Author's Note: As you all know, this was originally a one-shot, but from the responses I've received, you guys would like for me to continue this! (: And as an author, I LOVE to keep my readers happy! Plus, I'm not 100 percent ready to be done with this story. So, as a treat to us both, I'm turning this into a two-shot! Please enjoy; I love you guys!

There was nothing worse than the morning after.

The aching headache, the rush of memories, the constant urge to puke—no one warned her that it would be so horrendous.

All she could think about as she stood in her steamy, scalding shower was her drunken escapades with Damon the previous night. She tried to convince herself that it was appalling; she wanted to believe that if she were in her right mind, it wouldn't have happened. Truthfully, it probably would have. Every fiber of being craved Damon's touch, and it was becoming unbearable. Vivid images of his hands roaming her body played out in her head, causing her to turn off the water. If she stayed in there any longer, she would've done something stupid—like touch herself to the thought of her best friend's ex.

She stepped out of the shower and fetched a towel from the bathroom closet. She wiped her hand across the foggy mirror and sighed heavily. The only positive thing about her morning was the fact that she didn't look as torn up as she did the night before. She began drying her hair with the blow dryer, admiring its length. While she loved the bob, she preferred longer hair.

After she was done, she inched out of the bathroom and headed for her bedroom. She unwrapped the towel from around her body and dropped it to the ground, swinging the door open.

Her eyes met a pair of light blue orbs that could only belong to the infamous Damon Salvatore.

She shrieked and instantly covered her breasts with her trembling hands. "Damon? What the hell are you doing here?" She knew that the only way that he could have gotten in was the fact that no one alive lived there—that included her, since she was technically dead.

He didn't possess that sinister smirk that he always wore; instead, he looked fragile—broken, almost. He looked as if the worst thing that could possibly ever happen knocked on his doorstep. He slowly looked her up and down and sighed.

"We need to talk," was all he could let out. There was a chilled silence that fell over the room as those words seeped out.

"So let me get this straight," said a clothed Bonnie, her breathing coming out shaky and uneven. She was sitting across from Damon at her dining room table, each staring intently at the other. "Katherine has been in Elena's body this entire time?"

"Yeah. Since the day her body died, she voyaged her way into Elena. Nadia found a witch to make Katherine a traveler," Damon said; his voice was hoarse. Bonnie closed her eyes and thought back on their prior night together. After a long while of silence, she looked back up at him.

"Which means that Katherine was the one that broke up with you… not Elena," she whispered, tears welling in her eyes. Damon nodded slowly; she didn't even have to say anything more for him to realize what she was talking about. Elena was going to hate them when she found out that they slept together.

"She can't know," Damon said, watching Bonnie's facial expression. Bonnie grimaced and shook her head quickly.

"Damon, she deserves to know! I'm her best friend, and I betrayed her!" she shouted. Damon rose to his feet and slammed his hand on the table.

"No, you didn't! We were deceived into believing that Elena and I were a lost cause; she can't blame you for that," he argued.
"But I wanted it, Damon!" she hollered back. He froze in his spot, stiffening up. Her breath hitched as she watched him, regretting her words. She stood to her feet and turned away from him, walking toward the kitchen sink. She heard footsteps making their way toward her as she leaned against the counter.

"Bonnie," he whispered. She felt his cool fingers come in contact with her arm, and she tried her hardest to keep her composure. Having him so close after the night that they previously spent together was dangerous; she wasn't supposed to be having lustful thoughts about him, especially considering the conversation that they just had.

"Damon, you should leave," she told him, turning around to face him. Her eyes locked with his, deepening the undeniable tension between them.

"Why?" he questioned. She bit down on her tongue as she watched his hypnotic eyes pour into hers. She opened her mouth to speak, but she couldn't process the right words to say. She blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"Because I don't want to end up doing something that'll make this worse," she breathed, avoiding eye contact. He stepped closer to her, their bodies severely close to each other.

"I'm not going to lie to you, Bennett," he began, his hand still resting against her arm. She watched him cautiously as his eyes roamed her delicate figure. "Last night wasn't supposed to mean anything. I wanted something to distract me and I ran at the chance for that to happen… but then things started to change. We connected, Bonnie. We actually connected. I was glad that I was with you."


"I know, I know," he interrupted. She reached up and cupped the side of his face, caressing his chiseled jaw.

"Stop me before I get ahead of myself," she pleaded, inching her way closer to him. Her desperation for Damon's touch was clouding the judgment that she anxiously needed at that moment. Truthfully, he didn't want to stop her. Whatever she had in mind, he was sure that he wanted it just as much as did—possibly more. That was the part that scared him.

She brushed her lips against his, savoring the sensation of feeling them again. His hand traveled its way to her back as he vigorously pulled her to his chest. She pulled back to gaze at him before taking his lips in hers.

He stroked the exposed skin of her waist as he deepened the kiss, moving his lips feverishly over hers. It was intoxicating as their tongues danced around each other's, stimulating every part of their heated bodies.

His lips moved to her neck as he hoisted her onto the counter. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he planted lascivious kisses to her sensitive flesh. She began to grind her hips against his, hoping to ease the increased throbbing that she felt in her core—only he could get her so aroused in such little time. She moaned quietly as she felt his erection growing against her.

Though she couldn't imagine anything better than having Damon Salvatore's hands roaming her body sacredly, she knew that they had to stop. If she felt guilty about telling Elena before, there were no words for how she was feeling now.

She kissed him painfully slow before drawing back, her chest heaving excessively. He leaned in once more, pressing his lips against hers. She pushed him off of her, watching as his face flickered misperception.

"How are you so okay with this?" she whispered with difficulty. Truthfully, he didn't know the answer to that question. The only thing that he knew for sure was that he wanted to hear Bonnie screaming his name as he marked his territory inside of her.

"You want this just as much as I do," he said defensively.

"You love Elena!" she shot back. Once again, he was frozen. Bonnie knew exactly what to say to leave Damon speechless, and she was just about the only person who had the capability to do that. She knew that he wasn't going to respond, so she kept going. "You love her, and she loves you. So… you have no business here. Just leave, please."

"Fine," he spat, backing away from her. He gave her one last look of longing before flying out the back door.

Bonnie's bottom lip began to quiver as she slumped down against the counter.

"How unfortunate," a voice spoke from a distance. She looked up to see Enzo resting against the doorframe of her kitchen. She quickly wiped away the tears that had managed to fall, standing upright to face him.

"Enzo… are you dead?" she whispered.

"Of course," he chirped, making his way into the dimly lit kitchen. "I'm a vampire." She rolled her eyes and sighed heavily, desperately searching for the patience to deal with the guy who almost killed Jeremy.

"I'm asking if you're here to pass on to the other side," she verified.

"Ahhh. No, not just yet, but thanks for asking," he responded sarcastically. He made his way over to her fridge and began to dig around for something edible.

Her eyes followed him confusedly; she had no idea why she was getting so many unexpected visits that morning.

"May I ask why the hell you're here, then?" she spat. He turned to face her and smiled menacingly.

"I've been keeping a lookout on Damon ever since his unlucky encounter with the lust for vampire blood. As a friend, of course," he said with an unconvincing wink. She glared him up and down, tilting her head to the side.

"That still doesn't answer my question. Why are you here, in my house?" she asked again. He grabbed a thing of yogurt from the fridge and slammed it shut.

"Got a spoon?" he asked, avoiding her question.

"Enzo!" she shouted.

"Alright, alright! Calm the temper, sweet heart," he cooed with his sweetly flowing accent. "I couldn't help but overhear the predicament that you're in."

"With Elena—I mean, Katherine?" she questioned. Enzo's eyes traveled around the kitchen in search of a spoon. Bonnie sighed heavily and swiped a spoon out of the drawer, throwing it toward him. He caught it swiftly and smiled triumphantly, but she wasn't impressed.

"To answer your question, no. Your predicament with Damon," he responded, opening the yogurt. Bonnie's face fell at the realization that he was there the entire time, which meant that he saw them in their five minutes of stupidity. It was bad enough that Stefan knew; now Enzo—of all people—was another one to add to the list.

"That's none of your business," she told him, walking toward the door.

"Oh, but it is. You see…Damon likes you. He doesn't like very many people, but he does like you. The only reason why that makes this relevant is the fact that you're not a vampire, and he doesn't lust uncontrollably for your blood," he said between scoops. Bonnie rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"I have no idea where you're going with this," she droned.

"I need you to keep him company until we find an antidote. If you don't, he'll end up hurting someone —like me, of course," he said, smiling at the end. "In order for that to happen, you guys sort of need to be on good terms."

"Oh, no. This is not happening right now. You are not about to use me for your own benefit," she declared, opening the door for him to exit. He snickered to himself as he tossed the empty yogurt in the sink.

"To my benefit? I didn't hear you complaining when he was devouring your lips a few minutes ago," he shot back, causing her to clamp her mouth shut. "Besides, you already owe a great deal to Elena for what you've done behind her back. It would be a shame if Damon did something to her because you couldn't get over yourself long enough for us to find a cure."

"So I'm just supposed to hold him hostage? You know I can't do that," she said back. Enzo smirked and inched closer to Bonnie.

"Oh, but you can," he argued, giving her a slow, subliminal wink. She clenched her jaw and stared directly into his sinister eyes.

"How long do you think it'll take you to find this cure, Enzo?" she wondered.

"Stefan has a lead, so hopefully no more than a few days. Think you can keep him distracted for that long?" he asked, laughing once more. She took a much-needed breath and nodded slowly.

"You better look fast," she threatened. He gave her one last smirk before leaving out the door. Bonnie double locked it, even though she knew that he'd be able to get back in if he really wanted to.

She considered her options; if Damon stayed with her, she didn't have to sleep with him. The only thing that could outweigh that possibility was the fact that she wanted to.

"Mind, I need you to be stronger than my hormones right now, okay?" she whispered to herself. She counted to 100 before she took out her phone and scrolled to his name. She pressed call and sat the phone on the counter, allowing it to go on speaker. It rang twice before he picked up.

"I'm sorry, Damon isn't available to play the whole 'we need to tell Elena' game, so if that's why you called, please leave your message after the beep," he spat; she could feel the hatred dripping from his words.

"Well hello to you, too," she sighed. Silence. "Can you come over?"

"What?" he asked; he was completely shocked to hear those words come out of her mouth. "Didn't you just kick me out twenty minutes ago?"

"Yeah, but I changed my mind," she lied, chewing on her lip. "And… bring some clothes."

"Are we having a slumber party?" he joked. "Are you going to paint my nails as we talk about cute boys?"

"I'll explain it to you when you get here, okay? Just do it," she said before hanging up. She hoped that she'd be able to control herself when she got around him.

two days later

Bonnie could honestly say that she deserved an award for her strong use of willpower. Damon's stay was short from tempting as he used every trick in the book to get Bonnie to let her guard down.

He tried the bathroom mannerism, cracking the door wide enough for her to see him in the nude. He walked around shirtless and he did that thing with his eyes where—well, he looked at her. That's all it took, really.

Even though Bonnie made a bed for him on the floor, he always ended up right beside her. She couldn't complain because his masculine arms were able to put her to sleep instantly. She was just afraid that she wouldn't be able to hold out for much longer.

She was currently lying beside him as Twilight played quietly on the television.

"Why do the Vampires sparkle with sun exposure in these movies?" he chuckled, resting his head in his large hand. She looked up at him and laughed lightly. "I mean, I guess it's better than burning like a fireplace…. nah, not even."

"I feel the same way about the witches in Hocus Pocus. Why are they so—

"Hideous?" he interrupted. She nodded slowly.

"Pretty much," she responded. "Witches don't look like that."

"That's a good question. I never remembered you looking that way when you were a witch," he told her. She tilted her head up and slanted her eyes.

"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" she wondered.

"Well… yeah. You're beautiful; nothing like those disgusting, cackling old bags. That's all I meant," he reassured. She smiled softly, turning back to the movie. He quickly grabbed the remote and switched the TV off, leaving the room completely darkened.

"Why'd you do that?" she wondered. She could feel him breathing heavily beside her, and she began to grow worried.

"Blood," he mumbled; Bonnie didn't even notice that there was blood on the screen. She leaned over and switched on the lamp. His eyes were dark, and his hands were shaking. Ever since he started staying with her, Enzo would bring over small portions of his and Stefan's blood to keep him sane, but something was happening. Damon was having withdrawals. She tried to think up a way to distract him.

"Want to play 20 questions?" she asked quickly, cursing herself mentally. He slowly turned to face her as his eyes began to turn back to normal.

"What?" he asked.
"20 questions. You know… where we each ask each other 10 questions to find out more about the other," she responded.

"I know how the game works. Why do you want to play?" he wondered. She could tell that he was still focused on his painful craving.

"I'm feeling nostalgic. I used to play this game all of the time. What's the harm in it? I'll go first," she urged. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Fine," he said. A plethora of questions swarmed her mind as she stared at him; she could tell that he was suffering.

"What is the first thing that you notice about a person?" she questioned. He opened his eyes and narrowed them in her direction.

"Uhh… their face?" he responded. She sighed heavily and glared at him.

"Really, Damon? Be serious, please?" she asked. He shrugged and thought for a moment.

"I guess I notice their demeanor. It's how I figure out their strengths, their weaknesses… it says it all," he said, staring off into a distance. Her mouth gaped open at his response. She would have thought that he'd say their hair. His eyes found hers, and she could have sworn that he smiled briefly. "I guess it's my turn."

"Oh, um, yeah. It is," she said as she slowly registered that he had spoken; she was completely caught off guard by his luscious eyes. They were definitely her weakness.

"What is your least favorite thing about yourself?" he wondered. She widened her eyes a bit and hit his shoulder.

"Are you trying to get me self conscious?" she asked.

"I'm asking the questions here," he smirked. She could sense that he was still thinking about blood, but he wasn't as tense as he was before. Progress was being made.

"My conscience. Even though it stops me from doing things that I might regret… it stops me from living," she whispered, looking up at him. He was giving her a look that she couldn't quite read, but she could tell that he cared about what she had to say.

"Your turn," he spoke softly.

"When was the last time you cried?" she asked. He took a few minutes to respond as he took slow breaths.

"Last night," he admitted. Bonnie widened her eyes, surprised at the fact that he was crying and she didn't even notice.

"Really? Why?" she asked. He shook his head and laughed.

"It's my turn to ask a question, remember?" he taunted. She sighed heavily and nodded.

"That's true. Go ahead," she urged.

"What is your greatest fear?" he asked, shrugging his shoulders; it was clear that he wasn't used to playing this game.

"I died. So… I guess I could say that death is my greatest fear. I'm kind of forced to face my fear every single day when someone has to pass through me to get to the other side," she responded.

"Are you getting used to it now that it happens all of the time?" he shot back, genuinely concerned about her duties of being the anchor.

"It's actually my turn to ask you a question," she winked, mimicking his earlier response to her. He grinned teasingly and nodded. "Now… why were you crying?"

"I don't know, to be honest. I was just thinking about Elena, this stupid Vampire craving… you," he finally said. Once again, her mouth fell open. He was thinking about her, and crying? She could understand when it came to Elena, but her? She didn't know what to say without sounding stupid, so she stayed quiet.

"Now answer my question," he said once he realized that she wasn't going to respond. She shook her head and frowned.

"It doesn't get easier. If anything, it gets harder. The fact that I know what's coming just makes it worse," she spoke. He reached over and rested his hand over hers, gazing at her apologetically. She could feel that familiar urge to get lost in him, but she was depending on that last ounce of willpower to get her through the night.

"That must be hard," he told her, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. She anxiously tried to think of something else to ask him.

"When do you feel the most loved?" she asked. He didn't exactly know how to answer that. He wasn't sure if he actually knew the answer to it.

"I guess the obvious answer would be when I'm around Elena," he said, causing her hand to twitch at the mention of her name—she didn't exactly mean for that to happen, but he noticed. "I guess I just feel the most loved when people actually listen to what I have to say… when they actually care."

"I can agree with that," she whispered, smiling lightly. "Your turn."

Damon stared at her for a long time, his lips parted slightly. There was a question that he had been holding in since the start of the game, but he didn't exactly know how he wanted to go about it. "Would you have expressed your feelings for me if I wouldn't have taken the first step?"

She stiffened up instantly; he definitely caught her off guard. "Excuse me?"

"When you tried to stop us that night… if I wouldn't have told you to allow yourself to do what you wanted, would you have done it?" he asked again. Things had just gotten terribly real. Her breath hitched as she considered his words.

"Um…" she began, her hand still clutched to his. "No, probably not. But… I'm glad that I did, if that makes it better." He nodded slowly, his eyes searching hers for a more innate answer.

"Is there something important that you want to tell me?" she breathed, her eyes wide and full of curiosity. He looked her up and down repeatedly, his chest pounding rapidly. He could feel her heart racing as he leaned toward her. Her eyes fell closed as he briefly pressed his lips to hers, pulling away quickly.

"There's something between us, Bennett. You know it, and I know it," he responded. Well, he did answer her question. "Am I wrong?"

She swallowed thickly and shook her head; he wasn't. As bad as it was, she couldn't lie to herself. She wanted Damon Salvatore. He smiled mildly and trailed his other hand down her arm. "It's your turn."

"Are you going to kiss me again?" she asked with anticipation. He smirked and grabbed hold of her neck, bringing her lips to his. She had finally allowed herself to let go of that willpower that she was desperately clinging to, and it felt good. Kissing Damon felt good.

He pushed her onto her back and climbed on top of her, resting his hands on either side of her thighs. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he began to grind against her; it brought her back to their shenanigans in the kitchen. Just as she was about to deepen their kiss, her phone buzzed from the nightstand.

Their bodies froze as they turned toward it. Bonnie could faintly see that it was a text from Enzo, and she had a feeling that she knew what it was going to say. She reached over and grabbed her phone, opening the text.

We found the antidote. Be over in 5 min.

She looked up at Damon, querulous at the fact that they weren't going to be able to finish their guilty act of pleasure.

"Looks like you're moving out tonight. Enzo found the antidote; he'll be over in five minutes," she said; she tried her hardest to sound delighted. She was happy that he wouldn't have to suffer anymore, but that only meant that he'd be able to go running back to Elena. She didn't know if she was ready for that just yet. She could tell by the look on his face that he was thinking the same thing as her.

"Tell Enzo to text you back in about an hour," he declared, placing a chaste kiss to her ruby lips. She gasped lightly, narrowing her eyes.

"What about the antidote?" she whispered.

"What about it?" he smirked; he devoured her lips slowly, blocking out the world around them.

And that was all it took to get the escapades going again.

Even if it was the last time they'd get the opportunity to be with each other, they were going to take advantage of the chance. Regardless of tomorrow's consequences, tonight, it would be worth it.

Author's Note: Welp, that's it, everyone! I hope it was to your liking; let me know in a review! I love you guys! Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo.