GUYS I AM SO SORRY THAT I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN LEGIT FOREVER! I've been sooooo busy. This weekend I got a new puppy and had my dance recital, so that's that. But honestly, I had such bad writer's block that I did not know what the heck to write. But here I am now, updating.
BTW: Thanks so much for 300 plus comments/reviews : ) It makes my heart swell with happiness. I honestly never thought that this story would be so loved and popular!
Okay, enough about me. Time for you guys to get what you deserve.
Disclaimer: I've been here for a few months now, so I hope you guys know that I don't own anything except the plot and Glenn.
Tris's POV:
It's been almost an hour since my little kissing incident with Glenn, and Christina has not shut up about it. Currently, we are sitting on my double-sized bed, me trying to tune her out and get some homework done for once, and her chatting my ear off about how hot Glenn was and how we should totally hook up and some other shit.
"Will you just freaking shut up already?" I ask, pulling my too-short purple tank top down while trying to solving the square root of 785 or something. Emphasize the word trying.
"But…your babies would be so cute!" she squeals while flinging her painted nails around like a seal dying from lack of oxygen.
That isn't even the worst of it. Why? Because now my phone is ringing. And it's an unknown number. Which can really mean one of two things.
"Oh my God! It's him! It's him! Answer it! Answer it!" she yells. She grabs my phone and throws it at me.
"I am! I am! Calm down!" I calmly catch my phone and answer it. "Sup? Tris speaking. Who is this." I half expect it to be Glenn and half expect it to be Four.
Not that I want him to call or anything.
"Tris? Hey it's Glenn." I smile.
"Who is it?!" Christina whisper yells. I shut her up with my hand.
"Yeah, hey Glenn," I say. I subconsciously smile a small smile.
"It is Glenn!" I hear Christina shriek.
"Um, what, or who, was that?" Glenn asks, a laugh in his voice.
"Christina," I say, laughing.
"The tan, tall female?" What else would she be? Well…according to her hands, she's a seal. "With the too much makeup on today?" he asks. I laugh a little too much at this.
"So, were you guys, like, expecting me or something?"
This has me at a loss for words. I can't say yes, because then he'll think that's kind of stalkerish. I can't say no, either, because then he'll think that I don't like him when I do. A little bit.
"Well, um…ye- I mean…" I stammer. He just laughs. This makes me smile a bit; the way he's so carefree.
"Don't worry. Um, now that I've got you on the phone…I mean, I know that kiss didn't really mean anything and that you just went through a breakup…but I was wondering if maybe…you would…um…"
I hear Christina squeal in the background. She must be able to hear what Glenn is saying.
"If I will go out with you?" I finish for him. I hear Christina whisper a "Don't be rude!" to me, but I block it out.
"Um, yeah, I guess. Listen, don't feel obligated to go with me…I understand if-"
"Glenn… I would love to. Honestly," I say to him, a huge smile dominating my face.
"Really?! Man, this day just keeps getting better and better….so, um when are you free? What's today? Wednesday or something? So how about Friday night at seven?" he asks.
Let's see…wait…Friday night is the talent show or something right? It can't be. Already?!
"Isn't Friday the talent show…?" I ask. You can never be too sure.
"Well, yeah, but I didn't really think you would want to go to that, right?"
Christina shoots me a quick death glare. Oh shit. She's singing in that.
"Well…Christina's singing in it so maybe we could, like, go grab some burgers or something at six then head down to the school for seven?"
"You're fine with just grabbing burgers? I guess you're just as laid back as Four said you were…man…"
My breath hitches.
"F-Four? Did he just mention Four? Like, your ex, Four?" Christina whispers. I hear the worry in her voice.
"U-um…what do you mean what F-Four s-said?" I ask as cool and collected as I possibly can muster.
"Shit! I knew I shouldn't've mentioned him…no, after you left this afternoon, Four came up to me and told me that if I ask you out that I should treat you right and that you're not like every other girl and shit like that. I mean, I guess he was right."
Hearing him say this brings tears to my eyes.
"Y-yeah. Friday's fine. Goodnight, Glenn," I stumble out.
I hang the phone up and throw it against the wall.
"Ugh! That son of a bitch!" I yell.
"What? What'd Glenn do?" Christina asks, rubbing my shoulder in comfort.
"No, not Glenn!" I sob pathetically. "It's what Four s-said!" My sobs overcome my body and I feel so pathetic just sitting here crying while Tob- Four is somewhere giving guys dating advice.
"What'd he say?" Christina asks softly.
"N-no. What he s-said was f-fine. Flattering, r-really."
"Then…what was it?" she asks.
I think this over for a minute. What he said made my heart fill up with longing to be with him and the desire to kiss him and to hold him and to love him and just ugh. But he doesn't love me because he freaking cheated on me. He never said he misses me or he regrets what he did or that it wasn't supposed to happen like this or even a simple "see you later."
So I now know what my answer is.
"It's what he didn't say," I tell her. And I mean it.
So I hope this satisfies your hunger for an update.
BTW: This is the same day as when Four said she looked different and she went in the bathroom to cry.
Now that dance is done, I'll have so much more time to update, so hopefully they'll be an update on Wednesday J