Writer: Thank you, PotterHeaded Half-Blood, for protecting me :D. I'm so happy that you understand me while Pinacolada, not.

Dear Pinocolada-san,

I only wrote this story just for my fun. I only wanted attention because I've problems along the way in my life (Truthfully in reality, I'm not a talkative person) and I never realized that I wrote threats about reviews for not reviewing or what not. (I never realized while writing it because I'm pretty sleepy back there and stressed. When I read it, I was like "Oh my gosh! They're right! 0_0. And then, I edit it.) And also, I only wanted what your thoughts about this story because I wanted to improved myself. Since this is not my true native tongue: English. Fyi, I know my grammars "sucks". Nobody is perfect, right? And you know, you shouldn't call people whores, hope they fail there exams or have children taken from then or call me a sexist and call me an Idiot because YOU don't know me pretty well. If I'm dumb, why Am I writing a full sentences? And why my words are straight and know abc? Don't judge people when you don't know who they are. And did you ask yourself that you're perfect? You're quite offending, truthfully speaking. If you think I'm easily quit writing fanfiction, oh no you don't. I'm a stubborn girl. If you don't like my story, fine. Be it, and good bye! I won't force you anyway because that's your decision. About this story, I'm glad Potterheaded Half-Blood found out that Americat is maternal, instead of paternal bond with Iggycat. And when I read about your review, my first thought is…"You've an anger issue." Do you know that you're cyberbullying me? If you're in my country right now, you should be ready. And also I'll give you a piece of advice, tone down your colorful words. You said in my review earlier that "cuz lord knows you won't pass" How do you know? Did the lord speak to you? I bet that with one of your colorful words, you speak to him. Truthfully speaking, when I'm in wrath, I only should say one colorful words. Do you know why I didn't say even one bad words in a single sentences? I promised myself when I was young that I shouldn't, but only I broke my promise myself when I'm in anger (Sad it is, but I know how to control my anger when I realized it immediately) and using (not in words but writing) the characters personality. If you've a problem with me, use your account and face me!

Writer: Above there is my true feelings and facts about myself~ I even wonder how many writers have to face that, discouraging the people just like that and then quit. If you already experience that; just be strong and fight the one who did that to you. Don't you worry~ I'm on your side~ If you want to talk to me, just PM me and I'll PM you. (Don't worry, I'm a friendly person.) Oh yeah, I really need a beta-reader because my other beta-reader is busy with her exams . I wish you luck, my friend :D.

Disclaimer: hetalia is not mine.

Thank you for supporting me~

Note: Okay, I better stop experimenting tenses and just do with a flow.

Chapter 3: When the storm comes

Messy, short blonde hair and worried lime-green eyes watched upon his closed window outside. It was raining pretty hard as thunder struck loudly.

The blonde hair has slender figure, bushy eyebrows, and he wore his military uniform; it has green jacket, a brown Sam Browne belt (the over-the-right-shoulder-and-waist-belt), green pants tucked into his boots, off-white shirt, a tie that's a shade of green that's slightly darker than the rest of his uniform, and brown boots that almost come up to his knees.

He was quite worried about his beloved cat, Oliver, a Scottish Fold cat. His named is England. Yes, as in a representative of United Kingdom.

England continued to watch outside his window, which is his own garden. He was worried why his beloved cat isn't home. And then, he decided to look for his beloved cat. England wasted no time as he walked towards his kitchen, where the back door is outside his garden.

England already knows that his cat, Oliver, is a smart cat. Every time it rains, he was always inside his home, waiting for him. Today, it seems suspicious that his cat is gone.

England also knows that his cat liked his garden, where he spend time with. He didn't seems to mind though…

Suddenly, someone stopped him when someone called his name. He almost twist the backdoor knob towards outside though. He looked behind his back in curiosity, and he saw one of his ghost friend was holding his green umbrella.

"England. Don't forget to bring this." Said the ghost. The ghost has long hair, and she wore a long gown. She didn't have a color though because she was transparent, and her only color is violent-blue as she floats in the air. England used his rare smile and thanked her, and then he opened his door and went outside while using his umbrella, forgetting to close his door. The ghost only shook her head with a smile. The girl knows that England was a worry-wart when it comes to his friends and families when they're in trouble, forgetting to prepare anything. The girl closed the door as she wished the best of luck towards England.

England's PoV~

I ran as fast as possible, gripping the handle of my umbrella tightly while calling my cat's name.

"Oliver! Oliver! Where the bloody hell are you!" I shouted. I stopped running, and then I started to pant. I listened towards my surroundings, but the only thing I heard is the pitter-patter of the rain. Suddenly, the wind blows heavily as I shivered by the cold. Fortunately, I gripped the handle quite tightly, turning my knuckle white. And then I started to ran fast again, shouting my cat's name again.

"Oliveeeeer!" I shouted while running, and then I heard the mews of the kitten. I stopped running as I panted curiously.

"O-Oliver?" I said, panting. I looked around in my surroundings, and then I heard the mews of the kitten.

'Maybe that's where my beloved cat is…..And why it sounds like a kitten?' I thought curiously. I stop pondering immediate as I ran quickly towards where the sound came from. I didn't have time to waste because my cat is in trouble!

The mews continued over and over again until I heard the sound came from the hole of the tree, underneath it.

When I approached the tree, I saw the beautiful view in front of me. Okay, a tad bit, because my cat is wounded.

In front of me was my shivering wet cat, protecting a small kitten while curling, giving him warmth by his fur; they're wet. The two creatures looking at me curiously, disturbing what they were doing. I noticed that my cat looks at me like he broke a vase while he looked away nervously, while the small kitten immediately looked away, lost in interest at me, but he looked at my cat's wounded leg worriedly. He mews uselessly, not knowing what to do. My cat's left leg is wounded as the blood oozing out.

I looked at them gently, and then I told my cat, "I'm not mad, Oliver. Quickly, come. Let's come inside, shall we?"

The two of them looked at me immediately: One is quite happy while he mews, while the other one looked at me with his eyes quite apologetically. I only smiled at my cat in forgiveness.

Hurriedly, I carried them both gently in one arm while the other hand was holding the handle of my umbrella to protect ourselves from the rain.

While looking at the two felines, I felt nostalgia about myself and America, when he was a colony. I walked away, going to my cozy home, with a small smile.

England's PoV ends~


Writer: Awww~ I wonder what Americat's future holds along his way. Will England take another cat or not? That's the answer you will find out in the next future chapters. Did England looks OOC to you? I think I'm losing my touch towards hetalia! Noooooo~! I better re-watch the episodes xD.