As much as I would like to own them, all the characters of Glee belong to Fox – I own nothing. All the characters of The Fast and the Furious belong to Universal Studios, I'm just borrowing some of them. All writing belongs to me.
Today is six of six! Have fun! (And enjoy the glorious fluff!)
Today in fast lane...
Santana and Brittany barely have time to bask in the morning after when work becomes a pressing issue, Mia surprises Santana out on the road, Dani makes a sudden change, and Rachel makes a particularly personal case to Letty that hits close to home, leading to a side of her people rarely often see...
Once again, thank you to everybody who is still invested in this story and letting me know what they love about these few updates I've managed to get written. I hope you've enjoyed them, I've certainly enjoyed updating for you every day! Going forward, I do have something that is gonna eat up my time for a little while (Mass Effect: Andromeda) – did anybody already guess I'm a gaming nerd at heart? Anyway, I'm working on ideas for the final stretch, I'm so pumped by posting to get this story finished for you guys and hopefully I might see some of you on my next project? ;P So, peace and love, YoungTruthLP :D
(P.S. Feel free to message me anytime, I will keep my authors notes much more up to date this time so you're all in the loop too. I'm just one PM – or ask if you're on Tumblr – away! I love you guys!)
Brittany looked up when she felt arms slide around her waist from behind, watching in the small bathroom mirror as Santana rested her head on her shoulder whilst her arms tightened securely.
"Hey, you ok? We've gotta leave soon or the others will start wondering where we've got to."
She nodded, letting her hand play with Santana's as their eyes met in the mirror. "Just thinking that's all."
"What about? Yesterday?"
"Definitely yesterday."
"All good I hope?"
Brittany turned around in her arms and brought her own up to rest around the other woman's neck tugging her closer. "Yep." She smiled, slowly bringing her into a soft kiss before pulling away again.
"But there's something on your mind." Santana mused, studying her girlfriend's face closely.
"And that is true too. It's nothing bad, I promise. I was just thinking about how you made me feel and I wanted to thank you." At Santana's silent but raised eyebrow she elaborated. "Yesterday I felt something that I've never felt before. For the first time in my entire life I've never felt more cared or loved for than I did when you made love to me. You took the weight I'd spent so long carrying and I finally felt it shift on my shoulders. Now all I can think about is how I've tortured myself all these years for no reason. Joe wouldn't want me to be moping around feeling sad for him on the day that I should be celebrating him, especially not with Race Wars so close. Instead he'd want me to be brave and getting things done, showing and proving everybody wrong. I also know now that if I'm gonna do that I want you by my side. I want you there when we finally stick it to all the other crews and Cassandra at Race Wars and there after-"
Santana smiled and connected their lips, cutting off the blonde's rambling – not that Brittany was complaining. On the contrary in fact. She let herself momentarily melt into the action, feeling Santana's hands around her waist tighten the longer it drew out. When she did eventually pull away she returned the smile up at the other woman and cupped both sides of her face.
"It's ok Britt, I get it. Thank you for letting me in. You had the chance to back out at any time but you told me, you were brave and you revealed something about yourself that wasn't easy. I know from experience just how hard it is. And you're right – Joe wouldn't want you being sad right before Race Wars. The question is, what do you propose we do?" She asked, full well knowing what the answer was, just needing to hear it actually coming out of Brittany's mouth.
"I think we should go back to work and make sure that we're ready to teach Cassandra and Puck a well-deserved lesson."
Santana smiled and kissed her again, her grin unmatched. "I think that's a great idea."
If Santana had known just exactly what would be happening to her that following morning she probably wouldn't have been as eager to get back to work. She was currently gripping hold of whatever she could get her hands on as Mia drove down busy road after busy road around Downtown Lima as fast as she could. Even being purposefully careful as to not arouse either Puck or Cassandra's attentions they needed to practice and having asked Santana to accompany her to make sure that the car needed no further tuning as Puck was out of town with his minions in the tri-city area practising himself no doubt, the Latina was starting to regret it, the reason being that Mia wasn't just driving fast, she was all over the road. Not in a bad way but just enough to have Santana on the edge of her seat and her heart pumping a little faster – something unusual considering the way she drove herself when it came to racing. Cars blared their horns as Mia swerved in and out of traffic and as the small brunette looked over at her passenger she laughed.
Santana shook her head, still gripping the door tightly. "Do you always drive like this?"
That made Mia laugh again, the driver shifting up a gear and going even faster. "What, afraid of going a little fast Santana?"
"No, it's just that I never expected-"
"It from me, I get it."
"You do?"
Mia nodded as she slowed down a little, for safety and conversations sake. "You never expected me, the quiet do-gooder of the group to let myself go on the road like this. I'm like the most unlikely person on the planet, surely you have noticed that by now."
"I have, no offense by the way."
"None taken. In fact, I'm glad I could surprise you. It makes my day worth it."
"That's certainly one way to look at it. You did surprise me though, I never thought you'd be willing to go so fast."
Mia shrugged as she turned onto another street, now going much slower in comparison to before. "There's a lot you don't know about me as I'm sure there's a lot that I don't know about you."
"You're right there."
"Besides, I needed to get into the swing. Race Wars isn't that far away. I need all the practice I can get."
"I hear that. Hence the reason why I'm now sat in the passenger seat of your NSX whilst you put it through it's paces."
"Exactly. I needed an expert eye on it."
"Oh, so now I'm an expert?"
Mia laughed. "If that's what you want to call it, then yes. I did need a hand though."
"What about Letty, why me?"
"Because Letty would have been focused on the power. You're more rounded, you see the bigger picture as well as the little things."
This time it was Santana's turn to laugh. "Don't let her hear you say that."
"I won't tell her if you won't."
"My lips are sealed."
"Good. Now, about that tuning..."
"Let me guess, you want me to pay special attention whilst you go really fast right?"
"Ok, let me just take a deep breath-"
"Too late."
Santana finally got that breath when they arrived back at the garage but Mia didn't make it easy for her. She turned onto the street fast and with the speed that they were currently going Santana didn't think they'd make the entrance or stop soon enough. But, Mia somehow pulled it off. It was with a rough but surprisingly controlled slide that she manoeuvred the car into the moderately sized front gate and the quick work of her feet that she somehow managed not to crash. Santana feared the worst as Mia spun the steering wheel and it all came to a stop as she snapped the car with a precision Santana had never seen before, apart from Brittany that is, right up close to the crew's Skyline that Matt had brought back as promised.
Santana was gasping for breath as the car remained motionless, half expecting Mia to pull some crazy stunt again but luckily for her the small brunette was done, at least for now anyway. As she put the car in park and turned off the ignition she laughed over at the Latina. "Hey, Earth to Santana. You ok?"
Blinking back into reality Santana managed a small nod. "Yeah, I think so."
"That was great!"
"That was terrifying."
"Oh come on, you do that stuff all the time."
"If I know I can do it! You steer first ask questions later."
Mia continued to chuckle. "I'm finding it hard to believe that you, Santana Lopez, daredevil extraordinaire, are scared by my driving."
"I am driving with you. Put me on a track in my own car in a tag team with you, I'm sure that we'd win without a doubt. They wouldn't even come close."
"You really think so?" Mia asked with a raised eyebrow as she unbuckled her racing harness to which she got a nod in response from Santana. She locked that mental note away for Letty for later.
"Yeah, especially that snap thing. I don't think I've ever seen anybody pull it off as cleanly as you."
"I'll take that as a compliment. Are you a little more confident about Race Wars because of it?"
"Yes, now that I've seen you drive."
"What about the car?"
"From what I've felt and heard everything feels great. What about you? What does it feel like behind the wheel?"
Mia tightened her hands on the wheel. "It feels good. The car feels responsive, fast, nimble, and a whole lot of fun that I've never had before."
Santana grinned. "Well, that's the whole point of it. As long as it's fun for you. Think you can do some damage with it at Race Wars?"
The smaller woman smirked. "Of course."
"I do need to ask you a question though, about your other car."
"Ok, what about it?"
"I was wondering if me and Brittany could borrow it?"
"What for?"
"That surprise we have for you and the rest of the crew is this weekend. We were wondering if we could use it for demonstration purposes as it's one of the best cars suited for our purpose."
"I don't see why not. As long as you clue me in on the plan?"
Santana seemed to consider it for a few moments. "Would you be mad if I said I wanted to keep it a secret until the day?"
Mia smiled and shook her head. "Of course not, just don't hurt my baby."
"We promise."
"Ok, fine by me. Just save me a spot for something good on the day. When do you want the keys?"
"Uh, this Friday? That gives me and Brittany a chance to look the car over and check to see if it needs any tuning tweaks before show time."
"I don't see why that should be a problem. Just holler at me and I'll hand them over. It's the least I can do for your help today."
"It was no problem, all you have to do is ask."
"Noted. Now, do you wanna see what chaos the rest of the crew have caused without my presence whilst we were gone?"
The Latina laughed and clapped her on the shoulder. "Of course."
When the crew heard the sound of a familiar highly tuned engine pull into the yard, a few of them lifted their heads to see. Nothing was out of the ordinary as Kitty stepped out of the passenger side of her Audi TT but it wasn't until Dani herself stepped out the driver's side door that it had the rest of the crew staring. Dani proceeded to lock up her girlfriend's car as normal and joined hands with Kitty as they made their way into the garage, using her free hand to pull off her sunglasses. When she looked around she stopped and frowned.
"Hey, what's with all the weird-ass stares?"
Quinn raised an eyebrow. "What's with you?"
Dani's frown intensified. "What do you mean?"
"Yeah D, what's with the new dye job?" Marley commented, coming to stand next to Quinn.
It was then that she understood, rolling her eyes with a shrug. "I felt like a change."
This time it was Tina's turn to join in. "Yeah but one as drastic as this?"
Dani didn't have a chance to respond as Letty cut in, already seeing the lack of work going on in her garage from all the way in the back. "Wow D, finally gone brunette like the rest of us?"
The former blonde rolled her eyes for a second time and sighed. "Not finally, I've gone back."
"Care to elaborate?" The crew leader asked.
She sighed. "I've always been a brunette. I felt like I needed a refresher before Race Wars and changing my hair was the easiest and most effective way."
"I think it looks great." Kitty admired, internally beaming at the great job she had done the night previous.
"I agree. It looks cool D." Santana added, looking up from The Silvia's engine where she was stood next to Brittany.
"Now me and Quinn are the only blondes. It's still super awesome though." Brittany added with a pout and then a smile as she handed Santana something.
"Thanks Britt." She smiled gratefully, getting a grin back in response.
"The mix of light and dark brown work great Dani. Nice to see a change around here."
"Thank you Mia."
Letty then decided to cut in. "As much as I would like to admire Dani's hair all day-"
"We get it, back to work." Quinn rolled her eyes, turning back to the LFA's engine.
"What she said." Letty finished, Mia walking alongside her as they made their way back to where the Equus was now sat near the back of the garage.
"Just to throw in my two cents, I think it's looks amazingly imposing. Everybody at Race Wars isn't gonna know what hit them." Tina offered with a smile and a clenched fist.
Dani bumped it with her own. "Thanks T."
"Back to work ladies!" She heard from Letty somewhere in the back of the garage.
Dani sighed as Kitty turned to her. "Hey, I've got business for my sponsorship with Burt and Letty but I'll see you on the way out ok?"
Kitty smiled sweetly and cupped her cheek, pressing a quick but soft kiss to her lips. "Ok, I love you baby. P. S. I think it looks sexy."
"I love you too." She replied, stealing an extra kiss before Kitty pulled away completely, heading towards the back of the garage to conduct her business.
It was then that Dani turned her head and decided to join Quinn who was working on her LFA. Across the room Santana gasped and Brittany snapped her head up to look.
"San, you ok?"
"Yeah, I just cut myself that's all. Stupid packaging." Brittany scanned her girlfriend and spotted the offending item on her lap. Currently sat in the driver's seat of Mia's Silvia she could see the dashboard camera still in it's packaging half opened.
"Here, let me see." Knowing that Brittany wouldn't let this go Santana held up her hand for Brittany to examine. "It's nothing too bad. Hold on, I have some band-aids in my backpack."
Santana waited patiently for Brittany to return, the blonde rummaging through said backpack which was currently residing on the familiar worn out couch by the open main garage door.
"Ok, I have Scooby-Doo or Hello Kitty?"
"Uh, Scooby-Doo."
Brittany smiled as she opened the box. "I had a feeling you'd pick that one."
Santana shrugged. "What can I say, I love Scooby-Doo."
"I have My Name Is Totoro ones at home."
"You do?"
The blonde shrugged and she started pealing the packaging off of the band-aid she'd retrieved. "What can I say, I like cute Japanese stuff."
Santana grinned as she let her girlfriend bandage up her wounded finger. "Nice. I wanna see them when we get home."
"It will be my pleasure." She whispered, finishing and pulling her in for a soft kiss. "There, all better."
"Kiss it better?"
Brittany laughed and kissed Santana's finger. "There, even better?"
"Even better."
"Good, need help with that?" She asked, motioning to the half opened package still resting on Santana's lap.
Moving around the car Brittany slid into the passenger seat, taking the camera off of Santana. "Ok, let's see what we have here..."
"Ok señoras. Gather round for a minute." Letty announced a few hours later, everybody stopping what they were doing to gather around where she was stood next to Dani's LFA.
"What is it boss?" Marley questioned as she crossed her arms over her chest and stopped next to Tina.
"I have an important update to announce."
"Well, don't keep us in suspense." Rachel urged, earning an eye roll from her step-sister.
"Today I can tell you that Quinn's R35 and Dani's LFA are officially finished and ready for Race Wars!" There was a wave of noise that swept through the garage as everybody cheered, thankful to have finally finished two more cars, which meant that they were now another step closer to their goal. "Ok ok, settle down for a moment. This means that the only cars left are the BRZ, which I'm assured by both Brittany and Santana is a day away from completion and my Equus which isn't really that much work."
"But what about this weekend?" Tina questioned.
"It may not be ready but for everybody else the fact that your cars are done means that I can rest easy. Don't worry about me, I have something up my sleeve. In the meantime I want you hard at work getting the BRZ finished in preparation for what Santana and Brittany have planned for us this weekend. Oh, and a round of drinks on me at Kitty's tonight for all your hard work. Now, back to work. Abby, I need to see you for a few minutes, I have something I want you to do for me real quick."
Abby nodded and the crew cheered before splitting back off to what they were doing before. Letty pulled a piece of paper from her back pocket and handed it to the young blonde. "Here, I want you to go over to Holly's and pick up these parts for my Equus. Take the keys to the truck and head over there pronto. Just hand Holly the list and she'll know what to do."
"On it." Abby replied eagerly, taking the keys and turning on her sneaker-clad heels.
Rachel eyed her eagerness as she walked past and smiled, happy that Abby was ready to get on with whatever task she was given, but what new rookie wasn't? She continued to walk until she came to a stop next to her step-sister where she was at the back of the garage.
"Hey, you ok?"
Letty nodded. "Of course, why wouldn't I be?"
"Don't lie to me Leticia Ortiz, I know when my sister is caught in her own thoughts. You haven't stopped staring longingly at Mia all day. All week in fact."
Before Letty could protest Rachel held a hand up to stop her, already knowing the typical response that was going to come out of her mouth. "Don't. Don't try to deny what is true. You and I both know that it won't end well."
"Ok, enlighten me as to why you're bringing this up?"
Rachel turned her gaze to Mia who was at the other end of the garage conferring with Brittany over a clipboard which she knew was the BRZ's complex parts check-list. It didn't surprise her when Letty's gaze joined hers on the petite brunette.
"You need some time for yourselves."
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me." Rachel pressed, turning back to the Latina whilst her gaze stayed on her sister's girlfriend. "We need you on top of your game at Race Wars and I haven't seen you look at Mia like that since we lost last year."
"What are you getting at?"
"Only a fool wouldn't able to see that you want to spend time with her. She's your girlfriend, it's understandable. Luckily me and Quinn know not to let it get this bad. Well, any of the inter-crew couples in fact. We all have our ways of dealing with the stress together before the big competition. With work and practice I bet you haven't had any time to yourselves to just be Letty and Mia."
"Why are you telling me all this?"
Rachel shrugged as if it were the most obvious thing on the planet. "Because we, i.e. the rest of the crew, can't stand to see you moping whenever it comes to your girlfriend – not only here but at home too. We want you happy, especially when you know what's coming."
"Fine, and what do you suggest I do about this?" The crew leader asked, finally turning to her sister, her arms crossed over her chest.
"Tonight when we go to Kitty's, have one drink and then take her home. Use the time alone to enjoy the house to yourselves whilst we're not there. I'm sure the rest of the crew won't mind staying out a little bit longer if it means you're happier come tomorrow morning."
"You'd do that for me?"
"I'm your sister, it's my job. Now I want you to make an effort Ortiz and show your girlfriend how much you care about her and how much you appreciate all her hard work managing our rag tag bunch of crew members. Think you can do that?"
Letty nodded. "I'll try."
"Ok then. I have some dashboard work to draw up for your Equus but I'll be expecting confirmation tomorrow morning."
The older women nodded with a grin and pulled Rachel in for a hug. "Thanks Rach. I mean it."
Rachel hugged her back just as tightly. "I know you do sis. Come on, we've both got work to do and you've got a rep to protect."
Letty laughed as they pulled away and playfully punched Rachel in the arm, earning a loud laugh from the brunette as she made her way back to her workstation where various bits of paper with complex dashboard designs littered her drawing board. With a renewed vigour Letty bit her lip with a smile and made her way back to her and Burt's shared office to wait for Abby to return with the parts she'd sent her to retrieve. In the meantime she was going to come up with some ideas on how to spend some quality time with her girlfriend without seeming too desperate.
The music at Kitty's bar thumped loudly as Letty's crew enjoyed their round of drinks on their crew leader. Said leader however, had only taken a brief sip of her Corona as she searched for her girlfriend, her mind pre-occupied with other thoughts. Spotting her at the back in their usual area she made her way over and slid in next to her.
"Hey babe."
"Hey Let. Thanks for the drinks."
She shrugged. "You've all earned it. You on the other hand have earned something much more significant."
Mia raised an eyebrow as she took a sip of her drink. "What do you mean?"
It was then that Letty got up, putting her nearly-full drink down on the table, and offered a hand to her. "Come with me and find out."
Mia briefly glanced around at her friends, all of them letting loose and enjoying themselves after a hard and long days work. Seeing as Letty never did something like this the tiny voice in the back of her head had her immediately taking the offered hand with a smile, much to Letty's delight. Her own drink now abandoned on the table next to Letty's she let herself be led outside onto the street and towards the Latina's Plymouth, happily accepting the chivalrous open door from her girlfriend. Strapping herself in it wasn't long before the torque-laced engine was thundering into life. A quick press of the gas pedal and they were off. To where Mia didn't know but she trusted Letty enough to not ask questions.
In the end she had only driven her back home. Confused Mia turned to Letty just as the other woman was unbuckling herself from her Sparco seat.
"Letty, what's going on?"
Letty laughed, reaching over and unbuckling the suspicious brunette's race harness for her. "What? Can't a girl show her woman a little quality time alone together?"
Mia raised en eyebrow. "But you never-"
"I know." She sighed, holding up a hand. "And to be honest I kinda regret that. Hell, I really regret that. I hate myself for not making the time for you but the crew has just been so much work and we have so much to get done I-"
Mia cut off her ramblings with a hand on her jaw and a quick but soft silencing kiss to her lips. "I get it. Just show me whatever it is that you want, I'm all in."
"You are?"
She nodded, her thumb caressing the other woman's cheek. "Yes, now what is it that you wanted to show me?"
"Follow and you shall see Miss. Toretto."
Getting out of the car she took Letty's hand and allowed herself to be pulled once again. Letty led her down the driveway the short distance to the front porch where there was a single unlit candle and a rose.
"Here, sit. I have to get something from the kitchen." She instructed, pressing a quick kiss to Mia's forehead.
Doing as she was told she sat down on the top step of the porch as she heard her girlfriend head inside and it wasn't long before the other woman was re-emerging, this time with two beers and a lighter. She joined her sitting on the top step and handed her one of the drinks, then lighting the candle.
"If you don't mind me asking, when something romantic involves candles doesn't it usually mean more than one?"
"I had a feeling you'd ask that. That's why, if you'd notice, there are fairy lights strung up around the entire edge of the porch."
Looking around in response to the new information Mia smiled. "So there is."
"What's more important though is the fact that we're here alone with no one to interrupt us – from the crew at least."
Mia giggled and leaned into the other woman, her head coming to rest on her shoulder. "So you whisked me away from the precious company of the rest of our crew just so that you could have me alone all to yourself for a few hours?"
Letty shrugged. "It worked didn't it?"
"Such a hopeless romantic, even in the simplest of ways." Mia sighed dramatically, ending it with a chuckle.
Letty fake-groaned. "I'm not that bad."
Mia raised an eyebrow, pulling her head away to make eye contact with the other woman. "Is that so? Where's the proof?"
Letty laughed. "Ok ok, I give in. I should do this more often. I know, I'm kinda a bad girlfriend."
Mia rolled her eyes but gripped onto Letty's bicep tighter, her head resting back on her shoulder. "There's another reason why I'm here though isn't there?" She asked after a few beats of silence, letting her eyes focus on anything and everything in front of her.
The older Latina sighed. "There is, I'll admit that."
"Ok, Miss. Ortiz, what is it that you wanted to share with me?"
"I wanted to thank you."
"For what?"
"All your hard work?"
"Let me get this straight: you dragged me away to be alone with you just so you tell me thank you?"
"It's more than that. Let me finish woman." Letty chuckled, earning one from Mia in return.
"Ok, I'll be quiet. Continue love." She urged, pressing a light kiss to Letty's cheek.
"As I was saying, I wanted to thank you for all your hard work. You're the one making sure that everything on Santana's check-list of parts is bought, fitted, and works. You make sure that the girls are working every minute of the day to make sure we're on time for Race Wars. You patch us up when we do something stupid, and you make dinner for everybody for nothing in return. Hell, you even put up with me, even when I went away to do time. Mia, I don't think people really appreciate all that you do for this team. I just wanted to take a quick breath, no matter how romantic or unromantic the moment may be, to thank you for that. If it weren't for you we'd be bumbling our way through the gates of Race Wars this year, probably not even at all but Santana can take a little credit for that, she's done one hell of a job. I may not say it very often but Mia Toretto I love you."
By now Mia had pulled away to study the other woman as she talked, admiring the simple fact that she'd expressed her gratitude and love for her aloud at all. For someone like Letty it was hard. She always had to be that stoic, hard faced leader that didn't let anybody see her emotions. Sometimes Mia found that hard as Letty rarely showed her feelings, even to her. The fact that she was expressing them in the way she said things, Mia was more grateful for that than any thanks she got for organizing the rest of their team. Of course, she accepted them proudly, knowing that no one else could do the job other than her, but she was happy that she was getting it whilst alone with her girlfriend.
She smiled and looked up at the other woman, leaning in and pressing a kiss to her jaw, just below her ear. "Thank you, I very much appreciate it."
"I knew you would."
"Now, I would like to show you how thankful for that I am..."
Before Letty had any chance to respond Mia was kissing her way down her jaw to her chin, nipping before moving upwards until their lips met. When they did they sunk into the slow action before Letty was pulling her closer by the waist. Her hands slid around her jean-clad hips but it wasn't enough. It wasn't long before she was pulling her into her lap. Mia happily straddling her, the younger brunette let her arms rest loosely upon Letty's shoulders as the Latina pulled her as close as possible, Mia moaning into her mouth as familiar hands found her, in Letty's opinion, perfectly curved rear.
"Letty, baby, wait."
"What? What is it?" She asked in between kisses, too lost in the moment.
Mia pushed a hand to her chest to momentarily separate them, not that she wanted to though. "We're on the front porch."
"Where everyone can see us."
There was a brief pause but it didn't take long for Letty to understand. With Mia in her arms she pulled herself up off the top step of the porch where she had been sitting and backed up towards the door as Mia's legs locked themselves tightly around her waist.
Mia nodded, pressing kiss after kiss to the crew leaders neck distractedly. "Anywhere away from prying eyes."
Letty chuckled, kicking the front door closed behind her with a booted foot. "Your wish is my command Miss. Toretto."