The Dragon Warrior Blues

Hello everyone, because of my love of the anime 'Cowboy Bebop' I've decided to retell the stories in the anime using the characters of Kung Fu Panda. The stories will be altered in order to fit in more with the verisimilitude of the Kung Fu Panda universe, E.G This series will not take place in space but will instead be about Po and the other bounty hunters traveling around China in order to catch criminals.

Because of their different back stories I warn you that some characters will be a bit different to what you expect. I won't give examples as I want people to find out naturally through the story why these characters are different. Also don't expect every character to appear, I will try to place every member of the Furious Five in here somewhere but not all of them will become part of the team.

I hope you enjoy this and I would very much appreciate a review of this.


Five Years Ago

He had forgotten how long he been standing in the rain now, in the distance a bell tolled loudly its ring reverberated throughout the cold dark streets of the rundown town that he had found himself in. He was leaning against a wall waiting for something, a signal to tell him when he should execute his plan.

He was a panda, the last of his kind he had been told. He didn't let that thought dictate his life however and he lived his life how he wanted to.

He held a bouquet of roses in his hand, the material that was supposed to be protecting from weather such as this was useless and soaked. He moved off of the wall and stood up straight, when he wasn't slouching he made for an imposing figure.

His footsteps echoed down the alleyway as he walked slowly towards his destination. A nearby puddle caught his attention for a second, he pulled a single rose out from the bouquet and let it fall into the puddle, the red from the rose created a juxtaposition against the dull skies and dark streets.

He saw the building he was looking for, he looked up and both the full majesty of the house and the weight of the task in front of him almost overwhelmed him and sent him running for the hills. He gulped and remembered who was waiting for him, his courage returned soon after that.

The figure slowly walked up to the door and pushed it open, there was a stillness in the air just before the ambush happened. It was as he expected, upon entering the building he was attacked by several members of the Red Dragon Crime Syndicate. He dropped the bouquet of flowers and threw a throwing knife that he had been holding onto for the past few hours, it streaked across the room and embedded itself into the forehead of one of them.

The panda dived across the room and engaged in combat, he smashed the flat of his palm into an antelope's nose. He felt the bones crack and turn to dust from the blow. A fist found its way into the back of the panda's head, he stumbled and walked into a vicious kick from another assassin.

He tried to gasp but the air had left his lungs, he didn't give up however and finished the antelope off with a swift but brutal punch to the throat, the antelope fell desperately trying to breathe through his destroyed throat, he fell to the ground and didn't get back up again after that.

The panda got into a martial arts pose and proceeded to dispatch the remainder of the scum that had been lying in wait for him. In a few seconds he managed to take out another two of them. The panda went to kill the remaining one, he turned and found him leaned against the far wall looking fearfully at him, he moved closer to seal the deal until the remaining gangster moved his hand, there was a flash of silver for a second and then the panda felt a sharp object pierce his stomach.

He grunted in pain and fell to his knees, the gangster laughed victoriously and causally walked over to finally end the fight, the panda felt some blood leak out of his mouth and saw it drip onto the floor. He glanced up at the gangster and grinned cockily.


Present Day

A wagon rested on the side of the road, its wheel were worn from days of constant travelling and drifting. The sound of sizzling could be heard from a portable stove on one side of the wagon, a panda was standing on the other side of the wagon punching the air and practicing some form of an unknown martial art.

Sweat leaked from the panda's pores and his well-defined muscles ached in protest, he had been doing this for hours now, it was more from a lack of anything to do rather than a desire to keep his form consistent. The panda was wearing shorts, sandals and small bracers around his wrists.

A goose looked up from the stove and smiled to himself, he was wearing an apron with 'Kiss the Cook' written on the front of it, he was also wearing a simple red robe with light yellow lining, and a gold-coloured belt with wave designs on it. The panda swung his leg through the air and held it aloft for a few seconds, his face was contorted in concentration.

"Hey Po!" said the goose peeking around the wagon Po the panda looked at him out of the corner of his eye, "It's ready" the goose continued. Po put his foot back onto the ground and bowed to an invisible opponent. "I'm just about finished" Po said, "What's cooking?" he asked hoping for something tasty.

The goose smirked, "Today's special is Bell Peppers and Dumplings", Po's face lit up upon hearing the word 'Dumpling' for the panda loved dumplings. The goose walked back around to dish up the food with Po following behind him, the side of the wagon read 'Bebop'.

The goose held out a plate of food which Po took graciously, the panda sat cross legged on the floor and then started to scowl at his food noticing that something was off about it. The goose grabbed his food, sat down, pulled a note out of his pocket and began to read from it.

"Asimov Solenson, he's our next target. The reward is 2,500,000 yen apparently" said the goose, Po was only half listening and he was now picking through his food with his hands looking for something. Po looked up from his bowl with a frown plastered on his face, "Uh, listen Ping" he said.

The goose continued unaware that Po wasn't really listening, "He's a major player in the syndicate and he apparently operates all over China". Po tried to change the subject, "You said Bell Peppers and Dumplings" he said.

Ping ignored him, "I said his name is Asimov Solenson, Are you even listening to me?!" he admonished. Po put his bowl down in annoyance, "There's no Dumplings in here so you wouldn't really call it 'Bell Peppers and Dumplings' would you?".

Ping frowned at him, "Yes, I would". Po stood up angrily, "WELL IT'S NOT!" Ping sighed, "It is when you're broke all right?!"

"What happened to the Million reward we got for that last guy?" Po asked, Mr Ping closed his eyes in annoyance, "It went towards the repair bill for the businesses that you helped to destroy and the buildings you wrecked" Po blanched.

Mr Ping wings clenched in anger, "And the medical bill for the guy you injured, IT KILLED THE DOUGH!" he yelled. Ping breathed for a second to calm himself down, he picked the bounty note up again and continued to read it, "Now, three days ago there was a standoff between his group and a rival syndicate, he killed his own guys and then took off like the wind, word is that he's hiding out with some sweet thing in Shong".

Po looked up with a raised eyebrow, "Shong? That place is for small fries". Ping nodded and waved the note with a grin, "Yeah but this small fry is worth two and a half million". Po closed his eyes and put his arms behind his head nonchalantly, "I think I'll pass, I don't feel like it".

Ping shrugged dramatically, "Oh well, speaking of Shong apparently they have some dumplings there". Po's eyes snapped open immediately.


Po pushed a straw hat over his head and looked up at the sign above the village, he said the name out loud, "Shong". Ping was stood next to him, "I'll join you later after I've hit up the local law enforcement to see if I can find any clues so we can find our Mr Solenson".

Po nodded and walked off with his hands in his pockets, he started to whistle a tune that he had heard a long time ago. Ping smirked to himself, "Nice tune, real easy".


Shong was a dump, its walls were caked in graffiti and there was the smell of despair everywhere. A thick fog enveloped the sky due to the local factories and other industries. A small bar was on a street corner, above the entrance there was a huge sign that read 'El Ray'.

Inside the establishment was a bored looking rhino standing behind the bar cleaning out a glass, sitting at the table by the bar was a group of three elderly sheep, they were playing cards and arguing with each other. "This again!" complained the first sheep, he had his arm raised in anger at losing his money again for what seemed like the hundredth time, the second sheep who had a massive grin on his face scooped up the huge pile of money in the canter of the table.

The first sheep crossed his arms and grumbled to himself, "Taking my money like that, cheating dogs! You wouldn't even be able to gamble if it wasn't for what I did in the war, I busted my tail fighting off those rebels". The other two sheep rolled their eyes at the familiar excuse, "You always say the same thing when you're losing, we all fought in that war together you idiot!" the second sheep replied, the third one nodded in agreement, "That we did" he added.

The door to the bar opened interrupting their argument, standing in the doorway were two figures, a fierce looking snow leopard and an attractive looking lynx. The snow leopard glared at the three sheep then quickly walked over to the bar and pulled up a stool, he gestured to the lynx to sit next to him.

Upon closing inspection it was clear that the lynx was pregnant, she was walked over to what was presumably her partner at the bar and sat down next to him. The sheep looked lustfully at the lynx, she ignored it masterfully, it was clear she was used to these kinds of glances. The snow leopard did nothing to stop the sheep running their eyes over her, he must have been used to it too.

The snow leopard tapped on the desk and the rhino walked over to serve him, "Give me a drink" he said coldly, the rhino took it in his stride and looked at the lynx to see what she wanted. "I'll have as well" she said with a bit more warmth.

"Are you sure you want plain water?" the rhino asked, he pointed at the storeroom "I'm sure we've got something a bit more exotic for a lady such as yourself". The snow leopard nodded, "I'll help you look"; he got up out of the stool and followed the rhino round to the storeroom.


Outside some buffaloes were making their way towards El Ray's, they were armed and they all had dangerous glints in their eyes.


The snow leopard closed the door behind him, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small red flower. "Premium Red Eye" he declared, "You're a buyer you know the score". The rhino cast a suspicious eye over the flower, "Is that real?" he asked.

The snow leopard nodded slowly.


Outside the buffalo's surrounded the bar and waited for a signal.


The rhino crossed him arms, "I'm going to need a little proof, let's have a demonstration" he ordered. The snow leopard looked at contemplatively for a second before complying with the request, he put his face close to the petals and took a deep breath.

He immediately felt the effects of the drug rush through his body, the snow leopard's pupils turned red and he fell to his knees clutching his head while letting out a gasp of pain. He looked up the rhino with a dark grin on his face, "Yeah" he snarled, "Keep those eyes open".

CRASH! The door to the bar was booted down by the buffaloes who had been waiting outside. The lynx immediately overturned a table and took cover behind it. She put a hand to her mouth and called out, "Asimov! Help me", Asimov the snow leopard pounced out of the store room and dived into the intruders. The Red Eye slowed the world down and made him see everything through a red tint.

Asimov made quick work of all of them, the snow leopard left none of them alive and throughout his rampage he had coated some of the walls with blood. He turned to the lynx who rose up from behind the bar and gasped at the carnage that had been created, she looked at him and the blood on his hands to which he gave a sickly smirk.


Po sat cross legged across from the Soothsayer who held her hoof outstretched and had sand running through it and going onto the carpet. Po had decided to seek out the local mystic in the hopes of finding a lead for Asimov after having spent the past two hours looking around unsuccessfully.

His stomach rumbled and he sighed to himself, "Look, this is real 'mystic' and all but do you have anything to eat here?" The soothsayer ignored him and continued to let the sand fall to the ground, Po's stomach rumbled again and he closed his eyes in annoyance , "I see" he grumbled.

They sat in silence for a little while longer before she spoke, "The Red Eyed Leopard will appear in the far end of town. That, is what I see". Po opened his eyes and looked at her curiously, "A Red Eyed Leopard? North of Town".

The sand finished running so the Soothsayer closed her palm, "You, Swimming Bird", Po looked around, "Who? Me?" She confirmed it with her next answer, "You, Swimming Bird will meet a woman, the Bird will be hunted by this woman and then. Death" She finished grimly.

Po closed his eyes again and smiled softly to himself, "One more time" he whispered nostalgically. The Soothsayer looked at him in confusion, "What's that?" She asked. Po slowly got to his feet, "I was killed once before, by a woman".

He went to leave but was stopped by her voice, "You take women too kindly my friend". Po waved nonchalantly, "On the contrary, catch you later" And with that, he left. The Soothsayer grabbed another handful of sand, "May the gods guide his spirit" she blew the sand into the air.


Ping stood with his wings on his hips and observed the destruction. He was in a bar called 'El Ray's' which he had been informed by the locals had recently had a huge gunfight here, because he was also struggling for leads he had decided to come here to see if there was anything in this place that they could possibly use to track down Asimov Solenson.

He wandered over to the bar and climbed up onto a stool, he reached behind the bar and pulled up the first bottle that his wing landed on, he found something and then pulled it out. "Ahhh" he remarked when he saw it, it was a cheap bottle of Saki, he raised the bottle to his mouth after opening it.

"On the house" he said to no one in particular. He stopped when he heard two people approaching from the outside, he quickly dived behind the counter only stopping to make sure that he had picked up his bottle of cheap Chinese liquor.

The door to the bar opened and Ping heard them slowly move about the crime scene, "They must be admiring this guy's handiwork too" Ping deduced. The first mook said, "Wow! Check this place out, Asimov really did a number on these guys, they didn't stand a chance", Ping stayed perfectly still, this could be a good opportunity to 'gather' some local intelligence, he knew his hunch was right about this place after all.

He heard them move about the room clearing away the mess and the bodies presumably before any law enforcement arrived. The first mook spoke again, "Hey I've just had a thought", there was a thud as they dropped a body onto the floor, "What are we supposed to do if we find Asimov? As long as he's using the 'Red Eye' he's unbeatable". "Trust me, if we don't get the 'Red Eye' back the n we're as good as dead anyway, we may as well go out trying to kill that traitorous snow leopard", replied the second guy.

Now Ping had heard enough, he climbed up on top of the bar and saw that both of them had their backs turned to him. He tapped the first guy on the shoulder, when he turned around Ping smiled at him and said"Yo", he then quickly broke the bottle of Saki over the guy's head, it had the desired effect and fell onto the floor like a sack of potatoes. He grabbed the second guy in a tight headlock before he could react and held the broken part of the bottle up to his face, "Tell me some more" Ping ordered threateningly.


Po felt his stomach rumble fiercely as he walked down the streets of Shong, he was now just walking around the in the vague hope of just bumping into Asimov, he sighed and decided to find something to eat before continuing his search.

He rounded a corner and before he could react he bumped straight into a lynx who was carrying some groceries, they spilled over the floor; there were apples and dumplings and many other foods. Po quickly bent down and started to help the lynx pick up her stuff, upon closer inspection he saw that the lynx was pregnant, she was also very attractive with ruby red lips and a cool glint in her eye. Po thought that there was something familiar about her.

"I'm so sorry" Po said quickly, the lynx smiled at his bumbling attempts to help her. Po quickly stuffed the items back into her arms and quickly walked off, the lynx looked down at her returned items and saw that something was missing. She looked up at Po's retreating figure and called out, "Excuse me".

Po turned around slowly and revealed that his mouth was full of the peaches that she had just bought, he grinned guiltily at her for a second before taking them out of his mouth, "These are your peaches" he said bemusedly before trying to hand them back to her.

The lynx frowned at him, "Yeah I can see that, just keep them" Po smiled and then threw the peaches back into his mouth, he swallowed them quickly and started to laugh and take the apples he had stolen from her out of his pockets. Instead of being angry she just smiled at his child like mischievousness.

"Sorry my stomach just took over my brain for a second there, it likes to do that sometimes" Po explained. "Really?" she said sarcastically, they both shared another laugh and started to walk down the street with each other. "So what are you doing in a dive like this?" she asked, there wasn't any suspicion or ill intent she legitimately seemed interested to know why such a childlike person was in Shong.

Po took his eyes off of her and looked ahead of him, "I guess you could say I'm travelling from place to place" he spread his arms out and declared dramatically, "I'm actually a travelling performer, I can make any kind of food disappear". The lynx giggled, "The sad part is I can't tell whether you're joking or not", Po smirked, "Yeah I get that a lot" he admitted with a chuckle.

"Have you ever been to the Valley of Peace?" asked the Lynx with a hint of longing in her eye. Po nodded, "Yeah, I'm actually from there" he said proudly. "I hear it has everything there" the lynx said dreamily, "Not like here, there's parks and festivals and the people are actually happy there, The Valley must be a great place to live".

Po shrugged, "Sure, if you're rich". The lynx looked ahead of herself again, "Then I'm sure we will be quite happy", Po looked at her knowingly which she missed. "Planning to escape to the Valley of Peace are you?" he said seriously, a cocky smirk came over his face, "Go ahead and run, see how far you get". The lynx growled, "Who are you?"

Po ignored her and kept on walking, she stopped in her tracks when the realization hit her, "You're a bounty hunter….aren't you?" Po stopped moving and looked at her "Yeah, that's about right". "I'm after a criminal known as Asimov Solenson, he's known to be travelling with a pregnant lynx so you pretty just confirmed it for me. You know your boyfriend is sick right? He's a small fry, I don't usually bother with small fry".

The lynx narrowed her eyes at him dangerously, "A wise decision" she said coldly. Po felt two massive paws start to crush his windpipe from behind, he clawed desperately at them so he could breathe but they were just too strong. He heard a growl from behind him, "Now who's the small fry?" Asimov Solenson said from behind him. He lifted Po off of the ground whilst still strangling him, the lynx couldn't bear to see this "Asimov! That's enough you don't need to kill him!"

The snow leopard complied and quickly let Po go, the panda fell to the ground but not before grabbing something from Asimov's pocket. Po looked up at the lynx who was now running down the street with Asimov, Po's vision became blurry before disappearing completely.


Asimov and the Lynx rounded a corner and hugged the wall, the snow leopard rounded on her angrily, "Why did you stop me! He would have been dead in a couple of seconds and I wanted to see him die!" The lynx looked at him in shock, "Asimov please! This has to stop".

A growl left the snow leopard's throat, "I think you liked him" he said accusingly. The lynx folded her arms and looked away, "You told me to go and get provisions, why were you following me?" Asimov ignored her question and peeked around the corner to see whether the panda had followed them. He felt a tug on his arm and saw the Lynx looking desperately at him, "Let's go leave this place Asimov like you promised me we would, we need to get out of this life and go and live happily somewhere".

Asimov ignored her again.


Po woke up and saw a shadow being cast over him, he squinted which made his vision come into focus, he saw Ping standing over him looking at him with a very amused expression. "Having ourselves a little nap huh?" The goose asked sarcastically.

Po smiled dreamily, "I had a sweet dream", Ping laughed "That's heart-warming". The goose's expression changed and become annoyed, "You can finish your dream back on the 'Bebop' I'm giving up on this one, it's like they've disappeared. When Asimov left his syndicate he sneaked some stuff off of them, it's serious stuff and can ruin your mental abilities, I 'politely' asked someone what it's called and he told me it's a small red flower known as 'Red Eye', apparently it's called that because your eyes turn blood red when its used".

"Our target took every last one from the syndicate so let's just say he's not very popular around anyone here anymore, they keep sending assassins after him but all they get back are corpses" Ping folded his arms and narrowed his eyes, "It seems that Asimov has been doing the stuff he took".

Po got to his feet and rubbed his neck slowly, "No kidding", he pulled out the small red flower he had taken from Asimov's pocket, "Did you know that they want to escape to the Valley of Peace?" Ping turned around with a confused expression, "The Valley of Peace?" Po nodded and held out the flower, "Yeah but they have to sell these first", Ping's eyes drifted to the flower, "Is that what I think it is?"

Po nodded, "Yeah I grabbed it out of his pocket while he was throttling me" Ping merely blinked at him in surprise, "You…..met him?" Po chuckled and started to juggle the flower in his hands, "Yeah, so to speak".

He looked at the flower in thought, "The Red Eyed Leopard will appear in the north" the thought flitted through his mind, "Well I guess there is something to that magic after all". Po began a slow walk to see if he could find Asimov and his little friend again, now that he had their product he had an idea. Ping walked beside him "At least you didn't end up having a dirt nap Po" Ping said dryly, Po chuckled.


Asimov rounded the corner, "I think it's safe now, come Katerina we still have to get rid of the 'Red Eye' before we can leave this hellhole", the lynx nodded and they left to try and find another buyer.

They came across a restaurant that had a familiar group sitting on the outside of it, "This again! God dammit it!" yelled the first sheep angrily, he threw his cards down on the table in defeat. "Both of you taking my money like that you cheating dogs! The only reason you can even eat here is 'cause of what I done, I busted my tail to plant all those crops alongside two of my buddies". The second sheep sighed irritably, "We're the buddies that you're talking about!" The third sheep nodded in agreement, "That we are, we planted those seeds like there was no tomorrow".

The second sheep nudged him with his arm, "You were always planting of a different kind though weren't you?" They all shared a laugh which was swiftly stopped by the sight of a fierce and familiar looking snow leopard walk past them with a familiar looking attractive Lynx. They walked past the group of sheep without paying them any mind and decided to single out a figure sitting on a bench with a hat covering his face and a poncho over his body.

Asimov sat next to him, "Do you have any 'Red Eye'?" the figure moved slightly, "Not very subtle are you? I'm actually to buy some and this town looks like it has the right amount of decadents", Asimov smirked to himself, "I have some, I'll give you five of them for 2.5 million yen".

"How about 1 Million?" the figure suggested, Asimov grunted irritably and stood back up, "I'm in a hurry and I've got other customers so-", the figure grabbed his arm, "Show me" he ordered. Asimov tried not to laugh at his ability to sell the 'Red Eye' he reached into his pockets and his heart skipped a beat when he couldn't find it in his pocket.

The figure laughed, "Looking for this?" he pulled out the red flower and showed it to Asimov who growled at him, the figure got up. "Do you know how much you're worth? It's funny because you're also worth 2.5 million Yen, that's you're bounty, I did say that you were a small fry" he removed the straw hat, "How's it going?" asked Po smugly.

Katerina flinched when Po glared at her, he looked at Asimov again "You look surprised" Po said. Asimov ran his eye disapprovingly over him, "And you look ridiculous in that get up" he snarled, "I thought you weren't after my bounty?" he asked. Po shrugged, "There's no thrill in the cheap ones Asimov you know?"

Asimov subtly moved his feet in order to get in a more prime position to gut this cocky panda, "I'd think you'd do better as a thief then a bounty hunter". He held out a paw, "Now hand it over before someone, specifically you gets hurt" he ordered.

Po looked at the flower in his hand, "Glad to, besides" he crushed the flower in his hand and threw its remains to the wind, "I still have to pay you back for earlier don't I?" Asimov felt something snap and he lunged at Po.

The panda threw the poncho off and let it cover Asimov's face, the snow leopard crashed into a table and roared in rage, he threw the poncho off and threw fast strikes at Po who dodged them all while laughing gleefully. Po punched Asimov across the face and tripped him, while the snow leopard was falling to the ground Po grabbed his tail and started to swing him around, Po threw him into a wall and Asimov hit it so hard that a crack appeared in it.

Po put his hands on his hips triumphantly, "You trust your eyes too much Asimov" he said cockily. Asimov got to his feet and started attacking Po again, Po kicked Asimov in the gut knocking the air out of him, the snow leopard collapsed into a heap on the ground. Po stood over him, "You given up yet? If you have I promise not to injure you too bad when I hand you over to the authorities and get my reward", Po heard someone creep up behind him, he automatically grabbed the person's wrist before they managed to get the drop on him.

"Don't even think about sweetheart" Po growled, he pushed her away, "I'll get to you in a minute". Katerina glared daggers at the panda's back. Po bent down to take Asimov away when a knife flew into his arm, Po gasped and his paw immediately flew to it to stop the blood flow. He looked up and saw a bunch of buffalo's, "Oh great" Po said dismissively "The Red Dragon's, just what I need right now".

One of the gang stepped forward, "Run along now bounty hunter and let us deal with that cur" he demanded. They immediately attacked Po, the panda barely managed to dodge the attacks and in the confusion Asimov got up and ran away, Katerina saw that her partner had abandoned her so she started to follow him. Po saw them get away, "Thanks guys now my bounty is getting away" he snarled.

He threw them off and set off to catch the bounty, he chased Asimov and Katerina down the street. More and more gang members were popping up everywhere and Po did his best to dodge them, when appeared in front of him and he did a front flip over him. He saw Katerina get taken down by one, as little as he liked either of them Po didn't want to see her baby be killed because of their foolishness.

He got there too late however and the thug brought a knife down towards her, "NO!" Po yelled, the knife plunged into her and a bunch of the red flowers fell out of her. Po kicked the guy off of her, "So you never were pregnant?" he asked angrily, he was suddenly tackled by two large ox.

Asimov saw what had happened and raged at her, "Idiot!" he yelled, "If we lose these things we're dead!" he went and they desperately picked some of them up. Po decked the last ox and ran to catch up with them again, he was already getting tired of chasing them.


Asimov and Katerina ran into a dead end, Asimov quickly grabbed some of the flowers and started to inhale their scent. Katerina grabbed his arm desperately, "Asimov please! That stuff is going to kill you!" she slapped it out of his hands, he turned on her angrily and slapped her down. The snow leopard crawled around pathetically to try and find some of them, she looked sadly at him. "We'll never get out of her now, I won't ever be able to see the Valley and I think the man I fell in love with died years ago" she said in a monotone voice. Asimov was moaning and growling like a feral beast, he was going into some kind of withdrawal state because he hadn't had the 'Red Eye' inside of him for a couple of hours.


Po rounded the corner and gasped at what he saw, Katerina was standing over Asimov holding a bloody knife. Asimov was clearly dead by this point and Katerina didn't look like she cared all too much over what she had done, she looked up at Po with a knowing look in her eye.

Po went to walk over to her but she put the knife to her throat, the panda knew what she was going to do, "NO! WAIT!" but it was decided before he even arrived. "Goodbye panda", they were her last words.

Po sighed deeply before exiting the area quickly. He heard the gang members come across the area while he was on his way out.


Sunset was now over the area.

The stove sizzled once again, "Hey Po!" said the goose peeking around the wagon, Po the panda looked at him out of the corner of his eye, "It's ready" the goose continued. Po put his foot back onto the ground and bowed to an invisible opponent. "I'm just about finished" Po said, "What's cooking?" he asked hoping for something tasty.

"It's your favorite" Mr Ping said sarcastically, "It's Bell Peppers and Dumplings". The panda sighed at Deja-vu, before he followed the goose he looked out at the sunset and remembered what had happened today, he shook his head and went to go and fill his stomach all the while whistling the song that he had whistled earlier.

See You Dragon Warrior

So what did you think? Do you think the 'Cowboy Bebop' stories translate well when starring a panda? I hope you enjoyed this and you can expect the next one soon, I'll leave a little teaser here so you can get an idea of what to expect.


"Well the stories finally started" Po said.

"What' all this?" asked Ping.

"Next time we're totally changing gears, it's gonna be a story for all ages" Po said. "What's the story?" asked Ping,

Po grinned knowingly, "There's gonna be lot's more chases and fights, havoc throughout the land and no, the peacock with the cannons will not show up".

"Can you even say that?" Ping worried, "I'm taking no responsibility for this".

Po sighed, "Fine, small children should sit far back from the screen".

"C'mon! How far back"

Po scratched his chin, "Uhhh, about three quarters of a mile" he said.

Ping shook his head, "What! That's too far".

Po chuckled, "Okay, half a mile".

Ping nodded, "That's much more reasonable" he replied sarcastically.

"Next time on 'Dragon Warrior Blues' it's Session #2 'The Stray Panda Strut', see you then".