before managing to stutter out, "B-but h-how? Father s-said tha-that line di-died out a long t-time ago!"

"Why that's simple, dear Draco, I'm the magical heir. The line only shows up in those fit for the lineage of Azkaban. A little perk of being me is having total control over the Dementors." Harry stated, speaking as if he was talking to a child. Well, I suppose I am, he mused.

Draco just stood there stunned. After a few minutes, Harry got annoyed and smacked him on the back of his head. Draco stared at Harry in awe before saying, "Well, Harrison, I have a feeling that we're going to be great friends."

Harry looked amused, "Do you, now? And what's in it for me?"

Draco was seething on the inside that somebody would decline his hand of friendship, but he managed to keep his anger out of his expression. "A future political ally, a pureblood friend, and last but not least, not having to sit alone in a compartment."

"Fine, but sitting in a compartment with one other person will definitely end up annoying me," Harry stated blandly.

"Oh, it's not just me, my friends are joining me."

"Oh?" That caught Harry's attention, "And who might they be?"

"Well, there's Pansy Parkinson, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle Jr., Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott Jr., or Theo, as he prefers it, Daphne Greengrass, Millicent Bullstrode, and Tracey D―"

"Woah, woah, woah. Did you say Greengrass?"

"Yes, I did," Draco spoke with a hint of curiosity," why?

"Something about that name is familiar, as if I read it somewhere… I just can't remember where… Oh well. Go on."

"As I was saying," Draco continued hesitant of any further interruptions, "Daphne Greengrass, Millicent Bullstrode, and Tracey Davis."

"Ah. Ok, then, where are these 'friends' of yours?" Harry finished skeptically.

"We're here now." Draco stepped turned and the first thing that he saw was a pug face, "Now, Draco, who is this?" Pug-Face asked.

"This, my friends, is Harrison Azkaban." Draco announced, emphasizing the 'Azkaban' part.

The reactions were instantaneous. The emotions on their faces ranged from awe, to curiosity, and finally, Harry's favorite, to skepticism.

"Oh, really?" a pretty blonde with brilliant blue eyes asked. "And just how did he prove that."

"If you must have proof, would you like me to call a Dementor, they travel through the shadows, you know. Stealthy and quick. Perfect for such a being." Harry retorted, eyeing the blonde curiously.

"Oh, by all means, please do," she continued.

"Oh, no, no need, Harrison, Daphne's just very skeptical." Draco jumped in, knowing something bad was about to happen.

"No, no, the beautiful blonde lady," this caused Daphne to blush a fierce shade of red, "has requested that I summon a Dementor, so I shall." With that Harry waved his hand and forced a shadow to appear in the corner of the compartment before speaking, "~Come to me. Only one of you. I need to teach some people a lesson.~"

All the other kids in the compartment flinched at the raspy language before watching the corner in a mixture of shock and horror. Emerging from the shadow was a boney hand with rotten flesh on it. Next was a long arm with a cloak of pure darkness. Following these two were the feelings of both intense dread and the feeling that one would never be happy again. Next was the raspy breath. At the top of the shadow emerged a hooded head taking loud, rasping breaths, sending chills down the others' spines. The rest of the being slowly followed, amusing Harry. Pfft, why is it that Dementors feel the need to exaggerate their entrances and exits? He wondered.

Once the figure was completely out of the shadow, it bowed down to Harry, shocking the horrified eleven year olds in the room. "~My Lord, you have called me?~"

"~Yes,~" Harry glanced at the others, "~However, you have already accomplished what I wished of you, so you may go.~" The Dementor bowed again and turned to leave before Harry asked, "~Why is it that all Dementors feel the need to exaggerate their entrances? After seven years of living at Azkaban, I'm still wondering about that.~"

The Dementor turned back to Harry, before rasping in its horrid tongue, "~Well, we have to have some form of amusement.~" At that the Dementor bowed again and left through the shadow, leaving a laughing Harry and confused, shocked, and horrified eleven year olds behind.

"Ok! I believe you!" The blonde squeaked, terrified by both what just happened, and by Harry's chilling laughter.

Harry stared her in the eye, discerning the truth in her words, before nodding. "Very well, then, I am Harrison Azkaban. Who might you be, milady?" Daphne offered her hand, which Harry promptly took and brushed his lips against in greeting.

Daphne blushed before responding, "I-I'm Daphne Greengrass."

"A pleasure to meet you, Daphne," Harry turned and regarded the others. "And who might you all be?"

"I'm Pansy Parkinson," Pug-Face said.

"I'm Millicent Bullstrode," a rather round girl answered.

"I'm Tracey Davis," a girl with sexy legs replied.

"I'm Blaise Zabini," a boy darker-than-British-peoples' skin.

"I'm Theodore Nott Jr., but my friends call me Theo. And these two dunderheads," he pointed at two rather large boys sitting next to each other on Theo's left, "are Gregory Goyle Jr. and Vincent Crabbe. They don't talk much. The most I've ever heard them say was 'Where's the caked?' and even that was more like a grunt than anything."

Harry cracked a small smile, "Well, a pleasure to meet you all. Now, this is important, what are your opinions' of Dumbledore?"

Pansy snorted, "More like 'Dumb-old-dork'."

Crabbe and Goyle nodded in agreement and Blaise added, "From what I hear, he's as biased as they come when in regards to Slytherins."

Millicent and Tracey nodded while Daphne bit her lip and hesitantly nodded her head. "The light worships him like a bunch of fools. It's so stupid, and now, to make it worse, Harry Potter, the-boy-who-couldn't-just-die, is coming to Hogwarts." Theo sneered, causing Daphne to bite her lip harder.

"Actually," Draco jumped in, "according to Father, Harry Potter never responded to his enrollment letter. It seems that he's just completely ignoring the magical world. Either that, or Dumbledore lost him. My vote is on the latter."

Daphne blanched, "Are you serious? He's not coming to Hogwarts?" Only Harry noticed the tinge of disappointment hiding in her voice.

"Father doesn't think so, he and a few others on the board of governors even leaked the information to the Prophet, but Dumbledore must've used his pull to get the story sacked." Draco said bitterly.

Harry nodded, as if registering the information, but his thoughts were elsewhere. Why is she so disappointed I'm not going to Hogwarts? Well, Harry Potter isn't, that is. Why is her name so familiar? Why am I thinking about this so much, I should be plotting my plan for world domination. Harry thought silently, as the others started their own conversations. Why is she so disappointed? And why is she so… damn it! I'm thinking about this again!

This pattern continued for a few more hours before Harry was brought out of his thoughts by a loud thunk. Harry turned his head in annoyance to regard causer of said thunk when he heard a buck-toothed girl ask, "Have any of you seen a toad? A boy named Neville lost his."

The compartment regarded her with curiosity, eventually, though, Pansy responded, "No, we have not seen a toad. What is your name? You don't look familiar." She finished suspiciously.

"Oh, I'm Hermione Granger and I―"

At the name 'Granger', the curious expressions were replaced with looks of disgust. Hermione seemed to realize this, which caused her to stop mid-sentence. She was about to ask why when Draco sneered, "A mudblood! Go figure. No, we haven't seen a bloody toad. Now, leave us you mudblood filth."

Everyone but Harry and Daphne were nodding their heads in agreement. Hermione was stunned by their change in behavior towards her, but thought better of it and left the compartment, closing the door behind her. After a few more minutes of sneering at the door, everyone's' previous activities began anew.

"Slytherin!" The Sorting Hat shouted.

Harry watched as the Sorting Hat finished sorting Daphne. So far, Millicent, Crabbe, Tracey, Goyle, and now Daphne, have been sorted into Slytherin. Giving Harry the distinct impression that everybody he sat with on the train belonged in Slytherin.

"Malfoy, Draco!" Professor McGonagall announced.

Draco strutted up to the stool and sat down. The hat was barely on his head for a second when it proclaimed, "Slytherin!"

Cheers arose from the Slytherin table as Draco continued his strut to sit down by Crabbe and Goyle. "Nott, Theodore!" McGonagall called.

Theo calmly walked up to the stool and sat down. It took a bit longer, the hat called out, "Slytherin!" This continued for a while longer until Blaise was sorted. McGonagall looked at the list, making sure she got everybody, when she saw the last name on the list. Hmm, Harry mused, I wonder why Azkaban would be at the bottom of the list. Apparently Dumbledore saw McGonagall pale and walked to her. He asked if she was ok and she just pointed at the list. Harry saw Dumbledore carefully take the list from a stunned McGonagall, when he, too, paled drastically. Unlike McGonagall, however, he managed to compose himself shortly after.

Dumbledore cleared his throat before he announced in his kind, grandfatherly voice, "Azkaban, Harrison!"

For a moment, the entire hall was still, save the group of people who were in Harry's compartment, until chaos erupted.

"There is no remaining family in the line of Azkaban!" A pureblood seventh year shouted.

"That line died out ages ago!" Another seventh year exclaimed.

"But, that's not possible!" A sixth year pointed out.

But the most commonly heard comment was, "AH! THE HOUSE OF AZKABAN HAS RETURNED! RUN AWAY!"

That comment was mostly courtesy of first through third years.

And all through this, Harry calmly walked toward the stool, while Dumbledore, not noticing Harry, was trying to quiet the enraged crowd. Eventually, though, he saw Harry and amplified his voice and announced, "Quiet!"

As one, the Great Hall grew silent. All looked at the headmaster, and more importantly, the boy in front of him. "Thank you." He ended the voice amplification spell before asking Harry, "Are you Harrison Azkaban?"

Harry's smirk was what some might call 'evil' or 'terrifying', he, however, called it affective, as it caused the headmaster and those who could see his face to shiver.

"Yes," he voiced calmly, well aware of the many eyes on him.

Dumbledore hesitated, "Very well, then. Please sit down so you may be sorted."

Harry did as he was told and sat. The hat was slowly lowered onto his head. But when it was finally on, he felt the hat trying to enter his mind.

"Impressive shields. But, would you please lower you occlumency walls so that I can sort you?"

Will you reveal my secrets to the headmaster or anybody else?

"No. I couldn't even if I wanted to. Now, if you please." Harry hesitantly lowered his shields, it was only enough, though, for the Sorting Hat to get into his mind, he was still alert and wary of somebody else trying to steal his secrets. "My word. It is and honor to meet you, Lord Hogwarts-Azkaban-Drakul-Peverell-Potter. I must say, I find it rather shocking as to who you are. I never would've suspected," he said mysteriously. "Now, where to put you. You would do well in Gryffindor. You certainly are brave, but, alas, it is not meant to be, as they will see you as evil, and rightly so. Ravenclaw would be good, you seek knowledge. You don't, however, seek knowledge for knowledge sake. Hufflepuff is possible. You are very loyal to those who you deem have earned your loyalty, but, you would be the odd man out in Hufflepuff. Now, as for Slytherin, you're an exact model of everything Lord Slytherin liked to have in his students. You're cunning, ambitious, and deceitful. Not to mention, you're his heir. So, yes, Slytherin will do. It is my duty, however, given to me by the founders to tell you the secrets of the school. First off, Lord Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets is in the second floor corridor girl's bathroom. You simply need to hiss 'open' in Parseltongue and it will open. Secondly, as you are actually Lord Hogwarts, Lady Hogwarts will now only respond to your orders. She has followed the headmasters' orders, ever since the founders died, and will now stop, as you rightfully own the castle. Thirdly, the wards do not apply to you. They will not be able to prevent you from doing anything, whether it be apparating to and from school, or going into the headmaster's office. The wards will not warn anybody other than yourself in regards to you. The wards will warn the headmaster about others, though. Finally, Lady Hogwarts will answer you, all you have to do is speak to her and she will respond. Now, I think I've taken long enough. So, let me be the first to wish you a happy and successful school year."

The hat slid through the small opening Harry provided it in his shields before shouting, "SLYTHERIN!"


Right as Dumbledore heard what Harrison Azkaban was going to be in, he immediately paled. He wasn't so dumb as to not realize that the purebloods of Slytherin would willingly follow the next Lord Azkaban. I need to tell Cornelius, he thought, we must attack Azkaban while the next lord is here. This may be the only chance we have before all hell breaks loose. With the next Lord Azkaban in Slytherin, he'll be influenced by the purebloods and will influence them at the same time. With resources like the ones he will have, it will be a wonder if Wizarding Britain is still around by the time the boy is seventeen. I just hope that the boy will have enough sense as to not let loose the Death Eaters that are locked up. I just hope that the boy doesn't know too much about his powers as Lord Azkaban, and if he does, I pray he does not go to his Azkaban Island's defense. I feel like I'm rambling…

While the headmaster was plotting, Harry was doing the same thing. As he was walking to the Slytherin House table, he began thinking, I wonder… if I could manipulate the purebloods here into being my followers… Give them promises of riches and power, only to rip those promises away by slaughtering them in the end. Tempting… Very tempting. One thing I'm curious about, though, is why the man with the smelly purple turban has two magical cores. One is adept for a regular wizard, but the other… The other reminds me of Voldemort… But that would make sense if Voldemort was here to kill 'Harry Potter'. That would certainly explain his shocked expression when 'Potter, Harry' was not announced to be sorted. Yes… I'm going to need to have words with him sometime soon, promise him a body if he swears on his magic to serve me, or I will destroy his remaining Horcruxes, something he will be very hesitant to risk. Yes… that's perfect…

"§ Massster, I would advissse you to find out what hisss other Horcruxesss are first before confronting him. In fact, I would think it be more prudent to gather the Horcruxesss before confronting him, that way he knowsss you're ssseriousss. Just think, by having him asss a ssservant, you have hisss Death Eatersss as ssservantsss. But, you ssshouldn't let anybody elssse know that he isss ssserving you, that way, you are not the main target for the light ssside to attack, §" Alsan whispered in Harry's mind from his spot on Harry's body as a tattoo.

"§ Yesss, that would indeed be brilliant. Good job, Alsssan! However, I think it would be more important to firssst make you bigger, that way you can have Ssslytherin'sss familiar asss a mate. Jussst think, an army of basssilisssksss. §" Harry smirked internally, oh yes, this is definitely going to be fun.

Later that night…

"Cornelius, are the aurors prepared to attack?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yes, they are," Minister Fudge said impatiently. "Now, are you ready to attack? After all, you're not as young as you once were."

"Of course I'm ready."

"Very well, then, let us begin," Fudge said, immediately ordering the beginning of the Siege of Azkaban Citadel.

Five minutes later…

A shadow crept its way into the room, stopping right next to the room's sole occupant. The occupant was sleeping soundly, dreaming of his plans to pretty much destroy anything and everything, when from the shadow came a rasping voice, "~My Lord Azkaban! The Ministry of Magic is attacking the island! What should we do?~"

Harrison Azkaban, or Harry Potter, immediately sat up with a murderous expression on his face, before rasping back, "~Defend the island at all costs! I will be there shortly, and when I'm there, none of the Ministry bastards will survive.~"

"~Very well, My Lord, but you should probably know, Albus Dumbledore's Order of the Phoenix and the Ministry of Magic's aurors are the partaking in the attack. Albus Dumbledore is aiding in the fight. The cowardly minister, however, is nowhere to be seen. On the dark side (get it? Because Dementors are dark? Whatever…) the snakes you rescued are helping us defend the island, and by the looks of it, they took our enemies by complete surprise.~"

"~I'm on my way,~" came his rasping response.

Harry shot out of his bed and quickly hissed at the serpent hiding under the covers, "§ Alsssan, my friend, it ssseemsss the Minissstry isss dumber than we thought. They are attacking the isssland, the Dementorsss and your fellow ssserpentsss are fighting back. We are needed, though. Ssso, I hope you are prepare to grow… a lot. §"

The serpent hidden under the covers quickly found its way out of the mass of blankets, "§ Damned blanketsss… Ssso annoying to essscape from. Yesss, Massster, I am ready for the ritual. §"

Harry started an ancient chant in Parseltongue, during which, Alsan had to inject venom into Harry's body, and Harry had to cut his hand and send a drop of blood into the serpent's mouth. At once, they both writhed in pain, Harry due to the venom, which he would from then on be immune to, and Alsan from the transformation. The more pain they felt, the larger Alsan grew. They continued the ritual for another two minutes, and finally stopped when Alsan could no longer fit in the room without knocking something over. In the end, he grew to be 80 feet long, something both Harry and he were excited about. "§ Alsssan, ssshrink back down for a minute ssso you can take tattoo-form and I can ussse the ssshadowsss to take usss to Azkaban. §"

Thirty seconds later, a very irate Harry and an extremely ecstatic Alsan, emerged from a shadow in the throne room of Azkaban Castle. Alsan made quick work of peeling off of Harry's skin and slithered ahead through the castle, all the while growing to become his new massive length. Harry's irritated look disappeared for a moment, turning into amusement, as he watched his familiar leave the castle, apparently itching for battle. Harry's amusement quickly diminished, however, when he remembered that the battle was happening on his island. Harry took off the gift ring Sirius had given him to hide his real eye color, his once bright violet eyes, turned into their natural blood red color. He reached into a shadow, grabbing his battle robes and his Dementor cloak. If I'm going to go to battle, may as well do so in style, was his reasoning. As he finished donning his cloaks and robes, he stepped into the shadow and appeared on the top of Azkaban Prison, looking down at the massive battle that took place below. He snarled as he watched his family, the Dementors, get hurt by the Patronii being thrown at them.

"Sonorus," he whispered, pointing his wand at his neck. After a few seconds, he decided on what he was going to say, and began his speech, "Soo. You bastards feel the need to attack my island, despite all the warnings that you received. Despite the constant deaths of your aurors. Very well, you asked for it. If you truly thought that I would let this slide, then you were sorely mistaken!" With that he quickly changed languages, "§ Ssserpentsss of Azkaban, §" the affect was instantaneous. Every auror and Order member froze on the spot upon hearing the hissing language of Parseltongue. "§ Regroup to Alsssan. Then attack again. Take no prisssonersss. LEAVE NONE ALIVE! §" The snakes of the island all fled to a spot in the forest, leaving very confused, but cheerful, aurors and Order members. Dumbledore, however, had a sinking feeling in his stomach, he knew something bad was coming, he just didn't know what. He then heard the rasping language of the Dementors, "~Dementors! Your Lord calls you! Release the prisoners at once! Give them their wands! Prepare them for battle!~". Dumbledore's stomach dropped even more upon hearing Lord Azkaban's next words, "I'll give you aurors and Order members a few minutes respite… Be prepared, though, for none will survive my wrath." With that, Harry turned around and strode to the entrance of the prison, acknowledging the prisoners, the ones that were sane, telling them if they helped him, they would be free. Something that, for once, wasn't a complete lie.

Five minutes later, while the aurors and their allies were sneering, insulting the cowardice of the Lord of Azkaban, the massive doors to the prison opened, revealing and army of creatures, including Dementors, wizards/witches, vampires, werewolves, and goblins. The person at the head of the army, however, gave the Ministry's ranks an uneasy feeling. The eerie blood red eyes staring at them terrified them to no end. But, when a few thought they could escape by running for the docks, they were cut off by the army of snakes, now being led by an 80 foot basilisk, one that was so determined to taste his enemies' blood, that he had his first two pairs of eyelids closed, choosing to fight without the deadly gaze. The majority of the Ministry's forces, though, remained undeterred, not having seen the sight behind them.

At the opposing side, the prisoners, Dementors, Harry, and Sirius, whom Harry ran into on his descent from the top of the prison, were sneering back at the aurors. The majority of the prisoners were giddy for battle, as a large portion were Death Eaters, this group was not limited to one Bellatrix LeStrange, who stood to her cousin's left. While she was giddy for battle, she was curious as to who the Lord of Azkaban really was, and what his relation was with her cousin. Every prisoner was also shocked to see the army of serpents standing behind the aurors, and were even more shocked to discover an 80 foot basilisk staring hungrily at the Ministry officers.

Finally, Harry, fed up with the silence, cast the Sonorus Charm once more before hissing in English, "You thought you could win? You're wrong. You thought you could live? You're wrong. You thought that there is a chance at escape? He-he-he, you're dead wrong. This is my island, so you are on my territory. Meaning that I have the advantage. Now that that's said, there's only one thing left… KILL THEM ALL!" "§ KILL THEM ALL! §" "~KILL THEM ALL!~"

That marked the official beginning of the Siege of Azkaban.